Attachment 20161229133931-557.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000121-00041 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   for 214   Applications
                                    s treamline
o                             —BASED SERVICE
sale]                          PROJECT
s3                        SRVICE
    Description of Application:

                          FisHER          WayLanNDp COooOPER LEADER &ZZARARQ.Q,ZQ‘FL.'IL.FD.
                                                2001 PENNSyLvaNia AvENUE, N.W ~/iGEf [ (H                     fAA
                                                                                                       °       M 55     A
                                                                     Suite 400                               vAINN 2 1 ./_;fiqU

                                                            WasHincton,   D.C.   20006—185|1
                                                             TELEPHONE    (202) 659—3494

GLENN    S.   RICHARDS                                                                                         FACSsIMILE

 t2021   77585—56758                                                                                       (202)    296—65 18

                                                                 January 21, 2000

                                                                                                           http: //

    Ms. Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
    Federal Communications Commission
    The Portals
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

                           Re:        Intelliswitch, Inc.
                                      Section 214 Application for Authority to Operate as an
                                      International Facilities—Based and Resale Carrier

    Dear Ms. Salas:

            On behalf of Intelliswitch, Inc., we hereby submit for filing an original and five copies of a
    Section 214 Application for authority to operate as an international facilities—based and resale carrier
    for the purpose of providing switched, private line, data, and business services between the United
    States and all foreign points permitted by the Commission.

               Pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, Intelliswitch, Inc. requests streamlined
    processing of the enclosed Application.

               An FCC Form 159 and a $780.00 check to cover the required filing fee are attached hereto.

               Please refer all questions and correspondence regarding this filing directly to the undersigned.

                                                                     Very truly yours,

                                                                    fiiQu; (flw{//—
                                                                     Glenn S. Richards
                                                                     Counsel for Intelliswitch, Inc.



                                     3BEFORE THE
                         FEDERAL COMMUNJICATIONS CON [MIS sION
                                   WASHIINGTON, DC

In the Matter of

Intelliswitch, Inc.

                                                          N/ N/ NN Nz Nz N >
Application purst ant to Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as arnended,                                       File No. T °C—9S —
for global authori;y to operate as an internatior al
facilities—based ar d as a resale carrier in the
provision of switched, private line, data and
business services


           Intelliswitch, Inc., ("Applicant") pursus nt to Section 214 of the Com munivations Act of

1934, as amendec, and Section 63.18 of the Coemmission‘s Rule: , here by rejuests global

authority to operate as an international facilitie s—based cart ier an 1 as a resale carri ‘r in the

provision of switched, private line, data, and business serv ces bitweei the Unitec States and all

foreign points permitted by the Commission. «is discussec belo‘v, this applicatior is eligible for

streamlined processing.

        Pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rulss, Ajpplicaut submits t 1e following


        (a)       The name of the applicant is:

                  Intelliswitch, Inc.
                  120 S. Olive Avenue, Suite 502
                  West Palm Beach, FL 33401

        (b)       Applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of



        (c)       Corre ;pond :nce concerning this applicat on sh juld t‘e addressed to the following:

                  Stevei M. I riedn an
                  Vice ) ‘resid :nt
                  [ntelli switc)i, Inc.
                  120 S Oliv : Ave:mue, Suite 592
                  West ‘alm 3each, FL 33401
                  ‘561) $32—4 340 (phone)
                  (561) 550—0 323 (fax)

                  With :: copy to Applicant‘s aitorne:

                  Flenn S. Ri shards
              _   _"ishe Way and C ooper Leader & Zlarage za, L _P
                  2001 ‘enns AAvania Ave., NW — Suite 400C
                  Wash: ngtor , DC 20006
                  202) 775—5 5378 (phone)
                  202) 296—6 518 (fax)

        (d)       Applicant h is not previously received awhority under Section 2 4 of the Act.

        (e—       Applicant is herety requestinz Section 2. 4 autiority to op :rate ; s a facilities—

based car ier pursuarn to Suction 63.18(e)(1) of th: Com missin‘s F ules. Appl cant hereby

states thai it wi l corm ply w th the: terms and sondiiions s st for h in Section 63.1 3(e)(1)(ii) of the

Commiss on‘s Rules and v ill no: provide se vices to an cour try or. the Comu ission‘s exclusion

list. Under Section 63.10 cf the Commission‘s Rules, A pplic: nt quiifies as a 1 on—dominant

carrier an 1 would prc vide : ervices to all international pc ints for which it qualifies for non—

dominant regulation. See Section 63.18(e)(ii)(A) of the Commission‘s Rules.

        Applicant is also requesting authority, pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the

Commission‘s Rules, to resell the international services of all authorized U.S. common carriers

pursuant to those carriers‘ tariffs and contracts on file with the Commission. Applicant hereby

states that it will comply with the terms and conditions set forth in Section 63.18(e)(2)(ii) of the

Commission‘s Rules. Applicant is not affiliated with any U.S. carriers regulated as dominant on

the routes to be served.

                                                   — 3.

        As a facilities—based carrier and as a resale carrier, Applicant will provide ntern itional

basic :switcl ed, private line, data, and business services to all international points »ermi ted by

the Commis sion.

        (£)     Ar plicant seeks authority to provide only services referenced unde : para ;raph (e)

of Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules.

        (g)     Ths authority requesited in this gpplication is catezorically ex lude fron

environmen al processing as defined by Section 1.306 of the Comnmission‘s Rules

        (b)     Ar plicart cert:fies that it is not affiliated with any U.S. carrier who se fac ilities

based servic 2s it proposes to resell, nor is it aff liated with any foreign carriers. Piursuar t to

Section 63.18(h)(?) of the Commission‘s Rules, the following information is prov ded r :garding

the ter. perc: nt or greater stockholdsrs of Applicant.

                                Daivid Dragion (34 percent)
                            L<— Citizenship: USA
                                Pr.ncipal Business: Telecommunications

                             ___Roger Wozniak III (29.75 percent)
                             ~ Citizenship: USA              f
                                Principal Business: Telecommunications

                               _.Daniel Wolfson (12.75 percent)
                           \/ Citizenship: USA
                                Principal Business: Telecommunications

                                Wynderest Intelliswitch Holdings, LLC (15 percent) _
                             ~~Citizenship: USA (incorporated in Florida)
                                Principal Business: Telecommunications
                                The controlling member of Wynderest Intelliswitch Holdings, LLC
                                is John Textor, a U.S. citizen

        (i)     Pursuant to Section 63.18(i) of the Commission‘s Rules, Applicant certifies that it

has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with

respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign carrier possesses sufficient market

                                                   — 4.

power on the foreign end of the route to affect competition adversely in the J.S. riarke and will

not enter into such agreements in the future.

        0       Pursuant to Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, A»plics nt

attaches to this application a certificate stating that no party to this application is subjec : to a

denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988

        (k)     Applicant is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in a destination market, : s not

affiliated with a dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line: serv ces it

seeks authority to resell, and does not seek authority to provide switched basic services aver

private lines to a country for which the Commission has not previously authorized the ¢ rovisi n

of switched services over private lines. Accordingly, Applicant is eligible for stre amlin »d

processing pursuant to Section 63.12.

                                    SECTION 1.2001 CERTIFICATION

              On behalf of Intelliswitch and in accordance with Sections 1.2001—1.2003 of the

      Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§1.2001—1.2003, I herebycertify that neither Applicant nor any

      party to this Application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits

      pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).


                                                    Steven M. Fredman
                                                    Vice President
                                                    Intelliswitch, Inc.
                                                    120 S. Olive Avenue, Suite 502
                                                    West Palm Beach, FL 33401
                                                    (561) §32—4840 (phone)
                                                    (561) 650—0823 (fax)

     Dated: //LO/ 20


2d Wd9Z2‘:PD@ PPRZ D2 ‘Uer              E280@ @S9 T9S :   ‘ON SNOHd                   INI ‘HDLIMSITMOI9LNI : WONJ



              A grant of this application will serve tlie public interest because it will promote

      competition in the provision of international t:leconimunications services and thereby advance

      the goals of the Commission‘s international telecommunications policies. Accordingly, for the

      reasons stated above, it is respectfully requestd that the Commission grant the foregoing


                                                     R espectfully submitted,


                                                    Vice President
                                                    Intelliswitch, Inc.
                                                    120 S. Olive Avenus, Suite 502
                                                    West Palm Beach, FL 53401
                                                    (561) $32—4840 (phone)
                                                    (561) 650—0823 (fax)

      Glenn S. Richards
      Fisher Wayland Cooper Leader & Zaragoza, LLP
      2001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW — Suite 400
      Washington, DC 20006
      (202) 775—5678 (phone)
      (202) 296—6518 (fax)

      Its Attorney

      Dated: 1/2/22

Ed Wd2eZ2:p0 PPdZ PZ2   "‘Uuer         €280 @S9 T9S :     "‘ON TNOHd                   JNI ‘HOLIMSI77YLNT   : WOJdJ

 READ INSTRUCTIONS CAFEFULLY                                                                                                                                                    APPROVED BY OMB 3060—0589
       BEFOFRE PROCEEDING                                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                 M                                         +                        $ °ECIAL JSE
                                                                                    REMITTANCE ADVICE
                            g                                                                   Fige ho            1      or 1                                      F 3C USE DNLY
 (1)Lockscex# 358145                                                                                 $       -

                                                                        I                 SECTION A — PAYEF INFORMAT ON
     (2) PAYER NAME (if paying by crec t card, enter name exactly as it appears on your ciird)                                                                (3) TO ‘AL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and cents)                                                                                                                                           $                                            180.(‘0_
     c/o Glenn §.                        Richards,                     }Fisher Wayland Cooper lLeader & Zaragoza L.L.P.
2001 Pennsylviinia Avenue, N.W.,                                                                 Suite 400
(6) CITY                                                                                                          (7) STATE                                   (8) ZIF CODE

Washingt on                                                             C                                         P.C:.                                           2006                                            Ce
     (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUVBE R (Include area code)                                                           (10) COIJNTRY CODE (if 10t in U.S.A.)
     {202)           Ge8—:489
                                     IFLAYER NAME AND — HE APPLICANT NAME ARE DIFFiz RENT, COMPL :TE SECTION B
                                        _IF MORE THAN| O| JE APPLICANT, USE C:ONTINUATION SHEETS [FORM 159—C)
2                                    5                                  [           _sEctioN B — APPLICANT INFORMATION                                    |       ww«                                      non omm mm mmmee
(1—1 APPLICANT NAME (if payira_by- credit card, enter name e>actly as it appears on your card)



[a:; onvy                            uonl                                                                        (15) STATE                                   (i6) 2i ‘ CopE                                 65

[(17 . DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUIJBI R (Inc 1de area coce)                                                            (18) CC UNTRY CODE (if not in U.5.A)                                                        3o

[     SECT 0 \                              C | |‘OR     EACGH
                                                            SER/ICE, IF MCIRE BOXES; ARE NEEIJED, USE (C:O|NT NUATION SHEETS (FORM 15:)—¢ |
                                                                                    SECTION C — PAYMENNT INFORMATION                                      [_
(19A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER I()                   OA)PAYME TT
                                                         IvF E CtiDE (PTG)                       _| (21A) QUANTITY              (22A) FEZ DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLC 3K 20A FCC USE ONLY
                                                                _[3                                                        1 |s                           780 00
(2 !A) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                      (24A) FCC CODE

(198) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                    ( TYFff
                                                  0B) PAYMENT iDE (PTC)                          _| (218) quantiry              (228) FEZ DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLC 3K 208 FCC USE ONLY
(2 iB) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                      (24B) FCC CODE ::

(1‘!C) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                   OC)
                                                 PAYMENT TYFE CODE (PTC)                         _| (21C)QUANTITY               (220) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLC K 20C FCC USE ONLY
(2 1C) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                      (24C) FCC CODE 2

(19D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                    (: 0D) PAYNIENT TYFEE CODE (PTC)                         (21D) QUANTITY         (22D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLC K 20D FCC USE ONLY

                                                                        L            _|                                         s
[(23D) Fcc copE 1                                                                                                      (24D) FCC CODE 2

                                                     SECTION D — TAXPAYER INFORMATION (REQUIRED)
(25)                                                                                                                   (26) COMPLETE THIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICANT NAME IN B—11 IS DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAME IN A—2)

PAYER TIN                                0|s|s|o|s|4a |s|3|4 |s                                                        |APPLICANT TIN                               |0
                                                                                              SECTION E — CERTIFICATION                                   I
I,                                                                                  , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                   (PRINT NAME)
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief. SIGNATURE
                                    I    SECTION F — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
C8)                               MASTERCARDNISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                                    EXPIRATION DATE:
                                                                                                                                                                        MONTH YEAR
           vies        I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD              AUIHORIEED SICNATURE                                                        DaATE
                       for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein described.              D
                                                                SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                             FCC FORM 159           JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-22 01:02:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-22 01:02:37

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