Attachment 20161229113900-540.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000111-00023 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


         —_Categories of Sérvices for 214 Applications
  C                              NE RESALE SERVICE
8589                   FER   SIGNMENT
  Description of Application:

                               JODI L. COOER, ESQ.

January 10, 2000


Federal Communications Commissicn
c/o Mellon Bank
Three Mellon Bank Center
525 William Penn Way
27" Floor, Room 153—2713
FPittsburgh, PA 15259—0001

        Re:     Application of K.S. Telecom, Inc. for Authority, Pursuant to Section 214
               of the Communications .Act of 193« ;, as 4.m :nded, to Provid:: Initenational
               Facilities—Based Service:;, and Inter r1atior al Switched Resale Services, on
               Global Basis

Dear Sir/Madam:

        Enclosed forfiling on behalf of K.S. Telec am, It c. is an original and six (5)
copies of the above—referenced applicat on, inclid ng ac :omnpanying certification:;.

       As required by the Commission s rules, pa /meni in the amount of U S$78).00 is
included to cover the FCC filing fee. Pease date— tamp the: enclosed extra cof y of this
application and return it to the undersig 1ed.

        Should you have any questions concerning the application, please do not lesitate
to contact the undersigned.

                                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                                              wlL. oopern/
                                                         Jodi L. Cooper
                                                         Attorney for K.S. Telecom, Inc.

                                       703 North Ivy Street
                                       Arlington, VA 22201
                              Tel: 703 276 6882    Fax: 703 276 1208

                                     Before the
                               Wa hing ton, 1).C. 20554

In the Matter of                                         )
K.S. Telecom, Inc.                                       )     File No. I—T—C—00—
Application for Autrhority Pur: uant o                   )
Section 214 of the Communic:tions Act                    )
of 1934, as Amended, to Provide In ernational            P
Facilities—Based Services, and Inter ational             )
Switched Resale Services, on :i Glojal Busis             )

                                       APPLICA TIO!N

        K.S. Telecom, Inc. (Applica it) hereby applies for : uthotrity pursuant to Section

214 of the Communications A :t of | 934, as amendecd (Act) and Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s rules, for autho ‘ity t provide international facilities—based services, and

international switched resale service s, on a global ba sis.

        A grant of this application w ill fui ther the Commis sion‘s pro—competitive policies

and serve the public interest by bringing the benefits of increased customer choice and

alternative services by new entrants to the international marketplace. RCA

Communications v. FCC, 346 US 86 (1953); Telocator Network of America v. FCC, 692

F.2d 525 (DC Cir. 1982); and Authorized User Policy, 100 FCC 2d 177 (1985).

       This application is eligible for streamlined processing procedures under Section

63.12 of the Commission‘s rules. Applicant has no affiliation, within the meaning of

Section 63. 18(h)(1)(i), with a U.S. or foreign carrier.

       The follo ving informatior is set forth in response to the corresponding relevant

provisions of Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s rules:

       (a)     Tlie naine of the applicant is K.S. Telecorn, Inc. and its princ pal place of

               business is 60 Hudson Street; Suite 2401; New York, NY 10013.

       (b)     A:»plie: nt is a corp oration organized under the laws of the Staite of


       (c)     Corres; ondence re garding this application should be addressi:d to:

                        Jodi L. Coc per, Esq.
                        703 North ) vy Street
                        Arlington, VA 22201
                        (703) 276—0882

                        with a copy to:

                        Donald No man
                        50 Hudson Street
                        Suite 2401
                        New York, NY 10013

       (d)     Applicant has not previously received authority under Section 214 of the


       (e)     (1)     Applicant is requesting authority to operate as a facilities—based

       carrier pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1). The authority

       requested is to acquire interests in all appropriately licensed U.S. common carrier

and non—common carrier facilities, and any necessary overseas connecting

facilities as needed, to provide international basic switched, private line, data,

television and business services :o all international points , exce ot to hose point:

indicated on the Commission‘s exclusionlist.

(e)     (2)     Applicant is also requesting authority to re sell t! e int rnational

services of authorized U.S. commmon carriers for the provi sion «c f bas c swi ched.

private line, data, television and business services to all i1 terna ional point s

pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(‘).

(h)     (1)     Applicant certifies that it is not affiliated, « ither firec ly or

indirectly, with any foreign carrier as that term is defined by th : Cor imiss on Psrt

63 rules or with any dominant U.S. carriers. The name, a idres, citi :enshp and

principal business of the shareholder owning 10% or mor : of 4A pplic int is:

Name and Address                Citizenship               Princ ipal I usine ss

Donaid Noonan                   USA                       Telec omm inica ions
9 Cloverly Circle
Norwalk, CT 06855

Michael Krzeminski              USA                       Telecomm inica ions
14215 Morning Mountain Way
Alpharetta, GA 30004

Phillip Kim                     USA                       Telecommunications
454 South Beach Road
Hobe Sound, FL 33455

Name and Address                Citizenship            Principal Business

Aaron Silverman                 USA                   Telecommunications
5190 Mainstream Circle
Norcross, GA 30092

(i)    As required by Section 63.18(i) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R.

       63.18(i), Applicant certifies that it has not agreed to accept in the future

       any special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or

       administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S.

       and any foreign country which Applicant may serve under a grant if this


(D)    No party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits

       pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

WHEREFORE, Applicant respectfully submits that the public interest,

convenience and necessity will be served by a prompt grant of this application.

                                Respectfully submitted,

                                K.S. Telecom, Inc.

                          By:                f       { 2 g;fiigd
                                Jogi L. Cooper, Esq.
                                703 North Ivy Street
                                Arlington, VA 22201
                                (703) 276—6882

                                Its Counsel

Dated: January 10, 2000

                            APPLICANT CERTIFICA TION

       On behalf of K.S. Telecom, Inc. and in accordance with Section 1.2001—1.2003 of

the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. Sections 1.2001—1.2003, I hereby certify that neithe:

K.S. Telecom, Inc. nor any party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal

benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act

of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. Section 853a. I also certify that the statements in the foregoing

application for Section 214 authority are true, complete, and correct to the best of my

knowledge and are made in good faith.

                                         K.S. Telecom, Inc.

                                   By:     ,Z}M‘e / /[ CTSoo
                                          Donald Noonan

Date: January 10, 2000

       I, Jodi L. Coopzr, do hereby certify that ia copy of the forcgcing Application was
sent by first class United States mail, postige prepaid, except is ndicated, this 10th day
of January, 2000, to th: following:

Mr. Donald Abelson*                                          Ms. Susan O‘ Conrell*
Bureau Chief                                                 International Bureiiu
International Bureau                                         Federal Communications
Federal Communications Commissicn                             Conmission
Room 6—A767                                                  Rooin 6—A847
445 12"" Street, S.W.                                        445 12"" Street, S.V.
Washington, D.C. 20554                                       Was uington, D.C. 2055«

Ms. Rebecca Arbogast®                                        Mr. tichard Beaird
Chief, Telecommunications Division                           Deputy U.S. Coordinator &
International Bureau                                          Dire ctor
Federal Communications Commission                            International Comm. &
445 12 Street, S.W.                                          Information Office
Washington, DC 20554                                         Department of State
                                                             2201 C Street, N.W.
Ms. Kathryn O‘‘Brien*                                        Washington, D.C. 20520
Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Division
International Bureau                                         NMir. Carl W. Smith, 4300
Federal Communications Commission                            Chief Regulatory Counsel
445 12"" Street, S.W.                                        C efens: Conmunicatio 1s
Washington, DC 20554                                          iigency
                                                             Vashington, D.C. 20305
Mr. George Li*
Deputy Division Chief for Operations
Federal Communications Commission
445 12¢" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

                                                               12   AA :
                                                     JodjA. Cooper
*via hand delivery

Document Created: 2019-04-19 20:39:04
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 20:39:04

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