Attachment 20170307164719-600.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000407-00204 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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BRENT F. DiLLE                             LEPHON 11 5
                                         F .CSIM LE Z aG
                                           TTP: /\ W Liv _L

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Via Overnight Delivery

Ms. Megalie R. Salas, Esq., See: :t;
Federal Communictions Comn
445 12th Street S.W., Room TW
Washington, D.C. 20552

        RE:        Oration Technol   i s Told ns                                            o: 2 4 A »plication

Dear Ms. Salas,‘:

       Enclosed are an original    f ve (i)                                                    e h 0 ogies Hol 1lings,
L.L.C.‘s Application for Global 1l ties— 3¢ i                                                   to hi 1 service Resale and
                                                                        o. c

Private—Line Resale Authority (° plI caticn‘                                                   »‘ e t<n214of1he
Communications Act of 1934, a    ae rided 4                                                    21 4, ar 1 Section 53.18 of the
Rules of the Federal Communic. in: Conm s:                                                     !1%.   .E . Section )3.18.

       Also enclosed is a comp! : 1 ‘ee Pro                                                    2 c m 159, and sheck made
                                                                        +m i < go

payable to the FCC in the amow    £i 780.00 tc                                                 f 1 n; this App ication. This

filing has been delivered via ove  3t        : delive Y        I                               ‘o n av iications Commission
c/o the Mellon Bank, Three Mel i E           ink Ce te                                      n ?ent V ay, 27" Floor, Room
                                                              Hou t

153—2713, Pittsburgh, PA 15255 0 0            , Atter 1C                                       »ckt »x Shift Supervisor. A
separate copy of the Applicatior fc t        .e Interia                               P mreaui enciosed.

         Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by file—stamping the additional copy of the
first page of the Application and returning it in the self—addressed stamped envelope provided
for this purpose. Should you have any questions regarding this Application, please feel free to
contact me..iaf4
  R   . \“/{/
                                             Very truly yours,

                                               iHler Isar, Inc.~~

                                             ¢4 1,7%(/}
                                     ~ Brent F. Dille
                                       Director — Regulatory Compliance


                                       BEFORE | HE
                           FEDE RAL COMMUN CAT ONS COM UISSION
                                     WSHT GTON, D.C.

In th : Matier of

                                                       Rpue ReL ag ols uenc 2sl) L2 uWe NCR uPss 320 x2
                                                                                                          Straamlin »d       ITC—214—20000407—00204
Orat: on Technol »gies Toldit gs, L. L.C.                                                                 ORATION TECHPN OLOG =S HOLDINGS, LL.C.

Applicatior Pusuant to Sectioo          214 of    he
Com nunication: Act of 19 }4, as amei ded, for
Global    Authoriy     t    Acceuire   and   Operate
Facilities of Aithorizsed US. Cirriers: and to
Rese 1 Sw tched and Privae Lits Services of
Authorizec U.S Camers for the Provision of
Interniational     fServic:. to all Pemissi>le
Inter iation al Poi its

                    API LIC4 TIO! [FOIJ: SEC TIO! [ 214 CER® TFIC ATICON

         Oration    "echnologies Ho dings     LL C. (° Applicant" or "U)ratio1") hereby requests

authc rity, ; ursua it to { ection. 214 of the Comiaunic itions Act of 193«», as a nended, ("the Act),

47 U $.C. } 214 and § 63.18 et se. of tie rul :s anc regulations of th : Federal Communications

Com nissicn ("C »mmission‘ ), to : equir: and ppera 2 facilities of all U.S. common carriers and

non—«ommon car ers ; revio‘isly aid sut seque atly a ithorized by the Commission, including any

necessary foareigr conn »cting facili ies, for the surpo se of provid ng te ecommunications services

between the United States and all foreign points permitted by the Commission. Applicant further

requests authority to resell the international switched services and private—line services of

authorized U.S. common carriers for the provision of international service to all permissible

international points deemed by the Commission to afford equivalent resale opportunities to U.S.

carriers. Applicant will operate the facilities it acquires and resells only in accordance with the

Commission‘s rules and regulations applicable thereto, particularly §§ 63.18(e)(1) and (2).

       Pursuant to § 63.18 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, Applicant

submits the following information in support of its Application for authority:

       1.      § 63.18(a).     The name, address, telephone number and facsimile

                               number of the Applicant are:

                               Oration Technologies Holdings, L.L.C.
                               13540 Discovery Drive
                               Omaha, Nebraska 68137

                               Telephone:     (402) 522—1930
                               Facsimile:    (402) 522—1899

       2.      § 63.18(>).     The Applicant was organized under the laws of the Statz of

               Nebraskia on Cecember 6, 1999.

              § 63.18(0).      Correspondence concerning this Application should be

               addressed to:

                               Mr. Brent F.Dille, Feqg.
                               Harbor Consulting Group Inc.
                               3220 Uddenberg Lane, Suite 4
                               Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

                               Telephone:    253.851.6700
                               Facsimile:    253.851.6474


                               Ms. Gail Jones
                               Oration Technologies Holdings, L.L.C.
                               13540 Discovery Drive
                               Omaha, Nebraska 68137

                               Telephone:     (402) 522—1930
                               Facsimile:    (402) 522—1899

        4.       §63.18(d).       The Applicant has not previously received authority under

                Section 214 of the Act.

        hA       § 63.18(e)(1) through (5).         Applicant requests authority to operate as a

                facilities based internatioral carier, pursua               Section 21. of the Act

                anc! the Comm:ssion‘s Forign C arrier Entfy                 ‘. The Applicant would

                accuire    and    operate     internat onal     facil       for the      provisinm     of

                internaticnal switched service to those count                und by the Zomnussion

                to provic 2 equivalentresal : oppc rtunit es. If            iperate thos: facil ties in

                accordan :e with the terms and condit:ons 0                  3.18(e)(1) ind 62:.21 of

                the rules, as well as any other applicable                   and regulations of the

                Conmis: ion.

                Apolicar further requests autho ity pirsuan                 »ction 214 of the Act to

                resc:ll the international switched and privai                   services of authorized

                U.S. com mon carriers for t 1e pre visior of in             onal switch d anc basic

                private liae services to all permissible inten              i1 points de:med by the:

                Coinmis:ion to afford equivalent resale oppc                 es to U.S. carmiers.

        6.      §63.18(f).        This    Application      is   subject    to     the   Commission‘s

                streamlined processing rules.         The Applicant is a non—dominant carrier

                which qualifies for non—dominant regulation pursuant to § 63.12, 47

                C.FR. § 63.12, as it is not affiliated with a foreign carrier within the

                meaning of § 63.18(h)(1)(i) in a destination market for its facilities—based

                or resold services as set forth below.

        *       In the Matter of Market Entry and Regulation of Foreign—Affiliated Entities ("Report and
Order"), IB Docket No. 95—22, FCC 95—475, 11 FCC Red. 3873 (1995).

          63.18(g).      Not applicable.

        § 63.18(h)(1) and (3).       By its executed certification attached hereto,

        Applicant hereby certifies that: it has no affiliation with foreign carriers,

        as clefined in §§ 63.18(h)(1)(i) and (ii) of the Commission‘s Rules.

        § 63.18(L)(2).          Applicant‘s ownership is as follows:

               Name:            Charles L. Smith
               Address:         13540 Discovery Drive
                                Omaha, Nebraska 68137

               C wnership:      37.3 percent

                                (a Citizen of the United States)

               Name:            Waitt Telephone, LL.C.
               A ddress:        13906 (Gold Circle, Suite 201
                                Omaha, Nebraska 68144

               Ownership:       22.5 percsent

                                (a U.S. Limited Liability Company)

               Name:            Underwood Limited Partnership
               A ddress:        13522 Parker Street
                                Omaha, Nebraska 68154

               Ownership:       20 percent

                                (a U.S. Limited Partnership)

10.   . §63.18(i).       Applicant further certifies that it has not accepted, nor will

       it agree to accept, special concessions directly or indirectly from any

       foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows

       between the U.S. and any foreign country which Applicant may serve

       under the authority granted pursuant to this Application.

14.      § 63.18().     Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§        1.2001 through 1.2003, by

      4 certification attached hereto, Applicant certifies that no party to the

         Application is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Ssctior

         5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act on 1988, 21 U.S.C. § §£53a.
12.      Applicant will comply with the accuracy requirements of th s secion i1

         authorized to provide international communications serv:ce.

13.      As demonstrated herein, Applicant is legally and techn cally qualified to

         provide the services for which it requests authority. For the reasons stated

         above, Applicant submits that the public interest, convenienc: and

         necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214 Application.

        WHEREFORE, Oration Technologies Holdings, L.L.C. respectfully requests that

the Commission issue the requested Section 214 authorization for the purpose of

providing global facilities—based telecommunications services d&nd resold international

switched and private—line services of authorized U.S. common carriers for the provision

of international service to all permissible international pdints deemed by the Commuission

to afford equivalent resale opportunities to U.S. carriers.

       Respectfully submitted, this éfi day of—flm&fi4_, 2000.

                                       Oration Technologics Holdings, L.L.C.
                                                    m         *                e
                                       By         2e       571:%;7/
                                       Vice President/General Manager
                                       Oration Technologies Holdings, LL.C.
                                       13540 Discovery Drive
                                       Omaha, Nebraska 68137

                                       Telephone:        (402) 522—1930
                                       Facsimile:       (402) 522—1899

Harbor Consulting Group Inc.
3220 Uddenberg Lane, Suite 4
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

Telephone:     253.851.6700
Facsimile:     253.851.6474

Applicant‘s Regulatory Consultants

                                                       CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

                                     I hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing Applicatior. for
 tott T4.
&.          1g0Mcsthem.

                          ilthority are trve, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge, infor                               i and

                           bislief and are made in good faith. I hereby certify that Oration Technulogie                            ings,

                           L.L.C. ("Oratior.") is not affiliated with any fo.reign carrier and is not a filiat«                     1 any

                           f:cilities—based carrier whose services Oration Technologies Holdings, _L.C                              ds to _

                           re :‘s’e“fllf.‘ I hereby certify that Oration Technolxogies Holdings, L.L.C. will 1:0¢ a;                ecial

                           concessions directly or indi ecly from any foreign carrier or administr: tion v                          spect

                           tc traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreign country whi                                 ation

                           Technologies Holdings, L.L.C. may serve under the authority granted i nder

                           also hereby certify tkat no perty to the foregoing Application :s sub ect t«                             al of

                           federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act or 1988                             S.C.

                           § 853a.

                                     Dated thjisf--;J i mday of MM                  , 2000.

                                                                     Oration Technologies Holdin 3s, L.1,.C.

                                                                     Vice President/éleral Manager
                                                                     Oration Technologies Holdings, L.L.C.
                                                                     13540 Discovery Drive
                                                                     Omaha, Nebraska 68137

                           Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 764 day of /// )aA1 CR                     , 2000.

                          )}2El :"ch’a wu’V%2EnCEia: e                               '
                          Printed Nathe://g2 v TeAw CriCnceou,c
                          Notary Public in and for the State of Nebraska                              GENERAL NOTARY — State of Nebraska
                                                                                                           MARY JEAN GRIENCEWIC
                          Residing at                                                                3t==, My Comm. Exp. Mar. 17, 2002
                          My commission expires: "?2}) @1 CA . / 720C_

Document Created: 2019-04-08 11:42:54
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 11:42:54

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