Attachment 20170207110743-403.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19990329-00191 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                      Streamlined       ITC-21 4-19990329-00191
                                      RSL cOMMUNICATIONS LATIN AMERICA, LTD
      Categories of Services for 214 Applications
Description of Application:

READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                                                    AV
                                                                                                                                                                                                U       V
  BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                                                                               SPECIAL USE
                                                                                    REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                           1   1  PAGE NO..
                                                                                                                                                                FCC USE ONLY
(1)LOCKBOX#         358115
                                                                         I                SECTION A - PAYER INFORMATION                              I    (3) TOTAL AMOUNT PAID (dollars and Cents)
 (2) PAYER NAME (if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your Card)
 RSL Communications, Latin America, Ltd.                                                                                                                  $                                           780.00
 6300 N.W. 5th Way
 Suite 100
 (6) CITY                                                                                                     (7) STATE                                   (8) ZIP CODE
 Ft. Lauderdale                                                                                               FL                                              33309
 (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                         (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)
 (954) 229-0572
                                        IF MORE THAN ONE APPLICANT, USE CONTINUATION SHEETS (FORM 159-C)
                                                                                     SECTION B - APPLICANT INFORMATION                                I
(11) APPLICANT NAME (if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)
(14) CITY                                                                                                  (15) STATE                                     (16) ZIP CODE
(17) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                          (18) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)
                                                                                      SECTION C - PAYMENT INFORMATION                                I
(1 9A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                 (20A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                           (21A) QUANTITY        (22A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20A               FCC USE ONLY
                                               C           IU                IT           I                             i   s                                 780.00
(23A) FCC CODE 1                                                                                                   (24A) FCC CODE 2
(1 9B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                  (20B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                          (21 B) QUANTITY       (22B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20B               FCC USE ONLY
                                                           I                 I            I                                 $
                                                                                                                   (246) FCC CODE 2
(236) FCC CODE 1
(19C) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                   (20C) PAYMENTTYPE CODE (PTC)                           (21C)QUANTITY         (22C) FEE DUE FOR (FTC) IN BLOCK 20C               FCC USE ONLY
                                                           I                 I            I                                 $
                                                                                                                   (24C) FCC CODE 2
(23C) FCC CODE 1
(190) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                   (20D) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)                          (21 D( QUANTITY       (22D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 200               FCC USE ONLY
                                                           I                 I            I                                 $
                                                                                                                   (24D) FCC CODE 2
(230) FCC CODE 1
                                                     SECTION D - TAXPAYER IN FORMATION (REQUIRED)
(25)                                                                                                               (26) COMPLETE ThIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICNT NAME IN B-li IS DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAiIE IN A-2)
 PAYERTIN                            10151212101919121816                                                          APPLICANTTIN
                                                                                                                                                               101         I I I I I I I I
                                                                             I                  SECTION E - CERTIFICATION
i,   Eric Fishman                                                                     ,       Certify under penalty of perjury that the foçegoing and supporting information
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                          SIGNATURE _____________________________________
                                                                                 SECTION F - CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION                                       I
                                                                                                                                                                   EXPIRATION OATS:
 (28)                              MASTERCARDNISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:
 IMASTERCARO                   I                               I                     I I                           I                                           I   MONTH
                                                                                                                                                                           I       YEAR
                                                                                                  AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE                                                 DATE
                     I hereby authorize the FCC to cherge ny ViSA or ?(ASTERCARD
                     for too ror,ioe(s)f ru onzutnfs) hurern eo.onbed.
                                                                   SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                       FCC FORM 159 JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Law Offices
HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP                                                  Atlanta           New York
                                                                      Boca Raton        Northern Virginia
                                                                      Boston            Orlando
2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
                                                                      Fort Lauderdale   Providence
Suite 400
                                                                      Jacksonville      San Francisco
Washington, D C 20037-3202
                                                                      Lakeland          St. Petersburg
                                                                      Melbourne         Tallahassee
FAX 202-955-5564                                                      Mexico City       Tampa                                                         Miami             West Palm Beach
March 29, 1999                                                        ERIC FISHMAN
                                                                      Internet Address:
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau - Telecommunications
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115
                       Re:      Section 214 Application
                                RSL Communications, Latin America, Ltd.
Dear Sir/Madam:
       Transmitted herewith, on behalf of RSL Communications, Latin America,
Ltd., are an original and five (5) copies of its Section 214 application to operate as
a facilities-based carrier and as a resale carrier. A check in the amount of $780.00
is enclosed to cover the filing fee.
      An extra copy of the application is enclosed. Please date-stamp the extra
copy and return it to the courier for return to me.
      Please direct any correspondence regarding this application to the
undersigned counsel.
                                                  Very truly yours,
                                                  HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP
                                                  Eric Fishman
                                                  Counsel for
                                                  RSL Communications, Latin America, Ltd.

6300 N W 5h Way, Se 100
R Lauderdale, Fl 33309
Ph 954-491-9500
            First Union National Bank
        ®   Fort Lauderdale, Florida
            R/T 067006432

                                     Before the
                                Washington, DC 20554
In re Application of                                        )
                                                                File No.   _______
For Authority under Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
and Sections 63.18(e)(1) and 63.18(e)(2)
of the Commission's Rules to Operate as a
Facilities-Based Carrier and as a Resale
Carrier, Including Authority to Resell
Private Lines Between the United States
and Authorized Countries
       RSL Communications, Latin America, Ltd. ("RSL Latin America") hereby requests (i)
authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47
U.S.C. 3214, and Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.            63.18(e)(1), to
acquire interests in facilities previously authorized by the Commission in order to provide
international basic switched, private line, data, video and business services to all
international points, and (ii) authority under Section 63.1 8(e)(2) of the Commission's rules,
47 C.F.R.     63.18(e)(2), to resell the international switched and private line services of
authorized U.S. common carriers for the provision of international basic switched, private
line, data, video and business services to all international points, including authority to
resell international private lines between the United States and Canada, the United
Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Australia, the Netherlands, Luxembourg,
Nory, Denmark, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Italy, Ireland
and Hong Kong for the provision of switched service between the United States and those

       RSL Latin America is a corporation organized under the la       of the Bermuda for the
purpose of providing telecommunications services.       The sole shareholders of RSL Latin
America are RSL Communications, Ltd. ("RSL Communications"), a Bermuda corporation
holding 51% of its capital stock, and Coral Gate Investments, Ltd., a British Virgin Islands
company, which owns 49% of its capital stock.            The company currently holds no
telecommunications authorizations.
       RSL Latin America believes that there is significant potential for continued growth in
the international voice, data and facsimile markets, and that this market expansion will be
accelerated by additional competition by new entrants.       This position is consistent with
Commission findings that increased competition in international markets is beneficial. See,
      Teltec Saving Communications Co., Mimeo No. 3548 (released April 4, 1986), and
cases cited therein.   The Commission also found that the market will support additional
carriers and that the added competition will be in the public interest.       Accordingly, the
Commission has authorized new entrants that propose to resell international services. Id
See also FTC, Inc., 6 FCC Rcd 2237 (1991).
        RSL Latin America proposes by this application to provide international switched
and private line services from the United States to international points through its own
facilities and through the resale of other carriers' services.         The Commission has
determined that, as a matter of policy, introduction of additional competition in the provision
of international services creates incentives for carriers to offer new and innovative services

and to reduce prices, which inure to the public interest and benefit.1        Grant of this
application would serve the Commission's purposes and accord with the Commission's
commitment to open entry to the U.S. telecommunications market. Moreover, many carriers
provide international services in the United States, including AT&T, MCI WorldCom, Sprint
and others.
       By the instant application, RSL Latin America seeks authority to resell international
private lines between the United States and Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New
Zealand, Sweden, Australia, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norwey, Denmark, France,
Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Japan, Italy, Ireland and Hong Kong for the
provision of international switched services between the United States and those countries.
In Regulation of International Accounting Rates, 7 FCC Rcd 559 (1992), the Commission
found that such resale between the United States and countries affording "equivalent
opportunities" for such resale would afford numerous public interest benefits, including
increased demand, reduced prices, the virtual elimination of price discrimination, and the
exertion of pressure to reduce above-cost accounting rates.            More recently, the
Commission has determined that the aforementioned countries afford such "equivalent
opportunities" and granted the applications of companies to provide resold interconnected
private line services between the United States and those countries.           Public Notice
Report No. TEL-000l 7, released October 15, 1998; AT&T Corp., DA 98-2555, released
December 17, 1998; AT&T Corp. et a!., DA 98-2654, released January 4, 1999.
      See, e.g., TDX Systems, Inc., File No. ITC-86-108, released September 2, 1986;
Argo Communications international, Inc., I FCC Rcd 578 (1986); BT North America, inc.,
ITC-95-1 78, released April 20, 1995.

       RSL Latin America believes that the added competition that its entry will bring to the
market will benefit United States consumers of overseas data and voice services. These
benefits include competitive pricing and increased availability of a variety of service
options. The grant of this authorization will therefore further the public interest.
       In support of RSL Latin America's request for authorization, the following information
is submitted pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission's rules, as amended, 47 C.F.R.
       (a)     Name and address of Applicant:
               RSL Communications, Latin America, Ltd.
               6300 N.W. Fifth Way, Suite 100
               Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309
               Attention: Rodolfo Garcia, President and CEO
               Telephone No.: (954) 491-9500
       (b)     Applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida.
       (c)     Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:
               Eric Fishman, Esq.
               Holland & Knight, LLC
               2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
               Washington, DC 20037
               with a copy to:
               Rodolfo Garcia, President and CEO
               RSL Communications, Latin America, Ltd.
               6300 N.W. Fifth Way, Suite 100
               Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309
               Telephone No.: (954) 491-9500
        (d)    Applicant has not previously received authority under Section 214 of the
               Communications Act, as amended. By grant of this Application, RSL Latin

      America vuld become a nondominant international carrier for the provision
      of interexthange service, subject to Section 214 of the Act.
(e)   RSL Latin America hereby requests Section 214 authority to operate as a
      facilities-based carrier pursuant to the terms and conditions of Section
      63.18(e)(1) of the rules, and as a resale carrier pursuant to the terms and
      conditions of Section 63.1 8(e)(2) of the rules. The authorization sought in
      this   application   will   be   used to extend RSL Latin              America's
      telecommunications services from the United States to international points
      wtiich RSL Latin America seeks to serve. Applicant further proposes to resell
      international private lines betwaen the United States and Canada, the United
      Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Swaden, The Netherlands, Luxembourg,
      Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Japan,
      Italy, Ireland and Hong Kong for the provision of international switched
      services betwaen the United States and those countries. As noted elsevvtiere
      in this Application, the Commission has previously determined that equivalent
      resale opportunities exist betwaen these countries and the United States.
(f)   At this time RSL Latin America is not requesting other authorizations to
      construct any international facilities betwaen the points for which it is applying
      to provide resold services.
(g)   Does not apply (Applicant is not seeking facilities-based authority pursuant to
      Section 63.1 8(e)(6) of the rules).
(h)   See attached certification.

              See attached certification.
              See attached certification.
       As demonstrated in this Application, RSL Latin America is legally, financially and
technically qualified to provide the service for which it requests authority. For the reasons
stated above, RSL Latin America submits that the public interest, convenience and
necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214 application. The requested
authorization should therefore be issued to RSL Latin America to enable it to provide
international basic switched, private line, data, video and business services to all
international points pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission's rules, and
pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission's rules, to resell the international
switched and private line services of authorized U.S. common carriers for the provision of
international basic switched, private line, data, video and business services to all
international points, including authority to resell private lines between the United States and
Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Sden, the Netherlands,
Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Japan,
Italy, Ireland and Hong Kong for the provision of switched services betwaen the United
States and those countries.

       Applicant hereby certifies that it has no affiliation, as defined by Section 63.18 of the
Commission's rules, with any foreign carriers, and that it has no interlocking directorates
with other Section 214 certificated telecommunications carriers, except as set forth herein.
In support of this certification, Applicant hereby states as follows:
       RSL Latin America           s formed in 1997 as a joint venture beten RSL
Communications, Ltd., a Bermuda corporation, and Coral Gate Investments Ltd., a British
Virgin Islands corporation, 'which is an affiliate of Inversiones Divtel, D.T., C.A., a
Venezuelan corporation, and a member of the Cisneros Group. RSL Latin America is 51 %
owned by RSL Communications and 49% owned by Coral Gate. RSL Communications is a
publicly held corporation (NASDAQ) whose controlling shareholders are Ronald S. Lauder,
Leonard A. Lauder and Itzhak Fisher.
       RSL Communications is the parent corporation of RSL Communications PLC, a
corporation organized under the laws of the United Kingdom, and owns 100% of that
company's capital stock. RSL Communications PLC, in turn, is the 100% shareholder of
RSL COM North America, Inc. ("RSL North America," formerly known as International
Telecommunications Group, Ltd.), a Delaware corporation headquartered at 767 Fifth
Avenue, Suite 4200, New York, New York 10153.               RSL North America, in turn, owns
approximately 97% of the capital stock of RSL COM U.S.A., Inc. ("RSL USA")(formerly
International Telecommunications Corporation), a Delaware corporation headquartered at
430 Park Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, New York 10022.                   RSL USA is a domestic

interstate and international telecommunications provider, certified under Section 214 of the
Act, and authorized to provide intrastate, interexchange service in all states except Alaska.
It, in turn, is the parent corporation of RSL COM PrimeCall, Inc. (formerly Intelco, Global
Information Services, Inc.) and LDM Systems, Inc., both of which provide domestic
interstate and international service pursuant to Section 214 of the Act, and intrastate,
interexchange service in 49 states. For purposes of this application and certification, RSL
USA, RSL COM PrimeCall and LDM Systems are referred to collectively as "the RSL
          The principal shareholders of RSL Communications, Ltd. are Ronald S. Lauder,
Leonard A. Lauder and ltzhak Fisher, wfio hold direct and indirect o'nership interests in
the company of 32.1 %, 11.7%, and 7.9%, respectively. Ronald S. Lauder, a co-founder of
RSL Communications, serves as its Chairman. A former U.S. Ambassador to Austria, Mr.
Ronald Lauder is a principal shareholder of The Estee Lauder Companies Inc., and is
founder of Central European Media Enterprises Ltd., an owner and operator of commercial
television stations and netorks in Central and Eastern Europe. Leonard A. Lauder is
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Estee Lauder. Mr. Fisher, also a co-
founder of RSL Communications, has been a director, President and Chief Executive
Officer of RSL Communications since its inception. Messrs. Lauder and Mr. Fisher are all
U.S. citizens.
          The names of the officers and directors of RSL Communications, Ltd. are attached
          Coral Gate is a private corporation whose sole shareholder is Long View Finance

Ltd., a British Virgin Islands corporation.      Long VieWs sole shareholder, in turn, is
Centerville Finance Limited, a British Virgin Islands corporation. The officers and directors
of Coral Gate are: Jane Melone, President; Annette Mactavious, Secretary; and Servco
Limited, Director.   The officers and directors of Long View Finance are: Jane Melone,
President; Aifredo Martinez Tinoco, Vice President; and Servco Limited, Director.        The
officers and directors of Centerville Finance are:     Annette Mactavious, President; Jane
Melone, Secretary; Eduardo Hernandez, Assistant Secretary; and Servco Limited, Director.
       The officers and directors of RSL Latin America are: ltzhak Fisher (Chairman);
Steven Bandel (Vice Chairman); Cristina Pieretti (Deputy Chairman); Rodolfo Garcia (Chief
Executive     Officer); Nesim Bildirici (Vice President, Director);      Michael B. Ashford
(Secretary); Avery S. Fischer (Assistant Secretary); Jacob Schuster (Director); Sharon
Burstin (Director); and Luis Avila (Director).
       RSL Latin America and the RSL Subsidiaries contain the following interlocking
directorates: Mark Hirschhorn (RSL USA, PrimeCall and LDM), Ed Thomas (RSL USA and
PrimeCall), Nir Tarlovsky (RSL USA and PrimeCall), and ltzhak Fisher (RSL USA and
       RSL Latin America has the following affiliations with foreign carriers:
       Asia and Pacific Rim. In Asia, RSL Communications, through its subsidiaries,
operates in Australia and Japan:
       Australia.    RSL Australia is enrolled with the Australian Telecommunications
Authority under the provisions of an International Service Providers license as a provider of
services with double-ended interconnection.        Double-ended interconnection allows the

company to interconnect with the Australian PSTN, to resell general carrier services, and to
transmit international calls over owned international transmission facilities. The company's
principal competitors in Australia are the to licensed general carriers, Telstra (the former
PU) and Optus. Each of these competitors provides a bundle of services including mobile,
local and domestic and international long distance. In addition, the company faces
competition from switch-based and switchless resellers.
       Japan. RSL COM Japan has been granted an International Simple Resale License
by Japan's Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to provide international telephony,
fax and data services to and from Japan. The Company has also received a Type II value-
added netvork provider license and may apply for a Type I license to provide facilities-
based international long distance service.
       Canada.     RSL COM Canada Holdings, Inc. has recently acquired Westel
Telecommunications, Ltd., a Canadian facilities-based telecommunications provider, from
the British Columbia RaiMy Company. Westel is a provider of alternative long distance
voice and data telecommunications services in British Columbia; its principal competitor is
BC Telecom, the dominant local access and long distance provider in British Columbia.
       Europe. RSL COM Europe, Ltd. ("RSL Europe") is a wholly owned subsidiary of
RSL Communications. Through its subsidiaries, RSL Europe has the following affiliations:
       Austria.   RSL Europe owns 90% of RSL COM Austria AG, which holds a
telecommunications license from the Austria Telecom Control Gmbh. The license permits
RSL COM Austria to provide a full range of telecommunications services including local
calls as   ll as long distance and international services over RSL Communications' global

net.vrk. RSL COM Austria's primary competitor is Post und Telecom Austria, the dominant
supplier of telecommunication services in Austria. The company also competes with the
local Austrian affiliates of global carriers such as British Telecom and Global One.
       Belçium. RSL Europe holds a 90% interest in European Telecom S.A./N.V. and a
100% interest in RSL COM Telco Belgium S.A., wtiich offer international long distance
voice services utilizing dial-in access via autodialers and wireless services. In addition to
the dial-in services it currently offers, RSL Belgium has received a license to offer
international and domestic fixed wire long distance services.        RSL Belgium's primary
competitor is Belgacom, the former PU and dominant supplier of telecommunications
services in Belgium. The company also competes with local Belgian affiliates of global
carriers such as Global One and Unisource.
       Denmark. RSL Europe, through RSL Netherlands (jnfra) owns a 100% interest in
RSL COM Denmark NS, which offers its customers international and domestic long
distance services utilizing prefix dialing.    The company's primary competitor is Tele
Danmark, the dominant supplier of telecommunications services in Denmark.                The
company also competes with other carriers, including primarily Telia (the Swedish PU),
Mobilix A/S (the Danish subsidiary of France Telecom) and Global One.
       Finland. RSL Europe owns a 100% interest in RSL COM Finland Oy, which is a
fully licensed international long distance carrier in Finland offering international and
domestic long distance services. The company's primary competitor is Telecom Finland,
the dominant supplier of telecommunications services in Finland.          The company also
competes with emerging licensed public telephone operators (who are constructing their

own facilities-based networks), such as Finnet, Telia, Global One and Facilicom.
       France. RSL Europe owns 100% of RSL COM France S.A., which ws formed in
1996 for the purpose of acquiring Sprint's international voice business in France.        The
company recently obtained an authorization to operate a public network and to offer
telephone services to the public. The company's principal competitor in France is France
Telecom, the dominant supplier of telecommunications services in France, and the
Modulance Partenaire International, which offers discount long distance services to the
largest commercial customers.       The company also faces competition from emerging
licensed public telephone operators (who are constructing fiber networks in major
metropolitan areas) such as AT&T and Worldcom, and from resellers.
       Germany. RSL COM Deutschland GmbH ("RSL COM Germany"), a subsidiary of
RSL COM Europe, has been granted a Germany-wide, Class 4 license for public switched
telephony service by the federal Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (Bundes Amt fur
Post und Telekommunikation-BAPT).         This is the eleventh telecommunications service
license issued by BAPT and permits RSL COM Germany to transmit voice traffic via its
international telecommunications network. RSL COM Germany            s formed in 1996 for the
purpose of acquiring Sprint's international voice business in Germany. International
transmission facilities are leased from Deutsche Telekom. The company has interconnect
agreements with Teleglobe International Inc. for termination of its international traffic, and
with TelDaFax GmbH for termination of domestic traffic. In Germany, the company
competes with facilities-based carriers and resellers, Its principal competitor in Germany is
Deutsche Telekom, the dominant supplier of telecommunications services in Germany

The company also faces competition from emerging public telephone operators (who are
constructing their own facilities-based networks), from resellers, and from call-back
       jy. RSL Europe holds a 99.3% interest in RSL COM Italia S.r.l. ("RSL Italy"),
which is authorized to provide domestic and international voice service, including dial-in
access via autodialers and dedicated access lines.     RSL ltalys principal competitor is
Telecom Italia, the dominant supplier of telecommunications services in Italy.        The
company also competes with the local Italian affiliates of global carriers such as British
Telecom and Global One.
       Luxembourc.    RSL Communications holds a 90% interest in European Telecom
SARL, which offers international long distance voice services utilizing dial-in access via
autodialers and wireless services.   The company's principal competitor is Enterprise des
Postes et des Telecommunications, Luxembourg's PU. The company also competes with
Telcom Luxembourg and Tele2 Europe.
       The Netherlands. RSL Europe holds a 100% interest in RSL COM Nederland B.V.
("RSL Netherlands"), which offers international long distance services utilizing direct
access, prefix dialing and dial-in access, and calling cards.    The company's principal
competitor in the Netherlands is PU Telecom Netherlands, the dominant supplier of
telecommunications services in the Netherlands. The company also faces competition from
emerging licensed public telephone operators (who are constructing their own facilities-
based netwrks) such as WorldCom, and from mega-carriers such as Concert and Global

       Portugal. RSL COM Europe holds a 39% interest in Maxitel Servicos e Gestao de
Telecomunicacoes, SA, which offers international and long distance services to closed user
groups of companies utilizing autodialers and direct access.        The companys primary
competitor is Portugal Telecom, the dominant supplier of telecommunications services in
Portugal. The company also competes wth the local Portuguese affiliates of global carriers
such as Global One, and with resellers.
       Spain.   RSL Europe holds a 90% interest in RSL Communications Spain, S.A.,
which recently received a license to provide closed-user group services in Spain.     Only
Telfonica de Espana and Retevision are licensed to provide international long distance
services in Spain. The range of services that can currently be provided by RSL Spain,
pending further deregulation, is limited to closed-user group services.
       Sden. RSL Europe holds a 100% interest in RSL COM Sden AB, which is
licensed as an international carrier in Sden, providing long distance services
domestically and internationally. The company's principal competitor is Telia, the dominant
supplier of telecommunications services in Sweden. The company also competes with
emerging licensed public telephone operators (which are constructing their own fiber
net\Aorks), such as Tele 2 and Worldcom, and from resellers.
       Switzerland. RSL Europe holds a 78.5% interest in RSL COM Schiz AG, which
provides long distance services. The company's principal competitors in Switzerland are
Swisscom, Diax, Global One, WorldCom, and other smaller resellers.
       United Kingdom.      RSL COM UK, Ltd. holds an International Facilities Based
Telecommunications license authorizing it to acquire IRUs and MIUs on international

satellite and cable systems, resell international private lines, as well as interconnect with,
and lease capacity at, wholesale rates from British Telecom and Mercury. The company
also holds an international simple resale license allowing the company to resell
international private lines, as well as interconnect with, and lease capacity at wholesale
rates from, British Telecom and Mercury. The company's principal competitors in the U. K
are British Telecom, the dominant supplier of telecommunications services in the U.K, and
Mercury. The company also faces competition from emerging licensed public telephone
operators (who are constructing their own facilities-based networks) such as Energis, and
from resellers, including Worldcom and Global One.
       Latin America.     RSL Latin America is a joint venture 51% owned by RSL
Communications, Ltd. and 49% by Coral Gate. The Company recently entered into a joint
venture agreement with PCM Comunicaciones, S.A. de C.V., a licensed long distance
telecommunications service provider in Mexico, to provide domestic and international long
distance telecommunications services primarily to small and medium-sized businesses in
Mexico.   RSL COM Venezuela, C.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of RSL Latin America,
holds Concessions for Value Added and Data Services which allow it to provide
international voice services via dedicated access provided on a private nebiork. Its primary
competitor is CANTV, the dominant supplier of telecommunications services in Venezuela.
RSL Venezuela also competes with local Venezuelan affiliates of global carriers such as
British Telecom, Global One and Mercury, regional competitors such as Telefonica de
Espana, lmpsat and Charter Communications, and callback operators.
       No Special Concessions.       RSL Latin America hereby certifies that none of the

above-described affiliated foreign carriers has the ability to discriminate against unaffihiated
U.S. international carriers through control of bottleneck services or facilities in the named
foreign countries.    RSL Latin America further certifies that neither it nor any of its
subsidiaries has agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign
carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows beNeen the United States
and any foreign country wt,ich the RSL Subsidiaries may serve, and will not enter into such
agreements in the future.
       RSL Latin America further certifies that, with the exception of certain switches and
submarine fiber facilities, none of the above-described foreign carriers owns or controls
telecommunications facilities, as defined in Section 63.18(h)(4) of the Commission's rules
(i.e., the underlying telecommunications transport means, including intercity and local
access facilities, used by such foreign carriers to provide international telecommunications
services offered to the public) in the destination cguritces set forth abqve.
                                            Rodolfo Garcia, Chief Executive dfficer
                                            b3UO N.W. Fifth Way, Suite 100-------
                                            Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309
                                            Telephone No.: (954) 491-9500

       Pursuant to Section 1.2002 of the Commission's rules, RSL Communications, Latin
America, Ltd. hereby certifies that it is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits, including
FCC benefits, by Federal and/or state courts under authority granted by Section 5301 of
the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 3853a. See 6 FCC Rcd 7551 (1991).
                                     By:                                   OAL
                                            RSL eommunications Latin America, Ltd
                                            6300 N.W. Fifth Way, Suite 100
                                            Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309
                                            Telephone No.: (954) 491-9500

         I, Rodolfo Garcia, am CEO of RSL Communications, Latin America, Ltd. I have read
the foregoing Section 214 Application and hereby declare, under penalty of perjury, that all
statements contained therein are true and correct.
                                          Rodolfo GarcChie         eTve-Offlcer \
                                          RSEcfriiiTnications, Latin America, Lt
                                          6300 N.W. Fifth Way, Suite I O0    -
                                          Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309
                                          Telephone No.: (954) 491-9500
February -, 1999

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