Attachment 20161208161255-820.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000605-00337 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                                       APPROVED BY OME   3060—0589
BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                            REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                      iA R& onl‘
 LOCKBOX #                                                             FEJC’/ l‘“E{AGE_"rfi.    ofli\l_\a_@ «w zfium

            C & L Communications, Inc.                                                                              780 .00
                    NO. 1

            Suite 300


                                                           ati           Ifnc.

            12000 Network Boulevard


                                                                                                   780 .00

PAYER TIN                                                3 |                                               TIN

                             »            L292                          Certify under penalty of perjury that the
                        (PRINT Name)
  true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and beliefSIGNATURE

            hersby authorlzs the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

             the servica(ayauthorizations(s) herein described.

                                         B fo: e the
                         FE DERAL COMM IJN IC ATIONS C                [MISSION
                                   Washiigton D.C. 2055«

In the Matter of C& L Coramun:ca ions, INT.
Application for autl or ty Jursuant File No. I."‘.C —96
to Section 214 of th : C onimunizations Act of 19 34,
as amended, for glo »al au thority to: operate as an
international faciliti >s— »a: ed and resale car ie

                                               .Ap oli :atior

C&L Communication: , lnc. ("C&:L Comnunications"), he                 y vequests au       ‘1t} ; I   ua it to
Section 214 of the Cor im unications Act of 18 34 as arrier de        4 JALC. Sect        214(       12)     and
Section 63.18 of the Com nission‘s Rules, «7 ZI.R. Sectin             18, tc provide      ba in      iat    onal
facilities—based and reol 1 basic s witched and p ivate lire :        ices "or the c      agr: 0     ist    »mer
traffic, including voics, facsimile, video. aid data servic            between the        ite d      :‘es    and
international points. Te nstant applicatio i n ee s the eq iir        nts of 47 C.F       § € 3.     nd     thus
is eligible for strear ilit ed processiag.

C&L Communicatims is a new U.S. company chat progos                   o off:r overse      lin s      ially to
provide internationi l griv ate line services o «us omer; br c        ectinz throug       cilitic    cq rired
from other entities, incluc ing common caniers a id/or privat         itities on an Ir    ‘easib     lig it or
User ("IRU") and/o1 le: se 1 basis. Based on its review of the t      cet fo: internat    al s er    8, Z&L
Communications believe: that sulficient cen ani exists ‘or            ditior al intern    nel [      ate line
offerings tc internat or al joints it »roposes to seive to jus if;)   s eatering into     t tus:     8.

C&L Commaunicatic ns be ieves thit the gro wt i 0‘ the inte: na       ial pri vate line   1 s vit    d voice
and data markets vill be fostered by addticna compettic               y ne‘v entran       Suick      cre ased
competition within the ir ternatioral markets s ia the put lic        erest, and has      n ‘ec      ized as
such by the Commission.

C&L Communications has no foreign affiliations. C&L Communications will service business
customers throughout the United States.

By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenience and
necessity by promoting competition in the international services market. Competition will benefit
U.S. consumers through competitive pricing and increased availability of a variety of service options.

        \See, e.g., International Telecom, Inc., 6 FCC Red. 1964 (1991)(citing Teltec Savings
Communications Co., FCC File No. I—T—C—86—062, Mimeo No. 3548, released Apr. 4, 1986, and
cases cited therein).

Therefore, the public interest wil be served by the grant of Section 214 authority to C&L

Section 63.18 Information

The following informition is subn itted, as required by Section 63.18 of the Commissicon‘s Rules,
in support of C&L Co nmunications‘ request for authorization.

(a)    Name, address and telepho ie aunber of applicant:

       C&L Commur ications, Inc.
       12000 Networ‘; Boulevard. Suite 300
       San Antonio, Texas 78249
       (210) 699—9201)

(b)    C&L Commur ications is a co pcration organized under the laws of the State of Texa:.

(c)    Correspondence concernin;; this application should be sent to:

       Mr. James Ols on
       C&L Commurications, Inc.
       12000 Networl: Boulevard. Suite 300
       San Antonio, Texas 78249
       (210) 699—920()


       Diana M. Liebnann, Esq.
       Haynes and Bcone, L.L.P.
       112 East Pecar Street, Suits 1500
       San Antonio, Texas 78205— 15 40
       (210) 978—7000

(d)     C&L Communications has nc es isting facilities" nor has it previously received authority
under Section 214 of the Communications Act. Pursuant to this application, C&L Communications
will operate as a non—dominant international common carrier subject to Section 214 of the Act.

       C&L Communications is in the process of purchasing a circuit switch and Cisco and
Nuera voice over IP equipment.

S—FCCAPPL.WPD                                  2

(e)     C&L Corim un cations requests globa. facilities—based ancd resa‘le Section 214 auth >y
pursuant to the term ; a 1d conditions cf Section 63.18(e)(1) and (e) 2) of the Commission‘s R iles.

(£)     At this tirie, C kL Communications seeks no other authorization available under se ticn

(g)    Not applicat le.

(h)     C&L Comm in: caions is affiliated with I:COMM Network s, LLC, zn zuthorized ope ator
facilities—based and res ale services, TTC—98—369. C&L Commurications certifies that i: is not
affiliated with any cther foreign or U.S. facilities—based carrier as chat term is defined in Secticn
63.18(e)(1) and (2) of tie Commission‘s rule.

In support of this ce tif ca ion, C&L Communications has provided the name, address, citizer sh p
and principal busine ss of its ten percent or greater shareholders 0 other equity holders of C&L
Communications, Irc. s &¢s follows:

James Olson
Executive Vice Pres ide   nt
C&L Communicaticns         In:.
12000 Network Bov ley     arc , Suite 3000
San Antonio, Texas 78     240
(210) 699—9200
Principal Business: & L Communications, Inc.

Citizenship: U.S.A.

Michael Sonaco
Chief Executive Off ce :
C&L Communicaticns. In :.
12000 Network Bouley arc , Suite 3000
San Antonio, Texas 78 :4!
(210) 699—9200
Principal Business: C&L Communications, Inc.

Citizenship: U.S.A.

(i1)   C&L Communications certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to accept
any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with regards to
traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any foreign countries C&L Communications
is authorized to serve.

S—FCCAPPL WPD                                    3

(J)     C&L Communications certifies that no party to this application has been denied federal
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


In conclusion, C&L Communications certifies that all of the information in this application is
accurate and correct. Because C&L Communications has demonstrated its eligibility for streamlined
processing and had demonstrated that the public interest, convenience and necessity would be
furthered by a grant of its application, C&L Communications respectfully requests that the
Commission grant this application.

Respectfully submitted,

C&L Communications, INC.

         ames Olson
        Executive Vice President
        C&L Communications, Inc.
        12000 Network Boulevard, Suite 300
        San Antonio, Texas 78249
        (210) 699—9200

Date:     fi// ?0& %fic?

S—FCCAPPL.WPD                                  4

Document Created: 2019-06-01 00:37:33
Document Modified: 2019-06-01 00:37:33

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