Attachment 20161227090900-303.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000323-00175 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


             Categories of Services for

30c                       FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
9                                  ES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
"p       —                          LICENSE

                                     Eefore the                                  —      /f" A
                        FEI)ERAL COMMIJNICATIONS COD MISSIO                           LJ#,/Q;
                              Wastiington,      D.C.     20554

In the Mtter of                                                  F%“fl%                    MAR 9 32@30

PIONEER 7ELEPHONE 1.0NG DISTAINCE CO.                              )                 No .

Application for Authority to Resell                                ;
International Switcohed Telecommtnications                         )
Service                                                            )

                           APPLICATION FEOR STRIIAMI INED
                       ENTIRNATIONAL SECTION2:.42 UTHORI

          ‘?1iloreer Teleplione Lorig NDistance Co.        |"Pione

"Appl:.cart")       requesits autriorilzation,      pursiant to                      n 214 of

the Commnications Act ani Section 63.:.8 ¢<f the »                                   ion‘s

Rules       tc   resell the switched telecommunications                              es     of

other conmon ca:—riers services ketwsen the                  Unite                   s a id

interinational porint.s.         Ses 47 U.S.C.      § 214        (1988               rnatiomal

Sectin 214         Strcam)ining      )rdirr,   61 Fed.    Reg.    15,                , 723

(1995..     {¢odifieil at 47. C.FY.R.      § 63.18) .

          Pioreer requests aut1ior:.zation to operatse a;                            ale

Carrircr pursaan: to the torms and conditicns of

63.18(e) (2)       o>f zthe Rules.     Unless formally       oppos:                   prasent

application yualifies for st:eamlined treatment under Section

63.12 of the Rules.         See International Section 214 Streamlining

Order,      supra at    15,728   (codified at 47 C.F.R.                §§   63.12).

          Pioneer‘s proposal will permit it to purchase switched

international        telecommunications services from other carriers at

volume G@iscounts,        and to pass through some of its savings to its

resale customers.          The public interest will be served by


Pioneer‘s ability to offer additional service options and reduced

rates       to its    customers.

        €    ant of this ay;          lication will serve the puk        ic inzerest,

conver       snce and noeces          ity anc in support thereof,        the following

infort       tion is sulbmit          ad pursuant to Sectior 63.1         of tae

Commi:       ion‘s Rules:

             ne,    adldresis,   e    1 telstphone number of Appli       ant are:

                   Pioneer Tel        phone Long Iistance Co.
                   South 215 h        in {P.C. Boz:: 207)
                   Lacrossic,    Washingtcn 99143
                   Telephone:        (509])   549—3511
                   Fazcsimile:       (509)    549—3514

  b) Applica:mt is organized as a Corporatior. under the laws of :


  c) Correspondence concerning the                        application should be
     addressed to:

                   Dennis Mackleit, General Manager
                   Pioneer Telephone Long Distance Co.
                   South 215 Main (P.0O0. Box 207)
                   LaCrosse, Washington 99143
                   Telephone: (509) 549—3511
                   Facsimile: (509) 549—3514

             with copies to legal counsel:

                   Gerard J. Duffy
                   Blooston, Mordkofsky, Jackson and Dickens
                   2120 L Street, N.W., Suite 300
                   Washington, D.C. 20037
                   Telephone:        (202)    659—0830
                   Facsimile:        (202)    828 —5568

  d) Pioneer has       iot previoisl received authority under Sectio::

     214 of the Comminicatijms Act,             47 U.S.C.       214. the

     grant of this application           Pioneer will have :nternationmal

     switched resile authority under Section 214 o% the

     Communicatisis lict.

  e) Pioneer is rcequesting         iutliority under Section 214 of the

     Communicatious lict,      47 U.}.C.    §    214,   tco    operate is a    resal.:

     carrier pursuiant. to the> terms ani conditions of Section

     63.18 (e) (2)     >f ihe Comnmis:iion‘s     Rules,       47 C.F.R.   §

     63.18 (e) (2) .

                         C E R T    [(F I C A T 1CcO N S

                                   I ffiliations

     Pioneer certifies that it          is not a foreign carrier,             and thiit

it does not have in iffiliatior with any foreign carrier.

     Pioneer certifies that it does not have an affiliation with

any of the U.S.      carriers whose facilities—based international

services it proposes to resell.


      Thz ni        address,       citizemshiip and jp»rimcizpal            jus:.ness cf the

only encit:        th i ten percont            (10%)    or jreeter incerest in

lPioreer is

lame /Ad ire:                        0 med         Citize           Principa:    sinass
Pioreer Tel        one                 100‘s         KA             Telec »mminicati ons
  Heldi i1g <(                                      CC cp.
Hout h2 tb 1
LaCross :, |       $hes
      No in        dual o:: entity holds a ten percert                     (1L0%;     or grsatoeor

Cw   fsfifg/z       res: in Pionesr ‘Celephcne Holiéing                    Co.    (‘PTEC") .

      Pi »net      s aifil.iated witli Pioneer ‘Celephcne                   Jompany

 *"PIC*) . —a      al    sxclhange cairrler.           Fioncer:     (1)    will maintain

separat s bi        of account from PTC;               (2)   will   fnct q:sint:ly own

t ransmi 3s1i¢     r swvitching facil.ities witlhi PTC;               and       (3)   will take

iny tariffe        ervicei; from         >TC pursuant :o the terns ind

conditi ms         PTC‘s qjenerally iapplicable tariffs.

      Pi »net      ill be treated ais a nonreqgulated affilliate of                         PTC

for purjost        £ ljcal exchange carrier accounting                      inder the

Commniss on‘       oin:    cost and af:‘iliate           transactions  as   set

forth 11»    32    and 64    of   thir Commission‘s Rules.

                   Foreign Concessions and Arrangements

      Pioneer hereby certifies that it has not agreed to accept

special concessions,         directly or indirectly,                from any foreign

carrier or foreign administration with respect to traffic and

revenue flows between the United States and any foreign country

which the Applicant may serve under the authority sought; and

that it will not enter into such agreements in the future.


                          Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certifica :iol

       IP‘ioneer certifies that,            to the best of i :s l:mow      je iind

bel.isf, no party to the application is subjec: to de

federil benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of                    :‘he Ant   rug Abise

Act: of   ‘L988,    21 U.S.C.      862.


       In light of the foregoing,               Pionesr respe:tfully       omi‘:s that

the piub..ic interest,          convenience and necessit woule             se:rvec    by

a grant of the Section 214 authorizaticn sougit,                    anc    at quct

authori::ation should be issued to it                  fcr purposes of     sel‘.inc

the swii:ched services of other common carrier: to pr                      le

international switched telecommunicaticns serrices k                       sen the

United States and international points.

                              Respect:ully submitted,
                              PIONEER TELEPHONE LONG DIJTAMICE

                              By : m//&@gn( %}

                              Printed Name:         _PETER SCHWSIGER J

                              Titie:                SECRETARY

                              Date:        March 20,     2000

Counsel :
Gerard J.    Duffy
Blooston,    Mordkofsky,          Jackson and Dickens
2120   L Street,      N.W.,     Suite     300
Washington,        D.C.   20037
Phone:    (202)     659—0830
Fax:      (202)     S28§—5568

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Gerard J. Duffy, hereby certify that I am an attorney with the law firm of Blooston,
Mordkofsky, Jackson & Dickens and that a copy of the for:sgoing "Application for Streamlined
Section 214 Authority" was served this 23rd day of March, 2000, by first class mail as indicated,
to the persons listed below.

       The Honorable Gary Locke
       Office ofthe Governor
       State Capitol, Legislative Bldg.
       Olympia, WA 98504—0002
       The Honorable Madeleine Albright
       Secretary of State
       United States Department of State
       2201 C Street, NW.
       Washington, D.C. 20520

       The Honorable William S. Cohen
       Secretary ofDefense
       1000 Defense Pentagon
       The Pentagon
       Washington, D.C. 20301

       International Transcription Service
       1231 20°" Street, N.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20037

                                             o_ @fi%,,
                                                    Gerard J. Duffyy

                         §¢c;777;77t;|7fi;;|;;}1   do cument. See   back   for    deiails. M



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                                                    EToENS (an
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                                                                                                        porccars AMEBZ" |

                           2 4 250000 241@                31697           31 1°

    READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                                             APPROVED BY OMB 3060—0589
      BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                                                                              SPECIAL USE
                                                                                          REMITTANCE ADVICE
                 g                                                                                              1            1                                 FCC USE ONLY
    ()Llocksox# 358115                                                                              PAGE No.            SF
                                                                                               SECTION A — PAYEF: INFORMATION
         (2) PAYER NAME (if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)                                                        (3) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)

         Pioneer Telsphone Long Distance Company                                                                                                         $                                             780.00
         (4) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 1

         South 215 Main
         (5) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2
         P.0.        Box 207
         (6) Cty                                                                                                (7) STATE                                (8) ZIP CODE

| ‘saCrosse                                                                                                     wWI                                          99143
         (2) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                      (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)
         (509)         Ss49—35"° l

                                                                                          SECTION B — APPLICANT INFORMATION
    (11) APPLICANT NAME (if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

?ionesr Telephone Long Distance Company

         south 215 Ma:.n
      ?.0. BPox 207
59 cny                                                                                                         (15) STATE                                (16) ZIP CoDE
‘aCrosse                                                                                                        WI                                           99143
    (1") DAYTIME TELEPHONE NL MBER (Include area code)                                                         (18) CCUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A)
       (509) 549—351.1

                                                                                          SECTION C — PAYMEINNT INFORMATION
    (19A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (20A)_PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                  (21A) QUANTITY            (22A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20A
                                                                     lc            J UV    _| T                          1 |s                           780 .00
    (23A) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                  (24A) FCC CODE 2

    (19B) FCC CALL 3IGN/OTHER ID                        (20B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                  (218) QUANTITY         (228) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 208B [

                                                                     |             |       |                                  s
    (23B) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                  (24B) FCC CODE 2

    (19C) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (20C) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                  (210) QUANTITY         (220) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20C

                                                                    1              |       |                                  s
    (23C) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                  (24C) FCC CODE 2

    (19D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (20D) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                  (21D) QUANTITY         (22D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20D

    (23D) FCC CODE 1
                                                                     |             |       |                                  s
                                                                                                                      (240) FCC CODE 2

:                                                                                                                   iniinaeataddies            N Ni M se 1 d Ntender ss
    (25)                                                                                                             (26) COMPLETE THIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICANT NAME IN B—11 IS DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAME IN A—2)

    PAYER TIN                                   O0|s |3 |a|a |2 |2 |s |s 7                                            APPLICANT TIN                            |0|s|3 |a |a |2 |2 |s 8 |7
                                                                                                  SECTION E — CERTIFICATION
    I,                                                                                    , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                         (PRINT NAME)
    are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                          SIGNATURE
                                                                                   SECTION F — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
    (28)                                MASTERCARDIVISA AcCOUNT NUMBER
                                                                                                                                                                MONTH   YEAR
               ySA         I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD              AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                            DATE
                           for the service(s)fauthorization(s) herein described.               >

                                                                            SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                            FCC FORM 159             JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-19 19:16:09
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 19:16:09

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