Attachment 20170112152126-760.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19980915-00644 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


  Categories of Services for 214


                                                                                       FComMELLON            SEP 15 1999

                               SWIDLER BERLIN SHEREFF FRIEDMAN, LLP

WASHINGTON OFFICE                                                                                             NEW YORK OFFICE
3000 K STREET, NW, SUtTE 300                                                                                 919 THIRD AVENUE
WasHINGTON, DC 20007—5116                                                                             NEW YORK, NY 10022—9998
TELEPHONE (202) 424—7500                              S    ember 1 5, 1998                             TELEPEONE (212) 758—9500
FACSIMILE (202) 424—7647                                                                                FACSIMILE (212) 758—9526

          BY COURIER

          Federal Communications Commission
          International Bureau Telecommunicatic            Division
          P.O. Box 358115
          Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

             Attention:        Troy Tanner, Chief, Pol     and Facilities Branch, International Bureau

                    Re:        Application of Internatic   I Exchange Communications, Inc. d/b/a IE Com, for
                               (zlobal Authority Pursua    to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, As
                               Amended, to Operate a       m International Facilities—based Carrier and as an
                               International Resale Car    r

         Dear Sir or Madam:

                 Enclosed for filing with the C            nmission are an original and six (6) copies of the
         application of International Exchange /           mmunications, Inc. d/b/a IE Com requesting global
         authority, pursuant to Section 214 of th          ~ommunications Act of 1934, as amended, to operate
         as an international facilities—based carrie       nd as an international resale carrier between the United
         States and various international points.

                As required by the Commission              Rules, a check in the amount of $780.00 is enclosed.
         Please date—stamp the extra copy of this          plication and return it in the enclosed self—addressed,
         stamped envelope. Any questions regai             ag the enclosed application should be addressed to the

                                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                                             Catherine Wang            2/
                                                             Maria L. Cattafesta

                                                             Counsel for International Exchange
                                                             Communications, Inc. d/b/a IE Com


CC         Howard Neckowitz
           Gail Granton
           Robert Craver
           Ron Anderson
           Chuck Taylor
           Andrew D. Lipman


                                    B              the
                     FEDERAL COMMU!                TIONS COMMISSION
                              Washing              ).C. 20554

In the Matter of                                            )
INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE                                      )
COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                        )
D/B/A IE COM                                                )      File No. 4FC—98—_
                                                            )    —TIC—24t— 1999095 onUPf
Application for Global Authority Pursuant t«                )
Section 214 of the Communications Act                       )
of 1934, as amended, to Operate as an                       )
International Facilities—Based and Resale Ca            )
Between the United States and Various                   )
International Points                                    )
                                        APP        TION
       International Exchange Communicati          ac. d/b/a IE Com ("IE Com" or "Applicant"),

by its undersigned counsel, hereby reque:          lobal" authority, under Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amende               U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18 (1            to provide international telecommunications

services between the United States and international points.

I.     The Proposed International Services

       IE Com requests four types of authority in this Application, all of which are eligible for

streamlined processing." IE Com specifically requests: (1) global facilities—based authority

       See Streamlining the International 214 Authorization Process and TariffRequirements, 11
FCC Red 12884 (1996) (adopting streamlined 3 5—day processing procedures for certain international
resale applications) ("Streamlining Order"); 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 (1998).


pursuant to Section 63. 18‘(e$(1) of the FCC‘s Rules, 47 C.F.           2)(1), to acquire interests

in half—circuits in U.S.—authorized facilities as well as nece:         ‘ting facilities to provide

international telecommunications services between the Unit              d all international points

except those countries excluded by the Exclusion List;* (2)             ority pursuant to Section

63.18(e)(2) of the FCC‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2),                ie international switched

services of all U.S.—authorized carriers to provide internat            ied services between the

United States and all international points served by those c            rlobal authority pursuant

to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the FCC‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.1;             ‘sell international private

lines to provide international non—interconnected private lin           etween the United States

and all international points; and (4) authority pursuant to Sec         :)(2) of the FCC‘s Rules,

47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), to resell international private lines          ied to the public switched

network ("PSN") at one or both ends to provide international            rvices on all international

routes on which the Commission permits such services to I               * As IE Com does not

seek authority to serve countries or use facilities excluded            usion List, and does not

3         IE Com only seeks authority to own circuits on facilities not excluded by the Exclusion

&3/      The FCC will automatically amend all Section 214 authorizations to permit carriers to
 resell international private lines to provide international switched services between the United
 States and other countries as provision of such services becomes permitted by the Commission.
Streamlining Order at [ 34. See also, International Settlement Rates, IB Docket 96—261, Report
and Order, FCC 97—280 (rel. Aug. 18, 1997)(Benchmarks Order); Rules and Policies ofForeign
Market Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market, IB Docket 97—142, Report and
Order on Reconsideration, FCC 97—398 (rel. Nov. 26, 1997) (Foreign Market Participation

seek to serve countries in .which it has a facilities—based affiliate, IE Com‘s Application for

authority pursuant to Section 214 is eligible for streamlined processing.*

        IE Com believes that the added competition its entry will bring to the market will benefit

the consumers of United States—overseas services. These benefits include competitive pricing and

increased availability of a variety of service options. A grant of this Application will therefore

further the public interest.

II.    The Applicant

       IE Com is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware. IE Com is not affiliated,

as that term is defined by Part 63 of the Commission‘s Rules* with any dominant U.S. carriers

whose international services IE Com will resell. IE Com is affiliated, within the meaning of

Section 63.18(h)(1)(i), 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(1)(i), of the Commission‘s Rules, with foreign

carriers that lack sufficient market power on the respective foreign end of the route to affect

competition adversely in the U.S. market.        Therefore, IE Com should be classified as a

nondominant carrier for the provision of the services for which authority is requested in this

Application, and IE Corm‘s Application is eligible for streamlined processing.

III.   Public Interest Considerations

       In the Market Entry Order, the Commission set forth the following policy goals for its

regulation of the U.S. international telecommunications market: to promote effective competition

4      See Streamlining Order; 47 C.F.R. § 63.12 (1998).

5      47 C.F.R. §63.18(h); Market Entry and Regulation of Foreign—Affiliated Entiiies, Report
and Order, 11 FCC Red 3875 (1995) (Market Entry Order).


in    the         U.S.     telecommfinications   market,     particularly   the   market   for   ationa

telecommunications services; to prevent anticompetitive conduct in the provision of             ationa

services or facilities; and to encourage foreign governments to open their con                  ation:

markets."           The Commission also stated that "establishing an effectively compe          globa

communications market could result in reduced rates, increased quality, and new                 vative

services."*" In addition, the Commission found that "effective competition directly .           ces the

public interest and the Commission‘s paramount goal of making available a rap:                  icient

worldwide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonab)            ‘ges."!

            Grant of IE Com‘s request for facilities—based and resale authority to provide      ationa

services as requested in this Application will directly further the Commission‘s                ies 0:

bringing increased competitionto the U.S. international telecommunications service              <et anc

is therefore in the public interest.

IV.     Information Required under Section 63.18

        As required by Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules, IE Com submits t                lowing


            (a)          Name, address and telephone number of Applicant:

                         International Exchange Communications, Inc. d/b/a IE Com
                         533 Airport Boulevard, Suite 505
                         Burlingame, CA 94019
                         Tel: (650) 375—6700

&       Id. at [ 6.

U       1Id.

&           Id. at [ 10.

        (b)    Applicant is a corporation incorporated under the laws of Delaware.

        (c)    Correspondencere         ig this Application should be sent to:

               Catherine Wang, I
               Maria L. Cattafest       [.
               SwWIDLER BERLIN S        °F FRIEDMAN, LLP
               3000 K Street, N.!       1ite 300
               Washington, D.C.         17
               Tel:     (202) 424—1
               Fax:    (202) 424—

               with a copy to:

               Gail E. Granton
               International Exch       ommunications, Inc. d/b/a IE Com
               533 Airport Boule        Suite 505
               Burlingame, CA 9
               Tel: (650) 375—67C

        (d)    Upon grant of this       cation, IE Com will become an authorized non—dominant
               facilities—based car     id reseller with global authority, subject to Section 214 of
               the Communicatio         t of 1934, as amended, and the Commission‘s Rules. IE
               Comlacks the marl        wer that would allow it to control prices to the detriment of
               market competitior

        (e)    IE Com requests            n 214 authority to operate as a facilities—based carrier
               pursuant to the ter        d conditions of Section 63.18(e)(1) and to operate as a
               resale carrier pur         to the terms and conditions of Section 63.18(e)(2).
               Specifically, IE C—__ _ _quests: (1) global facilities—based authority pursuant to
               Section 63.18(e)(1) of the FCC‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(1), to acquire
               interests in half—circuits in U.S.—authorized facilities as well as necessary
               connecting facilities to provide international telecommunications services between
               the United States and all international points except those countries excluded by the
               Exclusion List;* (2) global authority pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the FCC‘s
               Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), to resell the international switched services of all
               U.S.—authorized carriers to provide international switched services between the

        IE Com only seeks authority to own circuits on facilities not excluded by the Exclusion


            United States and all international points served by those carriers; (3) global
            authority pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the FCC‘s rules, 47 C.F.R.
            §63.18(e)(2), to resell international private lines to provide interrational ron—
            interconnected private line services between tie United States a1d ill international
            points; and (4) authority pursuant Section 63.18(e)(2) of the FCC‘s :¢ules, 4"
            C.F.R. § 63.18§(e)(2), to resell international private lin:s interconnmeced to th«:
            public switched network ("PSN") at cne or both ends to provide international
            switched services on all international rouwtes or which the Comm:ssion permits sucli
            services to be provided.

      (£)   IE Com seeks the authority to provide olly the services reer:nced unde:
            paragraph (e) of Sect.on 63.18 of the Commission‘s Rules.

      (g)   The authority requested in this Application is categoricaly excluded froni
            environmental processing as defined by Sectio 1 1.1306 of the Comtiis si0o:1‘s Rules ,
            47 C.F.R. § 1.1306. As such, an environmntal assess nent is 1 0t recquired fo
            purposes of this Applicatio:i and is therefore not attachec..

      (B)   (1) IE Com is "affiliated," sither directly or indirectly, with the: fcllo wirg foreig11
            carrier pursuant to      Secion 63.18(h)(1)(i)       of the     Commission‘s     Rules.
            Commission‘s Rules.

            IE Com will provide its foreign affiliation inormation wider s:piraie cover.

            Information regarding IE Com‘s 10% or greiter direct 0:‘ indirect shareholders i;
            as follows:

            Name:                   Pacific Gateway Exchange, Inc
            Address:                533 Airport Boulevard, Suite 505
                                    Burlingame, CA 94019
            Percentage Held:        100%
            Citizenship:            Delaware
            Principal Business:      Telecommunications

10/   47 C.F.R. §63.18(h)

                  Information regarding Pacific Gateway Exchange, Inc.‘s 10% or greater direct
                  or indirect shareholder is as follows:

                  Name:                   Howard A. Neckowitz
                  Address:                533 Airport Boulevard, Suite 505
                                          Burlingame, CA 94019
                  Percentage Held:        approximately 20.4%*
                  Citizenship:            United States of America
                  Principal Business:      Telecommunications

                  *Including certain shares held by other individuals or trusts for which Mr.
                  Neckowitz has been granted certain irrevocable proxies.

                  (2) IE Com‘s interlockingofficers or directors are as follows:

Name of Officer/Director              Company                  h        Position

Howard A. Neckowitz                   International Exchange            President & Director
                                      Communications, Inc. d/b/a
                                      IE Com

                                      Pacific Gateway Exchange, Inc.    President & Chief Executive

Gail E. Granton                       International Exchange            Vice—President, Secretary,
                                      Communications, Inc. d/b/a        Treasurer & Director
                                      IE Com

                                      Pacific Gateway Exchange, Inc.    Executive Vice President,
                                                                        International Business
                                                                        Development & Secretary

      i)          As required by Section 63.18 (i) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i),
                  IE Com certifies that it has not agreed to accept nor shall it accept in the future any
                  special concessions, as defined by the Commission‘s Rules, directly or indirectly
                  from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows
                  between the U.S. and any foreign country for which IE Com may be authorized
                  to serve.

      )           IE Com is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of
                  the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. IE Com‘s certification pursuant to Section
                  1.2002 of the Commission‘s Rules (implementing the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of
                  1988, 21 U.S.C. § 3301) is attached.



           For the reasons stated above, International Exchange Communications, Inc. d/b/a IE Com

respectfully submits that the public interest, convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a

grant of this Section 214 Application.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Catherine Wang
                                                      Maria L. Cattafesta
                                                      SWIDLER EERLIN SHEREF!: FRIEDMIAN, LLP
                                                      3000 K Street, N.W., Suwite 300
                                                      Washington, DC 20007
                                                      (202) 4214—7837 (tel)
                                                      (202) 424—7645 (fas)

                                                      Counsel. for International Exchange
                                                      Communications, Inc. d/l)/a IE Com

Dated: September 15, 1998


AUG—24—98   11:09   FROM:SWIDLER       BERLIN    SHEREFF       FR    ID: 2024247645                     PAGE     8/ 18

                                     CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

               On behalfofInternational Exchange Communications, Inc. &/b/a IE Com and in accordar ce
       with Section 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, I hereby
       certify that no party to this request is subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC
       benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a.
       Further, I hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing request for Special Temporary Authority
       are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith.

              To the extent required by the Commussion‘s Rules, International Exchange Communicatio:3s,
       Inc. /b/a IE Com. certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or indirectly
       from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S.
       and various international points for which Special Temporary Authority is granted, and has not
       agreed to enter into such agreements in the future.

                                                      International Exchange Communicaiions, Inc.
                                                      d/b/a IE Com

                                                                          x       n

                                                      By:             .:              P.B2

                                                      Name: _GBiuw GApstop
                                                      Title:    V’fL 3c.c«rr.fa.:%/j 4 /l}ca.yvrw 5' Di zceto —

                                                      Date:         91/ 1[/9p

Document Created: 2019-04-15 02:07:02
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 02:07:02

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