Attachment 20170110105633-547.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000502-00278 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


         Categories of Services for 214 Applications

  \d                       E       SERVICE
 Cl                   FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
 se                                ES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
 Fxpel                         =             ERVICE
y»Sl9l                                  RESALE SERVICE
—B                                              RVICE
                           ING LICENSE

                                                     Befo: 2 the
                            FEDER, L COMMIUJNIC ATIO YS C )MM SSIC N
                                      Washir gton, D.C. 2055 —                                   ‘Ll@%
In he Matter of                                                                          YN $
                                                                                 Al y
 Wilson Communica ion C ompa 1y, In :.                               ‘.:@(," &
 d/t/a WTCI Long D ‘stanc :
                                                               Fi z.No. _ ___
Ap olication for Aut! ority
to llesell Internatior al Me ssage
Telscommunication . Serv ice
as . Common Carrier

                              APPL CAT ON FOR 4 UTH )RIT / UN JER
                           SEC TION 214 )F TFE COMM INIC «TIO S ACT

         Wilson Com nunication Comp iny, L ic., d b/a V TCI .ong. )istar :e (W TCI) 1ereb

requests, pursuant to Secti m 214 of t » Corimun catio s A¢cof 15 34, as amet ded, ; nd Sections

63.18 (e) (2) and 63. 12 of ‘he Commi: sion‘s Rules,‘ au F\iérit; ’Fg_fl_r‘e @ll/lfi :/ernat onal nessaze

telephone service ("1 MTS‘ ) betiveen 1 oints in the Unite 1 Sta >s an       varic us in srnat onal j oints

by reselling the services 0: unafiiliate« carriers. I ecau:s : WTI Cl is iot af iliate | witk a forcign

carrier and is not affi iated with ‘he U. 5. facilities basec carri rs wl ose i1 terna ional services it

wishes to resell, WTCI‘s a »plicstion s iould prope rly qi alify or stt :amlii ed tr: atmeit under

Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Ri les, unless Ibrfna ly op »osed }

         WTCI‘s entry into the international market will promote competition and stimulate more

efficient use of telecommunications resources. Moreover, WTCI is legally, financially, and

technically qualified to provide the requested services. In support of WTCI‘s request for

authorization, the following information is set forth in accordance with Section 63.18:

! See 47 U.S.C. § 214; 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18 (e) (2) and 63.12.
2 47 CFR.§ 63.12.

 (a)    The name and address of the applicant is:

                Wilson Communication Company, Inc., d/b/a/ WTCI Long Distance
                2501 Ave. D, P D Bo:: 190
                Wilson, k S 67190

(b)     Wilson Coramun catio1 Con pany Inc. is incorporated under the Isws of the: State of
        Kansas.                                             |

        Correspond snce : onceining this af plicat on sk ould be sent: to:

                Brian Boi ivert, Geneial M; nager
                Wil: on C immu aicati m Cc npan », Inc.
               250 Ave D, P‘) Bor 190
               Wil: on, KS 6790
               (785) 658 2111
               (785) 658 3344 (facsi nile)

       With a copy to ar slicar t‘s co isult: at:

               Tod.| Hou    semar
               TCA , Inc.   — Telom C »nsul ing A ssoci: tes
               146; Kell    : Johr son Rlvd.
               Suite 200
               Colcrado     iprings, CC 809. 0
               (719) 266.   41334
               (719) 266—   4335 ‘facsi:nile)

(d)    Applicant is not p esent y subject t« Sect on 214 of the Act, but will become subject to

       Section 214 as a r ‘sult cf its £ropos »d internatimal service resale operations.

(e)    The applicai t is re quest ng ;uthorit to resell tt e international servicesof authorized U.S.

       common carriers for the provision of international basic switched, private line, data,

       television and business services to all international points. Thus, it is requesting authority

       to operate as a resale carrier pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.1 8(e)(M

       At this time, the applicant is not seeking authority to operate as a facilities—based carrier.


  (1       WTCI hereby certi.fies that it is not owned by or affiliated with a foreign carrier for

          purposes of Section 63.18(h) of the Commission‘s R iles.*

 (2;      In support of this certification WTCI provides the fo! owir ; stoc cholé ‘r inf rmat >n:

                   Oienneinereginee un mech mt _ _
                           Communication Company, Inc.
                                                                                                        y   0

~ (3)     WTCI hereby certifies that it is not affiliated with the U.S. :arrie s wh se fa ilitie —basec!

          services it proposes to resell.

 (4)      WTCI hereby certifies that no party to the applicatior is su jecti>a de iial c ‘the] ederal

          benefits requested herein pursuant to Section 5301 of the A iti—D ug A use . ct of L98g.*

 (5)      WTCI hereby certifies that it has not agreed to accept speci i1 cor :sessic as di sctly ir

          indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration \ ith re spect :o tra fic o1 rever 1e

          flows between the U.S. and any foreign country whic : it m y ser e un er th authrity

          granted under this part and will not enter into such ag eeme aits in the fi ture.

 3 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(b).

 * 21 U.S.C. § 853 (a).


         In light of the foregoing, WTCI respectfully submits that the public interest, convenience

and necessity would be served by a grant of the Section 214 application sought, and therefore

requests that such authorization be issued to WTCI for purposes of reselliag IMTS between

points in the United States and various international points.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Wilson Communication Company, Inc.

                                                By: M: >
                                                Brian Boisvert ~—
                                                General Manager
                                                Wilson Communication Company, Ir c.

Dated:     4[)2 /// 1                  , 2000

Document Created: 2019-04-12 07:49:53
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 07:49:53

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