Attachment 20170214105546-227.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19990609-00345 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         Streamlined       ITC—214—19990609—00345
                                         NUSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

               Categories of Services for 214 Applications



oA 9A 9A 9

0A 6


9A 0A

qA 9A


  Description of Application:

      INSTR                                EFULLY                                                                                                   APPROVED   BY OMB     3060—0

   BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                        FEDERAL COL"*UNiCATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                     REMTCTANCE ADVICE                                      mt fed&n _.—
                                                                                         PaGENO______ Of _                                 PNFEECEAEL     4>
(1) LOCKBOX #                                                                                                                                                           199&

                                                           appears on

        5440 P

                                      area code}


                      . <" FMO
                                                            asit   appears on your

         5440          PTREE                IND BLVD

                                          area code)

PAYER TIN                            |0                                                       ‘lappuicaAnt TN                              _[0
          oe           Macaluso                                                  , Certify under paenalty of perjury that the                         and supporting information
                              (PRINT NAME)                                                                                            /z

    true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                       SIGNATURE


                hareby authorize the FCGGC to charge my VIBA or MASTERCARD

                  the service(s}/authorizations(s) herain described.

                                                                                                     oN                                    FCC FORM 159        JULY 1997 (REVISED)

      Nno«—A6—3202   sSht    o2 1:3

                                                                                                           Nove nber a. TYA

             Federal Communications Commission
             IB Telecommunications Division
             P.O: Box 358115
             Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

             RE: Application of Nustar Communications, Inc. for authority pursuani to Section 114 of the
             Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to resell service of oth :r con m m car ie s to provide swirch. ¢
             services from the United States to international points.

             Dear Sir:

             Enclosed for filing are the original six (6) copies of the above—refe renced a iplicalio| . of Nust ir
             Communications, Inc.

             Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $745,00 to cover the filing fee. ‘his app! cation is filed
             pursuant to streamlined filing requirements for international resel ers.

             Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by date stamping one cof y of this cover let er and réetaining it n
             the enclosed, self—addressed, stamped envelope provided.

             Thank you for your attention in this matter,. Questions regarding his filin; ; should »e directed (o it:
             attention at (770) 422—1173.


             Joe Macaldso
             Telecommunications Manager

             co: Joe Macallso
             to file: Nustar Communications, Inc.. —FCC 214

NOVvV—A6—38    SsaAtT   es :32     PM

               Nustar Communicatiot         In    is n   / a C           ion     ‘gan ed under th: la ; of        e st; : of Georgi;

        The company intends to resel the          Icco   mut             s fac   ities f other cor im      can irs a 1 is not a

        facilities—based carrier. Nust: Co mur           atio            ser     ces 1 I1 be offered na mw: s. 7 rough it‘s

        service. customers may origit      te c   Is n   onv             n of    :r CC ntries for termi   itio1] n th United

        States or to other countries. *.   16 C   npal   see             >rity o re:! 11 international    Aleco imu      cation

        services to better serve its ons   )me    by | ‘erir             fan     : of lecommunicatic s pr luct ind services

        By providing international ca ing                , Ni tar C              nica   ons, Inc. will be ible    off    its

        customers a valuable service ;            etit   : ral

               In ernational telecomm nici        on§            ; wil be a aine by Nustar Con wuni               tior   Inc. from

        other sw rently authorized con     mot                   istar   com     unic tions, Inc. will    :sell   ies vices of

        other fac lities—based carriers that 1    ve 0           autl    riza    on fi im this commis: m it ludi 3 those listed

        in pai ag aph (E ) .

               The provision of Internation       sen    ely Nustar C\           amll   ications, Inc. u 1 no rave       ny

        significant impact on the general p visi         of such service o the public. By grar            ng t s at lication, the

        Commission will serve the public interest, convenience, aud necessity. Custome: of Nustar

        Communications, Inc. will have greater access to a variety of services and the international services

        market will benefit from increased competition. Ultimately, consumers of telecommunications services

       will benefit from increased price competition and the availability of a wide service selection. Thus, the

       grant of Section 214 authority to Nustar Conununications, Inc. is consistent with the public interest.

                                                                            FCC SECTION 214 APPLICATION
                                                                            NUSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                                                            Page 2

   As demonstrated in this application, Nustat Communications, Inc. is legally, financially, and

technically qualified to provide the services for whichit requests authority. For the reasons stated above.

applicant submits that the public interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this

Section 214 application.

                                   Dated this_Z2_day of Z/I/l@f//v

Nov—AB6—98   SsAtT   es :32    PM

          In support of Nustar Communications, Inc. request for an (         Za i     |, the following information is
       submitted, as required by Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s 1         S.

               (A) The name and address of applicant:

                                          Nustar Communications         \
                                          5440 PTREE, IND, Bl.          °
                                          Atlanta, Georgia 30934~       ;    3:

                (B) Nustar Communications Inc. is incorporated unc r ie a s of tie itae of Georgia.

               (C) Correspondence concerning this application sho ¢ es                 to:

                                          Joe Macaloso
                                          Nustar C ott munications 1

                                           5440 ‘*TIEE. IND. BI              G
                                          Atlanta, Seorgia 30341         i       2.
                                          (770)— 4 15. —6996           w

                                          Nustar C on munications, 1
                                           5440 (°TQEE IND BI 1
                                          Atlanta, Geargia 30341 i1              [3
                                          (770) 4:5——6996

               (D) Nustar Communications, Inc. l ias not received i c > i2 }approval from the Comumission
                   for any services prior to this pr se nt application 1« art jommunications Inc. nowapplics
                   as a non—dominant resale carti r iubject to Sect n 14¢_ the Communications Act of 1934,
                     as anmended, 47 U.S.C, Section 214 (1982), and 3        t( on    3.18 of the Commission‘s Rules,
                     47 C.F.R. Section 63.18.

                                                                FCC SECTION 214 APPLICATION
                                                                NUSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.,
                                                                Page 3

NOVYV—@6—98    SAT     @3 :33     PM                                                                                   P.BS

        (3) Nu tar Communications, Ins. request glob i1 internatio 1al rc ale S: ction 214 authority pursuant to the

           terras and conditions of Section 63.186 (e) (2) of the Commis ion‘s Rules The authorization sought

           in tais application will be used so th it inte mational points n ay be reach d by customerso! Nus ar

           Corimunications, Inc. resold service: . Mu ti—Fox, Inc. prop ises t¢ offer switched telecom munications

           services to its customers. Nustar Cor imun cations, Inc will »btain intem ationgll switched servic:s

           capacity from underlying carriers au! horize d to provide such servics, as ipecified in the fcllo ving


                       Metro Fiber Syste ms, Intel :net FZC Tariff No.
                       AT&T Communications F 2C T: riff Nos. 1,2, and 13
                       Advanced Telcco nmunica ‘ions :orporations FCC Tarif) No. :
                       Cable and Wirele ;s FCC T ariff 1 0.3
                       IDB Worldcori FCC Tarif ‘No. .
                       LDDS Communications, I: ic. FC C Tariff No. 1
                       MCJ Telecominunications Corpe ration FCC Tarifi No. 1
                       Metromedia FCC Tariff Nas. 1 a 1d 2
                       US Sprint FCC Tariff Nos 1 anc 2
                       Wiltel FCC Tarif‘ Nos. 1 and 2
                       Qwest Commuinications, T1 c. FC 2 Tarriff No.

        (F) At this time, Nustar Commn unication s, Inc seeks no other at thoriz ation inder Section 63.18 (e).

           Nustar Communications, It c. will not conract or acquire fai ilities for th : provision of international

           telecommunications services to the q ublic. Rather, Nustar C ynmt nicati ms Inc. will resell the

           facilities of other authorized carriers.

       (G) Not applicable.

       (H) Nustar Communications, Inc. certifies that it is not affiliated with any foreign or U.S. facilities—based

           carriers. Nustar Communications, Inc. has no existing facilities conniecting international points.

       In support of this certification, the name, address, citizenship and principal business of the sole
       shareholder that controls ten percent or more of Nustar Communications, Inc. is as follows:

       Joe, Macaloso
       Nustar Communications, Inc.
        5440 PTREE IND BLVD
       Attanta, Ga,.. 30341 —2333
       Principal Business: President of Telecommunications Corporation

       Citizenship: U.S.A.                                               FCC SECTION 214 APPLICATION
                                                                         NUSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                                                         Page 4

_ NOv—Be—s8 satT @S:3s PM                                                                                              p . oi

        (J) Nustar Communications, Inc..certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to accept

           any direct or indirect special coricessions from a foreign carrier or administration with regards to

           traffic or revenue that flows between the United States and any foreign countries the company is

           authorized to serve.

        (J) Nustar Conmunications, Inc. certifies that no party to this application has been denied federal benefits

           pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988,

           As demonstrated in this application, Nustar Communications, Inc. is legally, financially, and

        technically qualified to provide the services for whichit requests authority. For the reasons stated above,

        applicant submits that the public interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this

        Section 214 application.

                                           Dated this_Z—] day of M/l                lc_‘qq

                                                          é|                '4'4/4767144@

                                                                5440,PTREE IND BLVD
                                                               Atlanta, GA 30341—23333
                                                               Telephone; (770) 455—6996

        Joe Macaloso
        Telecommunications Manager
        Nustar Communications, Inc.
        5440 PTREE IND BLVD
        Atlanta, GA 30341—23333
        Telephone (770) 455—6996

                                                                  FCC SECTION 214 APPLICATION
                                                                  NUSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                                                  Page 5

NoYv—e6e—38 satT e4:1is PM
                      mames                                     —               sn s                                   P . 0i

                                       ANTI—DRUG ABUSE CERTIFICATIQON

         Neither Nustar Communications, Inc. nor any party to this application, as defined in CFR

      1.2002(b)(2), is subject to a denial of Federal benefits, as provided in the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988,

      21 U.S.C. 833a.

                                                              QS%MM—Nusta® Conimunications, Inc.
                                                                    5440 PTREE IND BLVD
                                                                    Atlanta, GA 30341—2333
                                                                    Telcphone: (770).455—6996


         I hercby cenify Nustar Communications, Inc. is not affiliated with any foreign carrier.

      Nustar Commumnicationas, Inc. is not affiliated with any facilities—based carrier whose services it intends to

      resell. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the statements made in this application are tmie and


                                                            5440 PTREE IND BLVD
                                                           Atlanta, Georgia 30341—2333
                                                           Telephone (770) 455—6996

                                                          \Dated___Z )/M&,Z/I ;(/

                                                                           FCC SECTION 214 APPLICATION
                                                                           NUSTAR COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                                                             Page 6     |

Document Created: 2019-04-17 00:16:38
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 00:16:38

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