Attachment 20161208152645-820.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000525-00327 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


           Categories of Services for 214 Applications
                           i   Non—streamline
                       FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
                                       ED/RESALE SERVICE

                                                                                                                                                              APPROVED BY OMB   3060—0589
 BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                                                           REMITTANCE ADVICE                                                    s
                                                                                                     PAGE NO.
1) LockBox # 358115                                                                                 e
                                                                                                    —~+5  NLOf

                                                  name                as   appears on your

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison

1615 L. Street, N.W.
 STREET ADDRESS          NO. 2

Suite 1300
 City                                                                                                        STATE                                 ZIP CODE

Washington                                                                                                 DC                                      20036
 DAYTIMETELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                                     COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)

(202) 223—7300
                                                         name               as    appears on your

NDNT, Inc.

4400 MacArthur Blvd.

Suite 410
 CiTy                                                                                                      5) STATE                                 ZIP CODE

Newport Beach                                                                                              CA                                      92660
 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                                COUNTRY CODE (if not

(949) 474—1001

New Sec. 214                                C                                                         1                   780.00

                                                   PAYMENT TYPE CODE

                                                   PAYMENT                 CODE

AYER TIN                             0|113 ]1]6]6]|2]1]|0| 5|                                                             LICANT TIN                  0|3]|3|0|9|0|9|5]|3]|8

                                                                                  , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                            (PRINT NAME)

  true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. SIGNATURE

                hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

                     service(s)fauthorizations(s) herein described.

PAUL.          WYEISS.       RIFKIND.,        WYHARTON                8 CGARR1ISON              1285 AvENUE oF THE AMERIcAs
                                                                                                NEW YORK, NY 100 19—6064
                                             W A S H 1N G T O N ,     DC 20036—5         6964   TELEPHONE (212) 373—3000
1615       L   STREET,      NW                                      EACEIMILE ibos E82—7azo     FACSIMILE (212) 757—3990
TELEPHONE      (202) 223—7300

                                                                                                62. RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT—HONORE
                                                                                                75008 PARIS, FRANCE
                                                                                                TELEPHONE (33 1) 53 43 14 14
WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER                                                                     FACSIMILE (33 1) 53 43 00 23

                                                                                                FUKOKU SEIMEI BUILDING
(2020 223—7327                                                                                  2—2, UCHISAIWAICHO 2—CHOME
WRITER‘S DIRECT E—MAIL ADDRESS                                                                  CHIYODA—KU, TOKYO 100—0011, JAPAN
                                                                                                TELEPHONE (81—3) 3597—8 10 1
       &              +                                                                         FACSIMILE (81—3) 3597—8 120
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                                                                                                TELEPHONE (8e—10) esos—es22
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                                                                        ]\/Iay 2’44‘,   2000     1 ZTH FLOOR, HONG KONG CLUB BUILDING
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                                                                                                HONG KONG
                                                                                                TELEPHONE (852) 2536—9033
                                                                                                FACSIMILE (@52) 2536—90622

                 VIA BARRY BEST

                 Magalie Roman Salas
                 Federal Cornmunications Commission
                 The Portals
                 445 12th Street, S.W., Room TW—B204
                 Washington, D.C. 20554

                                       Re:   NDNT, Inc.
                                             Application for Sectio_n 214 Authorization

                 Dear Ms. Salas:

                                On behalf of NDNT, Inc., please find enclosed an original and five
                 copies of the above—captioned application. We have also attached the requisite FCC
                 Form 159 and an application filing fee of $780.

                                Please date—stamp the extra copy of this application and return it in the
                 enclosed self—addressed, stamped envelope. Any questions regarding the enclosed
                 application should be addressed to the undersigned.

                                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                                    Kira A. Merski
                                                                    Attorney for NDNT, Inc.


                 Doc#: DC1: 104719.1

                                           BEFORE THE
                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                       Wa ‘hing on, 1.C. 2055 |

           In thl e Matter cf

           NDITT, INC.
                                                                           File : To. I— T—C—__—
           App icaticn pursuani to S ctior 214 of th
           Con muniations Ac          of 1034,     is ax   snde,
           for {lobal auth>rity      o acc uire    ind 0   »erat:
           U.S com non carrie        : and non—    :omn    on ci rrier
           facil ties for the prov   ision of it   terna   ional
           com non carrier serv      ice b twee    1 the
           Unit :d Sti tes and al. pern issib e for ‘ign joints
           and :o previde such service via resal :.

                                                   API LIC, TIO N

                              NDN‘ ‘, Inc. ("NDNT‘ or ‘ the C omp:i ny") here by ay plies for

           auth »rity, pursuant t ) Sec ion i 14 0: the ‘‘omr unic: tions Act of 19 }4, as

           ame: ided (the "Act"‘, and Sect on 6. .18 cf the Com nissi>n‘s | l:ules and

           Regulation s (the "Rules"), to: (1) ac juire and c perat : U.S . cor imon carrier and

           non—comn on carrier facili ies ; revio isly : nd si bseqi ently auth »rizec. by the

           Commissi m to prov de te econ muni :ations ser ices setween the Un ted States

           and all permissible foreign poirts, and (2) resell the international services of

           authorized U.S. common carriers —— excluding the resale of private line services

           for the provision of international basic switched services to countries that have

           not been found by the Commission to provide equivalent resale opportunities ——

           to all international points.

                              In accordance with Section 63.18 of the Rules, the Company

           submits the following information in support of its application:

                     (a)      The applicant is NDNT, Inc. The address of the Company‘s

                              principal place of business is: 4400 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 410,

       Doc#: DC1:; 104476.2

<aAd   399 °ON                                        8401 PAF 6FP6 + PZPA SSI3M 7098       PI:9T   AB—AZ2Z2~5D

                              Newport Beach, California 92660. The phone number at that

                              address is (949) 474—1001.

                      (b)     NDNT is a California corporation.

                      (c)     Correspondence concerning this Application should be directed to:

                                             Mr. Dan Gee
                                             President and C.E.O.
                                             NDNT, Inc.
                                            4400 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 410
                                            Newport Beach, California 92660
                                             (949) 474—1001

                                            With a copy to:

                                            Jeffrey H. Olson, Esq.
                                            Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                                             1615 L Street, N.W., Suite 1300
                                            Washington, D.C. 20036
                                             (202) 223—7300

                      (d)     NDNT has not received authority previously under Section 214 of

                              the Act. NDNT is a wholly—owned subsidiary of DirectNet

                              Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Co. ("DirectNet").

                              DirectNetis presently authorized under Section 214 of the Act to

                              provide facilities—based and resold switched and private lines

                              services between the United States and all international points."

                              In addition, DirectNet holds Section 214 certificates authorizing

                              DirectNet to resell other carriers‘ public—switched services*‘ and

        4         See DirectNet Telecommunications, A Limited Liability Company, File No.
                  ITC—97—094, DA 97—938 (International Bureau, May 6, 1997) ("DirectNet
                  Section 214 Authorization").

        #         DirectNet received a Section 214 certification to resell international switched
                  telecommunications between the U.S. and various international points on
                  January 23, 1994. See File No. I—T—C—94—053, 1—6917 (Common Carrier Bur.,
        Doc#: DC1: 104476.2

£A0Ad   237 *ON                                    8401 PAFf 6GP6 + PZPAL SSI3M TNYd       SI:9T    @0225A

                               to own and operate facilities to provide a full range of

                               internati onal telecom nunication:: services on 50 h a private line

                               an i public—switched basis.:‘

                       (e€)    NDNT rereby reque:ts global Szction 214 authority:

                               (1}    to operate is a fuci itics—Dased incernational carrier
                                      betveen the Unied States and al. parraissible points,
                                      pursuant to the t:rras and conditions cf Section 63.18(e)(1)
                                      of the Rules, as well is to :iny and all other provisions of
                                      the Rules appicibli: hareto; and

             2 (...cont nusd)
                  Jan. 26, 199 4).

                    Under ‘Zile Mo. I—T—C—94—14))—mulLTirectMet received in authorization to
                    estat lis a and operate up to 90 circuits via Infersputnaik r‘or the provision of
                    privite—line servic:s setween the Unitec. Sates iinc. the So‘viet Union and to
                    estat lis 1 and operate up to 60 circuits via Infersputnik r‘or ths provision of
                    publ: c s witched services betvyreen the United Stetes and the Rusiian Federation
                    by assignraeint froin DJirectN=ct Ltc, wwhich had 1eccived such authorization by
                    assignm ent frori Miralite Comnunications, Inc., uncler File Nc. I—T—C—93—119—
                    AL. Nirslit: bad recseived tieve autio1nizsticns urder File No. I—T—C—91—056,

                    estat lis 1 and operate up to 90 circuiis via Infersputnik jor ths provision of
                    privite—line services setween the Unitec Siates :inc. the Soviet Union) and

                    FCC Red 2658 (199;;) (authori:at: on to estat lis 1 ind —c;perate up to 60 circuits
                    via Intersputnik for the provisiuon of public swit:hed services between the
                    United States and the Russian Federation).

                    Under File No. I—T—C—95—132, DirectNet received an authorization to establish
                    and operate three E—1 circuits in the CANUS—1 cable system between the
                    United States and Canada, and a one—half interest in three E—1 circuits in the
                    CANTAT—III Cable System between Canada and Denmark, for the provision
                    of authorized services —— on both a public—switched and private line basis ——
                    between the United States and various points in Europe and Asia. DirectNet
                    Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Company, 10 FCC Red 6560 (1995).

                    Under File No. I—T—C—95—478, DirectNet received an authorization to lease and
                    operate a one—half interest in one E—1 circuit in the HGPT, APC and TPC—4
                    Cable Systems, for the provision of authorized services —— on both a public—
                    switched and private line basis —— between the United States and the
                    Philippines. DirectNet Telecommunications, a Limited Liability Company, 10
                    FCC Red 12604 (1995).
       Doc#: DCI1: 104476.2

           39 °ON                                    BLOT tAat 6F6 + PEA SSI9M TNUd            SI:9T    @2250

                             (2)    to resell international services, between the United States
                                    and all permissible points pursuant to the terms and
                                    conditions of Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Rules, as well as
                                    any and all other provisions of the Rules applicable hereto.

                             The authorization sought in this application will be used to

                             piovide a full range of telccommunications services, including

                             svritched voice and data and private line services, between the

                             Unitsd State: and all permissible foreign points.

                     (£)     Not applicable.

                     (g)     Not applicabe.

                     (b)     NDNT is a vholly—owned subsidiary of:

                             DirectNet Telecommunications, a Litaited Liability C o.
                             4400 MacAr hur Elvd., Suite 410
                             Nswport Besch, CA 92660
                             Nvada Limited Liability Company
                             Piincipal Business: Telecommunications

                             DirectNet Telecommunications, a Liraited Liability Co. is a
                             wholly—owne 1 subsidiary of:

                             DirectNet Telecommunications, Inc. ,
                             4400 MacAr hur Blvd., Suite 410
                             Newport Beach, CA 92660
                             Nevada Corporation
                             Principal Business: Telecommunications

                             The 10% or greater direct or indirect equity owners of DirectNet
                             Telecommunications, Inc. are as follows:

                             Sector Capital Fund Limited
                             c/o International Private Equity Services Ltd.
                             P.O. Box 431
                             13—15 Victoria Road
                             St. Peter Port
                             Channel Islands
                             CY1 3 ZD
                             United Kingdom
                             Principal Business: Investments
                             29% ownership of DirectNet Telecommunications, Inc.

       Doc#: DC1: 104476.2

5AAd   299 °ON                                     840T PAFP 6P6 + rZPA SS1I3M 7N¥          ST:9T   ADd—Z2Z2~50

                             Andresen Family Trust
                             Frederick R. Andresen and Betty R. Andresen,
                             Trustees of the Andresen Family Trust dated January 9, 1995
                             541 Hazel Drive
                             Corona del Mar, CA 92625
                             Citizenship: USA
                             Principal Business: .        tments
                             15% ownership of D           Net Telecommunications, Inc.

                     _       Fourcher Family Tr
                             Fredric J. Fourcher :        driana Fourcher, Trustees,
                             Fourcher Family Tr           ‘D/T October 29, 1998
                             507 Larkspur
                             Corona del Mar, CA           125
                             Citizenship: USA
                             Principal Business: _        tments
                             20% ownership of D           Net Telecommunications, Inc.

                             Telecom Investment           p, LLC
                             25200 La Paz Road,           :210
                             Laguna Hills, CA 9
                             Citizenship: USA
                             Principal Business: |        tments
                             17% ownership of D           Net Telecommunications, Inc.

                     (1)     NDNT hereby certifi          nder penalty of perjury, that —— with the

                             exception of DirectN         ZAO Russian Joint Stock Company

                             ("DirectNet — ZAO"), an entity incorporated in the Russian

                             Federation and fully—owned by DirectNet* —— NDNT has no

                             affiliations with foreign carriers. NDNT has no interlocking

                             directorates with foreign carriers, except those with DirectNet —

                             ZAO. DirectNet — ZAO holds licenses from the Russian

                             Federation permitting it to (1) operate as an "overlay carrier,"

                             i.e., to terminate traffic to, and to originate traffic from, licensed

       *‘DirectNet is in the process of transferring ownership of DirectNet — ZAO to NDNT.
       Such transfer will not materially affect this application or the proposed operations of
       Doc#: DC1: 104476.2
3004   999 °ON                                       8401 PALF 6FP6 + rZerA SSI3M 7089J     SI:9T     AB—~Z2Z2—5A

                            users on a private—line basis, (2) operate point—to—point data

                            channels, (3) interconnect with the Public—Switched Telephone

                            Network, (4) provide frame relay services, and (5) provide

                            Internet and voice over IP services. The Commission has

                            previously determined that a predecessor companyto DirectNet —

                            ZAO lacks the ability to discriminate against unaffiliated U.S.


                    0)      NDNT seeks to provide international telecommunications services

                            to the Russian Federation. NDNTis affiliated with DirectNet —

                            ZAO, a carrier in the Russian Federation.

                    (k)     NDNT hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that the only

                            foreign carrier with which it is affiliated, DirectNet — ZAO, does |

                            not own or control any telecommunications facilities in any

                            country, including the Russian Federation, the one country in

                            which it holds a license to provide international services.

                            DirectNet — ZAO does not have the ability to discriminate against

                            unaffiliated U.S. international carriers through control of

                            bottleneck services or facilities in the Russian Federation.

                    (1)     NDNT hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it has no

                            affiliation with any U.S. carriers —— other than its parent company,

                            DirectNet —— whose facilities—based services it proposes to resell.

      &         See DirectNet Section 214 Authorization, ( 8. The entity that the Commission
                determined lacked the ability to discriminate against unaffiliated U.S. carriers —
                — DirectNet Russian Joint Stock Company —— has since changed its name to
                DirectNet — ZAO Russian Joint Stock Company. As stated above, DirectNet —
                ZAO Russian Joint Stock Company is NDNT‘s current foreign affiliate.
      Doc#: DC1: 104476.2

00d   399 °ON                                     8401 PALF 6F6 + FPZEFA SS1I3M 70¥          9I:9T   002250

                      (m)     NDNT seeks to operate as a non—dominant U.S. facilities—based

                              and resale international carrier between the United States and the

                               lussian Federation, the only destination country in which NDNT

                              is affiliated with a foreign carrier. Because, as noted above, the

                              Commission has previously determined that DirectNet — ZAO

                              lacks the ability to discriminate against unaffiliated U.S. carriers

                              in the Russian Federation, NDNT should be considered non—


                      (a)     NDNT hereby certifies, under penalty of perjury, that it has not

                              agreed to accept —— nor will it agree to accept —— special

                              concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or

                              administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between

                              the U.S. and any foreign country that NDNT may serve under the

                              authority granted pursuant to Part 47 of the Rules.

                      (0)     Pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Rules, by

                              certification attached hereto, NDNT certifies that no party to this

                              application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes

                              FCC benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse

                              Act of 1988.

                      (p)     Under Section 63.12 of the Rules, this application is subject to

                              the Commission‘s streamlined processing rules because NDNT is

                              a non—dominant carrier pursuant to Section 63.10 of the Rules,

                              and because the Commission has previously determined that the

                              only foreign carrier with which NDNT is affiliated —— DirectNet —

        Doc#: DC1: 104476.2

Sadad   999 °ON                                    8401 FAF 6P6 + rEerA SSI3M T1NYd         ST:9T    @a—22—/50A

                                            BEFORE THE
                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

            In the Matter of

                                                                  a x
                                                                  wi_3 s
            NDNT, Inc.
                                                                                                     File No. [—T—C—__—__

                                                                  3 5
            Application pursuant to Section 214 of the

                                                                  Ne Auon ww un Riust Coouh & ul &
            Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
           for global authority to acquire and operate
           U.S. common carrier and non—common carrier
           facilities for the provision of international
           common carrier service between the
           United States and all permissil>le foreign points
           and to provide such service via resale.

                                     CERTIFICATION OF APPLICA NT

                              I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that neith=r the

           applicant nor any party to this application is subject to a deni;l of l‘ederal

           benefits that includss [FCC benefits pursuant to section 5301 cof the Anti—Drug

           Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 853a. Executed on this Z7. day of May,


                                            NDNT, INC.

                                            By:        @ML/
                                                    Dan Gee                       C
                                                    President and C.E.O.
                                                    NDNT, Inc.
                                                    4400 MacArthur Blyvd., Suite 410
                                                    Newport Beach, California 92660
                                                    (949) 474—1001

        Doc#: DC1: 104476.2

AfIAd   999 °ON                                    BL0T PAF 6FP6 + PZPAL SSI3M TNYd                                 9TI:9T   DD—/Z2Z2~5A

Document Created: 2019-05-22 20:41:09
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 20:41:09

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