Attachment 20170216113259-580.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19990701-00441 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


   Jeffrey A. Marks                                                              555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
   Direct Dial: (202) 637—2120                                                   Washington, D.C. 20004—1304                                                          Tel: (202) 637—2200 Fax: (202) 637—2201

                                                                                  ‘IRN / A "FILIATE OITFICES
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   July 2, 2003                                     $z ed
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                                                                                  fos: ow        Tokyo                      Policy Divisicn
                                                                                                 Washington, D.C         International Bureau

   Mailetr e L. Dortch, Scerstary                                            In 4 3uroay
   Fed :ral C on municati>n: Comm:ssi on
                                                                             JLL 0 3 z09;
   445 12th strset, SW
                                                                         Front Oflics
   Wa: hiigt n DC 20554
   AT‘CN: )nt rnationiil Eureau, Po ic Division

              R:          Dunn i Associates, nc db/;. B       lev ird Phoiie Jo:npany, Surrender of
                                                              itic n (File: To M C 21:1—1999070 [( 0441)»
   Dea : S sei stery Dortch::

                   Pursua:it to Sectioa €3.19(a) cf t} Co nraissicn‘ : rmle:, Lunn & Aszuociates, Inc.
   d/b/ i F ou evard Phon: Company ("Juin‘) (FRK #£ 0002732351 , & nc n—dominant carrier,
   thro 1g/i it ; undersigned counsel, 1e eb / n oti ies      ie Coramis: io: i that it i itends to discontinue _
   offe in ; i ite national services andis ir mcer its:       ‘err ational 3e mg"fim}&;z{e)uior..l Dunn is
   autt ori zec| to provide internationill s am ices ; urs    int o File No. IT T—214—19990701—0/)441.

                   Dunn currently ha s n > c ist ow ersit a 1y services, includi: rig internatonal
   serv ces, i nd has had no :sustomes : or mcre tha   me year. Ti L ec:mbei 2001, in consultation
   witk th: k ansas Corpora ion Conim :ss on (" ©      ") a 1d cons: ste nt with Section 63. 19(a)(1) of
   the Joinn ission‘s rules, Junn gave each aiffucte cus torner 9 )—c¢ ay s n otice of its inteni to cease
   providi ng sh ared tenant services :nc worked wil each of the n o ¢ffect i transitior to an
   alterna iv: provider. .t that time, C unn provide tele:communications services to a total of 23
   busine:s cus omers located in a s:ngie office comuyplex in Overlar d Park, <ansas. Dunn‘s
   December 10, 2001 letter notification to the KCC regarding the 90—day transitioning process is
   attached hereto as Exhibit A and a copy of the KCC order approving discontinuance is attached
   as Exhibit B.

                At the time of the migration, Dunn consulted with the KCC, and observed all
   applicable KCC requirements. Subsequent to Dunn‘s parent company‘s recent restructuring and

       Although Dunn, a wholly owned subsidiary of Birch Telecom, Inc. ("Birch"), is surrendering
       its international Section 214 authority, three other Birch subsidiaries provide international
       services pursuant to File Number ITC—214—19990701—00441. Thus, Dunn requests that File
       Number ITC—214—19990701—00441 remain active for these other Birch subsidiaries.


      Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
      July 2, 2003
      Page 2


      sut sec   ue    it   nerger, Dunn discovered that it inadvertently had not yet provided the required
      notice    to    th    Commission, and Dunn therefore does so at this time." Dunn apologizes for the
      delay     iss   )c   ated with this filing. Dunn did not retain records of, and has beer. unable to locate,
      its a0t   ifi    at   on to customers and, therefore, respectfully requests that the Commission accept
      Exhiib ts %A nd B as satisfying Dunn‘s obligation under Section 63.19(a)(2) to file with the
      Co:nn is: io | a copy of its customer notification on or after the date that notice has been given to
      all aff:ct :d :ustomers.

                             Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this matter.

                                                            Sincerely yours,

                                                            3em Marks
                                                            of LATHAM & WATKINS LLP

      ge:       IV r. Seorge Li
                IV s. susan O‘Connell

     >      Dunn‘s current parent company, Birch Telecom, Inc. completed a corporate reorganization in
            September of 2002 and completed a merger with another competitive telecommunications
            provider in March 2003. Both transactions were approved by the Commission. See DA No.
            03—281 (rel. Jan. 30, 2003) (restructuring); DA No. 03—765 (rel. Mar. 13, 2003) (merger).



Staff Assignment:           Christine Aarnes

In the Matter of Business Communication

                                               wz xz iz
Services, Inc. Filing to Cease It‘s Share                 Docket No.
Tenant Services Effective March 31, 2002.

FILE DATE:           December 12,       2001


                                                                                                             rorst in Comniision
                                                                                                               S. | soanan

                                                                  ] ecer 3e      1),


Mr. Thomas Behner,
Assistant Chief of Telecommunicatiois
Kansas Corporation Commission
1500 SW Arrowhead Road

                                                                                                            447 . CSLS


Topeka, Kansas 66604—2425

   Re:   Discontinuation of Shared Tena t Servic s.ore k :~d/b) D                             : e Inc. dba

                                                                                     * Cn
                                                                              ~ B
         Boulevard Phone Compiany
\Dear Mr. Behner:

Boulevard Phone Company, a dia of Du           n & As      x at s, ne., h ch is 1                o    ned subsidiai      ; of
Birch Telecom, In::., cursently serves 23      ‘hared t\   1@ t us ome i t :                     at   as, all within     he city
of Overland Park. Boulevard provides o         ly shart    1i n it erviccs En                    s    :cently deterr     ined
that it is no longer profitable to provide :   r1ared te   aros mvo:es t ts a:                   f¢    <this reason i1   desires
to discontinue its business entirely. To t     is end, .   o le a1 has o ta te .                 st   mer and is cu      rently
working out arrangements to allow custc        ners to     rect Bire i‘ sl c(                  : is 3, Inc.‘s UNE ?
network or select and convert to another       elecom: u ic ti as pt iv le .                     ;© inversion of : l
customers to Birch or an alternative prox      der, Du n i as ociat s la s                         1 lucting busin ss.

Boulevard is sencing out a letter to each ustome           a o it ;thei r ne y 9            )( a, t make alternate
arran:zements before Boulevard will cea: : provid          ig se vi es or N im h 1,         2( )2   nce there are other

optioi1s in this market in addition to serv se provi       ed b enher] ouevai c              3 r 1, nd since this
represents a smal number of customers, .t is Bov           »varu s view that clos ig        us1 isiness will not have an
adverse impact on the customers or the market.

If you should have any questions about this matter, or wish to discuss this further, please contact me at
(816) 300—3322. Thank you for your ongoing support.

                                                                 Very truly yours,

                                                                  Christopher Bunce                       STATE CORPORATION COMMISEION
                                                                  Regulatory Counsel
                                                                                                               BEC 19 sop
                                                                                                             UTILITIES bdivigion

         2020 Baltimore Avenue      Kansas City, Missouri 64108—1914          816.300.3000        fax: 816.300.3350


                                                                            MAHMEsULSLZ LAttautgf
                                                                            Esnsas Corporation Commission
                                                                            "I leffers S. Wassman

                          THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION
                                OF THE STATE OF KANSAS

Before Commissioners:                  John Wine, Chair
                                       Cynthia L. Claus
                                       Brian J. Moline

In the Matter of Dunn & Associates, Inc., d/b/a       )
Boulevard Phone Co, (formerly d/b/a Business          )
Communication Services, Inc.) Filing to Cease         )       Docket No. O2—STST—447—CCS
Its Shared Tenant Services Effective March            }
31, 2002.                                             )

        NOW, the above—captioned matter comes before the State Corporation Commission of the State

of Kansas ("Commission"). Having examined its files and records, and being duly advised in the

premises, the Commission finds and concludes as follows:

        1.      On April 3, 1995, Dunn & Associates, Inc., d/b/a Boulevard Phone Co, fofmerly d/b/a

Business Communication Services, Inc. ("‘Dunn & Associates") filed an application requesting approval

to operate as a Shared Tenant Services ("STS") provider. Dunn & Associates applied for permission

to resell local telephone service to the tenants of the Financial Plaza Office Complex, 6800 College

Blyvd., Overland Park, Kansas.

        2.      On July 6, 1995, the Commission issued an order approving Dunn & Associates‘

application to resell local telephone service, STS, to the tenants of Financial Plaza Office Complex.

        3.      On December 12, 2001, Durnn & Associates, a wholly—owned subsidiary of Birch

Telecom, Inc. ("Birch"), filed a request to cease its STS in the State of Kansas.

        4.      On January 8, 2002 the Commission received a merporandum from Commission staff

("Staff") recommending the Commission grant Dunn & Associates‘ request to cease its STS in the State

of Kansas.    Staff indicated that Dunn & Associates currently serves twenty—three shared tenant

customers in the State of Kansas and that the company recently determined that it was no longer

profitable to provide STS in this market, and therefore, wishes to discontinue its business. Further,

Staff ind.cated that the company has contacted each customer and is curren‘ly working ou:

arrangements to allow customers to convert io Bich‘s network c : select ar d co ivert to anothe:

telecommunications provider. Following conveision »fall customers > Birchor:; n alte mati eprc vide1,

Dunn & Associates intends to cease conductinz business Dunn & Assoiates has : naile | a lefter to

each customer allowing ninety days to m ike a tern: tive t:lecommu iicati ns &rrang :mer :s be ‘ore i

ceases providing service on March 31, 2002. S taff : tated it has no c »neei is w th th: s fili g.

        3.        The Commission finds that the 1eque it of Dunn & As iocia 2s, I1 c. to :ease oper ition :

as a Shared Tenant Services provider within th: Sta‘ e of Hansas sho ild b grai ted.


        A.    The request of Dunn & Associates, lnc., (/b/a Boul vard Phote Cc form merly d/b/;.

Business Communication Services, Inc., to cease o jerations as a S aarec Tenant S ‘rvices provide:®

within the State of Kansas is hereby granted, effecti‘‘e March 31, 20 12.

        B.       Any party may file a petition for recor sider: tion of thi ; ord: r wit iin fi teen lays of the

date this order is serv2d. If service is by mail, service is co nplete upc n ma ling und t} ree d iys n ay be

added to the above tine frame.

        C.        The Commission retains jurisdiction ove: the subje t ma ter and th : par ies for the

purpose of entering such further order or orders as it may leem nece isary                              |


        Wine, Chr.; Claus, Com.; Moline, Com.

        Dated:        AN 28 200                                           ORDEH MAILEJ

                                                                            EJAN 3 0 2002

                                                                       {it;, A 2 Tess
                                                                     Jeffrey S. Wagaman
                                                                     Executive Director


Document Created: 2019-06-06 13:41:41
Document Modified: 2019-06-06 13:41:41

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