Attachment 20170202104300-043.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19990219-00092 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                  Streamlined       ITC—214—19990219—00092
                                                  LOTEL, INC.
                                                  COORDINATED BILLING SERVICES

                          Categories of Services for 214 Applications
                                  a                                            “W‘:\


                        ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE

                        GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                         GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
      o o o o a a a

                        LIMITED GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                        SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE
                      ~©~TRANSFER OF CONTROL—



          Description of Application:

                                                                                                         Sss         FEB 19 :
                Ni                      L‘].‘   |          2   )     D                  FCC/R'S'( 35 &           FEB   04 160g

                                                                   Before the
                          TEDERAL COMMUN.:CA" ION‘S C )MMISSION
                                           _ Washingtcn, D C. 20554

In the Matte : of
LoTel, Inc. : |/b/a
Coordinatec Billing Services

Application for autho ity

                                                N/ N/ N/
pursuaint to Jection 2: 4 of
the Commu: iications . Act of 1934
as amended, to resell :efvice )                                     F le No. __
of other con mon carr ers t
provide swii ched service from
the United S tates to
internationa poirits.

                                 AFPLICAT [ON FOF . AU [HC RIT Y

           LoT:l, In:. d/y/a Coordinate1 Bi ling Serv ces "Courdinited Billing Services") hereby

requests aut iority, pu suant to,Erectic n 214 of the C omn unic ition ; Act of 1934, as amended, 47

U.S.C. Sect on 214 (1988), and Section 63.18 of the (omuanission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section

63.18 (1992), to resell the international message com nunicatio is services of other common
carriers betv een the U nited Stat :s an d various inter iatio: ial puints.

           Coor linated Filling Services is a corporation o ‘ganized inder the laws of the state of

Minnesota. Coordingted Billinz Seivice has no foreign afiiliatims. The company intends to

resell the telecommunications facilities of other common carriers and is not a facilities—based

carrier.     Coordinated Billing Services will offer service nationwide.                          Through its service,

customers may originate calls nationwide or in other countries for termination in the United

States or to         other countries.           The company seeks authority to resell                          international

telecommunications services to better serve its customers by offering a full range of

telecommunications products and services.                                By providing international calling services

 Coordinated Billing Services will be able to offer its customers : valuable service a con retit


          Intern tional telecommunications services w ll be ot rine          by Co rdir ited Bill:

 Set rices fror   other currently authorized conmon caviers. C ordi atec Bil ig | ervi :

 res 1 the se ices of other facilities—based carriers t] at have « tait d a itho: zati n ft m t

 Co: amission.

          The p ovisio11 ofit ternational serviced by Coo: dinated B ling Ser ices vill ot h     ve &

 sigi ificant in »act on tI;e general provision of such ser ice to the pub c. 1iddit »nal com etiti

 in 1 ie marke however, benefits consumers of intern; tional tel som aun catic is se vice .

ber sfits of c mpetition include lower prices and increased av; labi ty of a~ arie          of   ierV

 opt ons. The zrant of this authorization will increase competitio in | e x arke       Tk is, t :

 of t iis author zation is consistent with the public interest.

          In su sort of this request for authorization, Coordinatt l Bi ling Ser ces subr its 1

 foll wing inf rmation pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commi sOT Rules, 4 C.] R., ecti


 (a)      The n me and address of applicant:                ?Y

          LoTel Inc.                                7 /5/
                                                                   3   y
          8120 : enn Avenue South
          Suite 59
          Bloon ington, MN 55431

          Maili z3 Address:

          LoTel, Inc.                             .

                                                              ~¥8/. T4of
          8120 Penn Avenue South                 & / Z
          Suite 159
          Bloomington, MN 55431

(b)       LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services is incorporated under the laws of the state

          of Minnesota.

(c)       Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

                                                                         FCC Section 214 Application
                                                        LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                                Page 2

      Leon Oistad, President
      LoTe‘, Inc.
      £120 ?enn Avenue South
      Suite 159
      lBlootr iington, MN 55431


      Steve 1 C. Clay
      iittomn iey at Law
      2 10 F jurth Avernue South
      Suite 200          §
      Minnapolis, MN 55415
      2ittom iey fior Applicant

(d)   Coorcinated Billing Services has not previously received § 214 author ty under the

      Comr iunications Act of 1934

(e)   Coorc inated Billing Services : eque sts global facil ties—bas ed an 1 resale auth >rity pursuant

      to the terms and conditions of § 63 18(e)(1) and (¢)(2) of the C¢ mmission‘s ules.

(£)   At this time, Coordinated Billing Services seeks no otier arthority avai able under §


(g)   Not aj plicable.

(b)   Coord inated Billing Services is not affiliated with any U.S. or fureign carrie.

      The o ily individuals or entiti‘s which own 10 percent or mor : of the stoc!: or equity in

      Coordinated Billing Services are as follows:

             Leon Oistad
             8120 Penn Avenue South
             Suite 159
             Bloomington, MN 55431

      The 10 percent equity holder is a U.S. citizen whose principal business is as an officer of

      LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services.

                                                                     FCC Section 214 Application
                                                    LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                            Page 3

(i)    Coordinated Billing Services certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the

      future to accept any direct or indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or

      administration with regards to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any

      foreign countries the company is authorized to serve.

0)    Coordinated Billing Services certifies that no party to this application has been denied

      federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                                                                   FCC Section 214 Application
                                                  LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                          Page 4

       As demonstrated in this application, LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services is

legally, financially and technically qualified to provide the services for which it requests

authority. For the reasons stated above, applicant submits that the public interest, convenience

and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214 application.

       Dated this /7 day of January, 1999.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coord:inated Billing Services
                                      8120 Penn Avenu: Souwh
                                      Suite 159

                                      Bloomington, MN 55431

                                      Steven C. Clay
                                     Attorney for Applican
                                     310 Fourth Avenue South                             \
                                     Suite 900
                                     Minneapolis, MN 55415
                                     Attorney for Applicant
                                                                               L     P
                                                                                 V’/\ \

                                                                    FCC Section 214 Application
                                                   LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                           Page 5

 ROGM : Law
         LA orFrices
                  '                         PHONE NO. : 321 9207                       Jan. 31 1999 12:5
                                                                                                      * 2PM p2

                                    ANTI—DRUG ABUSE CERTIFICATION

                 Neither LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services, nor any party to this application,

          as defined in CFR 1.2002 (b)(2), is subject to a denial of Federal and/or State benefits, as

          provided in the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 833a,

                                                              Leon Oistad, President
                                                              LoTel, Inc.
                                                              d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                              8120 Pern Avenue South.
                                                              Suite 159
                                                              Bloomington, MN 55.3

                                                             Dated;_r&mfii_?_’_ffifi J

                                                                            FCC Section 214 Application
                                                           LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                                   Page 6

FROM : LAW orFices                            PHONE NO. : 321 9207                        Jan. 21 1999 12:53PM P3


                I hercby certify that LoTel, Inc. d/b/A Coordinated Billing Services is not affiliated with
         any foreign carrier, nor is it affiliated with any facilities—based carrier whose services it intends to
         resell. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the statements made in this application are
         true and correct.   .

                                                                 Leon Oistad, President
                                                                 LoTel, Inc.
                                                                 d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                 8120 Penn Avenue South
                                                                 Suite 159
                                                                 Bloomington, MN 55431

                                                                              [        .

                                                                                FCC Section 214 Application
                                                              LoTel, Inc. d/b/a Coordinated Billing Services
                                                                                                        Page 7

Document Created: 2019-04-08 14:13:18
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 14:13:18

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