Attachment 20170131152328-570.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19990128-00051 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                            Categories of Services for 214 Applications
                                     (Str@@MmILLIM        suysamiinea        ITC—214—19990128—00051
                                           sessssesssSm   —oaniclT NETWORKS LLC

                          ASSIGNMENT OF LICENS
  @8A 9A 0A 0 !KJ] 0O

                          GLOBAL FACILITIES—BASED SERVICE
                          GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                          GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
o 9 B o 9 o o

                          LIMITED GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                          SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE
                        ©~TRANSFER OF CONTROL—
                          SUBMARINE CABLE LANDING LICENSE
                          TINTERNATIONAL SPECIAL PROJECT

    Description of Application:

                                   Lance J.M. Steinhart                                         I   ."   €1   «/

                                                                                                     "A0 tlagy
                                        Attorney At Law
                                    6455 East Johns Crossing
                                            Suite 285
                                     Duluth, Georgia 30097

Also Admitted in New York                                                  Telephone: (770) 232—9200
and Maryland                                                               Facsimile: (770) 232—9208
                                         January 27, 1999


Federal Communications Commission
Common Carrier Network Services
PO Box 358145
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5145

       Re:    Transit Networks LLC Application for Section 214 Authority to Provide Global
               Facilities—Based and Resale Telecommunications Services

Dear Sir/Madam:

       Enclosed please find for filing anoriginal and six (6) copies of the application of Transit
Networks LLC for Section 214 authority to Provide Global Facilities—Based and Resale
Telecommunications Services between the United States and various international points.

       As required by commission rules, I have also enclosed a check in the amount of $780.00
payable to the "Federal Communications Commission" to cover the application fee, accompanied
by FCC Form 159. Please date—stamp the extra copyof this application and return it in the
enclosed self—addressed stamped envelope.

      If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to call me.
Thank you.

                                     Respectfully sub

                                    La             teinhart

                                    Attorney for Transit Networks LLC

66:    Ozzy Gutman

44   >    ZEAD      iNGTRUCTIONS caREFULLY                                          C               —        ho                      APPROVED BY
                  BEFORE PROCEEDING                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                    REMITTANCE ADVICE
          11 iocxsoxs             3598145                                                 maceno.__L_or_L_

                  New York                                       +                               New YOrk
                                                  area code) .                                              Tat



                                                                                                        780 .00

                                —~*#68ECHION: ~D——TAXPAYER,#INFORMATIO

     PAYER TIN                            [|0| i)z 4}|o/|i}1ils| 2| 4 F                            PLICANT TIN              0

                 exrmzm       TMAN                                          ___, Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                (PRINT NAME)

         true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                             SIGNATURE

                               L TT TT                                                           TT T                 _    MONTH

                     hereby authoriza the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

                      the service(s/authorizations(s) herein described.

                                                              SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                       FCC FORM 159    JULY 1997 (REVISED)

                         FEDERAL    COM         ‘IONS      COMMISSION
                              Washin«           1.C.       20554

In the Matter of

Transit Networks LLC
                                                     File No.         ITC—214—1999—_ _

Application for Authority
Pursuant to Section 214 of t
Communications Act of 1934,
As Amended, for Global Authc
To Operate as an Internatior
Facilities—Based and
Resale Carrier

TO;     The Commission

                     APPLICATION FC             ION 214 AUTHORITY
                             FOR GL             UTHORITY
             TO   OPERATE AS AN IN              .ONAL FACILITIES—BASED
                                   AND    |]    CARRIER

       Transit        Networks     LLC          sit"        or      "Applicant"),       by    ts

attorney,     hereby respectfull                asts authority from the Federal

Communications Commission                ("     sion" ) ,        pursuant to Section 214

of    the   Communications         Act    c      ,    as    amended         (the   "Act"),    and

Section      63 .18    of   —the    Comn         ‘s        Rules,      to    provide    global

international         facilities—bas            1     resale        services       between    the

United States and international points.                          In    accordance     with    the

Commission‘s       fee schedule,         Fee Code CUT,       Transit Networks LLC has

attached a check in the amount of $780.00 to this Application.

       Transit Networks LLC is a U.S.                company formed in May 19,               1998

to provide        international      telecommunications               services     to business

and residential customers throughout the United States.

        By granting this application,              the Commission will serve the

public interest, convenience and necessity by promoting competition

in the international services market.                Competition will benefit US

consumers by increasing service options and lowering prices.                    Thus,

the public         interest will be    served by the grant         of Section 214

authority to Transit Networks LLC.

        In   support    of    Applicant‘s     request    for   authorization,     the

following information is submitted pursuant to Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s Rules:

  (a)         The name,      address and telephone number of Applicant:

              Transit Networks LLC
              90 John Street, Suite 503
              New York, New York 10038
              (212) 571—2800

  (b)         The Applicant is a limited liability company organized
              and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware.

  (c)         The name, title, address and telephone number of the
              officer   to   whom   correspondence concerning this
              application should be directed to:

              Elazar Gutman, Managing Director
              Transit Networks LLC
              90   John Street,    Suite    503
             New York,       New York 10038
              (212)    571—28090

             with a— copy to:

             Lance J.M.       Steinhart,    Esq.
             Attorney at Law
              6455 East Johns Crossing,            Suite 285
             Duluth, Georgia        30097
             (770) 232—9200

             The Commission should direct any inquiries that it may
             have about this Application to Lance J.M. Steinhart, Esq.

 (d)         The Applicant has not previously received authority under

             Section 214.

(e)   The Applicant is requesting global facilities—based and

      resale Section 214 authority to operate pursuant to the

      terms and conditions of Section 63 .18 (e) (1) and (e) (2) of

            : Commission‘s rules.

            . applicable.

            . applicable.

            licgant        certifies     that     it   is     not,     and    has   no

            iliation with,          a   "foreign carrier"         as   that   term is

            ined      in      ‘§~"—~63%.18(h) (ii) .        The   name,       address,

            izenship and principal businesses of Applicant‘s 10%

            greater        (direct or indirect)         shareholders or other

            ity holders,        and any interlocking directorates:

             Schwartz — 35% shareholder
            ted States Citizen
            ncipal Business: Telecommunications
            iness Address:
            John Street, Suite 503
             York, New York 10038

            on Braverman — 20% shareholder
            ted States Citizen
            ncipal Business:   Telecommunications
            iness Address:
            John Street, Suite 503
             York, New York 10038

         zar Gutman — 45% shareholder
         zed States Citizen
      Principal Business:   Telecommunications
      Business Address:
      90 John Street, Suite 503
      New York,       New York 10038

      There are no interlocking directorates.

      Applicant certifies that it has no affiliation with the

      US carriers whose facilities—based services the Applicant

      proposes to resell (either directly or indirectly through

      the   resale of another reseller‘s               service) .

(1)   Applicant         certifies     that     it   has   not   agreed to accept

      special      concessions        directly       or    indirectly     from    any

      foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic

      or revenue flows between the US and any foreign country

      which the Applicant may serve under the authority granted

      under this part and will not enter into such agreements

      in the future.

      Applicant certifies,            to the best of its knowledge,              that

      no   party    to       the   Application,      as    defined   in   Sections

      1.2001    through        1.2003    of    the    Commission‘s      Rules,     is

      subject      to    a   denial     of    Federal     benefits   pursuant     to

      Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.                      See 21

      U.S.C.    § 853a.

        As demonstrated in this application,                      Applicant     submits that

the   grant     of   this   application    will          serve        the   public   interest,

convenience and necessity.             Thus,   Applicant respectfully requests

that it be authorized to provide global international facilities—

based     and    resale     services      between              —the    United    States    and

international points

                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                TRANSIT NETWORKS LLC

                                By :                igéLm.éiii//”
                                        Elazar Gfiman, Managing Director

                                        Transit Networks LLC
                                        90 John Street, Suite 503
                                        New York, New York 10038
                                        (212) 571—
                                                /    0      onpmacui _

                                               »s        mss
                                By :                é;
                                        Lance            7 M—Steinhart

                                        Attorney at Law
                                        6455 East Johns Crossing
                                        Suite 285
                                        Duluth, Georgia  30097
                                        (770) 232—9200

                                        COUNSEL FOR
                                        TRANSIT NETWORKS LLC

Dated: M\)’W‘H 6/7/7 77

Document Created: 2019-04-08 18:06:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 18:06:05

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