Attachment 20161220163331-803.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000127-00066 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                         rvices for 214 Applications
 [                   FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
td                                    ALE   SERVICE

Preston|Gates|Ellis &
             Rouvelas|Meeds ur

                                                                     February 16, 2000

             VIA MESSENGER

             Alicia Smothers
             Federal Communications Commission
             International Bureau—Telecom Division
             445 12"" Street, SW
             Room 6A767
             Washington, D.C. 20554

             Dear Ms. Smothers:

                   I am enclosing five copies of the 214 application that we filed on behalf of Northvoice
             Communications (USA) Inc. on January 27. If you have any questions please feel free to call
             me at (202) 662—8476.

                                                                               Very truly yours,

                                                                              Sharon D. Agranov
                                                                              Telecommunications Specialist/
                                                                              Legal Assistant



                       1735 NEW YORK AVENUE NW, SUITE 500        WASHINGTON, DC 20006—5209        TEL: {202} 628—1700       FAX: {202} 331—1024
               Anchorage   Coeur d‘Alene   Hong Kong   Los Angeles   Orange County   Palo Alto   Portland   San Francisco   Seattle   Spokane   Washington, DC

        INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                    APPRovVEN rYy oug
     BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                      REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                  |       £    vist 3°
 1 Locksox #___            358115                                                        EP 14                JAN £
                                           name          as   appears on vour
  Northvoice Comunications                                          (USA) Inc                                            780.00
I Suite 218 —
KG) stReet aooress uie no. 2
[12120 Vanier P
                                                                                                                         V6V 232
   DAY Th+cuermuNE NUMBER
      (604) 871—0887
                                                  name         as   appears on your
 PAYER TIN                             0                                                              APPLICANT TIN          0
                                                                                      Certifyunderpenaltyofperjurythatthefgregongnrjsuppofling information
                                 (PRINT NAME)                                                                       rencdE
       truye and correct to the best of my knowledae. infomation and belief.                                   SIGNATURE_L___——
                     haraby authoriza the FCC to charae my VISA or MASTERCARD
                          sorvice(sYauthorizations(s) herein described.

                                         Before the
                        FEDER iL C DMMUNICATIONS COXN [MIS sIOT
                                   Washington, D.C. 20:554

In the latter of

                                                 N/ NNN N NV NV NV NV N/
NorthV »ice ( omn unications USA ) Inc.
                                                                           File Mo. IT\ :—214 200( 11__
Applic: on ] or G. abal Authc ‘ity
Pursuai t to 5 sctior 214 of the
Commi nicat ons £ ct of 1934 as
Amend «d, to Oper ite as an
Interna onal ~acilties—Based ind
Resale Carric?

                                            A PPL CATION

         Nortt Voice Communi satior s (US A) In :. (the "Applican ) he eby sque: ts global

authort 7, pu suani to Section 214 c ‘the Comn unications Act c ?193 + as ; menc 2d, 45 U.S.C. §

214, an | See ion 6).18 of the Zomu iissic 1‘s R iles, 47 C.F.R. §03.18 to p1 »wvide international

telecon muni :atior s services | etwe :n the Unit: d States and var: jus i1 terng ional points on a

facilitic : and resale basis.

L        3AC {GR JUND
         The ¢ pplic int is a cor »orati n or; anize 1 and existing ut der t! e lav s of t ie State of

Washir ston. The \pplicant i. a wolly— wnec subsidiary of NorthV »ice ( ommunications Inc.

("NorthVoioc"), a British Virfin Is! inds company headquartered in Canad: and majority owned

and operated by citizens of Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Canada and the United States, all of

which are WTO—member countries.

         NorthVoice is building a global Voice Over Internet Protocol network using state—of—

the—art technologies, including Internet Protocol, Frame Relay and ATM technologies, to provide

low cost long distance, Internet, wireless datacast and other telecommunications products and

     services to residential and business customers. To date, the NorthVcice ne twork has points of

     prese:ace ("POPs") in Hong Kong and Vancouver, B.C., Canadi and, by th : end of the first

     qusarter 2000, will encompass 68 to 80 cities it. three continents, incliding 17 m;jor cities in the

     United States assuming timely grant of tiis Applica ion.

             As discussed more fully be‘ow, i1 conjunction with its netwo k, NorthVoice is affili ited

     with a start—up entity that is authorized to provide international telece mmu 1ications services in

     Hong Kong. However, to the estent thai this entity is deemed i fore gn ca Tier viithin the

     Comumnission‘s Rules, it does not possess mark :t povier in its home ix arket. Thu:, the Applicant‘s

     s Fffilistion with this cartier ra‘ses no com petitive issi1es.

             Consistent with the Commission s pol: cy goals to promote efi fectiv : competition in the

     market for international telecommunications services," grint of this . wpplication will facilitate the

     entry of a new facilities—based and resale: carrier in this market. Acerding ly, grint of this

     Application is in the public interest.


             Pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.] .R. §03.18, the Applic:nt

     submits the following information in support of this Application:

             (a)      The name, address and telephone number of the Applicant ire:

                              NorthVoice Communications (USA) Inc.
                              Suite 218—13120 Vanier Place
                              Richmond, B.C., Canada V6V 2J2
                              Phone: 604—871—0887

                              Fax: 604—871—0889
                                                                                                  * f

     ‘ Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Matter ofRules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S.
     Telecommunications Market, 12 FCC Red 7847 €4 (1997) ("Foreign Participation Order"); Report and Order,
     Matter ofMarket Entry and Regulation ofForeign—Affiliated Entities, 11 FCC Red 3873, 3877 (1995). .

             (cD)     The Applica it is : corpuratio i organizec. and existing under the laws of the State

     of Washing ton.

             (c)      Corresponde ncee r gardi ag thi s Application shnuld be addressed to:

                               Ken:t eth K wan
                               Chie ‘Exe utive Offic :r
                               Nort iVoic    : Cor imun cationis (USA) I1 c.
                               Suite 218—    312( Vani »r Plaze
                               Rich nond      B.C. Can: da V V 2J2
                               Phor e: 60—   —871— 0887
                               Fax: 60       —871—0889

                               with copie ; to:

                               Martin L.     itern
                               Lisa L. Fri   sdlan ler
                               Presion G:    tes Elis & Rouv slas Meeds LLP
                               1735 New      York Ave.. N.W , Suite 500
                               Wasiingtc     n, D.(3. 20( 06
                               Phor e: 20;   —628: 1700
                               Fax: 202—     31—1( 24

             (d)      The Applicaat ha: not rrevio isly r:ceived aut i0rity under Section 214 of the

     Communications ict.

             (e)      The Applicant he »by roequess fow types of aithority, all of which are

     eligible for stream ined processi1 g.2 S pecifi sally, the.Applic int requests (1) global facilities—

     based authcrity pu ‘suant to Secti n 63.18(e) 1) of the Comm—.ssion‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §

     63.18(e)(1), to acquire interests in United States authorized facilities and necessary connecting

     facilities, and non—U.S. licensed undersea cable systems, to provide international


      See Report and Order, Matter of 1998 Biennial Regulatory Review—Review ofInternational Common Carrier
     Regulations, FCC 99—51, IB Docket No. 98—118 (rel. Mar. 23, 1999) ("Biennial Review Report and
     Order")(reducing waiting period for granting streamlined applications from 35 to 14 days and expanding class of
     applications eligible for streamlined processing); Report and Order, Matter ofStreamlining the International Section
     214 Authorization Process and TariffRequirements, 11 FCC Red 12884 (1996) (adopting streamlined processing
     procedures for certain international resale applications)( "Streamlining Order"); 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 (1996); see also
     Foreign Participation Order at 4 21, 322—29.

telecommunications services between the United States and all international points except those

countries excluded by the Exclusion List for facilities—based services; (2) global authority

pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), to resell the

international switched services of all United States—authorized carriers, other than those affiliated

carriers with market power on a particular route, to provide international switched services

between the United States and all international points served by those carriers; (3) global

authority pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), to

resell international private lines to provide international non—interconnected private lines services

between the United States and all international points; and (4) authority pursuant to Section

63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), to resell international private

lines interconnected to the public switched network ("PSN") at one or both ends to provide

international switched services on all international routes on which the Commission permits such

services to be provided." The Applicant certifies thatit will comply with the terms and

conditions contained in Sections 63.21 through 63.23 of the Commission‘s Rules, as applicable.

See 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.21—63.23.

        (£)    > The Applicant seeks no other authorization available under Section 63.18(e) at

this time.

        (g)       The authority requested in this Application is categorically excluded from

environmental processing as defined by Section 1.1306 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §

1.1306. As such, an environmental assessment is not required for purposes of this Application.

* The FCC will automatically amend all Section 214 authorizations to permit carriers to resell international private
lines to provide international switched services between the United States and other countries as the provision of
such services becomes permitted by the Commission. See Streamlining Order ( 34; Public Notice, Commencement
ofStreamlined Section 214 Procedures and TariffRequirements, 11 FCC Red 12219, 12221—22 (1996).

             b)      Ext ibit A attached hereto contains the relev ant Section 63.1i3(h) inform: tion. As

     stated i i Exh bit A , the Applicant is a wholly—o wned subsi liary of NorthVoice, a British Vir. zin

     Islands somp imy. With the ex ception of certainily co nmot ly—owned entities, the Appli sant

     certifie: that t does not have iny in erlocking cirectcrates with i: foreign carrier. See 47 C.F R. §


             1)      The Applicant, as a vwholly own»d incirect : ubsiciary of No1thVoice, is affilisted,

     within the me aning of 4"" C.F.R. § €3.09(2), wih a H ong k ong joreigna carrier. Floweyv 2r, this

     carrier‘s a stiirt—up entity that lacks 50 percent narket shar : in the international transpc rt anc

     local ac sess marke s in Hong Cong, and thus is prest mptiv ely considered non—deminai t, raising

     no com »etitive or j oreig: 1 affiliation concerns. See 47 C.F R § 63.10(a)(3); TeleBermula Int‘l,

     LLC, D 4A 99—1930 (rel. Oct. 29, 1999).

             J), (k), (1), (m)        Not a»plicable.

             )       The Applicant sertifies that it hss not agreel and will not agree in the ft ture to

     accept ; ny di ‘ect 0 : indi—ect special concessions, as c efinel in the Commission‘s Rule: , froni a

     foreign carrier or administration with regard to traffi: or re venu«: flows on any U.S. int »rnati »nal

     route w rere t 1e foreign carrier poss »sses sufficient n arket power on the foreign end of the route

     to effec : com »etition adversely in th e U.S. mar cet.

             (0)     The Applicant certifies that no ; arty t > this Application has been deniec. federal

     benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

             (p)     The Applicant is eligible for global authority and streamlined processing of its

     Application pursuant to Sections 63.10 and 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules. S:ze 47 C.F.R. §§

     63.10, 63.12. Although the Applicant is affiliated with a Hong Kong foreign carrier, this carrier

     is a start—up entity that does not possess market power in its home market, and therefore the

          Applicant is presumptively considered non—dominant under the Commission‘s Rules.

          Accordingly, the Applicant, as a non—dominant carrier, is eligible for global Section 214

          authority and streamlined processing in every destination market it intends to serve. See 47

          CFR. §§ 63.10(4)(3); 63.12(0)(1)(Gi)."


                  As noted above, the Applicant is 100% owned by a company incorporated under the laws

          of the British Virgin Islands ("BVI"), whichis not a WTO—member country." Consequently,

          under the Foreign Participation Order, the Commission may apply- én;.f-fective competitive

          opportunities ("ECO") analysis as partof its public interest inquiryif the applicant is a foreign

          carrier or is affiliated with a foreign carrier that has market power in the destination markets

          Applicant intends to serve. Foreign Participation Order 128. As certified herein pursuant to

          Section 63.18(i) of the Commission‘s rules, Applicant is not itself a foreign carrier, nor is it

          affiliated with any foreign carriers that possess market power in their home markets and,

          therefore, the ECO test is not applicable here.©

                  Furthermore, even if it determines that the ECO test may be applicable in this instance,

          the Commissi?on should find that because NorthVoice‘s "home market" is in Canadaand other

          WTO—member countries, the ECO test need not be applied. Indeed, the Commission has held

          that, in general, an entity‘s "home market" is deemed to be the country in which the applicant has
    w 4

          * Furthermore, as stated by the Commission in its Order establishing streamlined processing for Section 214
          authority, foreign—affiliated U.S. carriers should be treated no differently than non—affiliated U.S.—carriers to the
          extend that the foreign carrier does not possess market power on the routes served. See Streamlining Order at J 12.
          * The BVI is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom. The BVI is not itself a signatory to the WTO Agreement,
          and the Embassy of the United Kingdom confirmed that the BVI is not a WTO—member through its status as a UK
          © In granting the transfer of a submarine cable landing license to an applicant 100% owned by a Bermuda (non—WTO
          member country) company, the Commission held that no ECO test was required as the applicant was not a foreign
          carrier nor was it affiliated with a foreign carrier that had market power in the destination market of the cable. See

its "principal »lace of business," which in this case is Canada an d Ho: g Kong, both W [O—

meriber scuririzs." See Foreign Participation Order 116. Accorc ingly there is no reasc n to

app y he EC) est here.

        Finall ;, grant of this Application would provide substanial be nefits to th: glot al

tele soint w nicaiions market by facilitating the entry of a new favilitie —base d and resal : carr er.

As notec, o tk Voice is constructing an advanced VOIP netwo: k usi ig sta e—of— :he—ar .

teck nclo zics in 1 is planning to provide a variety of telecommut icatic ns product; and iervic :s to

resi lertial an 1 Dusingss customers, including low cost long dist ince ; hid—In ernet services. Ly

the nicf he fi:st quarter 2000, NorthVoice‘s network is plannd to : ncon pass 58 to 30 cit es in

thre : cor tiie its, including 17 major cities in the United States.

        £ ccor di igly, the facts presented herein demonstrate that App! cant‘ ; ownershif struc ture

doe : not raise a 1y ptblic interest concerns, and grant of this Ap»licat on is sonsistent vith tie

Cor in is sicn‘ ; public interest goal of promoting global telecomt 1unic itions competitic a.

TeleBermuda International, LLC, at §« 8—9. The Commission should reach the same conclusion fere as the analysis
for Section 214 applications is analogous. See Foreign Participation Order 130.
‘ NorthVoice has its headquarters and main sales office in Canada, with an additional office in Hong Kong.
NorthVoice conducts the majority of its business from these offices, and they serve as the place of employment for
NorthVoice‘s 86 employees. NorthVoice has also established POPs and retail outlets in Canada and Hong Kong.
Accordingly, the majority of NorthVoice‘s tangible property is located in WTO—member countries, and the majority
of NorthVoice‘s revenues are derived from sales to customers in WTO—member countries.
® In addition, while the Applicant‘s parent company is incorporated in the BVI, NorthVoice is majority owned by a
citizen of Malaysia, which is a WTO—member country.                                                    o


       The Applicant is legally, financially, and technically qualified to provide the services for

which it requests authority. For the reasons stated above, the Applicant submits that the public

interest, convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214


                                              Respectfully submitted, ——

                                              NorthVoice Communications (USA) Inc.


                                                      Kenneth Kwan
                                                      Chief Executive Officer
                                                      NorthVoice Communications (USA) Inc.
                                                      Suite 218 — 13120 Vanier Place
                                                      Richmond, BC, Canada
                                                      V6V 202

Dated: January 21, 2000                                                           sauf

                                          EXHIBIT A

                      Informaiion Submitted Pursuant to Section6:3.18(I)

       Th nam ;, adciress, citizenship and prin :ipal business of the Applic int‘s 10% 0| greater

shareholde is as follows:

Sharehold: r Nat ie/Address                  % Teld          Citizenship     Principal Bi siness

NorthVoic : Cor munications Inc.              1(0            British Virgin Telecommu iications
("NorthVo ce")                                               Islands
Suite 201— 38 V est Broadway Street
Vancouve B.C , Canada VS5Y 3X2

       Th nam ;, address, citizenship and prin :ipal business of NorthVoic«‘s 10% or ; reater

shareholde : is as follows:

Sharehold: r Nat i1e/Address                 % Teld          Citizenship     Principal Bi siness

Canbridge (nves ments Ltd.                    1(0            British Virgin Holding Co npany
("Canbrid; 2")                                               Islands
Commerce Chat ibers
Road Tow |
Tortola, B: itish /irgin Islands

       Th nam ;, address, citizenship and prir :ipal business of Canb:ridge's 10% or g1 :sater

shareholde : is a: follows:

Shareholder Name/Address                      YoHeld         Citizenship     Principal Business

Ms. Liaw Yueh Hwa                             100            Malaysia        Management Investor
Suite 2101 —1009
Expo Boulevard                                                                    1
Vancouver, B.C., Canada                                                               f

        With the exception of certain commonly—owned entities, the Applicant does not have

interlocking directorates as that term is defined in Section 62.2 of the Commission‘s Rules. See

47 C.F.R. § 62.2.

                               CERTIFICATION OF APPLICZ/NT

       NorttVoice Communications (USA) Inc. certifies that it is not subject to :: denial of

Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti— DPrug Abuse: Act

of 1988, nor does it have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier. NoithVo:ce

Communications (USA) Inc. certifies, as set forth more fully in ‘he fo :egoing Ap jlicat on, tat it

is affiliated with a foreign carrier that is authorized to provide ir ternational telecc mmu riications

services in Hong Kong. NorthVoice Communications (USA) Irc. cer ifies hat it does not seek

to provide international telecommunications services to any desiinaticnrn—country foar which any of

the statements contained in Section 63.18(j) are true. NorthVoice Commmurications (USA) Inc.

has not agreed to accept nor shall it accept in the future any special concessions, is defined ty

the Commission‘s Rules, directly or indirectly ‘rom any foreign carrier or a dministration with

respect to traffic or revenue: flows on any U.S. ‘nternational route where the foreizn carier

possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end of the route to a‘fect competition adversely

in the U.S. market.

              >                                 NorthVoice Comn unications USA ) Inc.

                                                        Kenneth Kwan
                                                        Chief Executive Officer
                                                        NorthVoice Communications (USA) Inc.
                                                         Suite 218 — 13120 Vanierx Place
                                                        ‘Richmond, BC, Canada          +
                                                         vVéV 202

Dated: January 21, 2000

BERRY BEST COURIERS, LTD.                                                                                                  P 24622
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Document Created: 2019-04-20 11:33:17
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