Attachment 20161222142440-187.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000320-00143 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


        f1iServices  for 214 Applications

                          is          Befor : the
                        FEDIIRAL _CC AMUN        S OM ISS ION
                              Wash: ngtofl &O zw 355 L

In the Ma‘ite:r    of

                                                                     m x) 522 Sa SS Acsr iss
TOLEDO TEENET LING DICTANCE COMI ANY                                                           e   I J

Application for         luthor: ty   :o lesell
International     Switched Telscomu:icacions

                         2.PP] ICATIO:I FCR STRE ML] NED
                   I (TEEIENA! IONAL ,;EC" ION 21. Al THC RIT

        Tolec.o Tleleriet Lorg Distince              Conpany    |"Tcled

"Applizani ")     reqaiests iuth>riat:on,               pu:suent to                            L0f

the Commuicetiois Act and Secticn 63.1( of                           tke C                     ssi

Rules,    to resell the swvitcaied teleccnmuniiceticns

other     ommon carziers service: betwesn the United

interniticnal     points.        See 47 U.f.C.          § 214    (1988)

Sectio1i 2: 4   Streimlinirqgq Oz:de;:,         ¢1    Fosd.   Rec.              15,7

(1995)    (cc¢cdified at 47      C.F.R.    §    ¢3.13).

        Toleco requessts aitho—izuiticn t> opereite as                                               2 Ggiryr er

pursua it to the        :erms ind    :onditions of Secticn 6                                         (2)   ‘of

the Rules       Unless forrall; opposed,                the present                            ce Cio i

qualifles for st ceamlired treatment                   inder Section 63.12 of che

Rules.    See International Section 214 Streamlining Order,                                           supra      at

15, 728   (codified at      47   C.FP.R.   §§    623.12).

        Toledo‘s proposal will permit it to purchase switched inter—

national    telecommunications         services         from other carriers at

volume discounts,         and to pass through some of its savings to its

resale customers.          The public interest will be served by Toledo‘s


ability to offer additional service options                 ind reduced rates to

its   customers.

      Gzant of this ap            ication will. serve th:» pub.    c ilateret,

convenience and neces             ty ard in siuipport ‘the reof,   he. Ecllo‘ving

informition is sukmit             d pu:rsuant 1:.o Section 63.1    of    :he

Commis:sior.‘:s   Rules:

   a) Nime,    aqddress,    a      teleplione iiumber of .ippli    At:   (ite:

              Toledo Tele t Lorg Distince Compa:ny
              L‘L6 South S__ond Street   P.0O. Box }j69)
              Toledo, Washingtor 98591
              Teelephone: (360) £64—455.
              Facsimile: (360) £64—446.

   b) Applicant is organizei as a Corporation under the laws of :


   c) Correspondence concerning the applicati.n should be
      addressed to:

              Glenn R.     Ramsey,      President
              Toledo Telenet Long Distance Compa:y
              116 South Second Street            (P.O0. Box i69)
              Toledo, Washington 98591
              Telephone: (360) 864—4552
              Facsimile:        (360)   864—4466

         with copies to legal counsel:

              Gerard J.    Duffy
              Blooston,    Mordkofsky,       Jackson and Dickens
              2120 L Street, N.W., Suite            300
              Washington, D.C. 20037
              Telephone:        (202)   659—0830
              Facsimile:        (202)   828 —5568

  d) Toledo has: nct previously received authority unde: Secti>on

     214 of the Commuricaticas              Act,       47 U.S.C.   214.   Wich he

     grant of this            apoplication, Toledo will have interiat. .onal

     switched resile            authority   inder Section 214 of th:

     Communicatiors At.

  e) Toledo is recues:ing avtho—ity under Se:tion 214                        ojf he

     Communicatiors A:t,            47   J.S.C.    §    214,   to operate a i a resale

     carrier pursiant to the             tems and condi:ions of S:ct. . on

     63.18 (e) (2)      ¢<f    tie Commission‘s Rules,           17 C.F.R.   }j

     §3 .18 (e) (2) .

                              C oR T I F    I C oA T Io O N S

                                     A    fi‘° iations

     Toledo certifies that it is not a foreign carrier,                           aiid that

it does not have an aifiliation with any foreign carrier.

     Toledo certifies that it does not have an affiliation with

any of the U.S.      carriers whose facilities—based international

services it proposes to resell.


       The names,      addresses,       (citizenship arnd principal businesses

of the entities with a ton percent                    (1(%)      or «jreiter     interest in

Toledo are:

Name/Address                        Ov    ned        Cit: zen         Pr: ncipal Eusinr:ess
Glenn R. Ramsey                     T; <6*            U.L   .A        Te: eccmmunications
116 South Second St.
Toledo,    WA 98591

Marianne Moloney                    15 .1%            U;i —~A.        Invvestments
116 South Second St.
Toledo,    WA 98591

       The Toledo Telepion: Ccmpany                  ("TTC"),      a local exchange

carrier,    is affiliatei Toledo.

       Toledo:   (1)     will ma:ntein separate brok:: ol                     account from

TTC,   its affiliated ljca.. eschange carrier;                       [2)   will not jointly

own transmission or switehirg facilities                         witlh TC;      and   (3)   will

take any tariffed services from TTC pirsuant to the                              terms a id

conditions of TTC‘s gene:ally applicable                         car..ff: .

       Toledo will be treai.ed as               a nonregulated aifiliate of                 TTC

for purposes of local exchange carrier accountirg under the

Commission‘s joint cost and affiliate transactions rules as set

forth in Parts      32    and 64   of    the    Commission‘s Rules.

                Foreign Concessions and Arraige ien            s

     Toledo hereby certifies that it has not igre 30                     ‘o accept

special concessions,    directly or indirectly,       : roxm       all   r foreign

carrier or foreign administration with respeci            tc       Cr    iff: ¢ and

revenue flows between the United States ani ary f              CC        $n countr :

which the Applicant may serve under the autho: ity                 so    ight ;    and

that it will not enter into such agreements          i:   th             iture.

                  Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certificai ion

     Toledo certifies      that,   to the best of   it:   kn >wIL ‘dge            and

belief,   no party to the application is subject          tc de iial              of

federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the               int .—Diug Abuie

ACt of 1988,   21 U.S.C.    862.


       In light    of ths foregoing,    Toledo respectfully submits that

the public irtersst,         convenience and necessity would be served by

a grant of the Ssection 214 authorization sought, and that such

authorization shoulil be issued to it for purposes of reselling

the switched servicss of other common carriers to provide

international switcied telecommunications services between the

United States and iiternational poini:s.

                         Respectfully submitted,

                         Printed Name:       Alice Ramsey

                         Title:      Secrtary—Treasurer

                         Pate:       March 16, 2000

Counsel :
Gerard J.   Duffy
Blooston,   Mordkofsky,      Jackson and Dickens
2120 L Street, N.W., Suite        300
Washington, D.C. 20037
Phone:   (202)    659—0830
Fax:     (202)    828—5568

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Michael B. Adams, Jr., hereby certify that I am an attorney with the law firmof Blooiton,
Mordkofsky, Jackson & Dickens and that a copy of the foregoing "Application for Streamlined
Section 214 Authority" was served this 20th day of March, 2090, by first class rmail as indicated, :o
the persons listed below.

       The Honorable Gary Locke
       Office ofthe Governor
       State Capitol, Legislative Bldg.
       Olympia, WA 98504—0002

       The Honorable Madeleine Albright
       Secretary of State
       United States Department of State
       2201 C Street, NW.
       Washington, D.C. 20520

       The Honorable William S. Cohen
       Secretary of Defense
       1000 Defense Pentagon
       The Pentagon
       Washington, D.C. 20301

       International Transcription Service
        1231 20"" Street, N.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20037

                                                      Michael B. Adams, Jr.       (

                           195 E%% O& 2 40

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                      L6586 NOLONIHSWM ‘O09701
                                HONYHg OG03701
                          MNY8 ALINNWWOD LSHId      N OJ 4NUHd1 141L UUI IUL 346L

    READ INSTRUCTIONS CAFR EFULLY                                                                                                                                                    APPROVED BY OMB 3060—0589
           BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                  j                          m                                          SF 2CIAL UsE
                                                                                         REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                          C           T           1                                     Fc USEoNLY               Sss
    (1)LocksBoxs# 358115
                                                                                                        PAGE NO. ..         or _L—__

                                                                                                 SECTION A — PAYER INFORMATION
         (2) PAYER h AME (if paying by cred t card, ente name exactly as i appears on your card)                                                                  (3) TOT .L AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)
         The Toledo Telephonse Compary,                                                     Inc.                                                                  $       =———                      svwns m mss
                                                                                                                                                                                                               7 80.079|
         (4) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 1

         (5) STFEET ADDRESS LINE No. 2
         P.0O.       Box 669
         6 or‘ _                                                                                                    (7) STAE                                      (3 zZiP: ODE
         Toledo                                                                                                     WA                                                985 31                               &             RG
~(() DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBE & (Include area co de)                                                                (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A)
   ‘360) 864—4552

                                                                                          SECTION B — APPLICANT INFORMATION                                  —I
    (11) APPLICANT NAME (if payirg by credit card, enter name exact! as it appears on your card)

     Toledo Telenet Long Distance Company
         116 South Secord Street
   P.0O. Box 669 o
[ac) cnvy                                                                                                          (15) STATE                                     (16) ZIF CciDE
     Toledo                                 C                                      _                                WA                                                B5 3._                                      Eo 9
E) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBE ? (Inc 1de area code)                                                                   (18) COUNTRY CONE (if not in U.S.A.)
         (360)         §64—4552

                                                                                           SECTION C — PAYMELNIT INFOF MATION                                 I
    (19A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER 1J                        (     OA)                  z CODE (PTC)           _| (214) quantmy            (224 ) FEE: DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOC K :0A
                                                                     [e_           _         [g                                 1 |s                              780. 00
    (23A) FCC CODE 1                        m                                                                             (21A) FCC Ct DE 2

    (138) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHIIR ID                       ( 0B)_PAYMENT TYF 2 CODE (PTC)                    _| (218) quantny            (22E ) FEE: DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOC K ::0B
    (23B) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                      (21B) FCC CC DE 2

    (13C) FCC CALL SiIGN/OTHER ID                       ( 0C) PAYMENT TYP 2 CODE (PTC)                        (21C) QuaANTnY          (22¢ ) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLoc K :0c [X

_(23C) FCC CODE 1                                                    |             |         |                                        s
                                                                                                                          (21C) FCC Ct DE 2

    (13D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (: OD) PAYMENT TYP CODE (PTC)                         (210D) QUANTITY         (22€ ) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLO( K 20D

_(23D) FCC CODE 1                                                   1              |        _                                      s
                                                                                                                          (24D) FCC C¢ DE 2

3                                                                                                                               ORN .
    (25)                                                                                                                  (26) COMPLETE THIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICANT NAME IN B—11 IS DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAME IN A—2)

    PAYER TIN                                    0| a 1 o 6|3 a 2 s o                                                     |._]APPLICANT TIN                             |O|a|1 |o l6 |3 |a |2 8 o
                                                                                                      SECTION E — CERTIFICATION
    I,                                                                                     , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                         (PRINT NAME)
    are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                                SIGNATURE
v                                                                SECTION F — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
    (28)                                MASTERCARDIVISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                                  EXPIRATION DATE:
                                                                                                                                                                         MONTH         YEAR
               iss         I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD                  AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                                   DATE
                           for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein described.                 >

                                                                            SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                     FCC FORM 159            JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-22 15:09:41
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 15:09:41

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