Attachment 20161227115441-577.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19991123-00745 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     for 214 Applications
      imatee »\_‘/‘*\;//f"   essal

                                                         Law OFFICES

                                 Broostor, MorpKorsK&y, JaAcKsoON & DICGKENS
                                                    2120 L. STREE], N.W.
HAROLD MORDKOFSKY                                 WaASHINCTCN, D.... 20037                       APFILIATE]) SCUTH AMERICAN OFFICES:
BENJAMIM H. DICKENS, JR.                                                                         ESTUDIO JAUREGUI & AssoCIATES
JOHN A. PRENDERGAST                                     (202) 35¢—0f 30                             BJENOS AIRLS, ARGENT NA
                                                  FA SSIMILE: (202) 326 —5568
ANDREW BROWN                                                                                          Ro3ERT M. JacksoN
RICHARD D. RUBINO                                                                                           oI" counseL
                                                                                                       PERRY W. WOOFTER
                                                                                                     LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT
Laura A. Otis                                                                                       EUGIINE MALISZEWSKYJ
KENNETH T. SIGMAN®                                                                                  DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING
                                                                                                         PRIVATE RADIO
     1914 . 1999
                                                                                                       SEAN A. AUsSTIN
                                                                                                    DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING
  *LimTED To PRACTICE BEFORE                                                                           C(OMNIERCIAL RADIO
   FEDERAL AGENCIES AND CouRTs                       Novembar 23, 19929
                                                                                     WRITER‘S DIRECT DIAL NO.

                                                                                      (202) $28—5510
         Magalie Roman Salas, Secretan"
         Federal Communications ‘Comniissior
         International Bureau, Telecomnuunica i01 is
         P.O. Box 358115
         Pittsburgh, PA 15251—51 15

         Re:        InoTel Communizations, Inc.,

        Dear NMIs. Salas:

                Enclosed herewitt please find an original ind fiv 2 (:3) copies of the Application for Streamlined
        International 214 Authority of Lifo Te Communicaticns, Inc. ("InfoTel") to resell the switched services
        of other common carriers and provide in ernationiil swit shed telecommunications services between the
        United States and international po nt.       Infoel s Application is being filed pursuant to the
        Commussion‘s streamlined process ng rmles, 47 C.FR. Section 63.12, and should be afforded such

                In accordance with Section 1 11 )7 of the Com nission‘s Rules, this Application and duplicate
        copies are being filed this day at he Commission‘s commercial lockbox with Mellon Bank in
        Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A check in the amount of seven hundred eighty dollars ($780.00), the fee
        associated with this application, accompanies this filing together with a completed FCC Form 159.

                    Any questions regarding this application may be addressed to the undersigned.


                                                                  Benjamin H. Dickens, Jr.
                                                                  Michael B. Adams, Jr.

        Enclosures                                                                           [

    READ INSTRUCTIONSCAI EFULLY                                                                                                                                               APPROVED BY OMB 3060—0589
      BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                          FEDERAL CO MMUNTCAT.!IONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                                                                                 SP ICIAL USE
                                                                                     REMTITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                                   PA 3ENO:—_IZ __IIF_L_._    1                                  FC ; USE ONLY
    (nrLocksox# 358115

                                                                                             SsECTICN A — PAYER INFORMATION
    0) PR ER IAME (if paying by cre. :card enter nameexactly as it appears on your
                                                                                ca ‘d)                                                                    [3) TOTZ L AMOLINT PAID (dolla‘s and c >nts)
     Infol‘el Commu ications, Ing.                                                                                                                        :             [                                    so.C

        (4) STIEE ADDRESS Lin E NO.
        651      Idgewood                     irive North
        (6) STIEE ADDRESS LINE No.

        6 Cnr _                                                                                                 () Stare                                  8 zfigfi_
| saxte r                                                                                                       MN                                            5.6 4 2 Brine Weahione
        9                                     3 (Include area code)                                            (10) CONINTRY CODE (if iot in U.S.A.)                                                     (
        (218)        824—4 )10

                                                                                     SECTION B — APPLICA \T INFORMZ TION
[(11)     APPLICANT NA ME (if pay 19 b srec                , e nter name exactly as it appears on your card)

[(1]      sTREeE] ADDRESS LINE 10.

[(13      STREE? ADbRESS LINE 10.: _

[1a       city                                                                                                 (1i) STATE                                 Ei ziP copEe

[(17)     DAYTIME TELEPHONE N‘ MBI {(In ude an a coie)                                                         (18 COUUNTRY CODE ( ‘not in U. 5.A,)

                                                                                      SECTION C — PAYME NT INFORM, \TION
    (19A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER D                      20A)_PAYMEINT T\ °E CODE (PTC)                    (21A) QUANT TY             (22A) FLE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20A El
                                                                l (2             U            T                           1       |s                      780 .00
 (23A) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                    (244) FCC CoDE ?

f                                                                                                                                                    mm                   .
    19B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                      20B) PAYMENT TV ‘E CODE (PTC)                  __| (218B) QUANT TY           (228) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 208 }:
[ 23B) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                    (24B) FCC CODE 2

                                                                                                                                                           iN BLock 20C   EFec:usE 0N
 i 19C) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                       20C) PAYMENT TY ‘E CODE (PTC)                     (21C) QUANTITY             (220) FEE DUE FOR (PT\3)

[ i3C) Fce cobe 1
                                                            _1                         |                                      s
                                                                                                                     124C) FCC CODE 2

                                            [                                                                                     (22D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20D
 | I9D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                       ‘0D) PAYMENT TY ‘E CODE (PTC)                     (21D) QUANTITY

[ :3D) Fce cope 1
                                                              1              l          _|                                    $
                                                                                                                     24D) FCC CODE: 2

65                                                                                                                   (26) COMPLETE THIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICANT NAME IN B—11 IS DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAME IN A—2)

    PAYER TIN                               0|a|1|1ilo|a|1i|]4a|1| 6| |APPLICANT TIN                                                                             |0
                                          &                                                      SECTION E — CERTIFICATION                                    _
 I,                                                                                   , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                     (PRINT NAME)
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                               SIGNATURE
                                                                             SECTION F — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
(28)                                MASTERCARDNISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                                                EXPIRATION DATE


                                                                                                                                                                  MONTH         YEAR

            vISA       I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD                 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                                DaTE

                       for the service(s/authortzation(s) herein described                   D
                                                                       SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                  FCC FORM 159             JULY 1997 (REVISED)

                                                           n oo y en e

                                                                                E Security features included. Details on back.
                              bag. cau—ucusr uuu

                                 ilitic riddtorn ied t   To ane on oup

              unuen ur

                               \_J\_JL’E‘         l"'      «_ 1 _ ._JB   _ 26

                                                    Before the:
                         FEDER iL C )MI! UNICATIONS On MISSI
                                              Vast ngton, D.C. 20       54                 i
In the   latte of                                               )                        N
                                                                $               "ary
InfoTe Con auni tion           Inc.                             )
                                                                )       File To.
Applic tion       ir At horit ‘to                               )
Rsell  iterr tion:      Swi thed                                J
Teleco imui satic      s Se ce                                  )
(Form: Sec on 6         18)                                     )

                  AP LIC .TIONFC °% S1 ¢EA]ILINED . UTE DRI °Y U
                      SE TIO [214 OF‘ HE COMMUN CA] [ON : AC

         nfo_. 1 C¢ imuw catio is, In . ("I foTel‘ or "Appli ant") requ sts a hori ation p irsuant

to Seci n 2 t of: e Cc nmurn icatic is A           and Section 63. 8 of he C jmmi on‘ Rule ,/1 %

                                                                                                          2i     k
the   5 itche .     se vices    of     othe     co imor      carriers   o    j rovice     in »rnal »nal        s itched

telecor mun: atior      sem ces betwee i the Jnite1 States ani inter atio1 al po                its.    ee 4" C S.C. §

214 (1 88); ntern tion         _Section 214 S eam! ning Order 61 P :d. R cg. 1 , 124 15,7 9 [1998)

(codifi 1 at « ‘CI Mi§f        3.18)

         nfo] 1 ree iests authorization to oper ite usa re: le—carrier jurst                    nt t(   the teriams and

conditi ns 0 Sect n 6: 18(e)(2) of the] ules. Unless for rally oppo ed, t 2 prt ent application

qualific_ for treai linec treatment undet Sect on 63.12 of the Rules See                        nter    Section

214 Streamlining Order, supra at 15,728 (codified at 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.12).

         InfoTel‘s proposed resale of telephone service will augment international telephone
                                esCn                                                               §
competition and, consequently, the public interest will be enhanced. InfoTel‘s proposed offering

will permit it to purchase telephone services at high—volume discounts and resell the services to its

customers with efficient incorporation of its savings. The public interest will be served through

InfoTel‘s   offering     of rates       which    will   be    competitive     with      other      similarly   situated

telecommunications carriers.        The introduction of Info[                 services will encourage

competition in the telecommunications mark :t through the introduction of telecommu iications

innovation and the rapid imp/emen :at on of cc it sensitive priing for the benefit of thie pul lic.\

        Grant of this applica:ion vill serve th : public interest, conveniince ind necesst y and in

support thereof, the followin: iifrmation is submitted pursuant to Secticn 63.1i                  of the

Commission‘s Rules

    a) Name, address, and telephcne number of the Applica it are:

                InfoTel Communicatic ns, Inc.
                651 Edgewood Drive North
                Baxter, MN 56425

                Telephone: (218) 824 4000
                Facsimile: (218) 824 4001

   b) The Applicant is organized under the 1 ws of:


   c) Correspondence concerning the application should be addressed to:

                Becky Parker
                Director of Marketing and Business Development
                InfoTel Communications, Inc.
                651 Edgewood Drive North
                Baxter, MN 56425

               Telephone: (218) 824—4180
               Facsimile: (218) 824—4202

             with corp es t« legal coun al:

                Benj:; min .. Dickens,      Ir.
                Bloo., ton, fordkofsk       , Jackson and Dickens
                2120 L St ret, N. W.,        uite 300
                Wast ingtc {D:C. 20(        )7

                Telef hone (202) 659 1830
                Facsi nile: 202) 828—: 568

    d) InfoTel has r ot p1 viously rec rved authority uider Sectior 214 fthe Zommunic: tion:

        Act, 47 U.S. 2. 21 , to resell iternational service.

    e) InfoTel is rec uest: g authorit under Section 2: 4 of the C¢ nmu icatie as Act, 47 J.S.(

        §_214;,tooperate     s a resale c   rrier pursuant to the terms a id co ditio s of Section

        63.18(e)(2) of the Zommissio        ‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18( )(2).

                                     C J RTIFICA TIO NS


        InfoTel certifies that it is not : foreign carrier, and that it does not hav an affiliation wi.1

any foreign carrier.

        InfoTel certifies that it does not have an affiliation with any of the U.S. carriers whose

facilities—based inter—national services it proposes to resell.

        The name, address, citizenship and princif al business of the only »ntity having a ten

percent (10%) or greater interest ir InfoTel is as iollows:

Name/Address                               QOwner Citizen Princij al B siness

Whitefish Investments, LLC                  50%           MN.     Invest nent ioldings
651 Edgewood Drive North                                  Corp.    compi ny.
Baxter, MN 56425

Arvig Enterprises, Inc.                     50%           MN.     Telece mm iications.
150 2 Street SW                                           Corp.
Perham, MN 56573

       The name, address, citizenship an1d principal busin :ss of the enti »s having a te 1i perceni:

(10%) or greater interest in Whitefish Investments i; as fc llows:

Name/Address                               Owner Citizer Principal B siness

Greg Arvig                                   50%          U.S.    Telecomm iications.
651 Edgewood Drive North                              :
Baxter, MN 56425

Gilroy Arvig                                50%           U.S.    Telecomm:t iucations.
651 Edgewood Drive North
Baxter, MN 56425

       In t rn, t > nai e, address, sitize iship nd p ncip | bus iess ~f the entities having a ten
percent (1C 4) 0: grea :rinteresti Ar 3 Ent rpris s is : foll wWS.

Name/Add :ess                                Ow            tize Pri            Business

Allen Arvig                                  208                               nunications.
150 2 Stree SW
Perham, M I 56 43

Eleanor Ar ig                                208                        2COm   nunications.
150 2 Stree SW
Perham, M 1 56 73

Donna War 1                                  208                        2CON   nunications.
150 2 Stree SW
Perham, M 1 56 73

        Ple: se nc > tha in additior to it own! ‘ship ntere t in 1 e Ap ilicant, Arvig Enterprises

Inc. wholly »wns ‘he FE ist Ottertai Tele hone com any, ‘win Zalle —Ulen Telephone Company,

and Callaway Te ‘pho > Company, all c ‘whi! i are ocal xcha ge c riers located in Minnesota.

The Applicant: ( i wil maintain separat bool ; of : cou1 fro: its a Aliated local exchange

carriers; (2) will   t jo itly own transmi sion     r sw   shing facil: ies w th its affiliated local

exchange carriers; and 3) will take any iriffed services f »m it affil ted local exchange carriers

pursuant to the terms and conditions of their generally applicable tariffs.

        InfoTel will be treated as a nonregulated affiliate of its affiliated local exchange carrier for

P urposes of local exchange
                         S carrier accounting under the Commission‘s Jjoint cost and affiliate

transactions rules as set forth in Parts 32 and 64 of the Commission‘s Rules.

                             Foreign Concessions and Arrangements

       InfoTel hereby certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessio s, di :ctly or

indirectly, from any foreign carrier or foreign administration with respect to trafli : anc revenue

flows between the United States and any foreign country which InfoTel may ser : unc »r the

authority sought; and that it will not enter into such agreements in the future.

                               Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification

       InfoTel certifies that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, no party to 1e af »licaton is

subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug A use «ct of

1988,; 21 US.C. 862.


        In light of the foregoing. Ir fo"el respectfully submits that the public interest, convenience

and necessity would be serve1 ty ;. g: an of the Section 214 authorization sought, and that such

authorization should be issued t> i: fcr purposes of reselling the switched services of other

common carriers to provide interniitic nal switched telecommunications services between the

United States and international points .

                                               Respectfully submitted,
                                               InfoTel Co                i0rs, Inc.


                                               Printed Name:         (9 C ‘;L_

                                               Title:    ’\D{‘v\(;"*,}

                                                          1 UESS

Benjamin H. Dickens, Jr.
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Jackson and Dickens
2120 L Street, NNW., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20037
Phone: (202) 659—0830
Fax:   (202) 828—5568

                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Michael B. Adams, Jr., hereby certify that I ani aii attoiney v ith the law firta cf Ellooston,
Mordkofsky, Jackson & Dickens and that a copy of the: firegoiig "A pplication for S ream lined
Section 214 Authority" was served this 23th day 0; November, 999, by fi‘st cliss mail as
indicated, to the persons listed below.

       The Honorable Jesse Ventura
       Office of the Governor
       130 State Capitol
       75 Constitution Avenue
       Saint Paul, MN 55155

       The Honorable Madeleine Albright
       Secretary of State
       United States Department of State
       2201 C Street, NW.
       Washington, D.C. 20520

       The Honorable William S. Cohen
       Secretary of Defense
       Attention: Special Assistant for Telecommunications
       The Pentagon
       Washington, D.C. 20301

       International Transcription Service
       1231 20 Street, N.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20037

                                                Ami%flt@ Alal}.
                                                       Michael B. Adams, Jr.           f

Document Created: 2019-04-20 05:38:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 05:38:37

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