Attachment 20161220140813-243.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000407-00204 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


              UCI          19 2000 11:23 FR PIPER MARBURY RUDNICK202
                                                                     822 4963 To 10686#299928T7H41 P. D203

                           P 1 P E KR
                           m A R B U RY
                           & WOLFE Lir

                                                                                                      WirtE®‘s InForria Now
  1200 Nincteenth Street, N.W.
  Washin:zton, D.C, 20036—2412                                                                        patil.jamieson@pij errudn                                                                                PHowe (202) 861—6917

  PHone     (202) 861—3900
  Fax       (202) 223—2085

                                                                  Octoter 19. 2( 00

                     HAND DELIVERY

                     Magalie Roman Salas
                     Federal Communications Commission
                     445 12"" Street S.W.
                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Re:       Application for Transfer of Control
                               Oration Technt logies, Inc., File No. T [C 21 1—; 0000407—002 )4

                     Dear Ms. Salas:

                              On October 3, ©©000, G8 S.i.r.1. ("Trar.sfe   ree   ")    iled an application for transfer of control
                     of Oration Technologies, Inc., holder of internatic    na     g    obal facilities—based and resale Section
                     214 Authority, FCC File No. ITC—214—20000407—          00    :0«   , to Transferee. Pursuant to FCC staff
                     request, Transferee hereby supplements its applic      iti   n‘    o provide the address of Q
                     Telecommunications Europe B.V.

                                               Q Telecommunications Europe B.V.
                                               Dorrusakker #13
                                               1749 D.E. Warmenhuizen
                                               The Netherlands

                               Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to the undersigned.

                                                                         Sincerely,                                                    .

                                                                         Paul W. Jamieson


                     co:     Justin Connor (via facsimile)

CrHiragao      I|—         BALTIMORE    |   WASHINGTON       |_   NEW YORK         |—    PHILADELPHIA      |—   TamrA         o|—   Dalias   ofp—   REston

Document Created: 2019-04-18 04:38:06
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 04:38:06

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