Attachment 20170202153035-797.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19990301-00145 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                     ITC—214—19990301—001 45
                                                   AMERICAN SAMOA TELECO
                                                                          MMU NICA¥ATIONS
                                                   INTEREXCHANGE CARRIE
                                                                        R Diviston        *

                     Categories of Services for 214 Applications
                            —ALStreamline/ gon- streamline)

                   ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE
o B o o £._p 9

                   GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                   GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE                                f
o o0 o 9 o o a

                  ‘SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE:
                 ~~TRANSFER OF CONTROL—

     Description of Application:

                                                 HOGAN & HARTSON

                                                                                                                               COLUMBIA SQUARE
   DAVID L. SIERADZKI                                                                                                    555 THIRTEENTH STREET, NW
  omorbariconer.en.                                         March 1, 1999                               \ t yO
                                                                                                            J3                   3
                                                                                                                         WASHINGTON,          s
                                                                                                                                      DC 20004—1109
INTERNET DS0@DC2.HHLAW. COM                                                                n &                                 TEL (202) 637—5600
                                                                                                                               FAX (202) 637—5910


      Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
      Federal Communications Commission
      International Bureau — Telecommunications
      P.O. Box 358115
      Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                      Re:      American Samoa Telecommunications Authority,
                               Interexchange Carrier Division, Application Under Section
                               214 of the Communications Act of 1934, As Amended, for
                               Global Authority to Offer Facilities—Based and Resale
                               Service to All Eligible International Points

      Dear Ms. Salas:

                    On behalf of American Samoa Telecommunications Authority
      Interexchange Carrier Division (ASTCA IXC"), I am enclosing for filing an original
      and five copies of an application pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
      1934, as amended, and Sections 63.18(e)(1)—(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.
      §§ 68.18(e)(1)—(2), for global authority to offer facilities—based and resale service to all
      eligible international points. This request for authorization is subject to the
      Commission‘s streamlined processing rules.

                     ASTCA IXC is a "governmental entity" and eligible for the fee exemption
      set forth in Section 1.1114(f) of the FCC rules. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1114(f), 1.1114 Note.
      The enclosed application includes a certification by an officer of the applicant that
      ASTCA is a semi—autonomous agency of the American Samoa Government.

                      If you have any questions about this application, please contact me.

                                                                       Rizectfully submitted,

                                                                       David L. Sieradzki
                                                                       Counsel for ASTCA IXC

                                      BRUSSELS   BUDAPEST   LONDON     MOSCOW         PARIS*   PRAGUE   WARSAW


                                                                *Affiliated Office

                                 Bej‘ore ‘The
                            Washing:on 1.C. 20554

In the Matter of

American Samoa Telecommunications Authc rity                  FE:—le No.
           Interexchange ( arrier Division

Application for Authority Un ler
Section 214 of the Comriunications
Act of 1934, As Amende1, to Iffer
Facilities—Based and Resale & ervice to .11 EL gible
International Points

To: Chief, International Bure au

                                    \PPILICA FIONM
             Applicant Amer can Samoii Telecominunication s Authority

Interexchange Carrier Divisi )n (CL.STCA IXC" or "Applicant‘) hereby requests

authority, pursuant to Sectio 1 214 of the Corimunications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.13(e)(1) and 63.13(e)(2) of tae Commuission‘s Rules,

47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(e)(1), (e)(2), to cperaie as i facilities—based and resale carrier of

international services tc all e igible internatimal oints. ASTCA IXC is a new

applicant for authority to provide international services and has no foreign carrier

affiliations. ASTCA IXC‘s primary business is the provision of telecommunications



               Until 19€8, the local and lon;; distance telephone netw ork in Am rican

Sama 1/ wiis operated by the American ©amos Government (C(ASG‘) thr0ough the

American Samoa O:‘Fice cf Communications (ASOC‘). The ASG inlierited this

network fro:n the U.S. Niv: and the U.S. Department of the Lntericr, which

formarly ad: niriistered tke territory. On January 9, 1998, the Tove mor of Am erican

Samoa issue d in exzscutire arder tranferring tke telecominunicatior s operatio ns

form srly ui by 4SOC tc the newly—create d Anierics n Sa noa "elecommunica ions

Authkority @ASTCA‘), a san i—autonomous agency of the ASG vith a n indspenlent

board of cirectors. 2/ Sulsequently, ASTCA reorganized ts opzsrations to establish

separate local »xchsnge (carrier and interexcha age ciarrie1‘ divisions.

               ASTCZL TXC provides outbou: id inserstite ar.d int»rnational seryv ce,

and provide ; pari; ol the :ntcrexchange communiications I: nk for inbound inter state

and internai0:na.. cills. ‘Vkile ASTCA IXUS provides a large proportion 0:‘ the

internation: l tra:fic into an1 out of American Samo;., it is not the o:nily I3:C in the

1/    American Samoa, an unincorporated territory of the United States, is located
14 degrees south of the equator, about 2,300 miles southwest of Hawaii, and more
than 4,100 miles southwest of San Francisco. The territory lies approximately
1,600 miles northeast of New Zealand, and approximately 40 miles east of the
independent country of Samoa (formerly known as Western Samoa), with which
American Samoa has close cultural, economic, and family ties. Persons born in
American Samoa are nationals but not citizens of the United States. As of July 1,
1996, the population of American Samoa was 58,000.

2/     Copies of the Executive Orders establishing ASTCA are attached to this

territory authorized to provide international service. 3/ ASTCA IXC files this

application to regularize its operations under the Commission‘s authority.

             Applicant also requests that the Commission streamline the processing

of this application pursuant to Section 63.12. Grant of this application will serve

the public interest, convenience and necessity by promoting competition in the

international services market.


             Pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, Applicant sets

forth the following information in support of its request for authorization.

             (a) The name, address and telephone number of Applicant are:

                American Samoa Telecommunications Authority
                Interexchange Carrier Division
                Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
                Tel: 011/684—633—1121

             (b) Applicant is a semi—autonomous agency of the American Samoa

3/    See Public Notice, Public Notice, Overseas Common Carrier Section 214
Applications Actions Taken, Report No. TEL—00031, DA 98—315 (rel. Nov. 12, 1998)
(granting American Samoa License, Inc. global resale authority in File No.
ITC—214—19980918—00671 global resale authority).

(c) Correspondence concerning this application should be addressed to:

   Aleki Sene
   Executive Director
   American Samoa Telecommunications Authority
   Interexchange Carrier Division
   Pego Pago, American Samor 96798
   Tel: 011/684—633—1121
   Fex: 0 11/684—633—9032

   with a copy to:

   David L. Sieradzki
   Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.
   555 Thirteenth Street, NW
   Washington, D.C. 20004—1108
   Tel: (202) 637—5600
   Fax: (202) 637—5910

(d) Applicant has not previoust ; received authority under Section 214
   of the Communications Act.

(e) (1) Applicant is requesting Sertion 214 s uthorit to operate as a
    facilities—based carrier pursiiaint to the terms ancdd conditions of
   § 63.18(e)(1).
   (2) Applicant is requesting Serction 214 s uthorit to operate as a
   resale carrier pursuant to the serms and conditicns of § 63.18(e)(2).

   (3) Not applicable.

   (4) No response required.

   (5) Not applicable.

   (6) Not applicable.

(f) No response required.

(g) Not applicable because Applicant does not seek facilities—based
    authority under § 63.18(e)(6).

(h) (1) Applicant hereby certifies that it is not, nor does it have, an
    affiliation with a foreign carrier.

   (2) Applicant is a semi—autonomous agency of the American Samoa

   (3) Applicart hereby c>rtifies thiait it does not have an affiliation.
   with any US whiose facilities—based service Applicart
   proposes o resell (eith »r 1irectly or in 1lirectly througk: the resale of
   another reseller‘s service}.

   (4) No reipcnse required.

   (5) Not aplicable.

   (6) Not a»plicable.

   (7) Not applicable.

   (8) Not applicable.

(i) Applicant hereby certilies that it has r.ot agreed to accept special
    concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with
    respect to ary U.S. interrational ro ite where the foreign carrier
    possesses sufficient msrkat power on the fo:eign end of the route to
    affect com petition adversely in tke 1J.©5. tma:rket and will not enter
    into such ag:eements in the future.

(G) Applicant hereby certilies that no party to this application, as
    defined in 4"" C.F.R. § :..2002(b), :s sukject to denial of Federal
    benefits pursuant to Section 530:. 0‘ the Ani—Drug Abuse Act of
    1988, 21 1J.85.C. § 853(a).

(k) The Application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to
    Section 63.12 because Applicant has no foreign carrier affiliations.

                        Accordingly, Applicant respectfully requests that the Commission

 grant this application.

                                                    Respectfully submitted

                                                    AMIRICAN SAMOA
                                                    AUHOEITY INTEREXCHANGE
                                                    CAIIRIE? DIVISION

                                                    y Lefef ie
                                                       Aleki Sene
                                                       Executive Director
                                                       American Samoa Telecommunications
                                                       Interexchange Carriers Division
                                                       Office of Communications
                                                       Pago Pago, American S im oa 96709

Richard S. Rodin
David L. Sieradzki
Jeremy B. Miller
Hogan & Hartson LL.P.
555 Thirteenth Street, NW.
Washington, D.C. 20004
(202) 637—5600

Its Attorneys

Dated: February 22 1999

NA\DC — 6590971 — 074408695


        Executive Orders Establishing
American Samoa Telecommunications Authority

                                             JFFICiZ OF THEL GOVERIT CR
                                                  Amcrivan Sar o# Government
                                              Pago Pago   Ame is n Samoa 96 9
  TAV BE1‘.F. SL lA                                                                                              Te eprone. (684) 53.
      Govune                                                                                                            Fax: (&B4) 6T

Tosioi! .T/.TVLMA 3      .
       . Governgr

                                             X BCUIIV!:       RDE i? o.       2     _ 1§ )8

                             AN U JRD KE T. .BLIS P i( THE A) IERXICAN SA 4( 4
                             TEL C 3 {ML «I "ATIONS . UTH JR TV

                        ion 1:     A ‘hon >

                            This Evet tive Jr ler is ssued inde1 th authoriy grarcle u t > Governor in
                        ‘1¢ IV. Geeuc (B. i1 rican Si hC Revicec C onstitution. [3 e     .S.C.A. Section
                        1 tb) and iip isat »sceuorccft : Fed za C ammunicati in 4        f 1934. as
                        w.ed. and the Iele in mun: a| of Act: £1.35 6.

                         6% 2:     Pr amb     a id Pu pt se

                              WHEK E. s. th I¢ sal cony iu cations ne\ work in Ameri ai            moa. with

                        ei:tions to otf »r U d Stat»s ini internat on |I points. was (,n|          y constructed t v
                         ‘. 5. Navwy an the .5. Depart ne of the i nte rar: and               3#

                        WHERKE 5. th network w is             therited in proved and expaiit by the American
                Samo Gover aw it wh s1 operate th             Office if U ommunications : al »r the direction of
                tre Director of Coummi ications. v ho         s appoiite: by the Governor a d

                      WHEREAS. th Ciffice of t ios nunicat ons is mandated to c smplyv with certain
               provisions of the 1924 communicacdions Act and the 1996 Telecommunications Act; and

                     WHEREAS. the American Samoa Government has filed with the Federal
               Communications Commission (FCC). on October 1. 1997. its Plan to regularize the
               Office of Communications status under FCC Regulations: and

                      WHEREAS. the American Samoa Government is commined to comply with all
               applicable federal regulations pertaining to the operation of the government‘s
               communications system ‘bythe Office of Communications.

                      -NOW. THEREFORE. the creation of the American Samoa Telecommunications
               Authority is herebyauthorized. with the duties and responsibilities as set forth herein.

 Section 3:      Establishment of the American Samoa Telecommunications Authcrity

       Tliere is hereby established, within the Executive Branch ofthe American Sarnoa
 Governm :nt (ASG@). ‘he American Samoa Telecommunications Authority (ASTA),
 fommeriy |:nown as the Office of Communications. ASTA shall exist as a semi—
 autonome us agency c? 4,S5C and will b» governed bya board. which shall be known as
 the ASTA Board. copsis:ing of three (3) members who are appointed by the (Governor for
 terms of t wo (2) yeari.

 Section 4:     Coraposiiion and Qualifiestions of ASTA Board

       O! the thres gubematoral appointres, one mrember shall be from the .American
 Samoa Cc vernment Emjsioverss® Reurcment Fund lBRoard. a second qiember shall be an
 ASC carei:r emplovee selectec! on the tasis of charicter. competence, educetion
experiencs:. and judigrmant; and the thi:d imembir (hall be from, the private sector,
selected on tre basis af character, compeurnce, education. accountingand fin ince
experience and judge neimt.

Seetion S:      ASTA Board Dutiss anc. Responsib lities

        The ASTA Buard shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

        (1)     elect is own chairman anniially.

        (2)     hire ar Executive Director who shall be directlyv responsible ic th» Eoard
for the proper and eff cient manazemert of ASTaA.

        (3)    establish and progiulgat: niles and rsgulations. not inconsister: t with loca.
and federal laws, for users of telecommuncations services in American Samca.

     (4)     review and approve the Annual Operating and Construction Biidgets of
ASTA in accordance with the ASG‘s regular budget process.

       (5)1    review and approve ASTA‘s long—range plan to insure compliance with
the Rate Integration Plan filed with the FCC on October 1. 1997 and regularize ASTA‘s
operations in accordance with FCC Regulations.

        (6)    review and approve rates before submining said rates to any appropriate
regulatory‘ body as required for final approval.

       (7)     review and approve procurement actions.

       (8)     reviewand approve personnel actions,

        (9)     review and approve accounting and financial management policies and
 procedures to iasure compliance with FCC accounting and auditing requirements.

         (10) review approve and sub; ait Quarterly Performance and finencial Repoi is
 to the Goviiraor no la\ ir than 30 days af er "he end of the Q)uarter.

         (11)     review approve and sub: iit an Annual Financial Report to the Sovernc :
 no later than 90 lays 1 fter the end of the fu cal veixr.

        (12    s all h id segular meetin s t leas arce every m »ath and shall he d
spociel me: ung: whe; nesessary. It shill, ecord and keeq minites of al) suck mretings
anc! make said n inute available fyr putk ic inspection.

       (13)     m view ind approve all ol 1e matters jJropeily within the A.STA‘s wutho ity
whici are iaiclud :d on ‘he agenda of the AS TA Board.

Secu n 6:        A STA jloard Compensat on

      ASA B ard c embers shall be c im pensated at the rate of $500.00 per m inth.
No oher special :omp msation shall be i uti orized.

Section 7:       D ies . nt. Responiibiliti is if Execuwive D rector

        The E ces nive Jirector shal! be t ie Chief Executive Office : of ASTA. sh i repor
direcily to the A! TA E sard and shiall perfom the fo lowirs duties

       (1)      d: velog policies/pragrams fir the adrainistration, im anagement andi
»pera ion of 4 S7 A am submit to ‘he AST Board far approval.

       (2)    develop and submii to the A TA Bosrd the Annual Dperating and
Cunstruction dudget for approval.

      (3)    prepare and submit to the ASTA Boa‘d Monthly Operating Statemients,
Quanerly Performance and Financial Reports. and Annual Financial Reponts.

        (4)      hire qualified and experienced management personnel subject to ASTA
Board approval and in accordance with government employee laws ASCA Title 7, ASAC
Title 4 and the provisions of this Executive Order.

      % (5)     prepare. approve and conduct procuremeant of supplies. equipment,
materials. and personal services. other than emplovess. in accordance with all applicable
laws and rules of American Samoa and the provisions of this Executive Order.

                                                                    checks in
         (6)    prepare, spprove and issue ASTA‘s bi—weekly payroll
rescordance WIY}! AST_A Efl&“ anlisviee and in nnmnhmc: \Vflh lccz! and federal labor
        (7)     prepare and evhmit to the ASTA Board monthly summaery reports Of cash
                                                                       ary for the proper
recsipts. rceexvnhlcs psvablec. and al! nerinent financial data necess
munitoring of ASTA Tinances.
         (8)    pronare the agenda for ASTA Board meetings.
Secrion 8:      Transfer af Assets
         At a date fixed by the ASTA Roaed and nnnroved hy the Governur. all ta.nmlc
assets formeriv listed under the Office of Cammunications shall be transferred to ASTA
with the sights to operate all items of armperyincluding construction in progress.
Section 9:      Transfer of Liabilities
         AL & date fixed by the ASTA Board and approved by the Governor. all outstandinge
liabilities incurred by the former Office af Cnmmumcmons. including all contract and
starutory obligations. shall be transferred to ASTA,
Section 10:     Transfer of Leases. Contracts and Acreements
         All leases. contracts. and azreements which were entered into by the former
Office of Communieations and sre current. valid and in effect. shall be transferred to
Section 11:;:   Personsel
         (1)      Ata dated fixed by the ASTA Buard and approved by the Governar, all
personnel presently assigned to the Office of Cummu.mmxons shall be twransterred to
ASTA without any :hnmzein salaryor in—service date for computation of retirement
elivpibility eredit under the Government Emplovees® Retirement Fund.
        (2)     All officers and empiayees of the authority. other than the Executive
Direcror. are appointed and compensated in accurdance with requirements of the
rovernment emplovee laws. ASCA Title 7 and ASAC Title 4, except that the ASTA
Board. in conjunction with the Denpanment uf Human Resources, may adopt
ndminictrarive rule«c niuwraiant im 4.100] ASCA et sco. to supplant covernment emalovee
rules in the specific categories of persunnel recruitment. employment. termination of
emplovee services. disciplinary actions wid compensation at levels comparable to
prevailing communications levels.

  Section 12:     Accounting and Budget

         ASTA shall assume responsibility for the accounting and financial management of
 the telecommunieations authority and shall perfonn all related sccounting functions,
 including. but not limited to general ledger. fixed assets, accounts recsivable, accounts
 peyable. payroll and cash. ASTA shall apply and adhere to Generally Accepted
 Accounting Principles (GAAP).

 Section 13:     Independent Audit

        ASTA shall employ a firm of independent cenified public accountaats with
 telecommunications experience to examine and report on the conditionof financial
 records and accounts no less than once a year. The report shall be submined to the
 Governor by the ASTA Board.

 Section 14:     Procurement

        ASTA may contract for the procurement of supplies. equipment. materials.
 personal services other than by emplovees. and construction with any public or private
 enuty upon terms and conditions as it finds necessaryto the full and convenient exercise
 of is purposes and powers. subject to all applicable procurement laws and rules of
 American Samoa. The authoriw shall receive and account for its inventory of materials.
 supplies and equipment.

 Section 18:     Trensition Period

         All fees. rates. charges. and contracts in effect during the transfer of property and
facilities. and management thereo{. to ASTA‘s control and jurisdiction are considered
properlyv adopted and continue in effeet until duly changed or modified.

Section 16:       Effective Date

         This order is effective immediately and supersedes General Memorandum No. 16—

Dated:                        é . 1998.

Et:      Per Standard List

                                         CFFICE OF THE GOVEFr N 3F
                                                American Simos Governmet
                                             Page Prage, Americs | Samoa ¢57 9
 TAUESE P.F. um a.                                                                                       f
      Lbovaeme:                                                                                              en   None: (MB4) £33—
                                                                                                                   Fai: (6441 833¢
    L. Soverr o

                                         EXECUIIVE CRLEFK! 3.___ gs3_ _— 955

                         A N JRDER AMENDIN 3 EX:CU® IV ; ORDER 1 o. J3 1‘ 38, WHICH
                         ET ABLIGHED T 4E A AERN:AN iA 40A TELE °C( M Y¥ NICATIONS
                         4 C HORITY ©

                  sectio iLc     Authority

                          7 us Executive Onleris ssued urde      th   authority s ar ec t« the Governor in
                  artuclh T‘.! ecticn 6. Amvrican Samoa fav      se   Constuimtic i it e A.S.C.A. Seetien
                  i.0l11(k a d apyplicable sectiors of the| ee   ze   Communicuti n: A :t of 1934, as
                  im ended aid the Telecon muni—stions 4 :1      if   196.

                  se uon {:      Purpose

                         7 1e purpese of this Executive Or e io ie amend Order 02—1998.
                  t ich es ablishec the American Samoa Tleli :o imunications Auhoriw. Secuons 3 ind |
                  afExzeu ive Ord r No. 0—1998 are hereby m nded to provide ‘or a five (5) membe :
                  arrericcn Samog Telecorimunications (AS A Board.

                  Se rion 3:     Amendme: iof Executuve 0; les 12—1998

                         (1)     Section 35 of Executive Orde: 02—1998 is hereby arnended to read as

                                 Establishment of the American Samoa Telecommunications Authority

                         There is hereby established. within the Executive Branch of the American Samoa
                  CGovernment (ASG). the American Samoa Telecommunications Authoritw(ASTA).
                  formerly known as the Office of Communications. ASTA shall exist as a semi—
                  autonomous ageney of ASG and will be governed by a board. which shall be known as
                  the AS5TA Bourd. consisting of five (5) members who are appointed by the Governor for
                  terms of two (2) vears.

       (2)      estion 4 of Executive Order No. 02—1998 is hereby amended to read as

               Composinuion and Qualifications of ASTA Board

      OF the five gubernatorial appointess, ane member shall be from the Amernican
Samoa Government Emplovees‘ Retirement Fund Board: two inembizrs shall be AisC
career employees selested on the basis of character, competence, education, exp:mcncs,
and judgement: and two members shall be from the private sec:or, selectedon the basis of
character. competence. education. accounting and finance experience and judgeineit.

Section 4:     Effect

       With the exception of the amendments set forth herein. all other provisicas
contained in Executive Order 02—1998 rernain in full feree and effect.

Section 5:     Effective Date

       This order is effective immediately.

Dnt:d:flfl/—' /fl =—~~~_, 1993.

                                              TAUESE P.F. SUNIA

ee:    Per Standard Lisi

                                        OFFiCE OF THE GOVERIN(F
                                              American Samosa     jovernmen
                                          Page Pago. imericar      Siimos 917( J
     Goveme:                                                                                               Tmeprane: 18 \6) 6354114
                                                                                                                 Par /0 4) MNERR
     LL Covernar
                                                     Janmiary 16, 993

               GENERAL MEMORANDUMNO._                    _2       _ — 998

               To:             Distribution List

               From:           Governor of American Si mua

               Subject:        Appointment ofInterim Chiaf Exe wutive Officer o1 A nericin Samos
                               Telecommunications Authoiity

                      Pursuant to Executive Order 02—19§ 8 and E1 ec itive Orc z 13 1998, A eki Sene is
               hereby appointed as interim Chief Executive Off} :« of the Ame ic in Samoa
               Telecommunications Authority (ASTA), e fectiv iriurediately. o cerve until he ASTA
               Board is formed and selects a permanent Chief E ecutive Office :.

                       During this interim jpseriod. Aleki Sime sh: !I rave and perfo m the duti s and
               responsibilities of the Executive Director as set fi mt is Executive: )rier No. ( 2—1998,
               including, but not limited to. those delineaied in Lectio 1 7 of said ( rtler.

                       Please extend vour cooperation and assistanc e t » Mr. Sene auing his s rvice as
               interim Chief Executive Officer of ASTA.              p          fi
                                                                         h                    L

                                                                                Lemer tm
                                                                    TAUESE P.F. SUNIA


                       As per standard list


Executive Order Designating American Samoa
          Office of Communications
as an "Eligible Telecommunications Carrier"

                                     OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR
                                            American Samoa Government
                                        Page Pago, American Samoa 96799
 TAUVESE P.F. SUNIA.                                                                        Teieprone 644 s3
      Gowengr                                                                                     Fax ©68¢) 37

*apgrghe,"~~                       EXECUTIVE ORDER NO._13 _ 1997

                                            DESIGNATION OF
                                ELIGIBLE TELESCOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER

                Section 1:    Authority

                       This Executive Order is issued under the authority granted in Article
                iV, section 6 of the American Samoa Revised Constitution, Title 4, Chapter
                1, Section 0111(b) of the American Samoa Code, and sections 3, 214, and
               254 of the federal Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the
               "Saemmunications Aet").

               Section 2:    Purpose

                      Sections 3 and 214 of the Communications Act authorize the
               semmission or offieial with regulatory jurisdietion over comrmunications
               sarrlers in each State and Territory :o designate certain common carriers
               as "aligible telecommunications carriers" for purposes of receiving federal
               universal service support. 47 U.S.C. §§1§53 (40) (41), 214 (e) (2). In the
              absence of a telecommunications regulatory commission, the Governor is
              the official of the American Sarnoa Government with regulatory jurisdiction
               over telecommunications carriers.

               Section 3:    Findings

                    | find that the American Samoa OfHice of Communications ("ASOC‘")
              meets the qualifiecations for an "eligible telecommunieations carriler‘" as
              defined in section 214 of the Communications Acet. 47 U.S.C. §214 (e) (1).
              In particuiar, | find that:

                       (a)   ASOC is a "common carrier‘ as defined in section 3
                             of the Communications act, 47 U.S.C. §153 (10);

 Executive Order No.         1997
 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier
 Page 2

        (b)     ASOC offers the services that are supported by federal
                universal support mechanisms in accordance with
                section 214 of the Communications Act (47 U.S.C.
                §214 (3) (1) (A) and as specified in section 54.101
                of the pertinent regulations of the Federal
                Communications Commission (47 C.F.R. §54.101);

       (c)      ASOC advertises the availablility of such services
                and the charges therefore using media of general
                distribution in accordaneewith seetion 214 of the
                Communleations Act. 47 U.S.C. §214 (d) (1) (B); and

       (d)      Designation of ASOC as an "eligilble telecommunications
                carrier‘ for the receipt of federal universal service
                support will serve the public interest.

Section 4:       Designation

       The American Samoa Office of Communications is hereby
designated as an "eligible telecommunications carrier‘" under section 214
of the Communications Aet for the receipt of federal universal service

Section 5:      Effective Date

      This Executive Order shall be effective immmediately upon signing.

Dated: / Z—/ ‘2 ,7

                              TAUESE P.F. SUNIA
                          Governor of American Samoa


As per standard list

                                  SERVICE LIST

Rebecca Arbogast
Telecommunications Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW
Room 817
Washington, DC 20554

Troy Tanner
Chief, Policy and Facilities Branch
Telecommunications Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW
Room 849
Washington, DC 20554

George Li
Deputy Chief
Telecommunications Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW
Room 835
Washington, DC 20554

Susan O‘Connell
Attorney Advisor
Telecommunications Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW
Room 834
Washington, DC 20554

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Document Created: 2019-04-15 16:42:47
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 16:42:47

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