Attachment 20161229111659-530.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000114-00020 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


            _Categories of Services for 214 Applications
                               ces         amline
                          RESALE SERVICE

                          FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE

                          FACILITIES—BASED/RESALE SERVICE
    C                 FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
$                       MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICE
shate)                     Y    THORITY
Puatey)                    To   ING LICENSE


     _   C O M P ET IT IV E           C O M M U NIC AT T O NS                |GR O U P

         January 13, 2000

         Federal Communications Commission
         IB Telecommunications Division
         P.O. Box 358115
         Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

         Re:      Application of SNG Communications, LLC for Authorization under Section 214
                  of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, to Operate as a International
                  Facilities—Based and Resale Carrier

         Attn: Chief, Telecommunications Division, International Bureau

         On behalf of SNG Communications, L.L.C, enclosed for filing are an original and five
         (5) copies of the above referenced application. Also enclosed is the required FCC Form
         159 and the required $780.00 filing fee.

     _ Please date—stamp the enclosed extra copy of this application and return it in the envelope
         provided. Should you have any questions concerning this application, please call the
         undersigned at 301—699—5300.


         Debra Schmidt                    f
         Consultant for SNG Communications, LLC


                        301—699—5300 « PHoNE / 301—699—5080 — FaAx

                                         Before the
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

In the M;        f

SNG Co           aications, L.L.C.

                                                                      File No.: _____
Applicati        s Authority Pursuant
To Sectic        | Of the Communications Act
Of 1943,         mended, for Global Authority
To Opers:        an International Facilities—
Based an         ale Carrier

To: Chie         ecommunications Division, International Bureau

                                     SECTION 214 APPLICATION

        S]       ‘ommunications, LL.C. ("Applicant") hereby requests authority, pursuant to

Section :        f the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 63.18 of the

Commiss          Rules, to provide global international facilities—based and resale services between

the Unite        s andinternational points.

       Appucant is a U.S. company organized to provide international telecommunications

services.    Applicant has no foreign affiliations and serves business customers throughout the

United States.

       By granting this application, the Commission will serve the public interest, convenience

and necessity by promoting competition in the international services market. Competition will

benefit U.S. consumers by increasing service options and lowering prices.         Thus, the public

interest will be served by the grant of Section 214 authority to SNG Communications.

       The following information is submitted as required by Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s

Rules, in Support of Applicant‘s request for authorization.


               Name and address of Applicant:

               SNG Communications, LLC
               1720 5 Avenue
               Moline, IL 61265

       b)      State law under which Applicant is o1     nized:


               Correspondence concerning this appli     tion should be addressed to:

               Debra Schmidt, Consultant
               Competitive Communications Group
               6811 Kenilworth Avenue, Suite 302
               Riverdale, Maryland 20737

       d)      Applicant has not previously received    ithority under Section 214 ofthe Act.

              Applicant requests global facilitiee      ised and resale Section 214 authority
              pursuant to the terms and conditior       of Section 63.18(e)(1) and (e)(2) of the
               Commission‘s Rules.

              At this time Applicant seeks no other     chorization under Section 63.18(e).

       g)     Applicant does not seek to construct facilities not mentioned in Section 63.18(e).

       b)     Applicant hereby certifies that it has no affiliation with any foreign or U.S.
              facilities—based carrier.

              In support of this certification the following information is provided:

              SNG Communications, LLC is a member and wholly owned by Small Newspaper
              Group, Inc.

       Shareholders of ten percent (10%) or greater of Small Newspaper Group, Inc. are:

       Name and Address               Citizenship             Percent Ownership

       Jean Alice Small               US                      48.56%
       990 Westwood Rd.
       Kankakee, IL 60901

       Len R. Small                   US /                    14.78%
       26 W. Chestnut St.
       Chicago, IL 60610

       Thomas P. Small                US /                    14.78%
       239 Essex Rd.
       Kennilworth, IL 60043

       Jennifer Jean Small   =—       US     #                14.78%
       2737 Devonshire Place
       Washington, D.C. 20008

1)     Applicant certifies that it has not a;    ed and >     1 not agree to accept special
       concessions directly or indirectly fror   my forei      carrier or administration with
       respect to traffic or revenue flows 1     ween th      J.S. and any foreign country
       which the Applicant may serve under       hority g     ted hereunder.

j)     Applicant certifies that, to the best        its kno   »dge, information and belief,
       neither Applicant nor any party to thi:   »plicatio    s subject to a denial of federal
       radio licenses under Section 5301 oft!    Anti—Drt     Abuse Act of 1988.

In conclusion, SNG Communications, LL.C artifies t]       all of the information in this
application is accurate and correct. For these reasons, Applicant respectfully requests
that the Commission grant this application.

Respectfully submitted,

Debra Schmidt
Competitive Communications Group
Consultant for SNG Communications, L.L.C.

Dated: January 13, 2000

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Debra Schmidt, of Competitive Communications Group, 6811 Kenilworth
Avenue, Suite 302, Riverdale, Maryland 20737, do hereby certifythat on this 2nd day of
October, 1998, a copy of the foregoing International Section 214 Application of SNG
Communications was mailed, first class postage prepaid, to the following:

                                            Debra Schmidt

Department of Defense
Assistant Secretary of Defense for C31
1000 Defense Pentagon, Room 3E172
Washington, DC 20301—1000

Department of State
Room 4826
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520

Ms. Fran Eisenstein
International Bureau

Document Created: 2019-04-18 01:35:53
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 01:35:53

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