Attachment 20170124131834-730.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19981118-00782 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                         Streamlined   ITC—214—19981118—00782
                                                         NEW EDGE PYRAMID COMMUNICATION CO.
                     (‘?ai-_ggnr-i es of Services   for 214 Applications
                   ASSTGCNMENT OF LICENSE
s 3 cjufi[<<;z?[:

                   L.OBAT. RESALE SERVICE
                   GLORBRAT, RESALE SERVICE
3 o o o a a a

                   SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE
         Desc rinpntion of Application;

117/18z1998   17137    FROM

                                                  ~F efore th :
                             F ZDEIAL COMB [U NIC4A TI NSOMMI iS1O
                                       Wast ins ton, 1J.C . 235 14

       int 1e metter of
      1iE #¥ ELDXGE PY1 A AID / ‘OMMUN]JTON(O                     :
       Application for a th writy pursuant Fil :N o. L4 € =9E':‘
       to Section 214 of ‘he                         /,> 5
       Communrications       Ac   of 1234,                    C ~— 2/4 ©i4 473 /. 18007&2-‘
       as amencled, for s    of   at authority
       to operat? as an i1   te   national
       facilities—based a1   d1   ssale carrier

       New Edge Pyran id Communicatim To, hereby rei jaests authority, | us suant to Section
       214 of the Comun unications Act 0 ° 1 34, as amendi d47U.5.C. Secticn 214 (1982), and
       Section 63.18 of the Commission‘ s R ules, 47 C. .R Secuon63.18, 1:;rov1de globa]
       international facilities — based and re: al«:
       services between thz United State: ard nt 'mam ma i p)mts

      New Edge Pyrannid Communication :s ;: new U.}3. ¢ ompany orgaiized !o prcmde
      international telecommunications jervices, New Ed se Pyramid C nmunication Co. has
      no foreign affiliations. New Edge ?yraniid Commumca’aonCo. serves business
       customers throuszhout the United { tates,
      By granting this appiication, the C onim ssion will serve thepubhc irerest, convenience
      and necessity by promoting cmnpc,tmor. in the international servicesmarket. Competition
       will benefit U.S. customers by increasing service options and lowering prices. Thus, the
      public interest will be served by the grant of Section 214authonty to New Edge Pymmd
      Communication Co.

       Section 63.18 Information

      The following information is submitted, as required by Section 63. 18'. of the |    .  >
      Commission‘s Rules, in support ofNew Edge Pymmd        Commumcatxon Co. request for sn

        (a) New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
        158 Nassau Avenue
    ~~. Brookilyn, New York 11222
        Telephone:; (718) 349—3697
      Fax: (718) 349—3694

11/1871998   17137   FROM                                .    TO

      (b) New Edge P‘yramid Communication Co. is a corporatlon organized under the laws of
          the State of Delaware.

      {c) Correspond:nce concerning this applicat on should be sent to:

      Paul Tchernitsky, President
      New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
      158 Nassau Avenue
      Brooklyn, New York 11222
      Telephone: (711;) 349—3697
      Fax: {718) 349— 3694


      Jaroslaw Rozkowski, Consultant
      New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
      158 Nassau Av mue
      Brooklyn, New York 11222

      {d) New Edge IPyramid Communrication Co. has not :ecezvedauthonty prevmusly under
          Section 214 of the Communications Act.              .              :

      {(e} New Edge Pyramid Commutication Co. requestsglobal facilities — based and resale
         Section 214 authority pursuant to the terins and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) and
         (eX2) of the Commission‘s Rules.                       ag              ies

      (f) At this time, New Edge Pyramid Communication Co seeksn0 otherauthonzatxon
          available under Section 63.18(e).                              e

      (8) Not applicabable

     (b) New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. certifies thatit 1s not affiliated w1th any $
         foreign or U.S. facilities — based cartier.       '      2o              sBR ;

1i@18—1998    17:58   FROM                                     TO                                 « 84

      In support of this certification, the name, address, éitichship and principal business of
      the sole shareholder that controls ten percent or more of New Edge Pyramid .
      Communication Co. is as follows:

      Paul Tchernitsky, President
      New Edge Pyramid Communication Co
      158 Nassau Avenue
      Brooklyn, New York 11222
      (718) 349—3697                                    :
      Pnncxpa.lBusmcssPresident of Telecommunications Corporatwn

    Clt1zensh1p Poland

         in future to accept any direct or mdlrect specml<.oncess1ons froma forcigncamer or
         administration with regards to traffic or reveriue flows between the Uriited States and
         any foreign countries the companyis authorized to sgwe f

      ({) New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. certifies t]héi'ho party ofthis ap;ilidafion has
         been denied federal benefits pursuant to Section 53»01 ofthe Antl-DmgAbuse Act of


      In conclusion, New Edge Pyramid Communication Co—certlfies that all ofthe f
      information in this application is accurate and correct. Forr these reasons, New Edge
      Pyramid Communication respectfully request that the Lommissmn grant this appln.atllon

      Respectfully submitted,


        _ Teasl [foreaoafeA,
      Paul Tchernitsky, President
      New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
       158 Nassau Avenue
      Brooklyn, New York 11222

      Date:       10//2///9?

                                                                                                                                                                       FCC/MELLOIY                   NUY V 0 1996
READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                                                            APPROVED BY OME        3060—0589 ‘(07“
  BEFORE PROCEEDING         .                                                 2s         Fi;DERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                REMITTANCE ADVICE
        OXF g ; 2
(1)LOCKB3b                                                             |

  um m:: , enter name a                                       as     appears on your
,NEW, ED&E                                   P VRHM\D COMMUNtcATloM                                                                                    to              _( 1gs50
       coak. Nasseu nvenue
[s) stre               E vo.2~                                                                                                                                                                                   **

§af t matTes                                                                                                          (7) at ite                   '                   [3) zie cobE                        Returs Sak ut csl
           EE83LLyY N                                                                                                                  N                                       L222z
“Ql8) Cl mmnn s
     Teces 'fifimm Include nrea cade)                                                                                   [10)C DUNTRY COOE (if not in U.3.A}

              NA IE(! paying by : redit carc, anter name exactly as it appears on your card)

[12aree Acor sa une i.i

ssm              #anllr
(13) STREE" ADDR S8 LINE Ni). 2

 14)                                                                                                                  (18) STATE

 17) DAYTIME TEL1 HONE NU iBE Tinclude rea code)

                                                                                                              (718) auaN

                         Ef        r (Zoc) PAYMENT TyPe co                              C)                    21C) Quantn‘y            22C) FEE DUETFOR        )

                                                                              %                                                        s

                                   £                 0) PagiaSNT       TYPE       €boE (PTC)                  21D) QUAN            *   (220) 5j        FOR (P7C) IN BLOCK
                                                 i                    "em



                                                                                                          T       f
                                                                                                               C {A
                                                                                                                                           L      THIS 8

 PAYER TIN                                01 [ 13                                               8                   PPLICANT TIN
  1,         UL               CHEREN ITSKY                                                     , Certify under penalty of perjury that the fo                                         oing and supporting information
                                  (PRINT NAME)

 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation andbelief                                                                                SIGNATURE             Mpatest

                                                                                                    [RUTHGREEOSICNATURE                                                               DATE
                    I heraby authorize the FCC to charge my VIBA urmfikmb

                    for the ser    (8X                  (s) herein          rib
                                                                                                P                           meatountemsememnneenmen
                                                                      SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                                    FCC FORM 159       JULY 1997 (REVISED)

                                                       Dctoler 30, 1097

William F. Cano:i, Acting Secretary
Federal Commurications Commission
Common Carrier International
P.O. Box 35811
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5515

Re:    Applicaticn of New Edge Pyramid Comm im: satior C >. for authority p irsuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as ameid, d, to esell setvice of other
coimmon carriers to provide switched services frem the U ait :d Stazes to int »rt ational
points.                      §

Dear Mr. Canon:

Enclosed for filing are the original and six (6) ccpu s of tie ibove — 1eferer ce l
application of New Edge Pyramid Communication 2o.
Also is a check 1 the amount of $ 705.00 to cov :r he fil ng fee. This applic: tion is filed
pursuant to strea.nlined filing requirements for i1 te: nationial resell sr:.

Please acknowledge receipt of this filing by data st; mpin ; c ae coyiy of this c« ver letter
and returning it in the enclosed, self — addressed, st mped e rvelope provided

Thank you for your attention in this matter. Questi ns re za ding thi;; filing sI ould be
directed to my attention at (718) 389—3697 or fax (° 18) 369 3694.


Darek Lendzioszek

te:          Paul Tchernitsky
to file:     New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.— FCC 214

                                        Bfore the
                  F) DE ¢Al , COMI [UX IC. TIONS COAM [SSION
                               Y "ast ingt n, C 20554

In the Matter f
New Edge C( nm inic itio | C/

Application fi r au hor y                         )
pursuant to St stio 121 —of he                    )
Communicati ns . «ctcf 19 }4,                     4
as amended, t   |res   »ll s   rvic e ol          )             Fil : N/.
                                                  )                     v
other common     car   iers    to p ‘ovi e
switched serv   se f   om      he                 )
United States   o it   tern    tior al p iint:    )
                                   . PP JC «TlG       NJ OR AUTHO    UT ¢
         New F ige ?yr; nid Cor mu icat on 20.] ereby re jue: ts a thoity, pursuant to
Section 214 c ‘the Con imu ica ion: Aci of :934             as ameidec, 47 U.{.C. Section 214

(1982). and Secion 63 N1( fth Co nmiisio:‘s Rules 47 CF RS ctic 1 63.01
(1992), to res 11 tl e in ern: tion l m :ssa ;e c m immicatior s se ‘vic s oi oth r common
carriers betw. 2n t ie U aite. Steces ; nd ~ aric is it ternational p »int: .

         New E ge ‘yra aid Con mm icat on ( o. i a corporatic n or ;ani:ed> nder the laws
of the State o De awae. The lonm sany int nds to resell the elec omt iuni ation facilities
of other comi ion sarm :rs and i no facilitie}—b ised carrier. New Ed ze Pramid
Communication Co. service will be offered internationally and nationwide. Through its
service, customers may originate calls nationwide or in other countries for termination in                 L\
The United States or to other countries. The company seeks authority to resell                             Q\
international telecommunications services by offering a full range of telecommunications
products and services. By providing international calling services, New Edge Pyramid
Communication Co. will be able to offer its customers a valuable service at competitive
rates.                                                                       FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                    New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                                           Page 1 of 10

       International Telecommunications Services will be obtaine 14 by New E ge l yra id
Communication Co. from other currently authorized common carriers. N :w 1 dge
Pyramid Communication Co. will resell the services of other faciiities — b ised can ers
that have obtained authorization from this commission including thos: lis ed i i pa agr ph
(e) below.

       The provision of international service by New Edge Pyramid Com: un :sati n C 0.
will not have any significant impact on the general provision of such serv ce t> th pu lic.
However, additional competition in the market — including the comp titu n o| Ne r Ec ze
Pyramid Communication Co.— benefits consumers of international te. 2cot imu iica ion.
services. The benefits of competition include lower prices and incre asec ava labity f
variety of service options. Thus, the grant of this authorization is cc asis ent vith the
public; interest.

                                                                   FCC Section 214 Application
                                                          New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                               >                  Page 2 of 10

      In support of New EdgePyramid Communication Co. requw: sts for avthc ization,
the following informati n is submiited pursuant of S sctior 6:.01 of Comuniss n Rules,
47 C.F.R Section 63.01 (139}).

(A)   The names and a ddres:; appl cant:

           New Edge )‘yramid Communication Co.
           158 Nassau Avenue
           Brooklyn, Nlew York 11222
           Telephone: (718) 349—3697
           Fax:      (718) 349—3694
(B)   New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. is incorpoi ated uw der the laws of the State
of Delawars.

(C)    Cor:espondence concerning this application should be set t to:
           New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
           158 Nassau Avenue
           Brooklyn, New York 11222
           Telephone: (718) 349—3697
           Fax:    (718) 349—3694


            Darek Lendzioszek
            Consultant to New Edge
            Pyramid Communication Co.
               158 Nassau Avenue
            Brooklyn, New York 11222

                                                                 FCC Section 214 Application
                                                        New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                                 Page 3 of 10

(D)       New Edge Pyramid Commu uca ion Co. is a non— dominated resale carrier si bjec :
to Section 214 of the Communicati ns . ctcf 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 215


(E)       The authorization sought in his ppl satior will be ised :o that iner iational
points may be reached by custome: of Texw Edge Pyraraid C omnmunication Co. reso d
services. New Edge Pyramid Con nun cat mm Co. proposed : o offer swich :d
telecommunications services to its ustc mer i. New Ed:ze ?y: an id Comiau iucation %o.
will obtain international switched s rvic 2s c ipacit; froni wide rly ing; carrier: authoriz 2d 1 )
provide such service, as specified i the foll »wing taniffs:

                Advanced Telecommi      ica ion Corporation FCC Tariff No 2
                AT&T Communicatio       is FCC ‘‘ariffs No. 1, 2, ind 13
                Cable and Wireless F\   C T arif No. 3
                IDB Worldcom FCC ‘      arif ‘Nc 1
                Litel Telecommunicat    ons ZTor oration FCC Tarff No. 1
                LDDS Communicatio       s, I c. .‘CC Tariff No. 1
                MCI Telecommunicat      ons, Inc
                Metromedia FCC Tar      IN . 2
                US Sprint FCC Tariff Nos. 1 ; ad 2
                Wiltel FCC Tariff No . 1 and }

(F)       Mew Edge Pyramid Commu ucation 2o. will not construct or acquire facilities fc
the provisi.ons international telecor municat ons services to the public. Rather, New
Edge Pyramid Communication Co. will resell the facilities to other authorized carriers.                g

                                                                         FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                                        Page 4 of 10

(G)      New Edge Pyram d C mt uni atic 1 Cc . has no exis ing ‘acilitie: corn iecting
international points.
(H)      See (e) above.
(I)     Not applicable. N ew idg Py ami | C¢ nmunication Co do                  ; nC    prc jose to

construct any facilities t ) in N: 1       1 pc nts, but will use ‘he apa               f 0: rer

authorized international faci itie         sed :art 2rs.
(J)       Not applicable. No n    ip (     pos d £; cilities is prc vide 1 si   CCC     ie f cilities t ) be

      resold by New Edge : ‘yra nid        mU    icat on Co. are oovne . an     . C0.   trol ed by
        carriers already auwhor zed 0 0 erai : th: se facilities.

(K)      New Edge Pyramd C        mn uni   atio .Cc will obtain the ( apa ity ece sary for the
resale of international s rvic s parsu ant t i th FCC tariffs spec fie in : em: (e) and h)
above. The applicable :ern s, c ndi ons and rates are set fort! in 108( tari ‘fs, or otier
FCC tiariffs of authorized c: rie ; wl ase faci ities New Edge ) yra id :onunication
Co. w aychoose to resell i the fut         ‘C.

(L)       Tke Public interest, c nvte ner :e, and 1 scessity will be : »rve 1 by gra t of this
applic ition of New Edge P3 ‘am d Communication Co. Netwo: ¢ S« wvic s, I c.
Customers of New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. will have greater access to a
variety of services and the market as a whole will benefit from increased completion.
Ultimately customers of telecommunications services will benefit from increased price
competition and the availability of a wide service selection.

                                                                           FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                    New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                                                   Page 5 of 10

(M)    With respect to international services appli :d fcr in this ippl cati n, New Edg :
Pyramid Communication Co. No agent or represe itative of a fi reig n te ecommunica i0n;
entity either owns 10% or more of New Edge Pyr; mid Commu iicaion 20. stock, or
serves as an officer or director of the company.

(N)     International switched voice services to on erse is points are curt :ntly offered by
carriers such as Wiltel, AT&T, MCI, and Sprint ; s we II as nun erois ot her
inadequate insofar as the additional Sentry of int ‘naional res ale : arri ts will
further stimulate demand, price competition and ¢ncoirage mc re e ficu nt service
 at a lower cost.

(O)     New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. v ill f le its tar ff ujon zrant of requ :stec.
authorization in accordance with the Commission s rejuiremer t. _‘ ‘he 1 ariff will set ‘ort]
the current rates and regulations applicable to Nevws Ed ze Pyran id Com: aunication C >.

(P)     New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. v ill fllow ge: ieraly a :cepted
accou iting principles and will adhere to any and : 11 FUC accot ntir g re ulations
applicatle o carriers in its situation.

                                                                   FCC Section 214 Application
                                                             New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                                    Page 6 of 10

(Q)    Authorization of the service covered by this application is categorically excluded
        as defined by Section 1.1306 of the Commission‘s rules.

(R)    Neither New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. nor any party to this
application, as defined in 47 CAR $1.2002 (b) (2), is subject to a denial of Federal
benefits, including FCC benefits, as provided in the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21
U.S.A. 833a.


                                                                   FCC Section 214 Application
                                                           New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                                   Page 7 of 10


      As demonstrated in this application, New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. is
legally, financially and technically qualified to provide the services for which it requires
authority. For the reasons stated above, applicant submits that the public interest,
convenience and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214 application

                  Dated thls3,l 8 day of l)g@b_@,&_ 1997.

                                                 4‘,5{//             /{

                                               MR.PAUL TCHERNITSKY,/Presidem:
                                               New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                               158 Nassau Avenue
                                               Brooklyn, New York 11222
                                               Telephone: (718) 349—3697

                                                                         r{ yorn to hfoto in this

Darek Lendzioszek                                    SubscriD      5"!      \J

Consultant to New Edge                               } [..‘sgg .. OW

Pyramid Communication Co.
158 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11222

                                                                                 FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                   New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                                          Page 8 of 10

                           ANTI — DRUG ABUSE CERTIFICATION

      Neither New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. nor any party to this application,
as defined in CAR 1.200 is subject to denial of Federal benefits, as approved in the Anti —
Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 833a.

                                                       4/;;:<£      %{2C—VL"<V/W&7

                                                 MR. PAU,          .’CHERNITSKYfi)resident
                                                 New Edge           ramid Communication Co.
                                                 158 Nassa         —\venue
                                                 Brooklyn,         sw York 11222
                                                 Telephone         718) 349—3697
                                                 Fax: (718)        19—3694

                                   Dated:      Uetobere 21, 14947

                                                                           me this
                                                           Sworn to before
                                            Subscribed and

                                             STf Hew York
                                    Notay pbb.\ r
                                                y n*9325     n    FCC Section 214 Application
                                           No 4 1-munhl  ‘geq}idge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                       ous                                       Page 9 of 10
                                        Avegith Eold


 I hereby certify that New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. is not affiliated with any
 foreign carrier. New Edge Pyramid Communication Co. is not affiliated with any
 facilities — based carrier whose services it intends o resell. To the best of my knowledge
 and belief, all of the statements made in this application are true and correct.

                                                                   Z2      o                     4
                                                                   ud _frer..f:*?3
                                                                PAUL TCHERNITSKY, Presidént
                                                                New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                158 Nassau Avenue
                                                                Brooklyn, New York 11222
                                                                Telephone: (718) 349—3697
                                                                Fax: (718) 349—3694

                                                         Dated: O&fié ber. «H 9 3Z

                               me this
Subscribed and Sworn to before

    37 day of
............        6“‘\”“\/ 199.z
  /f' ......TA ’.f‘:.’:m:-.f./?. ....... Notary Publtc

                                                                                      FCC Section 214 Application
                                                                              New Edge Pyramid Communication Co.
                                                                                                     Page 10 of 10

READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                                      APPROVED BY OMB            3060—0589
  BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                              REMITTANCE ADVICE
                                                                                      PAGE NO
(1) LOCKBOX # 28 2 ] l§                                                                                                                                                 d

                                                                                                                            CoO.                 ; 145. QO
(5) STREET AbbReSs LiNk No. 2

(6) orty                                                                                    (7) STATE                                            (3) ZIP CODE

             NUMBER (Include area codu)                                                     {10) COUNTRY CODE (if notin U.8.A.)
                                                                                                                                                          \ | 2 2. 2.
  1 1§) \5%
        lalbs '7



                                                                                            (18) STATE                                           (18) ZIP Coo€

                                                                                            (18) COUNTRY CODE {if not in U.8.A.)

                                         (200) PATMENT T      CODE (PTG)              iouRhiny"(Gamreebuerontrrepmete

  T3A)Fec cobe i
                                             c | 1| U                                        [_            | 145. 00
                                                                                                     rinyree coot t

    FESCALL sio NioT HER 1D               (208) PAYMENT 1YFE COOG (PTC)                (218) QUANT TY     '(225) FEE DUE FOR (PTG) IN BLOCK T08

 (iSa)Foe cobt1
                                                    |                                                     ($
                                                                                                     {248) FCC CODE 2

Iacyree calt siGNiotheR to _ |(206) PAyMeNT TyPE copE (PTo)                          "TGrie) auraimy       ~|(226) Fee bue Fon    (PTC])   IN BLOoK 200

 fise)Fee cobe i
                                                                |                                          iL
                                                                                                     [24C) FGC CODE ?

                                                                                                                            sovtmem eomnen n
'FI'DJ FCC CALL SIGNIOTHER ID             {200) FAYMENT TYPE CODE F’TC}                (219) avant         (220} FEE UUE FOR (P7C) IN BLOCK 20D

 (230) EoC coon 7
                                                     |___L                                                 &
                                                                                                           CG CODE ?


  pavertn [0|)|||33)7
                            cHERNITSKY                                        , Certify under penalty of perjury that th                                         oing and
                                                                                                                                                                       supportlng information

                             (PRINT NAME)
  are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                   SIGNATURE                                  /&&4&
                                                                                                                        T    IN

                                                                                                                                                            MOQNTH          YCAR

                                                                                   AUTHORIZED BIGNATURE                                                          DALE
           VIBA      I heraby authorize the FCC to charge my VIBA or Mfincmo

                     for the service(s/authorizations(s) herein describod, --——}

                                                           S$EE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                         FCC FORM 159             JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-25 01:21:32
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 01:21:32

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