Attachment 20161227161749-990.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19991220-00791 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


Description of Application:   _




                                                            Law OFFICES

                                 Broostoxr, Morpkorsxy, Jackson & DICKENS
                                                       2120 L STREET, N.W.
HAROLD MORDKOFSKY                                    WaAsSsHINGTON, D.C. 20037                 AFFILIATED SOUTH AMERICAN OFFICES:
BENJAMIN H. DICKENS, JR.                                                                        ESTUDIO JAUREGUI & AssocIATESs
JOHN A. PRENDERGAST                                       (202) 659—0830                           BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA
                                                     FACSIMILE: (202) 828—5568
ANDREW BROWN                                                                                        RoBERT M. Jackson
RICHARD D. RUBINO                                                                                        oF CoUunsEL
                                                                                                     PERRY W. WoOOFTER
                                                                                                   LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT
LauRA A. Otis                                                                                     EUGENE MALISZEWSKYJ
KENNETH T. SIGMAN®                                                                                DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING
                                                                                                       PRIVATE RADIO
ARTHUR BLOOSTON                                         December 20, 1999
    1914 — 1999                                                                                      SEAN A. AUsSTIN
                                                                                                  DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING
  *LImITED To PRACTICE BEFORE                                                                        COMMERCIAL RADIO

                                                                                      WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL NO.

         Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary                                                   (202) $28—5564
         Federal Communications Commission
         445 12" Street, SW — Room TW—A325
         Washington, DC 20554

                    Re:          Streamlined International Section 214 Authority

         Dear Ms. Salas:

               Transmitted herewith, on behalf of Wisconsin Independent Network, LLC, are an original
        and 4 copies of an Application For Streamlined International Section 214 Authorization to resell
        the switched international telecommunications services of other common carriers between the
        United States and international points.

                    If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact undersigned counsel.

                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                          proms a Poffy
                                                                                   _ Gerard J. Duffy J


                                                                                                                           2 &


                                       Before the
                     FEDERAL (COMMUNICATIONS          CO AMI{SIC
                             Wasiington, D.C.         205 54

In the Matter cf

                                                       P o o o o d

Application fo:r Autho:ity tc
Resell Inteinational .iwit ched
Telecommuniccations Se vice

                         AP‘LICATION FOR STR EAM .INIID
                 TX TER NAT :ONZ L SECTION 214 AUFHO].IZZ                           I

      Wisconssin    Incepende:it       ‘letwork,    LLC,              ("NIN         :   "iApplicant")

requests autho:izetio1,          jurijuant to Saction 21«                               the Communi—

cations Act and Se:ticn 63.13 of the Ceommissi m‘                                   les,   to resell

the   switched    iate:national        telecommunica:ions                     :     ices     of    otker

common carriers beiween tlie United Stat »s ind int:                                tiomal poiats.

See 47 U.S.C.      § 21.    (1988); : nternatioral Sec :io1                         1 Si:reemliaring

Order,   61 Fed.    Rec.    15,7;:4,    15,729     (1}95]              (codi        l at. 47      C.F.R.

§ 63.18) .

      WIN    requeiits     authoriza:ion     to    operite              as          tesele      carrier

pursuant to the tems and conditions oi                 Secti n                      8 (e) (2]     of the

Rules.   Unless formally opposed, the present application qualifies

for   streamlined    treatment under Section                         63.12    of   the Rules.        See

International      Section     214     Streamlining                  Order,       supra    at     15,728

{codified at 47 C.F.R.         §§ 63.12).


      WIN‘s     proposed         resale    of        telecormuricatiors                   semuices     vill

augment        nternational              telecommunici.ticns                      compe tition         e nda,

consecuent .y,        t   :    public    interest          will       lhe   enhancei.          WIN     vill

purchase        switcl    d     i:elecommunications                  services        at     high volume

discounts,      and :     sell :the services to i :s customeis vith ef:‘icient

incorporat .on 0o:        its savigs.           The       jub‘l ic interest vill be seived

through WIN‘s         c   ijeringjy o‘    rates whick                will be       compet..tive vith

other similarly               .tuated tslecommunicat:.on:               carriers.          WIN‘s resale

operations will           »mcou:sage      competition            in the           telecommuinications

market      thrjugh       e    int:rocuction of            teleccmmunicaticns                innovation

and   the    repid     implementa:ion           of       cost    sersitive          pri.cirg    for     the

benefit of the public.

      Grant     of     this     applization will                serve       the    public     in‘vuerest,

convenienc: and necessity                and in support                 thereof,          the fo..loving

informatio:n:     is      submitteil      pursuan:              to     Section        ¢3.13      Oof    the

Commission s Rules:

  a) Name,      address,        and telephone nimber cf the Applicait iire:

              Wisconsin Independent Network,                         LLC
              5805 Old Mill Plaza, Suite 2
              Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703
              Telephone: (715) 874—6300
              Facsimile: (715) 874—4946

  b) The Applicant is organized as a Limited Liability Corporation
     under the laws of :



c) Correspondence concerniny tlie applicatior shoulC be addressed

          Scott Hoffmann, Executive Director
          Wisconsin Independent Vetwrork, LLC
          5808 Old Mil.. Plazs, Siit:: 2
          Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54703
          Telephone: (715) 874—6300
          Facsimile: (715) 8794—4 346

        with copies to legal            zsou:se! :

          Gerard J. Duffy
          Blooston, Mordkofsky,             Jacl:son ani D..ckens
          2120    L Street,   NM.W.,      Siite 300
          Washington, D.C.            20037
          Telephone: (202)            659—0 330
          Facsimile:      (202)       828—5 568

d) WIN has not previously :‘ceceivei authority unde : Section 214

  of the Communications Act,                17 U.S.C.         214     tith the grant of

  this application, WIN will haive interniticnal resale authority

  under Section 214rof            the    Comuicatiois iict.

e) WIN    is     requesting       authority           under     Section         214       of   the

  Communications Act,            47    U.S.C.     $   214,    to    operat :    as    a    resale

  carrier      pursuant     to     ths     terms       and    cordition:;        of       Section

  63.18(2) (2)       of    the         (Commisslon‘s          Rules,      47—         C.F.R.     §

  §3.18te) (2) .


                                C HOR T I PF I CA T I 0 KS

                                             Allf liat:ions

       WIN certifies that it is not a foreign carriser,                                          and       tha‘:   it

doe; not have an affiliation with any foreijn carrier.

       WIN certifies that it cocs not have an affiliation with any

o1 ‘:‘he U.S.    car:siers whese fec:.lities—based international services

it. ‘roposes to resell.

       No entity Ahes a ten percearit                         (10%)   or greater interest in ‘NIN.

Tlie names,     addresses,            citizenship and principal businesses of the

memjers of WIN are:
N: m :/Address                                    Cwned                     Mlat in   n 200CAfi ks

Biil iwin Cellcor, Inc.                           E.55%                WI             Wireless
9::0 Maple Street                                                     Corp .            telecommunicati ns
Bildiwin, WI 54002

Bi.ldwin      Cellcorm,        Inc.     is    a   wholly—owned                  subsidiary           of    Baldwin
Tel:com,       Inc.,      ia    local        exchange            carrier              located   at        tle   ;same
acld sess .

Bru:e Telecommunications,LLC                       5.55                WI   
6210 North Alvey Street                                               Ccorp.
Bru:e, WI 54819

Bru:e Telecommuniication:s, LL(C :.s a wholly—owmied subsidiary of Bruce
Tel :;phone Compeny, a local sxchange carrier located at tie same
acld zsess.

BT‘C Communicatiors,             Inc.             £.55%                WI             Telecommunicatio:is
1120—15th Avenue                                                      Corp.
Bloomer, WI 54724

BTC Communications, Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Bloomer
Telephone Company, a local exchange carrier located at the same

Cannon Communications Corp.                       5.55%                WI             Telecommunications
W8108 165th Avenue                                                    Corp.
Hager City, WI 54014

Cannon Communications Corp. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Hager
Telecom,       IRC.,      a     local        exchange            carrier              located   at        the   same

Name/Address                                   Owred           Citize:   Principal Bi.s ness
Chequamegion Telecommuni—                      5.55%            WI       Telecormunica :ions
 cal:ions Company, .i[nc.                                      Corp.
Firit Avenue Nort h
Cabl.e,    WI    54821

Chequamecion         Tele:rcmmunication:;                Company,    n        is   a    who: 1—owned
subssidiary       of      Chec@quamecon     Telephone          Coope:    LvE,      ~Inc.,    <&—   local
exclhange carrier located at ths same addres

Chippewa Valley                                5.L5%            WI       Telecormunic(ca :ions
 Cormunications                                                Corp.
318 —3rd Avenue Wesi:
Duriind,    WI 54736

Chippewa Valley Communications is a wholl:                               owned         subsiiliary    of
Nelsion Telephone Cooperative, a local exchai                            a Ccarrier leocuited at
the same address.

Cit:.zoans FiberNet,          Inc.             5.55%            WI       Telecommunica :ions
143 East Main Strect                                           Corp.
New Auburn,          WI 54757

Cit:.zsans FiberNet.,          Inc.      is a who>lly—owned :            »sidiary of C .tizens
Telephone Cooperetive,                Inc.,    i.    local     exchar    :i   cCcarrier   lcciited at
the same adiiress.

CLT Communicatiors                Inc.         5.55%            WI       Telecormunic(a :ions
316 Third Avenue                                               Ztorp.
Cleiir Lake,         WI   54005

CLT Communications, Inc. is a waclly—owmied s                            sidiary of C.ear Lake
Telephone        Company,      a    local     ex:hange        carrie      locatel at        tlie    same

Cochrane Cellular,            Inc.             5.5£5%           WI       Nireless
103 Wast 5th Street                                            Corp.      telecommun.icitions
Cochrane,       WI    54622

Cochrane        Cellular,      Inc.      is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Cochrane
Cooperative Telephone Company, a local exchange carrier located at
the same address.

CTC Telcom,          Inc.                      5.55%            WI       Telecommunications
110 North Second Avenue                                        Corp.
Dallas,    WI    54733

CTC   Telcom,          Inc.    is     a wholly—owned subsidiary of Chibardun
Telephone Cooperative,                INC., a local exchange carrier located at
the same address.

Na me:/Address                              0 m ed      Cit:ilzei, P:iincipa:. Bus: .ness
Grartsburg Telcon        IRC .              5 ‘E5%         W.C     e lecommuinica‘:i ns
:39 West Madison         ‘enus                           Co:p.
Grartsburg,     WI 54    0

(Grartsburg Telcon            Inc. is a wlolly—ownsd sibsidiary of ‘‘armers
——rdependent Telep           ne Company, a local. exchanrme carrie: lccutsd at
the sams address.

‘.nd: anhsad Commur                         5 .55%           WI     [e lecomminica‘:i ns
 cat ions Corporat       n                               Corp.
1P .D. Box 428
Hector, MN 55342

Ind: anhead Commun       ations Corporition is a wlicl‘ y—owned subjsiliary
of indianheail Tel       ‘hone Compan,            a local excharge carmrier :.o zated
at   the same    addre

Lake land Communic       dlons,       LLC    }.55%        WI        [e lecommunica‘:i ns
28—ist Avenue Wes                                        Corp.
Lug}, WI 548523

Lake land Communi        tions,  LLC          is a holding company whica owns
Milltown Mutual /‘       Lephone Co.          and Luck Telsaphme Company, local
exzlange carriers            ocated at      tie   same address.

Ncrthwest Communi                           5 .55%           WI     I‘e lecommunica‘:i ns
  Conmunications                                         Corp.
115 Harriman Aven        :    North
Amzs:iy, WI 54001

Nort hwest Communi           Communicat:.ois is a wholly—owned subsidlary of
Amzs:iy Telcom,    Inc        a local excliange ca:rrier lj»cated at tlie same

Siren Communicati        .s,    Inc.        5 :55%           WI     e lecommunica‘:i ns
772z West Main                                           Corp.
Siren, WI 54872

Siren Communications, Inc. is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Siren
Telephone Company, Inc., a local exchange carrier located at the
same address.

Spring Valley Long Distance,                 5 . 55%         WI     Telecommunications
 InRC.                                                   Corp .
131 South McKay Avenue
Spring Valley, WI 54767

Spring Valley Long Distance, Inc.                    is a wholly—owned subsidiary of
Spring Valley Telephone Company,                     Inc.,    a   local   exchange   carrier
located at the      same address.

                                                  Un fi Ds
Name/Address                                                           Citizen P

                                                            OV JJda



                                          in l\




                                                  ui |®



                                                                                                                             O   va

Tri—County Communicetioris,                                              WI    T slecommur.i :ations
 InC.                                                                   Corp.
417—5th Avenue Nortt
Strum,    WI 54770

Tri—County Communiciiticns, In:. .ls i waol‘ y—cwneil subs:dilary of
Tri—County Telephone Ccoperat:ve, Inc., a loci.l excharge: carrier
located at the same addres;;.

West Wisconsin Commni—                     $ ~55¢                           WI           T »lecommuri :ations
 cation Systems, Inc.                                                      Ceoxp.
E4258 County Road C
Downsville, WI 54735

West     Wisconsin        Comiunication            Systeiis,                     In:.      is           a—owned
subsidiary of West Wisconsin Telcor                                        Ccoperat. ve,                    Inc ,      .i    local
exchange carrier locateil a‘: the same adiress.

       WIN:    (1)    will   maiata:nm sieparats bookis                                  o‘ a:coun!:                   f:om its

affiliated      local      e::change     carricrs;                          (2)      will              rot    jointly                 own

transmission         or   switching      favilities                        with          its          affiliated             local

exchange carriers;           ind   (3)   will                take: any tariffeil serv:css                                     from

its affiliated loca.           erchaige carriers                               jursuart t> the ‘:erms and

conditions of their gensra‘.ly appliciible                                        tarifis.

       WIN    will    be     treaced     as        a              noireculated                        affiliate          of           its

affiliated local exchanje carriers for rurposes oi                                                       local exchange

carrier accounting urde—~ tke Commission‘s joint cojt and affiliate

transactions         rules    as   set    forth                       in    Parts          32           and       64    of            the

Commission‘s Rules.


                       Foreign Concessions and Arrangiemeiits

        WIN hereby certifies that it has not agreed to                   accept special

concessions,       directly or indirectly,              from any fore:gn carrier or

foreign administration with respect to traffic and revenue flows

between      the   United      States   and       any   foreign   country    which     the

Applicant may serve under the authority sought;                    anc tklat it will

not enter into such agreements in the future.

                        Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification

        WIN certifies that,        to the best of its knowledje ind belief,

no   party    to   the     application    is       subject   to   dsniil    of   federal

benefits pursuant          to Section 5301         of   the Anti—I‘rug    Abkuse Act    of

1988,    21 U.S5S.C.    862.


        In light of tlie foregoing, WIN respectfully submits that the

public    intereist,   corvenience and necessity would be            served ky :

grant    of   the   Section    214   authorization     sought,    and     that   isuct

authorizaticn simou.:.d be issued to it for purposes of reselling the

switched services cf other common carriers to provide international

switched telecommunications services between the Uniczed States ani

international poini:s.

                         Respectfully submitted,
                         WISCONSIN INDEPENDENT NETWORK,           I.LC

                         By : v/)           £.   /'%

                         Printed Name:       12-’—6“_4‘;   ['Sfigum_/)_d

                         Title:       D&em DEpL T

                         Date:         L\/ZCi / qq‘

Counsel :
Gerard J.     Duffy
Blooston,     Mordkofsky,     Jackson and Dickens
2120 L Street, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20037
Phone: (202) 659—0830
Fax:    (202) 828 —5568

              WISMAONGCIN INDFDPFNDNFENT NFETWAORK                    110                                                              1 308
                              §S131 MC KAY AVE, BOX220            ~
                               SPRING VALLEY, W1 54767                                                                                79—361/918
                                                                                         Bate   /2‘7*9?
                   %WW%‘O                                               W                             |$   7g0 T
                                                                                                                  Bnufirfi .gecurey natures
                                                                                                                          Betais on h
                       Bank of S,'.-mw Valley
                       Spring \_/a!ley
                                     Visconsin 54767
LN UP _Sey 6
                          &                                                      gm ‘JQ‘/J\\                                                         —
omamann ———    :
                   C      r»G@aiada® ©09180 36 iLit    iredtens
                                                                            108=L 281°                x    mmrps s me iies   teo dn    haget e a en o S TE

READ INSTRUCTIONS C \REFULLY                                                                                   m                                                                APPROVED BY OMB 3060—0589
  BEFORE PROCEEDIN 3                                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS CONIMISSION
                                                                                                                                                     r             SPECIAL USE
                                                                                          REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                          peesne 1             or 1                                FCC USE ONLY
(1)Locksox# 358115                                                                                                Mptnnsin w       Hmsitcs: ce
                                                                                                   SECTION A — PAYER INFOIRMATION
     (2) AYER NAME:(if paying by c edit card, enter name exactly as it appears on you! card)                                                |uouml            (3) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars an i cents)
     Wisconsin Independent Network,                                                                      LLC                                                  s                                            780 .00
     5608 Old Mil.. Plaza                                                                                                                                                                                     C
     Srifte 2                                                                                                                                                                                                 |__|
     6 City                                                                                                            ) STATE                                (8) ZIP copE
     Eeu Claire                                                                                                        WI                                         54703                                       B
     (9) DAYT ME TELEPHONE NUV 3ER (Include area code)                                                                (10) COUNTRY CODE if not in U.S.A,)
       (715)       874—63:.1

                                                                                            SECTION B — APPLICANT INFORMATION
) aP                                                                               ctly as it appears on your card)



4) City                                                                                                               (15) STATE                              (16) ZIP cOCE

(17) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (I1clude :rea code)                                                                     (18) ‘2OUNTRY CODE (if not in J.S.A,)                                                 o

                                                                                             SECTION C — PAYMENT INFORNMIATION
(19A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (20A)_PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                            (21A) QUANTITY            (22A) "EE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20A
                                                                     C               U              T                   $780           |s
(23A) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                            (24A) FCC CODZ 2

(198) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (20B)_PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                            (218) QUANTITY            (22B) "EE DUE FOR (PTC) IN ELOCK 20B
(23B) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                            (24B) FCC CODE 2

(19C) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (20C) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                            (21C) QUANTITY            (22C) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN ELOCK 20C

(23C) FCC COpE 1
                                                                 |             |               |                                       s
                                                                                                                            (24C) FCC CODE 2

(19D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                        (20D)_ PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                           (21D) QUANTITY            (22D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN ELOCK 20D j

(23D) FCC CODE 1
                                                                 |             |               |                                       s
                                                                                                                            (240D) FCC CODE 2

(25)                                                                                                                        (26)                         K0

PAYER TIN                                   0|3 |a|1|s|o| o 4 3 6                                                           APPLICANT TIN
                                                                                                        SECTION E — CERTIFICATION
(27) cErnFicAron
1,                                                                                           , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                     (PRINT NAME)

are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                                         SIGNATURE
                                                                               SECTION F — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
                                                                       OUNT NUMBER:


                                                                                                                                                                     MONTH       YEAR

          visa         I hereby authorizethe FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD                         AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                            DATE
                       for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein described.                       >

                                                                         SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                    FCC FORM 159           JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-25 14:23:59
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 14:23:59

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