Attachment 20161227142647-157.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19991110-00771 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   @<KkrEegePN>                                                      Page   1

Search Result                                     Rank 11   of   34                                Database
1999 WL 1204526       (F.C.C.)

                          Feder     Communications Commission          (F.C.C.)

                                            Public Notice

                                        Report No.TEL—O0O16SNS
                                          December 17, 1999

       Section 214 Applic          :ions   (47 C.F.R.   § 63.18);     Cable Landing License
   Applications       (47 C.F.      §   1.767);   Authorize      Switched Services over Private
                      Lines   (<   C.F.R.   § 63.16)    and Section 310 (b) (4)

  Unless otherwise speci  ed, the following procedures apply to the applications
listed below:
  The applications liste  below have been found, upon initial review, to be
acceptable for filing. T  se applications are not subject to the streamlined
processing procedures se  forth in Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s rules, 47
C.F.R. § 63.12. These ap  ications shall not be deemed granted until the
Commission affirmatively  cts upon the application, either by public notice or
by written order. Operat  n for which authorization is sought may not commence
except in accordance wit  any terms or conditions imposed by the Commission.
  Unless otherwise speci  ed, interested parties may file comments with respect
to these applications wi  in 28 days of the date of this public notice. We
request that such commen   refer to the application file number shown below. Ex
parte communications bet  en outside parties and Commission staff concerning
these applications are p  mitted subject to the Commission‘s rules for "permit—
but—disclose proceedings   See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206.
  Copies of all applicat.ons listed here are available for public inspection in
the FCC Office of Public Affairs Reference and Information Center, located in
room CY—A257     at   the Portals 2     building,    445    12th Street   SW,   Washington DC 20554.
The center can be contacted at (202) 418—0270. All applications listed are
subject to further consideration and review, and may be returned and/or
dismissed if not       found to be      in accordance with the Commission‘s              rules,
reqgulations,    and other requirements.

ITC—214—19991110=00 771                               NEW SKIES NETWORKS,         INC.
International     Telecommunications        Certificate
Service(s) :    Global    or Limited Global       Facilities—Based AND Resale            Service
Application for authority to operate as a facilities—based carrier in

                  Copr.    ©® West 2000 No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works

Document Created: 2019-04-19 22:27:50
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 22:27:50

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