Attachment 20161220153754-503.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000127-00050 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                          rvices      for 214 Applications
  (@                          L     ERVICE
  C                               TIES—BASED SERVICE
* 3

                              LITIES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
                                  —BASED SERVICE
  (m                    ILE       SATELLITE SERVICE

                                                     .                       2000
                                    Before the
                                       Washington D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

iChinaGlobal.Com, Inc. Application for Authority
Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications                    Fil : Mlo. LT.C —0)—__
Act of 1934, as Amended, for Global Authority tc
Operate as an International Facilities—Based and
Resale Carrier

                                            APPLEK ATION

        iChinaGlobal.Com, Inc. ("iChinaGlobal.C »m"), by its att ar: ieys, hereby re juests authority
pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications A ct of 1934, as im »nded, 4 U S.¢ . § 21« (1982), and
Section 63.18 of the Commnuission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R §63.18, to prc vice global nt »rr ationsl fuicilities—
based and resale services between the United States and internati »n U goints. Crait of t us
application serves the public interest, convenience and necessity secause it will nc—ease consumer
choice and foster competition in international tele ommunication is : ermices.

        iChinaGlobal.Com is a new U.S. corporati n organized t p rovide in:er aat ional
telecommunications services to business customer ; within the U:it d States. iChi iaGlo»a .Com has
no foreign affiliations and presently provides no te lecommunicat or s s »rvices d J estica ly or

                                       Section 63.1{ Declaration

        The following information is submitted, as required by S« ct: on 63.18 of th: Comm ssion‘s
Rules, in support of request for authorization:

(a)     iChinaGlobal.Com, Inc.
        225 S. Lake Avenue
        Suite 300
        Pasadena, CA 91101

(b)     iChinaGlobal.Com is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware.

        Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

        Felix F.ocriguez                                         Glenn Manishin
        iChinaGlobal.Com, Inc.                                   Patton Boggs LLP
        225 S. Lake Avenue                                       8484 W estpark Drive
        Suite 300                                                McLean, VA 22102
        Pasadena, CA 91101                                       703.74+.8000

        iChinaGlobal.Com has rever applied far or received quthority under S sction 214 cf the
        Communications Ac..

        iChinaGlobal.Com requests authoriy to provide global facilities—based and resale service
        pursuant to Section 2 14 of the C ar munications Act and Sect on 63.15 (e)(1) and (c)(2) of t 1e
        (Commission‘s Rules.

        At this time, iChinaC—lo/sal.Com seeks 10 other authorization imnder Section ©3.18(e).

        This section is not af plicable to :Ct ins Global.Com.

       iChinaGlobal.Com certifies that .t is not affiliated with any foreign or UJ.S. facilities—based

       The following persons control ten percent or more of iChinaGlobal.Com:

       John Lee
       iChinaGlobal.Com, Inc.
       225 S. Lake Avenue                                                                        /}' T _
       Suite 300                                                                                 l4 "
       Pasadena, CA 91101                                                                          [ |
       iChinaGlobal.Com certifies that :t has 10t agreed and will not agree in the future to accept
       «ny direct or indirect sp:cial convessio:ns from a foreign carrier or administration with
       regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any foreign countries the
       company is authorized to serve.

       iChinaGlobal.Com certifies that no party to this application has been denied federal benefits
       pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.


       In conclusion, iChinaGlobal.Com certifies that all of the information in this application is
accurate and correct.

        For these reasons, iChinaGlobal.Com respectfully requests that the Commission grant this

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                     iChinaGlobal.   Com, Inc.

                     By: %47A‘-—:—
                         Raymond K. Thu
                         Chief Operating Officer
                         225 S. Lake Avenue
                         Suite 300
                         Pasadena, CA 91101

Date:   //‘2 7/‘79

02/11/2000 14:56 FAX 703 744 8001                                         PATTON BOGGS                                                                  W oo1

                                                                                                                           Mirth Flon
                                                                                                                           8484 Westpark Drive

                                                                                                                           McLean, Virginia 22102
   ATIORHEYTE Al LAW                                                                                                       703—744—8000

                                                                                                                           Facsimile 703—744—8001

                                                   To:                          Fran Eisenstein
                                                   Company:                     FCCG

                                                   Fax Number:                  (202) 418—2824

                                                   Phone Number:

                                                   Total Pages
                                                       Including Cover:         7
                                                   From:                        Fllen Pray
                                                   Sender‘s Direct Line: 703—744—8068
                                                   Date:                        February 11, 2000
                                                   Client Number:               11637.101

                                                   Comments:                   RE:, iInc. — Sec. 214 Application
                                                   Ms. Eisenstein: On behalf of Stephanie Joyce, please indicate on the application
                               ANCHORAGE           that John Lee is a citizen of the United States.


                     NORTHERN VIRGIMIA

                       WASHINGTON, D.C.

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Document Created: 2019-04-16 02:26:59
Document Modified: 2019-04-16 02:26:59

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