Attachment 20161227091146-333.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000327-00176 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                   f Services for 214 Applications
                    RESALE SERVICE
5 §

                               —     ED   SERVICE

                       ILITIES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
sod                       —BASED SERVICE
    m                          NE RESALE SERVICE
 #>(8]                         LITE SERVICE

                                                B: fo : the
                                    Fede al Zom iu ic ti ns C mmission
                                                  ‘ash gim D 2. 2(154

 In the   Aatter cf
 Sungl:   be Fibe: Syst :m s Cor »orati n
 Applic   ition fo:: Autt or ty Pu suan
 to Sec on 214 of the C     mmi nicat »n                                  J:il(

Act, a) Amendd, fo: C       lobal Auth ri:
to Ope ate as a 1 Inte n:   tiona.
Facilit »s—Based and Re     sale C arrie:;

                                                                w   ON

         Sunglobe Fiber Syst:ms              l0   orai Of   (       aglo e FS ~o>
                                                                              ~* of
                                                                                       ie   ap licant") hereby
reques: : authority, pursuant t ) Sec        o1   214 of he         mm aic at ms Act f 1 i4 as amended, 47
U.S.C ection 214 ("the Act‘ i, anc           S:   tion 52 1{        the ( or in ssion‘s t e 4‘ C.F.R. Section
63.18 ) provide global inte natic            1a   faci ti s—        d at 1 es le serv e 1st een the United
States : ad international point: .

        unglobe FSC is i new U.S               0 P ny org an zed —tc     rc ic s international
telecon munications services. Sungl: e F C h P0 o foreign iffiliatic is     h Applicant will
serve c stomers throughout the United States, as > el as interna onally.

         3y granting this application, tl         > Commis      (o) will serve the pul ic ir er st, convenience
and ne »ssity by promoting competiti              n in the i1   e iational se vices n r et _( ompetition will
benefit J.S. consumers by increasing               service 0    ti as and Ilo ‘ering 1 ic :s _‘ hus, the public
interest will be served by the grant of S         »ction 214    uU r0rity to t : Appli«

      The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the
Commission‘s Rules, in support of the Applicant‘s request for authority:

       a.   The name, address and telephone number of the company are:

                Sunglobe Fiber Systems Corporation
                1550 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway
                Suite 370
                Sunrise, Florida 33323
                (954) 835—0065

       b. The Applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware.

     f.    At this time, the Applicant seeks no other autho::ization other than Sectior. 63.18(e)(1)
           and (7) of the Commissions Rules.

     g. Nc:a P cabl

     h.    Th :f     3   :, ad,   °C    ;, cit ze: iF 3   ad p incipil business f: ie sole he shol ler hat
           cor tri       en pi    ‘C
                                        it or n(          ie company is as folle vs

               B.        Pasi     T.    k.     ¢
               P1        lent
               13        Saw|           ; Cor0 to P: ‘kway
               S         370
               S1        ie, FJ     1 a 33 2:
               9         835—           )

      _.—Prii 61         susit              Exe w ie ol   nternational telecomt u.c tions cc apany.
M__Q :e                  p: U     itl   1Sta &s

 i.        The 4         icant h: ‘eby ce if :s ‘hat it is not a forei n <a ier no1 is the            pplicant
          affi a         vith f. ‘eign ca 10.

j.        The A          cant     C1    by cert: ie t] it it does not seek to ; o0 id intern: lonal
          tele o1        nic?           s servic 3 3 1y destination countr fc v aich an applicz )le
          rules u        r Sec           63.18( cot > Commussions Rules ip 1y

k. Not ap            i able.

1.        Not ap         able.

m. Not ap H able

n. The Applicant hereby certi e th t it has not and will not agree in the ‘uture to accept
   any direct or indirect speci c in—essions from a foreign carrier or ad._.inistration with
   regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any foreign
   countries that the company is authorized to serve.

o. The Applicant hereby certifies that no party to this application has been denied
          Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1998.

p. This application qualifies for streamlined processing under Section 63.12 of the
   Commission‘s Rules because none of the conditions or cireumstances set forth in
   Section 63.12(c) of the Rules is applicable to Sunglobe FSI.

For the reasons stated above in the application, Sunglobe FSC respectfully requests
that the Commuission grant this application for 214 Authorization.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              Sunglobe Fiber Systegns Corporation

                             Barry Pasférnak,             C
                             1550 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway
                             Suite 370
                             Sunrise, Florida 33323

Date: 4 7Z2e—0»

Document Created: 2019-04-09 13:49:06
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 13:49:06

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