Attachment 20161227092512-387.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000322-00180 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


          Categories of Services for 214 Applications
                         24     n—streamline
T                               RVICE
*Ee                       ILITIES—BASED SERVICE
 L                                      ED/RESALE SERVICE
‘e                 ACILITIES—BASED SERVICE

      MELLON             2. 22000        Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of
TELECOMMUNICATIONS, NC.                       File No. LT.C.
Application for authority pursuant
to Section 214 ofthe       nsgsntf .
Communications Act of 1934, _
as amended, for global authority
to operate as an international
facilities—based and resale carrier


       Lermer Overseas Telecommunications, Inc. ("Lermer") hereby requests authority,
pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
Section 214 (1982), and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section
63.18, to provide global international facilities—based and resale services between the
United States andinternational points.

        Lermer is a U.S. company organized in 1993 to provide telecommunications
services. (Lermer has no foreign affiliations.) Lermer intends to serve business
customers throughout the United States.

        By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest,
convenience and necessity by promoting competition in the international services market.
Competition will benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service options and lowering
prices. Thus, the public interest will be served by the grant of Section 214 authority to

Section 63.18 Information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the
Commission‘s Rules, in support of Lermer‘s request for authorization.

(a)    Lermer Overseas Telecommunications, Inc.
       60 East 42"" Street, Suite 4600
       New York, NY 10165
       (212) 856—9291

(b) Letm=r ‘s &z corporation organized under the law: of the State of New York.

(c) Coarresponcence concerning this application shou Id »e sent to:

        P sretz 3ronstein, Esq.
        6) Eas 42"" Street, Suite 4600
        New York, NY 10165
        (i12) 697—6484

(d) Lermer selieves it may have previously been ; ma ite 1 Section: 214 authority at some
    point shortlyafter Lermer‘s formatio:1 it 199. , b ut :s unable to locate ary_
    do cuneitationin its files, norin pub lic recorc s, which woul1show when suc]
    au herit; vas granted, nor what services and/cr facilities weie authorized1, if a 1y.

(e) Lerm»r equests global facilities—based snd re: ale: Section 214 authority jursuiint to
    the: terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(‘ ) gnd (e)(2) of the Commission: R iles.

(f) At th s tim:, Lermer seeks no other authorizat or available under Sectio:i1 63.18(¢).

(g) Nct app icaible.

(h) Lerm»r cer:ifies that it is not affiliated with ar y foreign or U S. facilities —basec!

All the sharecs of Lermer‘s stock are currently owt ed by a Caym{in Islands holding
conipeny called Lermer Overseas Telecommunics tio ns Ltd., which was formed or: J ly
13, 1939. The address of Lermer Overseas Telecom nuanications Ltd. is as follow:::

        Lernier Overseas Telecommunications Ltc.
        c/o International Management Services LtJ.
        Fouth Floor
        Hartiour Centre
        P.O. Box 61
        George Town
        Grand Cayman
        Cayman Islands
        Brittish West Indies

All the shares of Lermer Overseas Telecommunications Ltd. are held by two sole
shareholders. The names, addresses, citizenships and principal businesses of the two sole
shareholders of Lermer Overseas Telecommunications Ltd., both of whom control ten
percent or more of Lermer Overseas Telecommunications Ltd., and thus also control 10
percent or more of Lermer Overseas Telecommunications, Inc. are as follows:

 Simon Lermer, President
 Lermer Overseas Telecommunications, Inc.
 60 East 42"" Street, Suite 4600
 New York, NY 10165
  212) 856—9291
 Principal Business President of Telecommunications Corporation, . ind Publshi
 Citizenship: USA

 Nissim Krespi, CED
 Aliyat Hanoar 416
 Jerusalem, Israel 9 1237
~ Phone: 011—972—2652—9622
 Principal Business: CEO of Telecommunica ions Corporation _
 Citizenship: Israel

 (i) Lermer certifie ; that it has not agreed anc will not agree in the future to acce,   any
       direct or indiret special concessions frori a foreign carrier or ad ninistrat on   ith
       regard to traffic or revenue flows betwee1. the Unied States and : iny forei n«    intries
       the company is authorized to serve.

 (J) Lermer certifies that no paity to this appli:ation hss been deni:d ‘ederal b:ne      s
 pursuant to Section 5301 of thi: Anti—Drug A use Act of 1988.


 In conclusion, Lermer certifies that all of the nformat on in the application is acc©    ate
 and correct.

 For these reasons, Lermer respectfully requests that th: Commission grant thi;

 Respectfully submitted,


 By:       \(M (L
          Simon Lermer, President
          Lermer Overseas Telecommunications, Inc.
          60 East 42"" Street, Suite 4600
          New York, NY 10165
          (212) 856—9291

 Date:     Mfll(f/ 10, 2000

Document Created: 2019-04-17 18:36:44
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 18:36:44

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