Attachment 20161222111000-960.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000223-00110 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


          Categories of Services for  214 Applications
                         T4     n—streamline
n                                ES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
*‘                           =     ED     SERVICE
e                                           ALE SERVICE
l9                                          ERVICE

                                                                           N/ GTEEi

                    February 22, 2000
210 N. Park Ave.    Via Overnight
Winter Park, FL
32789               Secretary
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    Common Carrier International
P.O. Drawer 200
                    P.O. Box 358115
Winter Park, FL
                    Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115
                     ie:    Application of Interloop, Inc. f        authority pursuant to Section 214 ofthe
Tel: 407—740—8575           Communications Act of 1934, as          iended, to resell service of other common
Fax: 407—740—0613           carriers to provide switched serv       s from the United States to international

                    Dear Secretary:

                    Enclosed for filing are the original an         six (6) copies of the above—referenced
                    application of Interloop, Inc. ("Interl«        )"). Also enclosed is a Technologies
                    Management, Inc. check in the amount of         80.00, on behalf of Interloop, to cover the
                    filing fee. This application is filed purs      it to streamlined filing requirements for
                    international resellers.

                    Please acknowledge receipt of this filing t     late stamping onecopy of this cover letter
                    and returning it in the enclosed, self— addre   ‘d, stamped envelope provided. Thank you
                    for your attention in this matter. Questiot     ‘egarding this filing should be directed to
                    my attention at (407) 740—8575.


                              a4  J

                    Monique B
                    Consultant to
                    Interloop, Inc.

                    ge:     Peter Buffa, Interloop
                    file:    Interloop — FCC 214
                    tms:     fee0000

 READ iNSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                               APPROVED BY OMB         3060—0589

                                                                        REMITTANCE ADVICE                                           SEAYS:
                                                                                PAGE NO. 1 OF 1                                    FCCUSE ONLY        ';f
 (1) LOCKBOX NO.                                                                                                                                  4

ppipagreng                                                          —... c oocooccorrefifrroSmnm
(2) PAYER NAME (If paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)                            (3) TOTAL AMOUNT paid (dollars and cents)
TECHNOLOGIES MANAGEMENT, INC.                                                                                       $630.00

(6) CITY                                                                     (7) STATE                              (8) ZIP CODE
WINTER PARK                                                                   FLORIDA                               32489
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                             (10) COUNTRY CODE (If not in U.S.A.)

                                 ~IFPAYER NAMEAND THE APPLICANT NAME ARE DIFFERENT COMPLETE SECTION B > f         e s
                                     IF MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION, USE CONTINUATION SHEETS(FORM 159—G) _ _ __________. _ _____— .
-.                                                      SECTION B — APPLICANT INFORMATION
(11) APPLICATION NAME (if paying by credit card enter name exactly as it appears on your card)
2514 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 402—408

(14) CITY                                                                    (15) STATE                             (16) ZIP CODE

(17) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                            (18) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)
(954) 423—4110
                                     SECTION C — PAYMENT INFORMATION
(19A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID           (20A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)             (21A) QUANTITY       (22A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20B                    FCC USE ONLY

                                       C            a           K                    1                 $780.00                                                          f
(23A) FCC CODE 1                                                                              (24A) FCC CODE 2

(198B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID          (20B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)             (21B)                (228) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20B                  I ‘?CC USEONLY ®

(23B) FCC CODE 1                                                                              (24B) FCC CODE 2

(19C) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID           (20C) PAYMENT TYPE CODE                   (210)                (22C) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 208B                   FCC USE ONLY

(23C) FCC CODE 1                                                                              (24C) FCC CODE 2

(19D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID           (20D) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)            (21D) QUANTITY     | (22D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20B                   | FCC USE ONLY

(23D) FCC CODE 1                                                                              (24D) FCC CODE 2

(25)                                                                                 (26) COMPLETE THIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICANT NAME IN b—AA IS DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAME
                                                                                     IN A—2

PAYER TIN                                       8   3   I   4       I      I      I APPLICANT TIN              6     4       2

                                                    SECTION E — CERTIFICATION
1, Monique Byrnes, Consultant to Interloop, Inc., Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information are true
and correct to the best of my knowledge, information          lief.

SIGNATURE-—                       ,L//,géLEZ t&& /?
                                               ée’cnon F -CREpfi’
                                                               CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
(28)         MASTERCARDNISA ACCOUNT NUMBER;                         ~                                                      EXPIRATION DATE:

       merso=e |_|                         |        |                     | |                              |               Month
                                                                                                                                 1 | | |Year
            1 hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD            AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                                      DATE
            for the service(s) / authorization(s) herein described.

        TECHNOLOGIES MANAGEMENT, INC.                                                     BANK OF AMERICA                                       25543
                             P.O. BOX 200                                            WINTER PARK, FL 32789
                   WINTER PARK, FL 32790—0200                                                63—27/631
                         (407) 740—8575
                                                                                      %                                     ;       2/18/2000

PAY TO THE      Federal C         (cat      c       Tez                                                                 I       $   o
ORDER OF           edera.   ommunications       Commission                                                                              78000

  Seven Hundred Elghty and ()O/l00***********************1*********************************************************                               DOLLARS

                                                                                                                                                   Security features
                                                                                                                                                   Details on back.
             Federal Communications Commission
             The Portals                                                                                         TECHNOLOGIES
                                                                                                    §           MANAGEMENT, INC.
             445 Twelfth Street S.W.
             Washington, DC 20554

MEMO     Filing fee for InterLoop                                                                               [A
                            1"0 2 § § L 3 1°         6063 100 2 7 71.           28 300BB 50 §1® (
   TECHNOLOGIES MANAGEMENT, INC.                                                                                                                25543
        Federal Communications Commission                                                                   2/18/2000
    02/18/2000                                               Bill #InterlLoop                                                                   780.00

  Cash operating                 Filing fee for InterLoop                                                                                       780.00

                                         Before the
                         DE       . COMMUNICATIONS               MMISSION
                                      Washington, D.C. 205

In the Matter of
Interloop, Inc.
Applicationfor           r pu     it to
Section 214of t          nun      ons
Act of 1934, as          l, to    {1.;=*"                        e No.
service of other         icar      to
provide telecom          ions     ice as
a nondominant            om 1
United States to         iona     nts.

                                  2LICATION FOR AUT]             <ITY

        Interlooy        ‘"Inte   p") hereby requests auth       r, pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communication            °19.     is amended, 47 U.S.C. S        on 214, and Section 63.01 of the
Commission‘s F           NC        Section 63.01, to resell       international telecommunications
services of other        n Cca    s between the United Stat:     id various international points.

        Interloor        port      organized under the law:      the state of Florida. The company
intends to resell         omt     cations services of other c    non carriers and is not a facilities—

based carrier.           )‘s s    se will be offered for us      y residential consumers, business
customers with foreign offices, foreign firms with US operations, or other individuals and entities
who subscribe to the company‘s interstate and/or intrastate services. Through Interloop‘s service,
customers may originate calls from locations within the United States to other countries, and from
foreign locations to terminate in the United States. The company seeks authority to resell
international telecommunications services to better serve its customers by offering a full range of
call termination options. By providing international calling services Interloop will be able to offer
its customers valuable service at competitive rates.

        International telecommunications services will be obtained by Interloop from other common
carriers who are currently authorized by the Commission to provide international service. Initially,
Interloop will only resell international switched services. However, Interloop requests authority to
resell private line service in the future as contemplated under Section 63.18 (e)(2)      subject to the

restrictions imposed therein.                                              _s

       The provision of international service by Interloop will not have anysignificant impact on
the general provision of such service to the public. However, additional competition in the market
— including the competition of Interloop — benefits consumers of international telecommunications
services. The benefits of competition include lower prices and increased availability of a variety of
service options. Thus, the grant of this authorization is consistent with the public interest.

       In support of Interloop‘s request for authorization, the following information is submitted
pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18.

(a)    The name, address and telephone number of the applicant:

               Interloop, Inc.
               2514 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 402—408
               Hollywood, FL 33020
               Telephone:       (954) 923—4110
               Facsimile:      (954) 923—4111

(b)    Interloop is incorporated under the laws of the state of Florida.

                                                                           FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                                         Interloop, Inc.
                                                                                                page 2

(c)   Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

              Peter Buffa, President
              Interloop, Inc.
              2514 Hollywood Boulevard, Su        102—408
              Hollywood, FL 33020
              Telephone:       (954) 923—4110
              Facsimile:      (954) 923—4111

                       — OF—

             Monique Byrnes
             Consultant to Interloop, Inc.
             Technologies Management, Inc.
             P.O. Box 200
             Winter Park, Florida 32790—020
             Telephone: (407) 740—8575
             Facsimile: (407) 740—0613

(d)   Interloop has not received previous autt    y under Section 214.

(e)   Interloop requests Section 214 Authorit     operate as a resale carrier pursuant to the terms
      and conditions of Section 63.18(e           pecifically, Interloop proposes to resell the
      international services of any au@i          amon carrier pursuant to tariff or contract duly
      filed with the Commission, for the prox     n of international basic switched, private line,
      data, television and business service       11 international points, as authorized by the

(£)   See (e) above.

(g)   Interloop does not seek facilities—based authority under Section 63.18(e)(6).

                                                                      FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                                    Interloop, Inc.
                                                                                            page 3

(b)   Interloop certifies that it is not a foreign carrier nor is Interloop affiliated with any foreign
      carrier. Applicant further certifies that it has no affiliation with any U.S. Carriers whose
      facilities—based services Interloop proposes to resell. In support ofthis certification, Interloop
      submits the following information of its ten percent or greater direct and indirect
      shareholders or other equity holders.

      Name/Address                            "'/C/itiz:enslxigy       Principal Business
      Peter Buffa                              U.S.                    Telecommunications
      Robert Buffa                            U.S.                     Telecommunications
      Ariel Musibay                           U.S.                     Telecommunications

      Interloop certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly
      from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between
      the U.S. and any foreign country which the applicant may serve and will not enter into such
      agreements in the future.

(G)   The Applicant certifies that neither Interloop nor any party to this application is subject to
      a denial of Federal benefits, as provided in the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C.

                                                                          FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                                        Interloop, Inc.
                                                                                               page 4


        As demonstrated in this application, Interloop, Inc. is legally, financially and technically
qualified to provide the services for which it requests authority. For the reasons stated above,
applicant submits that the public interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant
of this Section 214 application.

       Dated this2 l_      day of_FE(CE          ___2000.
                                                              es     2

                                    y ,,PeWidentE*
                                 _ Interloop—InC.
                          seri      3514Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 402—408
                     Je. _ Hollywood, FL 33020
                     CC               Telephone:      (954) 923—4110
                                      Facsimile:     (954) 923—4111

Monique Byrnes
Consultant to Interloop, Inc.
Technologies Management, Inc.
P.O. Drawer 200
Winter Park, Florida 32790—0200
Telephone:    (407) 740—8575
Facsimile:    (407) 740—0613

                                                                         FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                                       Interloop, Inc.
                                                                                              page 5


I hereby certify that Interloop, Inc. is not affiliated with any foreign carrier. Interloop,
Inc. is not affiliated with any facilities—based carrier whose services it intends to
resell. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the statements made in this
application are true and correct.

                                                        lfam       (y s
                                          yaln.~.              ys
                                _Petéer Bufiq};efifdent
                         /~ Interloop, Inc.
                          ——~    2514 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 402—408
                                 Hollywood, FL 33020
                                 Telephone:    (954) 923—4110
                                 Facsimile:   (954) 923—4111

                                 Dated:       o?/o?/ )OO
                                                    1          t

                                                                      FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                                    Interloop, Inc.
                                                                                           page 6

Document Created: 2019-04-19 02:22:25
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 02:22:25

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