Attachment 20170228090504-300.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19991019-00662 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                   Non—Streamlined   ITC—214—19991019—00662
                                                                   AT&T CORP/AT&T ALASCOM/AT&T PUERTO RICO/AT&T
                                                                   VIRGIN ISLANDS

                      Categories of Services for 214 Applications

                    ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE

                    GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                     GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
oA 0A A 0o 0o o 0

                    SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE
                    TRANSFER OF CONTROL—                                                  ;
                    SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING LICENSE                                       4;CX
                    INTERNATIONAL SPECIAL PROJECT                                         \ /

   Description of Application:                                 0     <>'(Zfl/fa£2‘

                                                                                 FCOC/MELLON          oct 19 joog
                                               ‘ore the .
                            FEDERAL COb        ICATIONS COMMISSION
                                 Washir        A,    DB.C.            20554

In the Matter of

AT&T Corp.,           ATé&T Alascom, It        AT&T of
Puerto Rico, Inc., and ATsl                     the U.S.
v¥itgin Islands, Inc.
                                                                                   ~_Filse No.
Application for Authorizati                    Pursuant                               I—T—C—No.       99—
to Section 214 of the Comm                     ations Act
of    1934,    As Amended,          to Prc     a Switched
Services via International                     vate Lines
Interconnected to the Publi                    witched
Network at One or Both Ends                    tween the
United States and Poland


                 AT&T Corp.         ("ATs:     tp."),               on behalf of          itself and its

affiliated companies AT&T 2                    som,        Inf.           ("AT&T Alascom"),            ATéT of

Puerto        ‘Ricgco,    Inc.      ("AT&T     "J        —~and       ATéT        of    the     U.S.     Yirgin

ITslangds,      Inug.     ("AT&T—YVI")},       ‘reinafter                 collectively referred to

as    "AT&T")         hereby     apply   f     authorizations                     pursuant      to     Section

214    of     the     Communications                of     .1       34,    as    amended,      and     Section

63.18       (e) (4)      of the Commission‘s Rules,                       47    C.F.R.   §   G63.18    (e6) (4),

to provide            switched      services   between               the       United    States       ("U.S.")

and Poland interconnected with the public switched network at one

or both ends             ("ISR").

3:            The      Commission‘s         Foreign    Participation            Order‘,      which

became     effective        February        9,     1998,        sets    forth     the     current

requirements under which the Commission will                            review applications

for authority to engage in ISR with a carrier from a WTO country.

Specifically,          the Commission‘s rules state:

             Pursuant to the Section 214 authorization
             condition adopted in the Benchmark Order, we
             will authorize carriers to provide switched
             services over international facilities—based or
             resold private lines on the condition that
             settlement rates for at least 50 percent of the
             settled US Billed traffic on the route or routes
             in question are at or below the relevant benchmark
             adopted in that Order‘.

      AT&T hereby submits the following information to demonstrate

that the above stated test has been met:

1)    Poland is         a WTO member country.

2)    on     October       —13,    1999     AT&éT     filed       for     an     International

      Settlements         Policy Modification              of    the Accounting         Rate    for

      International Message Telephone Service with Poland.                                In that

      filing,       AT&T    notified        the    Commission          that    the   accounting

      rate       for    IMTS      service    between        AT&T       and     Telekomunikacja

      Polska       S.A.(hereinafter              "TPSA"),       effective       July    1,     1999

      would decrease from USD $.42 to USD $.38.

1     Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the US Telecommunications
      Market, IB Docket No.        97—142, Report and Order and Order on
      Reconsideration (rel.        Nov. 26, 1997) ("Foreign Participation Order").

2 Id. at T 79.

3)      The       settlement         rate    stated    in     paragraph          2     above       is     the

        prescribed           $0.19    benchmark       settlement         rate    established              for

        Poland in the Commission‘s 1997 Benchmark Order‘.

4)      Pursuant to the Commission‘s International Settlement Rules,

        the accounting rate agreed to between AT&T and TPSA must be

        made available to              all U.S.      carriers        on a non—discriminatory

        basis.          On    information       and    belief,          TPSA    has        offered        the

        accounting           rate,    agreed    to     with    AT&T,       to        all    other       U.S.

        carriers         including      MCIWorldcom          and     Sprint.               TPSA    is     the

        monopoly         international         provider         in      Poland.              Therefore,

        TPSA‘s         offering of      an accounting rate               of     $.38       to     all U.S.

        carriers will result in more than fifty percent                                    (50%)    of the

        U.S.      billéd      traffic       being     settled      at    the     prescribed             U.S.

        $0.19      benchmark         settlement       rate     for    Poland         as     of     July    1,

        19989 .

II,               In    accordance      with    Section        63.18     of     the        Commiszssion‘s

Rules     and      Reqgulations,        47    CFR     63.18,    and      in     support           of    this

Application,           AT&T states the following:

1)      63.18(a)— The name and address of the applicants are:

                         AT&T Corp.
                         295 North Maple Avenue
                         Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920
                         908 221—2000

3 International Settlement Rates,            12 FCC Red.     19806    (1997)     ("International
Settlement Rate Order").

                   AT&T Alascom, Inc.
                   210 E. Rluff Drive
                   Anchorage, Alaska 99501
                   907 264—7661

                   AT&T of Puserto Ricgco, Inc.
                   250 Munoz Rivera Avenue
                   AIG Building, Suite 904
                   Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918
                   809 729—6201

                   ATsT of the U.S.         Virgin Islands,               Inc.
                   Suite No. 211B
                   Buccanneer Mall
                   St..: Thomas, VLI Q0802
                   809 776—6000

     63 .18 (b)— ATST Corp.       is —a corporation organizec                        31 sexisting

     under the laws of the State of New York.                             AT&T       iscom is a

     corporation      organized     and     existing          under       the        ~s    of     the

     State    of   Alaska.      AT&T—PR      is    a    corporation              .   nized        and

     existing under      the    laws   of   the    State       of New Y                    AT&ET—VLI

     is   a   corporation    organized       and       existing       under          e     laws    of

     the State of Delaware.

     63.18(c)—     Correspondence      concerning             this Appli             Lon    should

     be addressed to:

                   Martha Lewis Marcus
                   Room 111512
                   295 North Maple Avenue
                   Basking Ridge, NJ          07920
                   Telephone:     908 221—2134

4)   63.18 (d)— AT&T     Corp.,    AT&T Alascom,              AT&T—PR      and AT&T—VI            are

     engaged in the business of furnishing interstate and foreign

     telecommunications         services.              Lach    is     a      common        —Ccarrier

subject       to    the    Communications Act        of       1934,    as    amended,       and

each    is    an    "authorized carrier"            as    defined          in Section       103

(7)    of the Communications Satellite Act of 1962.

63.18(e) (3)—         As       indicated   above,   as    from     July      1,    1999,    the

accounting rate            for more than 50 percent of the U.S.                          billed

traffic to          Poland via TPSA will be               settled at             $.19.     This

rate    is    the prescribed benchmark settlement rate                            for Poland

as of January 1,               2000.

63.18 (h) (1)—        AT&T       hereby    certifies      that        it    is    affiliated

with the       following         foreign carriers which are                 authorized to

engage       in the provision of             international         telecommunications

services           offered        to   the    public          in   their          respective


Canada:               AT&T Canada Corp.
Canada                AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company
Chile:                AT&T       Servicios de Comunicaciones                Chile
Germany:      ACC Telecommunikations GMBH
Guatemala:    AT&T Servicios de Comunicacion de Guatemala, S.A.
Mexico:       Alestra, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Netherlands:  AT&T Communications Services Netherlands B.V.
Philippines:   Subic Telecommunications Company, Inc.
United Kingdom: AT&T Communications (UK) Ltd.
United Kingdom: ACC Long Distance UK Ltd.

63.18 (h) (2)— AT&T hereby certifies                 that it does not have a ten

percent       (10%)       or    greater    shareholder        or   other         equity    holder.

John Zeglis,          a director of AT&T,           is    a    director of AT&T             Canada

Corp.    and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company.

8)    63.18(h) (8)— AT&T hereby certifies that it has been found to be

      non—dominant       on    all    of    its     international         routes     —~~7"    ~—quests

      non—dominant treatment for purposes of this applica

9)    63 .18 (i) —     Consistent           with        the       Commission‘s                   ign

      Participation       Order       concerning          special        concessio.              C&T

      further    certifies      that       it   has    not     agreed to     accep               Lal

      concessions      directly or indirectly from any foreig                                    Ler

      with   respect      to    any    U.S.         international          route    v            che

      foreign    carrier       possesses          sufficient       market     powe               the

      foreign end of the route to affect                        competition adv                   in

      the U.S.       market    and AT&T has not              agreed to      enter                kisiel

      agreements in the future.

10)   63.18 (j)— AT&T hereby certifies that                      it is not     sub               ) a

      denial     of     Federal       benefits          that     include      FCC                [ts

      pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act                                        38 .

4 See, AT&T Corp. Declared Non—Dominant for International Service, CC                        Docket
No. 79—252, FCC 98—253, FCC 96—209          (rel.     May 14,   1996),   reaff‘d CC Docket No.
79—252, (rel. Oct. 5, 1998)

3 Foreign Participation Order at TT 156—157.


             Based on the              foregoing,   AT&T respectfully submits           that

pursuant to the requirements of the Foreign Participation Order,

TPSA     satisfies    the           Commission‘s    criteria      for   approving     ISR   to

Poland.     Accordingly, AT&T respectfully requesfs the Commission‘s

approval    to provide              switched services      over   international private

lines    between     the    U.S.       and    Poland    interconnected     to   the   public

switched network at one or both ends.

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                       AT&T CORP.

                                                       By:/s/ Martha Lewis Marcus
                                                            Martha Lewis Marcus

                                                       Mark C. Rosenblum
                                                       Lawrence J. Lafaro
                                                       Martha Lewis Marcus
                                                       Its Attorneys

                                                       295 N. Maple Ave.
                                                       Room 1115L2
                                                       Basking Ridge,    NJ 07920

Dated:     October    Z         ;    1999

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

             I,   Tracy Rudnicki,        do hereby certify that on this        /7A

day   of   October,   1999    a   copy    of   the   foregoing    "Application   for

Section 214 Authorization"          was mailed by U.S.           First   Class Mail,

postage prepaid,      upon the parties on the attached service list:

                                                /s/Tracy Rudnicki
                                                Tracy Rudnicki

                               SERVICE LIST

Ambassador Vonya B. McCann             Anthony Cina
Dbirector                              Bureau of International
Office of International                  Communications and
  Communications and                     Information Policy
  Information Policy                   US Department of State
US Department of State                 Room 4826
Room 48526                             2201 C Strset, N.W.
2201 C Street, N.W.                    Washington, DC 20520—1428
Washington, DC 20250—1428
                                       Gary Couey
Joan Donoghue                          Bureau of International
Assistant Legal Adviser for              Communications and
  Economic, Business and                 Information Policy
  Communications Affairs               Department of State
Office of the Legal Adviser            Room 4826
2201 C Street, N.W.                    2201 C Street, N.W.
Department of State                    Washington, DC  20520
Washington, DC 20520—6310
                                       Shirl Kinney
Robin R.   Layton                      Deputy Assistant Secretary
ITA                                       for Communications and
Department of Commerce                    Information
Room 4324                              NT IA
l4th St. & Constitution,      N.W.     Department of Commerce
Washington,   DC     20230             Room 4898
                                       lith St.    & Constitution,
Richard Beaird                         N .W .
Bureau of International                Washington,    DC   20230
  Communications and
  Information Policy                   Suzanne Settle
Department of State                    NTIA
Room 4836                              US Dept. of Commerce
2201 C Street,      N.W.               Room 4720
Washington,   DC 20520—1428            l4th St. & Constitution,      N.W.
                                       Washington, DC 20230
Steven Lett
Bureau of International                Jack Gleason,
  Communications and                   Acting Administrator
  Information Policy                   Office of International
Department of State                      Affairs
Room 4826                              Department of Commerce NTIA
2201 C Street,     N.W.                Room 4701
Washington,   DC 20520—1428            l4th St. & Constitution, N.W.
                                       Washington, DC 20230

Larry Irving                                 Robert Koppel
                                             MCI Worldcom
Assistant Secretary for
  Communications and
                                             1133 19"" Street
                                             9°" Floor
                                             Washington,   D.C.    20036—3604
Department of Commerce NTIA
Room 4898
l4th St.    &   Constitution,   N.W.
Washington,      DC 20230
                                             Nakul Rege
Barbara Wellberry                            MCIWorldcom
Chief Counsel                                 Two International Drive
Department of Commerce NTIA                   Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Room 4713                                     Rye Brook, New York 10573
14 St. & Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20230                          Gail Polivy, Esq.
                                              GTE Hawaiian Telephone Company
Cathleen Wasilewski                           1850 M Street,      N.W.
Attorney Advisor, Office of                  Washington,     DC 20036
  Chief Counsel
Department of Commerce NTIA                   Keith H. Fagan
Room 4713                                     COMSAT Communications
l4th St. & Constitution N.W.                  6560 Rockspring Drive
Washington, DC 20230                          Bethesda, MD 20817

John Dalton                                  Michael Fingerhut
Secretary of the Navy                        Leon Kestenbaum
Office of the Secretary                      Kent Nakamura
Department of the Navy                       Sprint Communications
The Pentagon                                   Company L.F.
Washington,     DC 20310                      1850 M Street,      N.W.
                                             Washington,     DC 20036
Dr. James E. Soos
Deputy Assistant Secretary
  of Defense for C3
Room 3K194
6000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301—6000

Carl Wayne Smith, Esq.
Code AR Defense Information
  Systems Agency
701 South Courthouse Road
Arlington, VA 22204

Office of General Counsel
National Security Agency
9800 Savage Road
Fort Meade,     MD 20755—6000


Document Created: 2019-08-28 12:10:02
Document Modified: 2019-08-28 12:10:02

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