Attachment 20161229140500-127.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000118-00047 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


         _Categories of Services for 214 Applications
                          i             Tin

                   BAL RESALE SERVICE
i9      PRIVATE
/6      MOBILE
w       SPECIAL
e       RESALE
~@      OF
y       CABLE
  Description of Application:

                                                                          japy 18 zy

                                      Before the
                             Washington, D.C. 2055 I

In the Matter of

U. S. Bell, Corp.
                                                         File No

Application for Authorization Pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1934, as Amended, to Operate as a Reseller of
International Telecommunications Services
Pursuant to a Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity.

                               APPLICATION OF
                              U. S. BELL, CORP.
                     FOR SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION AND
                           CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC
                        CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY

                                                   William Brzycki
                                                   U. S. Bell, Corp.
                                                   8380 Louisiana St.
                                                   Merrillville, Indiana 46410

                                         Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

U. S. Bell, Corp.
                                                         File No

Application for Authorization Pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1934, as Amended, to Operate as a Reseller of
International Telecommunications Services
Pursuant to a Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity.


       Pursuant to Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, U. S. Bell,

Corp. ('Ag%cant” or "USB"), a Nevada corporation, hereby requests authority to operate

 S   reic_llyf/i ternational telecommunications services. USB is a corporation formed

for the primary purpose of establishing a telecommunications business through the resale

of services offered by other carriers.

In support of this Application, the following information is s1

I.   Public Interest Considerations

     The market for interexchange telecommunications services                 to be dominated

by AT&T Communications. Directly related to that dominance                    aies of scale and

scope realized by AT&T which cannot be achieved by other in                    carriers. In the

face of such economies favoring the dominant carrier and the                   establish viable

competition in the interexchange telecommunications market, i1                 that the Federal

_Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission") enec                       et entry by non—

dominant carriers seeking success in the interexchange markt                  sarticularly true

in the instant case where USB intends to offer a competitively 1              ‘xchange service

for its customers while providing high quality customer servi

     Over the past several years, the Commission has seen graf                e of cost—driven

pressure on carriers endeavoring to maintain a viable position i              «change market,

in competition with AT&T, through multiple consolidations of formerly independent

interexchange carriers.

     In this environment of scope/scale economies and cost—driven consolidations, USB

believes   that   the   entrance   of new   carriers   into   the   market   for   international

telecommunications is essential to the maintenance of a viable competitive interexchange

telecommunications market.

    Keanan Kintzel, President of U. S. Bell, Corp., has a broad based background in

financial , human resources, and regulatory affairs. Mr. Kintzel has directed a long

distance sales agency that marketed for other long distance resellers. He has also served

as Vice President of Operations for a Telecommunications services company servicing

customers nationwide. Mr. Kintzel is a graduate of Arizona State University with a degree

in aeronautical engineering.

    George Vasquez is Vice President of Operations. Mr. Vasquez has experience in

managing long distance customer service and provisioning.        Mr. Vasquez has also

managed quality control departments for several firms.

    The management and operations expertise of the USB team will enable USB to begin

offering competitive high—quality service immediately upon the grant of the authority

requested herein. Thus, Commission grant of this Application will significantly serve the

public interest through enbhanced competition in the market for interexchange

telecommunications services through the addition of a well managed new entrant into the


II. ECC Authority Sought

    The Applicant requests such authority as may be required under Title II of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, specifically Section 214 of the Act and Part 63

of the Commission‘s Rules, respecting issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and


Necessity to USB for the resale of telecommunications services between the United States

on the one hand and those international points listed in USB‘s Tariff designated FCC No.

1 on the other hand. Accordingly, USB will hereafter address the criteria established by

the Commission‘s Rules for approval of such a request.

    To address the specific criteria established by Part 63 of the Commission‘s Rules for

approval of the international authorization requested, the Applicant hereafter submits the

information required by Section 63.01 of those Rules. USB notes that this Section 63.01

information is limited to the provision of international telecommunications services.

III. Section 63.01 Information

    (a)    Name and address of the applicant:

           U. S. Bell, Corp.
           8380 Louisiana Street
           Merrillville, Indiana 46410
           (219) 794—1311

    (b)    USB is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nevada.

    (c)    Correspondence or communications concerning this Application should be

           directed to:

           William Brzycki, Vice President of Corporate Affairs
           U. S. Bell, Corp.
           8380 Louisiana Street
           Merrillville, Indiana 46410
           (219) 794—1311


(d)   Applicant will become a carrier subject to Section 214 of the Act as a result of

      the transaction described herein.

(e)   This Application is solely addressed to the provision of resale of international

      telecommunications services, hence, no facilities changes are contemplated and

      therefore no question is raised as to any extension of communication services

      into territory not presently directly served.

8     This Application is addressed solely to the resale of international services; no

      facilities changes are proposed or are at issue here.

(g)   USB has no existing facilities and will not be constructing or acquiring

      facilities as part of the proposed transaction.

(B)   For the reasons stated in Subsection III (g), no facilities authorization is

      requested in this Application.

i)    No construction or acquisition of facilities is contemplated by the proposed

      transaction. The Applicant will be reselling services carried over the network

      of other carriers. Hence, USB has no present facilities requirement and does

      not foresee the need to acquire or construct facilities.

O     No maps of facilities or technical details are provided because the facilities that

      will be used to provide services are owned and controlled by other carriers


      which are already authorized to operate those facilities.

(k)   USB will provide resale of international telecommunications services through

      arrangements with other U.S. carriers. All proposed services are switched


      (i) Authority for resale is requested            the following switched services:

             inbound and outbound long dista           services, calling card, directory

             assistance, operator services, conf      ce service, and any other tariffed

             services offered by the underlying carrier(s).

      (i1)       The carriers that are to be resold and their tariffs are:

             AT&T Communications                                   FCC Tariff #1 & 2
             Communication TeleSystems International               FCC Tariff #2
             Frontier Communications International Inc.            FCC Tariff #1 & 2
             IXC Carrier, Inc.                                     FCC Tariff #1

             LCI International                                     FCC Tariff #1 & 2
             Metromedia Communications, Inc.                       FCC Tariff #1

             US Sprint Communications Corp.                        FCC Tariff #1 & 2
             Williams Telecommunications, Inc.                     FCC Tariff #2

(1)   See Section I above.

(m)   This Application does not involve the purchase or operation of any facilities.

(n)   The initiation of the resale operation described in this Application does not

      involve the purchase or operation of any facilities.

(0)   USB is currently preparing an international tariff and will issue a tariff upon


             receipt of 214 authority. At such time as USB may propose different tariffed

             offerings, appropriate notice will be provided to all affected customers and to

             the Commissions.

    (p)      All accounting by USB will be in accordance w:th the applicable Commission

             Rules and Regulations.

    (q)      Grant of this Application would not constitute & "ma or action" as dejined by

             Section 1.1306 of the Commission‘s Rules.

    (£)      The Applicant does not have an affiliation with a fcreign carrier. Officers,

             directors, and shareholders holding 5% or greater int :rest in the compy any are

             as follows:

             Name                          Title              Ownership

Officers:     Keanan Kintzel               President          0

             George Vasquez                Sec. / Treas.      0
            //, t '"--~-v..,,\_\\-   \\)

             AvataW                        none               100%


In summary, USB submits that this Application is clearly non—controversial. The carrier

for which Section 214 authority is sought will be one of a number of non—dominant carriers

providing international service under the Commission‘s jurisdiction.         Moreover, the

vitality of the competitive market for international telecommunications services is

dependent on Commission encouragement of new entrants into that market.

    Attached are the Applicant‘s verifications that USB has not been denied funds fromthe

Federal Government under Section 53—01 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Law of 1988, is not

affiliated with the domestic carriers the Applicant will be reselling, and that the Applicant

is not affiliated with any foreign carrier.

    WHEREFORE, USB respectfully urges the Commuission to promptly grant this

Application for such authority as may be required pursuant to Section 214 of the Act and

the grant of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to USB.

                                       Respectfully submitted,
                                       U. S. Bell, Corp.

                                              Keanan Kintzel
                                              U. S. Bell, Corp.
                                              8380 Louisiana Street
                                              Merrillville, Indiana 46410
                                              (219) 794—1311
January 14, 2000

                      CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

    I hereby certify that the statements contained in the attached U. S. Bell, Corp.

Application for Authorization Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,

as Amended, to Operate as a Reseller of International Telecommunications Services

Pursuant to a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity are true and correct to the

best of my knowledge and are made in good faith.

                                    Respectfully submitted,
                                     U. S. Bell,

                                    BY:     é?""’
                                            Keanan Kintzel
                                            U. S. Bell, Corp.
                                            8380 Louisiana Street
                                            Merrillville, Indiana 46410
                                            (219) 794—1311

January 14, 2000


                       CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

   I hereby certify that U. S. Bell, Corp. has not been denied funds from the federal

government under Section 53—01 of the Anti Drug Law of 1988.

                                  Respectfully submitted,
                                  U. S. Bell, Corp.

                                  BY:     “’;gg,fl                      /
                                         U. S. Bell, Corp.
                                         8380 Louisiana Street
                                         Merrillville, Indiana 46410
                                          (219) 794—1311

January 14, 2000


                          CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

    I hereby certify that U. S. Bell, Corp. is not affiliated with any of the facilities based

carriers being resold.

                                      Respectfully submitted,
                                      U. S. Bell, Corp.

                                                  immss   eyneee   mm
                                      BY:           3%% eA
                                              Keanan Kintzel
                                              U. S. Bell, Corp.
                                              8380 Louisiana Street
                                              Merrillville, Indiana 46410
                                              (219) 794—1311

January 14, 2000


                          CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

    I hereby certify that U. S. Bell, Corp. is not affiliated with any foreign carrier and has

not agreed to enter into such agreements in the future.

                                      Respectfully submitted,
                                      U. S. Bell, Corp.

                                                  —'——"‘“""}’—/flh ,_/)


                                      BY: ,,.rf}fez
                                               anan Kintzel
                                              U. S. Bell, Corp.
                                              8380 Louisiana Street
                                              Merrillville, Indiana 46410
                                              (219) 794—1311

January 14, 2000

                               US Bell
                   8380 Louisiana Street « Merrdliville, Indiana 46410
              (219) 7565320 * Fax; (219) 7560718 «*

February 3, 2000

Fran Iesenstein

Dear Fran,

Enclosed is the information you requested concerning the apy roval c ©214 Petition for
U. S. Bell,

Avatar Enterprises is majority owned by Keanan Kintzel. Mr Kintz: ‘s primary business
is telecommunications. He has been working in the indu: ry : or seve al years. Mr.
Kinizel is a citizen of the United States.

Mr. Kintzel can be reached at 219—794—1311.


William Brzycki
Vice President

Document Created: 2019-04-17 04:09:28
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 04:09:28

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