Attachment 20161229111359-333.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000113-00019 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                        ervices   for   214   Applications
m                     RESALE SERVICE
m                     FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE

m                  ACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
2312                                              RVICE
es                  MOBILE SATELLITE SERVICE
ie                       AUTHORITY
wA                         ING LICENSE

                                     ~BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
+ n—mm‘ semmutahomespomamerret

                                                                                                                     REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                     ) LOCKBOX #

                                                                              ime exactiy as ¢ appears on your
                                            1 ]..NTERPRI
                                                       S]E.S r                          INC.

                                      2560 Ridgehurst Drive


                                                    paying ay creait card, anter name

                                  ‘~ COMPLETESECTIONC:FOR:EACH:SERVICE JP MOREBOXES:A

                                                                                                                                                                  MSL opamt v»rdednaie. Ccgrn s

                                                         — :SECTION D: — TAXPAYERsINFORMATION::
                                 PAYER TIN                    0| 5| 8| 2 |s |o                              1]6 |2 E¥APPLICANT TIN

                                      Dan Robbins                                                   ___, Certify under penality of perjury that?.r(    regoing and)supporting information
                                                     (PRINT NasiE)
                                  true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge,
                                                                             infomation and behef                                     SIGNATURE

                                                   CC TTTTTTTTTD                                                                                        m[J
                                         hereby authortte the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

                                          the                           herain di                       >
                                                                                    SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                             FCC FORM 159      JULY 1997 (REVISED)

                                   Lance J.M. Steinhart
                                       Attorney At Law
                                   6455 East Johns Crossing
                                           Suite 285
                                    Duluth, Georgia 30097

Also Admitted in New York                                                 Telephone: (770) 232—9200
and Maryland                                                               Facsimile: (770) 232—9208
                                       January 12, 2000


Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau—Telecommunications
PO Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

       Re:    Yes! Enterprises, Inc. Application for Section 214 Authority to Provide Global
              Facilities—Based and Resale Telecommunications Services

Dear Sir/Madam:

        Enclosed please find for filing an original andsix (6) copies of the application of Yes!
Enterprises, Inc. for Section 214 authority to Provide Global Facilities—Based and Resale
Telecommunications Services between the United States and various international points.

       As required by commission rules, I have also enclosed a check in the amount of $780.00
payable to the "Federal Communications Commission" to cover the application fee, accompanied
by FCC Form 159. Please date—stamp the extra copy of this application and return it in the
enclosed self—addressed stamped envelope.

       If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                    Lance J.M. Steinhart

                                    Attorney for Yes! Enterprises, Inc.
ce:    Dan Robbins

                                                  Before the
                                   RAL COMMUNICATION!                   MMISSITON
                                       Washington, D.C.                 1554

In the Matter of

                                                                        o.     ITC 214 2000—

Application for Ai                 rity
Pursuant to Secti                   14 of the
Communications Aci                 i 1934,
As Amended, for G:.                .1 Authority
To Operate as an .                 rnational
Facilities—Based :
Resale Carrier

TO:;    —The Commissi

                          APP      ATION FOR SECTION                      AUTHORITY
                                      FOR GLOBAL AUTH                   FY
                 TO OPERA          AS AN INTERNATIONZ                   ‘ACILITIES—BASED
                                       AND RESALE CAR                   2

        ¥eéesi      Enterp         ‘is,—     Inc.        ("Yes"              "Applicant"),          by     its

attorney,         hereby           ectfully requests                    thority from the Federal

Communications            Cot      ision         ("Commission              pursuant        to Section 214

of     the   Communicat            s       Act    of    1934,       e   imended          (the   "Act"),    and

Section          63 .18    oi      he        Commission‘s               les,        to    provide    global

international             fac      cies—based            and        r   le     services         between    the

United       States       and    international            points.            In   accordance       with    the

Commission‘s          fee       schedule,         Fee    Code       CUT,     Yes!      Enterprises,       Inc.

has attached a check in the amount of $780.00 to this Application.

        Yes!      Enterprises,             Inc.    was    incorporated            in     1999   and intends

to provide domestic and international telecommunications services

throughout the United States.

        By granting this             application,          the    Commission will        serve    the

public       interest,          convenience              and      necessity       by       promoting

competition      in     the     international            services      market.         Competition

will     benefit      US    consumers          by       increasing     service      options       and

lowering prices.           Thus,      the public interest will be served by the

grant of Section 214 authority to Yes!                         Enterprises,       Inc.

        In   support       of    Applicant‘s            request     for    authorization,         the

following     information is            submitted pursuant                to   Section   63.18     of

the Commission‘s Rules:

  (a)         The name,         address and telephone number of Applicant:
              Yes!    Enterprises,         Inc.
              2560 Ridgehurst Drive
              Buford, GA 30518
              (770) 335—4220

  (b)         The      Applicant          is        a    corporation           incorporated       and

              existing under the laws of the State of Georgia.

  (c)         The     name,      title,    address          and    telephone      number    of    the

              officer           to     whom         correspondence             concerning        this

              application should be directed to:
              Dan Robbins, President
              Yes! Enterprises, Inc.
              2560 Ridgehurst Drive
              Buford,      GA 30518
              (770)    335—4220

              with a copy to:

              Lance J.M.         Steinhart,         Esq.
             Attorney at Law
              6455 East Johns Crossing,                    Suite 285
              Duluth, Georgia  30097
              (770)    232—9200

        The     Commission should direct                 any inquiri                that       it may

        have      about     this   Application           to     Lance      C            Steinhart,


(d)     Th       Applicant       has     not       previously        rece           1    authorit

        un      »:r Section 214.

(e)     Th      Applicant     is requesting global                  facilities—based ar

        re      .le Section 214 authority to operate pursuant to th

        te:     is and conditions of Section 63.18(e) (1)                               and    (e) (2

        of the Commission‘s rules.

(f£)Not applicable.

(g) Not applicable.

(h) Applicant    certifies     that      it    is    not,     and    has       no   affiliatic

        with,     a   "foreign carrier"             as   that    term is defined in

        63 .18 (h) (i1i) .         The     name,         address,       citizenship               an

        principal         businesses          of    Applicant‘s         10%         or        greate

         (direct       or    indirect)         shareholders           or        other          equit

        holders,       and any interlocking directorates:

        Dan Robbins — 50% shareholder
        Principal Business: Telecommunications
      b/United States Citizen
        2560 Ridgehurst Drive
        Buford,       GA 30518

        Patricia Robbins — 50% shareholder
        Principal Business: Telecommunications
       VUnited States Citizen
        2560 Ridgehurst Drive
        Buford,       GA 30518

        There are no interlocking directorates.

Applicant certifies that it has no affiliation with the

US   carriers    whose     facilities—based         services    the

Applicant    proposes     to    resell    (either    directly    or

indirectly   through     the   resale    of   another   reseller‘s

service) .

 Applicant          certifies        that     it   has     not   agreed          to       accept

 special       concessions           directly        or     indirectly            from       any

 foreign       carrier          or     administration            with           r=—pect       to

 traffic or revenue flows between the US and                                          foreign

 country       which          the    Applicant           may     serve             jler     the

 authority          granted      under      this     part      and   will          t      enter

 into such agreements in the future.

 Applicant certifies,                to the best of its know                       j3e,    that

— no   party    to       the    Application,          as    defined        .:      Sections

 1.2001    through            1.2003     of    the    Commission‘s                 iles,      is

 subject       to    a    denial       of     Federal      benefits        j       uant      to

 Section   5301          of    the Anti—Drug Abuse Act                of           18 .     See

 21 U.5.C.      § §53a.

        As   demonstrated       in this    application,        Applicant     submits   that

the   grant        of   this   application    will     serve    the    public   interest,

convenience and necessity.                Thus,   Applicant respectfully requests

that it be authorized to provide global international facilities—

based        and    resale     services      between     the      United     States    and

international points

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    in Cbe|ordkcs
                                   Yes !      terprises,       Inc.

                                           Dan Robbins,        President

                                           Yes! Enterprises, Inc.
                                           2560 Ridgehurst Drive
                                           Buford, GA 30518
                                           (770) 335—4220

                                   By :      «~ Fp
                                           Lance J.M._—Steinhart

                                           Attorney at Law
                                           6455 East Johns Crossing
                                           Suite 285
                                           Duluth, Georgia  30097
                                           (770) 232—9200

                                           COUNSEL FOR
                                           YES! ENTERPRISES,          INC.

Dated: ///Z 06

                                                                                YES ENTERPRISES INC.
                                                                                2560 RIDGEHURST DR.                                      .       64—1974/610
                                                                                BUFORD, GA 30518    l                         o       1—12% > o0
                                          TOTALS OF INVOICES

                                      LESS _____% DISCOUNT                PAY                         arg          '
o HARLAND sviE xi _

                                                                          TO THE                 *L                                              PHiMgriapmemwesosgasimans
                                      >                                   ORpER or @C\QFC\.\ Cb nemmn 1 CcA‘H‘- wms (em.N\\)Slv a| $"Z_g'b c O                               Mi

                                          TOTAL DEDUCTIONS                                                                                        FvbeineliAbeitierinmeninsired

                                           AMOUNT OF CHECK                S?L\ Em ‘\ L\ "\C& ({&      +2 \Q\'\‘k \[    O ,\L( /L\ C         DOLLARS          m furtyiaiuce

                         | {¢United


                                                                                                                       MABSj ies                                           l
                                          K,   N. A.
                                  ATLANTA CA sos2

                   ;‘ FOR
                                                               "000 20 71® 1206 i0 49 7 4L 21.              0 £00 2 § §n®

Document Created: 2019-04-19 08:05:18
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 08:05:18

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