Attachment 20161222100212-753.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000209-00090 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                   for 214 Applications
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T                  —BASED/RESALE SERVICE
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                      CEQ© 0 3 L“BQ
                                                         Before the
                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                             Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of
 EvanNet Communication Inc.
 Application for authority pursuant File No. LT.C.—96—
 to Section 214 of the
 Communications Act of 1934,
 as amended, for global authority
 to operated as an international
 facilities—based and resale carrier


EvanNet Communication Inc. (EvanNet), hereby requests authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 214 (1982), and Section 63.18 of the
Commission‘s Rule, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.18, to provide global international facilities—based and resale
services between the United States and international points.

EvanNet Communication is a new U.S. Company organized to provide international telecommunications
services. Net IDD has no foreign affiliations. EvanNet serves business and residential customers throughout
the United States by PTSN Network or the combination of PTSN and internet network, e.g., EvanNet
provides the routing service ofvoice and fax call originated from the customers in the United States by 800
number to the server and then to the destination countries through the internet network. Or vice versa.

By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity by
promoting competition in theinternational services market. Competition will benefit U.S. consumers by
increasing service options and lowering prices. Thus, the public interest will be served by the grant of
 Section 214 authority to EvanNet.

Section 63.18 information

The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the Commissions‘s Rules, in support
of EvanNet Communication Inc.‘s request for authorization.

(a) EvanNet Communication Inc.
      262 Portstewart Dr.,
      Orlando, FL 32828
      Tel: (407) 207 6001

(b) EvanNet Communication Inc. is a Corporations organized under the laws of State ofFlorida.

(c) Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

Morey Wong, President
EvanNet Communication Inc.
262 Portstewart Dr.,
Orlando, FL 32828


Kennece Wong, Vice President
EvanNet Communication Inc.
10525 Sun Villa Bivd,
Oriando, FL 32817

(d) EvanNet Communication Inc. has not received authority previously under Section 214 ofthe
    Communications Act.

(e) 1.    EvanNet requested global facilities—based Section 214 authority pursuant to the terms and
          conditions of Section 63.18 {e){1) and (e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules.

     2.   EvanNet requested global international resale Section 214 authority pursuant to the terms and
          conditions of Section 63.18 (e)(1) and (¢)(2) ofthe Commission‘s Rules.

(F) At this time, EvanNet seeks no other authorization available under Section 63.18 (e).

(g) Not applicable

(h) EvanNet certifies that it is not affiliated with any foreign or U.S. facilities—based carrier.

In support ofthis certification , the name, address, citizenship and principal business ofthe sole shareholder
that controls ten percent or more of EvanNet Communication Inc. is as follows:

Wang Wai (Morey) Wong, President
EvanNet Communication fnc.
262 Portstewart Dr.,
Orlando, FL 32828
{407) 207—6001
Principal Business: President of Telecommunication Corporation
                       t                ry
Citizenship: applying U.S.A. citizen, U.S. permanent resident

Wang Wah (Kennece), Wong, Vice President & Secretary
EvanNet Communication Inc.
10525 Sun Villa Boulevard,
Orlando, FL328%17
(407) 678—3549
Principal Business: Vice president of Telecommunication Corporation

Citizenship : Hong Kong, China

Hon Mo Yim, Vice President
EvanNet Communication Inc.
25 Palmetto Dr., #£E.,
Alfambra, CA 91801
(626) 458—7688
Frincipal Business; Vice president of Telecommunication Corporation

Citizenship : Hong Kong, China, U.S. permanent resident

Yung Feng, Hung, treasurer
EvanNet Communication Inc.
750 Stimson Ave,
City of Industry, €CA91745
(626) 336—8889
Principal Business: President ofPharmaceutical and nutritional Corporation
Citizenship : Taiwanese, U.S. permanent resident

Bin Yu, shareholder
EvanNet Communication Inc.
10332 Newington Drive
Orlando, FI 32836
(407) 345—8043
Principal Business: Secretary of telecommunication Corporation
Citizenship: China , Permanent resident: U.S.A.

Hon Ying (Victor) Yim, shareholder
2/377 North Rocks Road,
Cartingford, NSW 2118
(011) 612—98723068
Citizenship: Australia
Principal Business: System engineer of Computer Corporation

(i) EvanNet certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to accept any direct or indirect
    special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with regards to traffic or revenue flows
    between the United States and any foreign countries the company is authorized to serve.

{J) EvanNet certifies that no party to this application has been denied federal benefits pursuant to Section
    5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

Conclusion In conclusion, EvanNet certifies that all of the information in this application is accurate and

For these reasons, EvanNet respectfully request that the Commission grant this application.

Respectfully submitted,

EvanNet Communication Inc.

By:     //{M@/\fl.w ,.6\) «

Morey Wong, Prefide’fif)
EvanNet Communication Inc.
262 Portstewart Dr.,
Orlando, FL 32828
(407) 207—6001

Date:    Ta“& 3[/          Jos®

Document Created: 2019-04-19 23:21:51
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 23:21:51

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