Attachment 20161229104317-673.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-20000104-00006 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


  c                    ACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
  C                  ILITIES—BASED SERVICE
  @®                                         SRVICE
tm                    BILE   SATELLITE SERVICE

                        The Helein Law Group, P.C.
 Telecommunications     8180 Greensboro Drive
        E Commerce      McLean, VA 22102
 Corporate & Finance    (703) 714—1300 (Telephone)
                        (703) 714—1330 (Facsimile) _      cCC/MELLON          AA
   Proprietary Rights
   Complex Litigation
General Business Law
                        Management Consulting Group
                        Global Telecompetition Consultants, Inc. (GTC)
                        (703) 714—1320 (Telephone)

                        Writer‘s Direct Dial Number                                            Writer‘s Email Address
                         (703) 714—1301                                                           
                                                                 January 4, 200(
                        Via Overnight Courier

                        Federal Communications Commission
                        International Bureau — Telecommunications
                        P.O. Box 358115
                        Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5115

                                   Re:      WesternStatesTeleport
                                           Application for Authority Under See        14 of the Communications
                                           Act to Resell International Switched       Telecommunications Services

                        Ladies and Gentlemen:

                                   On behalf of Western States Teleport, a non        nant resale common carrier, we
                        transmit herewith an original and five (5) copies of a:       ication under Section 214 of the
                        Communications Act and Section 63.01 of the FCC               s to resell the services of other
                        common carriers to provide switchedvoice telecommi            ons services from points located
                        in the United States to enumerated points. Because \          m States Teleport is classified as
                        a non—dominant international carrier under the ECC‘           ; and policies, this application is
                        subject to the FCC‘s streamlined processing procedt           »plicable to eligible Section 214

                                Also enclosed herewith is FCC Form 159 and a check in the amount of $780.00,
                        made payable to the "Federal Communications Commission," to cover the FCC filing fee
                        associated with this application.

                                   An extra copy of this letter and application also is enclosed. Please date—stamp the
                        extra copy and return it to the courier for delivery to the undersigned.

                                Should there be any questions with respect to this application, please contact the


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                                                                    BANK OF WALNUT CREEK
                                . INTERCONCO, INC.                        ORINDA OFFICE             '
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              PAY TO THE     Federal Communications Commission                                  **780.00
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                           Washington, DC

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                                             Before the
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Application of:

Western States Teleport

For Authority, Pursuant to Section
214 of the Communications Act of 1934,                         File No. ITC—__
as Amended, to Resell Services of
Other Carriers to Provide Switched
Voice Telecommunications Services
from Points Located in the United
States to Enumerated International

To: Chief, Common Carrier Bureau

                               APPLICATION UNDER
                     SECTION 214 OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT

       Western States Teleport ("WST") hereby requests that the Commission issue a certificate

authorizing WST to resell the international message toll services ("IMTS") of other common

carriers from points located in the United States to international points covered by this application,

pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 63.18 of

the Commission‘s Rules.

       WST is a California corporation. The principal offices of WST are located at 21 C Orinda

Way, Suite 122, Orinda, California 94563.

       WST will operate as a non—dominant common carrier subject to regulatory forbearance.

       WST is legally, financially, and technically qualified to provide the service proposed in

the instant application.

       In support of WST‘s request for authorization, the following information is set forth

pursuant to Section 63.01 of the Commission‘s rules and regulations:

       (a)    Name of Corporation:

              Western States Teleport


              21 C Orinda Way, Suite 122
              Orinda, California 94563


              (925) 258—9828

       (b)    WST is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of California.

       (c)    The name, address, citizenship, and principal business of the shareholders owning

              10% or more of WST‘s common stock are as follows:

                     Name: G. Clark Smith ~
                     Street Address: 21 C Orinda Way, #122
                     City/State/Zip: Orinda, California 94563
                     Citizenship: U.S.A. <©
                     Principal Business: Telecommunications

                     Name: Gayland P. Smith /
                     Street Address: 2822 F Street, Suite E
                     City/State/Zip: Bakersfield, California 93301
                     Citizenship: U.S.AL
                     Principal Business: Telecommunications

                     Name: James A. Smith ~~
                     Street Address: 1842 Jefferson Street, Suite 304
                     City/State/Zip: San Francisco, California 94123
                     Citizenship: U.S.A.      *
                     Principal Business: Telecommunications

(d)   Correspondence concerning this Application should be addressed to:

      Name:          G. Clark Smith
      Title:         President & Chairman of the Board
      Address:       As above.
      Telephone:     (925) 258—9828

      Copies of all such correspondence should also be sent to WST‘s regulatory counsel:

                     Charles H. Helein, Esq.
                     The Helein Law Group, P.C.
                     8180 Greensboro Drive, Suite 700
                     McLean, Virginia 22102
                     (703) 714—1300

(e)   WST has not previously received Section 214 authority.

_®    Applicant is requesting Section 214 authority to operate as a resale carrier pursuant

      to the terms and conditions of 47 C.F.R. §63.18(e)(2).

(g)   The authority sought by this Application will be used to provide switched voice

      services from points within the United States to international points on a resale,

      non—facilities based basis by purchasing and reselling the international switched

      voice message toll services provided by facilities—based carrjers.

(B)   WST does not have any affiliation with any U.S. carrier(s) whose facilities—based

      services will be resold.

®     WST is not seeking authorization for physical facilities.

G)    WST is not directly or indirectly controlled by any foreign carrier nor does it have

      a controlling interest in any foreign carrier or in any entity that directly or

      indirectly controls or is controlled by a foreign carrier. WST has no affiliation

      with any foreign carrier.

(k)    As President & Chairman of the Board of WST, I certify that WST has not agreed

       to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or

       administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the United States

       and any foreign country which Applicant may serve under the authority granted

       under Part 63 of the Rules and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

(1)    As President & Chairman of the Board of WST, I certify that neither the

       Applicant, nor any officer, director, or shareholder holding 5% or more of the

       outstanding voting and/or non—voting stock of the corporate applicant is subject to

       a denial of federal benefits, including FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of

       the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853a.



         WST submits that the public interest, convenienze, and recessity would be served by a

grant of the authority requested in this Section 214 Application. Accordingly, WST respectfully

requests that the Commission allow it to provide resold international switched voice

telecommunications service pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2).

                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                            Western States Teleport

                                                Clark  Sm1th
                                                President & Chairman of the Board

Dated:    /Z/Z? /7?

Charles H. Helein
The Helein Law Group, P.C.
8180 Greensboro Drive, Suite 700
McLean, Virginia 22102
Telephone: (703) 714—1300
Facsimile: (703) 714—1330

Document Created: 2019-04-21 20:40:59
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 20:40:59

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