Attachment 20170207101629-323.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19990325-00178 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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Description of Application:

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                                                       LAW OFFICES
                                         KOTEEN & NAFTALIN, LL.P
BERNARD KOTEEN®                                1150 CONNECTICUT AVENUE                                        TELEPHONE
ALAN Y NAFTALIN                              WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036—4104                                     leoaels4e7Szonm
ARTHUR B. GOODKIND                                                                                    f"%      TELECOPY
GEORGE Y. WHEELER                                                                                  RarsP        ; 467—5915
                                                                                              —#   k{:\: j   (202)
MARGOT sMILEY HUMPHREY                                                                       y"3 ¥              i
R. EDWARD PRICE                                                              t 4
JULIE A. BARRIE                                     March 25, 1999          Q‘

* SENIOR COUNSEL                                                     +k
                                                                     i 43

       Federal Communications Commission
       International Bureau — Telecommunications
       P.O. Box 358115
       Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5115                                            Hand Delivered

                          Re:     Section 214 Application
                                  BCE Nexxia Corporation 1999


               Transmitted herewith, on behalf of BCE Nexxia Corporation 1999, are an original and
       five copies of a Section 214 application seeking authority to provide facilities—based and resold
       international telecommunications services between the United States and all authorized
       international points. This application is subject to streamlined processing under Section 63.12
       of the Commission‘s Rules.

                   Attached to the face of this application are a completed FCC Form 159; a check for
       $780.00 payable to the Federal Communications Commission to cover the requisite filing fee;
       and an additional copy of the filing marked "Stamp and Return," which I would appreciate
       your stamping as received and returning to me via my messenger.

                   In the event there are questions concerning this matter, please contact me.

                                                               Very truly yours,

                                                              PR. Edward Price


       cc (w/enc.):        Alicia Smothers

                                   Before the
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of


Application for Authority Pursuant to Section 214            File No. ITC—214—
of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
for Global Authority to Provide Facilities—Based
and Resold International Message Telephone
Service and International Private Line Services
Betweenthe United States and All Authorized
International Points


       BCE Nexxia Corporation 1999 (BCE Nexxia) hereby applies, pursuant to Section 214

of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.12 and

63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.12, 63.18, for authority to: (1) acquire

capacity in any international facilities previously authorized by the Commission for the

provision of International Message Telephone Service (IMTS) and international private line

(IPL) service between the United States and all authorized international points; (2) resell IMTS

for the provision of switched telecommunication services between the United States and all

authorized international points; (3) resell IPL services for the provision of private line services

not interconnected to the public switched network between the United States and all authorized

international points; and (4) resell IPL services for the provision of switched

telecommunication services, interconnected to the public switched network at one or both

ends, between the United States and all authorized international points.

I.     Introduction

       Through this application, BCE Nexxia, a Delaware corporation, seeks authority to

provide IMTS and IPLservice as a facilities—based and resale carrier between the United States

and all authorized international points. The public interest in more competitive and

economical international communication services is well established and has been addressed by

the Commission in nummerous decisions. The Commission also has routinely approved

applications by common carriers to acquire capacity in private international facilities and has

granted applic:ations to resell the IPL services of unaffiliated carriers for the provision of

switched services —i.e., International Simple Resale (ISR) — along all approved routes.

Nexxia therefore submits that streamlined grant of this application is in the public interest

pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules.

II.    Section 63.18 Information

       In accordance with Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, the following

information is submitted:

       (a)     The applicant‘s name, address and telephone number are as follows:

               BCE Nexxia Corporation 1999
               c/o Susan M. Brandt, Esq.
               Harter, Secrest & Emery LLP
               700 Midtwon Tower
               Rochester, New York 14604—2070
               (716) 232—6500

       (b)     The applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware.

(c)       Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

          Gregory C. Staple, Esq.
          R. Edward Price, Esq.
          Koteen & Naftalin, L.L.P.
          1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
          Suite 1000
          Washington, D.C. 20036—4104
          (202) 467—5700 (tel.)
          (202) 467—5700 (fax)
(d)       The applicant does not currently hold Section 214 authority.

(e)—(f)   The applicant requests facilities—based Section 214 authority pursuant t   he
          terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission‘s Rule:      1d
          resale Section 214 authority pursuant to the terms and conditions of Se    on
          63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules to provide service between the       iited
          States and all authorized points. The applicant only seeks authority to    sell
          international private lines connected to the switched network where su
          International Simple Resale (ISR) services have been authorized.

(g)       Inapplicable. The applicant seeks authority to acquire an interest in fa   ties
          previously authorized by the Commission.

(h)       (1)—(3) See Exhibit 1.
          (4) The Applicant will update the information provided in this applicat    | as

          (5)—(6) Canada, Colombia, India, and Mexico are members of the Wor          Trade

          (7)—(8) The applicant is entitled to a presumption of non—dominance under
          Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules because none of its foreign
          carrier affiliates have a 50% or greater share of the national market for
          international transport or local access services in their respective home
          countries. See Exhibit 1. The applicant is therefore entitled to non—dominant
          status and to streamlined grant of this application. See FCC Public Notice, Rep.
          No. TEL—00070, File No. ITC—T/C—19990114—00023 (released Mar. 4, 1999)
          (granting authority to transfer control of Section 214 authorization held by BC
          TEL, a regional Canadian carrier, to BCT.TELUS Communications, Inc., a
          new company reflecting the merger of two Canadian regional carriers,
          classifying BCT.TELUS as a non—dominant carrier on all routes); FCC Public


              Notice, File No. ITC—214—19980921—00660, 13 FCC Red 22621 (released Nov.
              12, 1998) (granting Section 214 authority to BC TEL on a streamlined basis and
              classifying BC TEL as a non—dominant carrier).

       (i)—(J) See Exhibit 1.

       (k)    This application is entitled to streamlined processing under Section 63.12 of the
              Commission‘s Rules because the applicant is entitled to a presumption of non—
              dominance under Section 63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules and does not
              seek authority to provide switched services over private lines along routes that
              have not been approved by the Commission.

III.   Conclusion

       In view of the information stated above, expeditious grant of this application, pursuant

to streamlined processing under Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, is warranted and

would serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            BCE NEXXIA CORPORATION 1999

                                                  * Gregory C. Staple
                                                   R. Edward Price

                                                   KOTEEN & NAFTALIN, L.L.P.
                                                   1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                                   Suite 1000
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20034—4104
                                                   (202) 467—5700

                                                   Its Attorneys
March 25, 1999

                             EXHIBIT 1 — Section 6                      ertifica t


I hereby certify as follows:

1.      BCE Nexxia Corporation 1999 ("BCE Nexx:               is a wholly owned subsidiary of
3522024 Canada Inc., 1000 rue de la Gauchetiére W             Siite 410C, Montreal, Quetec H:B 5H3,
Canada, a Canadian corporation, which in turn is a v         lly ovnmed subsid ary of Bell Canaia,
1000 rue de la Gauchetiére West, Suite 4100, Montr            Quehec H‘B 5B 8, Canacdla, also &
Canadian corporation. Bell Canada is a provider of           ur on carrier srvices in Canada and ‘s &
wholly owned subsidiary of BCE Inc., 1000 rue dz 1           au :he tiére Nest, Suite 41 00. Mon‘re:il,
Quebec H3B 5H8, Canada, which is a publicly held             raclian corporstion. There: are no greiute:
than ten percent shareholders of BCE Inc. A list of:         3 Ne xia‘s foreign carrier affiliates is
appended hereto as Attachment 1. None of these afi           tes hss suff cicnt mirket povrer or th:
foreign end to adversely affect competition in the U.        na ‘ket becaus(:: Each affiliats hasa less __ _
than 50% share of the national market for internatio1        tra asport ; ind each affiliste has a less
than 50%share, measured in revenue, of the: nationa          arl:et for lo:al access services.

2.     BCE Nexxia is riot affiliated with any U.S. it        na ional carrier w he se internationiil
switched or private line services it proposes to resell

3.      BCE Nexxia has not agreed to acceprt special         acess: ons d rectly© 0: indirectly from :in}
foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international       ite where tk e foreig:ni carrier possesses
sufficient market power on the foreign end of the ro1        to aff sct co npretiio 1 adversely in the
U.S. market and will not enter into such agrsements          he fu ure.

4.     In accordance with the Anti—Drug A use Act             1988 21 U.S.C. § £62, and isections
1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R            j 1.2(01—1.2003, BCE Nexx a hercby
certifies that neither it nor any officer, director, or at   nt ty aolding iive: pr:rcent or more of its
outstanding shares is subject to a denial of U.S. fede       be: i1efits pursuant to Section 5301 of the
Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

8.      I am authorized to make this certification on        al o) BCE Nexxia.

                                                  David C. Kidd
                                                  Bell Canada
March 23, 1999

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Document Created: 2019-04-19 10:05:15
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 10:05:15

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