Attachment 20161222100519-657.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000215-00091 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


e                          E     SERVICE
l                                  =        D     SERVICE
55                             TIES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
~g                             —BASED SERVICE
~g                                     E RESALE SERVICE
g                                      TE       SERVICE

                                      3000 K STREET, NW, SUrTE 300
                                      WAsHINGTON, DC 20007—5116
                                          TELEPHONE (202)424—7500
                                          FACSIMILE (202) 424—7647
TROY F. TANNER                                                                                      NEW YORK OFFICE
DIRECT DIAL (202) 295—8360   —   _                                                            405 LEXINCTON AVENUE
TFTANNER@SWIDLAW.COM                                                                              NEW YORK, NY 10174

                                          February 29, 2000

Magalie Roman Salas, Esq.                                PEOERAL Copy
Secretary                                                      mwmgmfl'mwg
Federal Communications Commission                                              ¥
The Portals
445 12th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554

         Re:       Amendment to the International Section 214 ApplicationofZ.Com, Corporation

                   Communications Inc. to Z.Com, andAuthority for Z.ComtoProvide Global
                   Facilities—based and Resale Services.

Dear Secretary Salas:

         Z.Com, Corporation (Z.Com), by its undersigned counsel, hereby amends its application
filed February 15, 2000, to remove its request for assignment of the Section 214 authorizations of
Consortium Communications, Inc. to Z.Com. Instead, Z.Com only seeks Section 214 authority
on its own behalf to provide global facilities—based and resale services pursuant to Section
63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules.

         If you have any questions regarding this amendment, please contact me at (202) 295—

                                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                        W i’                             oo   W       B Anvmmmmanssomemmemmmmmm~...
                                                    ‘                Troy F. Tanner
                                                                     Counsel for Z.Com, Corporation

ge:      Dr. Jack Shapiro
         Raymond Verdi, Jr.
         Kevin Hart
         Kent Nakamura
         Helen E. Disenhaus

                        ism A F B MU
                     cco | J L£uds
                                     Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of


                                                      NZ Nz Nz

CONSORTIUM COMMUNICATIONS                                                 File No. ITC—A/L—


Application for authority pursuant to Section 214

                                                     N/ NZ/ N/A NZ/ N/
of the Communications Act of 1934;, as amended,
to assign Section 214 authorizations and receive
global facilities—based and resale international
telecommunications services authority


        Z. Com, Corporation ("Z. Com" or the "Proposed Assignee") and Consortium

Communications International, Inc. ("CCI" or the                         "Proposed Assignor") (collectively, the

"Applicants"), by the undersigned counsel, hereby request authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s

Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18, to as:sjgn the Section 214 authorizations of CCI (the "CCI Section 214

authorizations") to Z. Com. Z.Com also requests authority, pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(1) and

(e)(2) of these fiiles td pfovide global facilities—based and resale international telecommunications


        In suppc rt of this Applicatior, Applicant: subniit the following inform: tion:


        A.      2. Cor1, Corparation

        Z. Com s‘ia New YQ].‘k corporation lieadq 1artered at 80 Bro: d Street, 13 ‘Floor, Nev, Yorl ,

New York 100( 4. % Pom is lanning to provicdle a viriety of con ipetitive int ‘national survice: .

Z. Com is not a foreig i carrier or affiliated. as th: t term . is defined ty Par: 63 o the Commission‘s

Rules! with any foreign carrier: or any dominant J.S. carriers whos : internatio1 al services .L. Cor 1

will resell. The efore Z. Com shoul1 be classifi d as a non—domit ant carrier j or the provision cf

the services for vhich CCI was authorized. Follk wing consummaton of the pr oposeid tran: actiot ,

Z. Com will be qualif ed to operate as an a ithori zed nen—dorainant interniation; 1 carrier.

        B.      Conso tium Communicati ons I itern:itional, Inc.

        CCI is a New York corsoration with its ; rincipal off ce located at 233( Shavmmee Missio 1

Parkway, Westi rood, KS 6620 5. CCI is a subsic iary of Spriiit Inte national In: orporated. CCI is

authorized to oi fer in ernationiil telex services t irougl: its followiig Section 214 authorizations

granted by the C »mmi ssion: (1) File No. ITC:—90— 61 (effective Octc ber 25, 199( ); (2) File N. ITC —

90—113 (effectiv 2 Aug 1st 29, 1990); (3) File: No. 1 TC—80—088 (effeciive June 20, 1989; and (4) Fil:

No. ITC—88—07( (effe:tive April 20, 1988)

        On December 14, 1999, Z. Com executed an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement")

to acquire substantially all of the assets of CCI. In connection with that transaction, the Proposed

        1       47 C. F. R. §63.09(d)(e).

Assignor proposes to assign the CCI Section 214 authorizations to Z. Com to enable Z. Com to serve

the existing customer base of CCI. Therefore grant of this assignment application is in the public

interest because it will enable Z. Com to continue serving CCI‘s customer accounts.


       Pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18,
Applicants submit the following information:

       (a)     Name and address of Applicants:

               Proposed Assignee:

               Z. COM, Corporation
               80 Broad Street, 13" Floor
               New York, New York 10004.
               Telephone: (516) 705—0700
               Facsimile: (516) 705—0705

               Proposed Assignor:

               Consortium Communications International, Inc.
               2330 Shawnee Mission Parkway
               Westwood, KS 66205
               Telephone: (913) 624—2610
               Facsimile: (913) 624—3225

       (b)     Both Z. Com and CCI are companies organized under the laws of New York.

       (c)     Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

               Helen E. Disenhaus, Esq.
               Troy F. Tanner, Esq.
               Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
               3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
               Washington, D.C. 20007
               Telephone: (202) 424—7500
               Facsimile: (202) 424—7645

with copies to:

                  Dr. Jack Shapiro, President
                  Z. COM, Corporation
                  80 Broad Street, 13" Floor
                  New York       ew York 10004.
                  Telephone      116) 79)5—0700
                  Facsimile:     16) 7¢ 5—0705
                  Kevin Hat
                  Consortiu      sorimun: cations I ite natio      Inc.
                  2330 Shav      e Missioa Parkwsy
                  Westwood       S 66205
                  Telephone      113) 624—8616
                  Facsimile:     13) 624—i361

       (d)        Z. Com d«      no} hold any Seciior. 2:.4        r0rizatio1s.     Cem has idntified four
                  Section 21     icenses leld by CCI The           ‘e as follow     1) File Mo. ITC—90—161
                  (effective     ‘ob »r ::5, 1990); (@) File Nc    (C—90—113 (      »ct ve August 29, 1990);
                  (3) File No    ‘C—89—088 (effective ; uns 2      989); (4) Fil    o. TC—8:3—0 70 (effective
                  April 20, 1    3). Under these at      msortiun| is     ho rized to acquire, lease
                  and operal     aci itics ‘or direct telex se     es to Polan      [or g Kong, Mexico and
                  points bey     1, ind between the U.S. a1        India, Surin     3 and the former Soviet

       (e)(3)     This appli     on seicks authorits fer all c     ie CCI Secti     211 aithori zations to be
                  assigned t     . Coni, pursuant :o Sectio        3.18(e)(@) c     ie Commniission‘s Rules.
                  Under the      »va it trar saction, :%. Coriis   ‘he process (    squirag sut stantially all
                  of the ass     of CCI. Following const           aation o1‘ th    ansactio1, .L. Com will
                  provide se     se to tie sxisting customier:     rrently serv     y 2CI uarder its Section
                  214 autho!     tions.

       (£)        Z. Com al__ ipr lies for authority to rese       ae intern iti«   L services of authorized
                  U.S. common carriers for the provision ofinternational basic switchea, private
                  line, data, television, and business services to all international points subject to the
                  terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s rules; and (2) to
                  operate as a facilities—based carrier subject to the terms and conditions of Section

       (g)        Not applicable.

(h) _ _Dr.Jack Shapiro is the 100% shareholder of Z. Com. His address isat 80 Broad
       Street, 13"" Floor, New York, New York 10004. He is (a U.S. citizen. He does not
       have any interlocking directorates with foreign carriers.

(i)    Z. Com is not affiliated with any foreign carriers

0)     Not applicable.

(k)    Not applicable.

(1)    Not applicable.

(m)    Not applicable.

(n)    Z. Com certifies that it has not agreed to accefr    secial cencess ons cirectly or
       indirectly from any foreign carrier with respectto    U.S. nternaticna rcute where
       the foreign carrier possesses market power on th     reign »ncl of th: rout: a 1d will
       not enter into such agreements in the future.

(0)    Z. Com certifies that no party to this applicatior    subject o a dinial of l‘ederal
       benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Dn     \buse Act of 198.

(p)    Applicants request streamlined processing ofthis     lication because lic ints do
       not have an affiliation within the meaning 63.09     ‘e) of with any foreign carriers
       or any dominant U.S. carriers.


       For the reasons stated herein, Z. Com, Corpor:tion and Consortium Communications
International, Inc. respectfully submit that the public interest, convenience, and necessity would be
furthered by grant of this application for authority to assign the Section 214 authorizations of
Consortium Communications International, Inc..       Applicants respectfully request that the
Commission authorize the proposed assignments described herein to permit the Applicants to
consummate the underlying transaction on an expedited basis.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                         % LZamnmio————_____
                                          Helen E.Disénhaus, Esq.
                                          Troy F. Tanner, Esq.
                                          Swidler Berlin Sheref! Friedmn, LLP
                                           3000 K Street, N.W., suite 300C
                                          Washington, D.C. 20007
                                          Telephone: (202) 424—7500
                                          Facsimile: (202) 424—7645

                                           Counsel for Z. Com, Corporation

Dated: February 15, 2000

                                CERTIFICATION OF ASSIGNEE

           I, Jack Shapiro, hereby declare that I am President of Z.Com, Corporation, that I an
authorized to make this Certification on behalf of the Assignee, and that I have read the foregoing
Application and certifications contained therein. I declare that the same are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge, information and belief.                                            ‘

        I further certify, in accordance with Section 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commussion‘s Rules, 4
C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, that neither Z.Com, nor any party to this application is subject to a denia
of Federal benefits that include FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Ac
of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

                                                      Z‘CT, Corporation

                                                               /         .                 &
                                                      By:__/—eA         M /AJAJJJ)M
                                                          Jack Shapiro, Pres{dent     _\


Document Created: 2019-04-20 18:34:17
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 18:34:17

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