Attachment 20161222143328-683.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000320-00145 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                           ED    RVICE

                     MAR 1:’ ,.\v\ U
   gocmello®                             BEFORE THE
                                   WASHINGTON, DC

In the Matter of                                    )

Sigma Technologies, Inc.
                                                    )       FILE NO. 1ITC—2000—___
Application for Authority to Resell                 )
International voice message units using             )
existing transmission facilities between the        )
United States and other countries                   )
              and                                   )
Application for streamlined processing              )


       Sigma Technologies, Inc., ("Sigma Technologies"), requests authority

pursuant to the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §151. Et

seq., 47 U.S.C. § 214, and § 63.18 of the Commissions rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18,

to purchase access to operate international transmission of message units over

circuits owned by underlying U.S. carriers interconnected into the public switched

network (PSN) on both the U.S. and foreign ends in order to provide international

switched voice, data and facsimile services between the United States and other

countries, a list of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and by this

reference incorporated herein as though fully set forth.

                                  Sigma Technologies, Inc..
                    Application for § 214 operating authority — page no. 1

          Pursuant to the provisions of § 63.18, the applicant makes the following

statement of information, and certifies the same as true:

       The name and address of Applicant is as follows:
             Sigma Technologies, Inc.
             6399 Wilshire Blvd.
             Suite 219
             Los Angeles, CA. 90048

       The applicant is organized as a corporation under the laws of the state of


       The name, title and address of the officer to whom correspondence

concerning the application is to be addressed is as follows:

                Ofra Levin, President
                Sigma Technologies, Inc.
                6399 Wilshire Blvd.
                Suite 219
                Los Angeles, CA. 90048

And to:

                Jerry W. Hendricks, Esq.
                Telecomm Regulatory Services
                PO Box 1628
                Cathedral City, CA 92235—1628
                (760) 328—8397 (tel)
                (760) 328—8597 (fax)

      The applicant is a carrier subject to Section 214 of the act as a result of

the proposed operation.

      The facilities covered by the application are owned by other carriers, and

will extend communications service in accordance with Exhibit A, with telephone,

data, facsimile and voice services to be covered by this application.

                                   Sigma Technologies, Inc..
                     Application for § 214 operating authority — page no. 2

       No new facilities will be constructed or utilized under the terms of this


       Applicant does not have existing facilities between points within and

without the United States, but will utilize the purchase of access from existing

underlying carriers and their existing facilities betweenall points.

       The provisions of § 63.18(h) do not apply to applicant, as applicant does

not now own, nor doesit intend to construct facilities. Applicant shall at all times

acquire use of facilities through the resale of the international subcontracted

services of a facility based U.S. carrier.

       As to the provisions of § 63.18(i), the applicant does hereby certify that

the applicant has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly

from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows

between the U.S. and any foreign country which the applicant may serve under

the authority granted pursuant to this applicant, and will not enter into such

agreements in thefuture.

       The applicant does not now own, nor does it intend to construct facilities.

Applicant shall at all times acquire use of facilities through the resale of the

international subcontracted services of a facility based U.S. carrier.

       The applicant does hereby certify that pursuant to §§1.2001 through

1.2003 of the regulations that no party to the application is subject to a denial of

Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

       The applicant seeks authority resell telephone, facsimile, data and voice

communication services over the tariffed public switched network lines of a

                                  Sigma Technologies, Inc..
                    Application for § 214 operating authority — page no. 3

    facility     based    U.S.    carrier    for   the    purpose       of   providing      international

    communications services.

               The name of the U.S. carrier is:

               Star Telecommunications, Inc.
               223 East DeLaguerra St.
               Santa Barbara, CA 93101

               with resale to be under the terms of their international tariff FCC No. 2, on

    file with the Federal Communications Commission.

               The applicant will not be constructing any facilities, but will solely engage

    in the resale of services over existing facilities owned by others.

               The applicant certifies that it does not have any affiliation with any foreign

    carrier in any country. The applicant further certifies that there are no mterlockmg

    directorates between the applicant and any of the busnnesses owned by

    applicant‘s 10 percent or greater shareholders or other equity holders.                         The

    names and addresses, citizenship and principal businesses of applic:ant’é 10 \

    percent or greater shareholders or other equity holders is as follows:


    Shareholder                                Citizenship        Percentage of      Principal
    Name and Address                                   .          Voting Control     Business

    Ofra Levin                                       United       ~     100.00%      Executive
M   960 Cliffside Ave.                               States
    N. Woodmere, NY 11581                                     /

               Streamlined processing: Applicant is a non—dominant carrier with respect

    to all routes on which it might have access and is subject to streamlined

                                          Sigma Technologies, Inc..
                            Application for § 214 operating authority — page no. 4

regulation on all routes.          Accordingly, applicant requests expeditious grant of


        WHEREFORE, Sigma Technologies does hereby certify as to all matters
set forth in this application, together with all exhibits attached hereto, and further
certifies that neither the applicant nor any party to the application is subject to a
denial of federal benefits by Federal and/or state courts under authority granted
in 21 U.S.C. §853a.

        Dated: March/7 , 2000
        Sigma Technologies, Inc..

        *.           ~
             ~   t

        (fiy: Jerry W. Rlendricks, Consultant

                                       Sigma Technologies, Inc..
                         Application for § 214 operating authority — page no. 5

                                         Sigma Technologies, Inc..


                 Application for Authority to Resell International Message Units

                           INTERNATIONAL COUNTRIES SERVED

 COUNTRY                               Chile                                Guatemala
_Aighanistan_________                  China                                Guinea
_Algeria_______                                                           __Guyana______________
 American Samoa                                                           SaFosoenonnwntd
                                                                            Honduras       ul1asl
                                                                            Hong Kong        s
_ Anguilla                            _ Costa Rica                          Hungary
 Antarctica                             Croatia Republic        _           Iceland
 Antarctica (Scott Base)               Cuba                                 India
 Antigua                               Cyprus                               Indian Ocean
 Argentina                             Czech Republic                       Indonesia
 Armenia                               Denmark                              Iran
 Aruba                                 Diego Garcia                         Iraq
 Ascension Islands                     Djibouti                             Ireland
 Australia                           _Dominica___________|                _Sefae .1__{2222c
                                     _DominicanRepublic___|               s¥B&N) [sizcscce
_Azerbaijan___________|              Equador____________]|                _Ivoryvoast___________|
_Bahamas       se                    _Egypt______________]                 Jamaica
 Bahrain                               El Salvador
 Bangladesh                            Equatorial Guinea        |          Jordan
 Barbados                              Eritrea                             Kazakhstan
 Belarus                               Estonia                             Kenya
 Belgium                               Ethiopia                            Kirghizia
 Belize                                Faeroe Islands                      Kiribati
 Benin                                 Falkland Islands                    Korea (North)
 Bermuda                               Fiji Islands                        Korea (South)
 Bhutan                                Finland                             Kuwait
 Bolivia                               France                              Kyrgyzstan
 Bosnia & Herzegovinia                 French Antilles                     Laos
 Botswana                              French Guiana                       Latvia
 Brazil                                French Polynesia                    Lebanon
 Br Virgin Islands                     Gabon Republic                      Lesotho
 Brunei                                Gambia                              Liberia
 Bulgaria                              Georgia                             Libya
 Burkina Faso                          Germany                             Liechtenstein
 Burundi                               Ghana                               Lithuania
 Cambodia                              Gibraltar                          _Luxembourg
 Cameroon                              Greece                              Macao
 Canada                                Greenland                           Macedonia
 Cape Verde Islands                    Grenada & Caru                      Madagascar
 Cayman Islands                        Guadeloupe                          Malawi
 Central Africa Rep                    Guam                               _Malaysia____________|
 Chad                                  Guantanamo Bay                      Maldives

                                         Sigma Technologies, Inc..
                           Application for § 214 operating authority — page no. 6

__MaliRepublic                   |    South Africa
_Malta_______________                _Spain______________|
_Marshallislands_______              _SriLanka____________|
_Mauritiues____________              _St.Helena____________
_MayotteIsland________               ~StKitts_________
__Mexico Bands 182      _____|        St. Lucia               l
_Mexico Bands 3—8                     St. Pierre/Miquelon   _____|
__Micronesia                          St. Vincent/Grenadines_|
  Moldavia                            Sudan                 alty
 Monaco                               Surinam
 Mongolia                             Swaziland
 Montserrat                           Sweden
 Morocco                              Switzerland
 Mozambique                           Syria
 Myanmar                              Taiwan
 Nambia                              _Tajikistan_ _________
NBUFH                                _Tanzania_   ________|
 Nepal                               _Thailand_ _________
 Netherlands                         ‘Toga .c_.      .________|
 Netherlands Antilles                 Tokelau____    __________|
 Nevis Island                         Tonga Islan:
 New Caledonia                        Trinidad &1    jago
 New Zealand                          Tunisia
 Nicaragua                            Turkey
 Niger Republic                       Turkmenistan
 Nigeria                              Turks & Caicos
 Niue                                 Tuvalu
 Norfolk Island                       Uganda
 Norway                               Ukraine
 Oman                                 United Arab Emirates
 Pacific Ocean                        United Kingdom
 Pakistan                             Uruguay
 Palau                                Uzkebistan
 Panama                               Vanuatu
 Papua New Guinea                     Vatican City
 Paraguay                             Venezuela
 Peru                                 Vietnam
 Philippines                          Wallis & Futuna
 Poland                               Western Samoa
 Portugal                             Yemen Arab Republic
Qatar                                 Yugoslavia
Reunion Islands                       Zaire
Romania                               Zambia
Russia                                Zanzibar
Rwanda                                Zimbabwe
San Marino
Sao Tome
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Slovenia Republic
Solomon Islands
Somali Dem Rep

                                        Sigma Technologies, Inc..
                          Application for § 214 operating authority — page no. 7

Document Created: 2019-04-21 09:02:27
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 09:02:27

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