Attachment Qwest Intl 214 Surre

Qwest Intl 214 Surre

SURRENDER OF AUTHORIZATION submitted by Robert G. Morse

Surrender Letter


This document pretains to ITC-214-19970804-00454 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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 JeAnin Sutton

  From:                Morse, Robert []
  Sent:                Wednesday, May 19, 2010 6:46 PM
  To:                  JoAnn Sutton
  Ce:                  Sumita Mukhoty; David Krech
  Subject:         _   RE: Qwest International Section 214 Authorization Surrender and Related Database
                       "Cleanup" Issues
  Follow Up Flag: Follow up
  Flag Status:         Red
  Attachments:         ITC—92—096_Grant.pdf

JoAnin —

Clarifying information for each of your inquiries follows below. As you know, publicly—available information and
information in the FCC‘s own records concerning these authorizations is very limited in some cases. Also, many
of the underlying authorizations were obtained by, and assigned or transferred between, certain of Qwest‘s
predecessors—in—interest many years ago, before the 2000 merger of Qwest and U S WEST. Nevertheless, we‘ve
been able to determine as follows:

    i ITC—T/C—19980406—00232 (ITC—98—271—TC) — It appears that all of the authorizations included in this earlier
      transaction that Qwest wishes to surrender were already listed in your email below, so no further action is
        required with respect to this particular file.
    i ITC—ASG—19960328—00122 (ITC—96—204—AL.) —— The underlying authorization for this earlier transaction is old
       file ITC—92—096 (international resale service) and should be surrendered as well. A copy of the relevant PN
       is attached for your convenience.
    i1 ITC—T/C—1+9960328—00123 (ITC—96—203—TC) — It appears that all of the underlying authorizations that were
       covered by this T/C application — File Nos. ITC—95—189, ITC—95—541, ITC—95—114, ITC—95—109, and ITC—95—
       185, were transferred from one of Qwest‘s predecessors—in—mteresfto Trescom International in 1997 (DA
       97—233), and then to Primus in 1998 (see DA 98—956). So, these underlying authorizations have not been
       held by the Qwest family of companies since 1997, and accordingly should not beincluded in either the
        surrender letter or deemed subject to the recently—filed Qwest—CéenturyLink applications.
   «1 Charter and Litel authorizations — Authorizations ITC—93—001 and ITC—92—184 should both be surrendered.
    i1 Afford—a—Call Corp — The authorization for Afford—a—Call Corp is ITC—91—047, published at 6 FCC Red. 1747
       (1991). It also appears that Afford—a—Call held additional switched resale authorizations, File Nos. ITC—88—
       061 and ITC—88—063 (published at 3 FCC Fied. 1619 (1988)). (Let me know if youstill need copies of those
       authorizations now that you have the FCC record cites.) These would have been aSSIgne=d to one of
       Qwest‘s predecessors—in—interest several years ago, and to the extent these are still in existence, they
       should be surrendered as well.
    i ITC—T/C—19971002—00598 — Correct, old authorization ITC—89—092 (new file no. ITC—214—19890407—00001
       for switched resale service) should be surrendered.               ;

Let us know if you need additional information to complete processing of this request.


From: JoAnn Sutton []
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 6:43 PM
To: Morse, Robert
Cc: Sumita Mukhoty; David Krech; JoAnn Sutton                         :
Subject: FW: Qwest International Section 214 Authorization Surrender and Related Database "Cleanup" Issues


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Below are the 214 Authorizations yourequested wesurrender:

ITC—91—084 (ITC—214—19910415—00016)

ITC—214—19960226—00087 (ITC—96—149)

ITC—214—19931203—00224 (ITC—94—064)

ITC—94—527 (ITC—214—1 9940930—0030?1)

ITC—93—336 (IT'C-214-19930915-00175)

ITC—86—154 (IT<C-214-1986073()—0QO1DD

ITC—214—19890407—00006 (ITC—89—092)

ITC—214—19970804—00454 (ITC--97-448;)

ITC—214—19970804—00464 (ITC—97—447)

ITC—214—19991028—00681                 |

You also requested that we surrender T/Cs and ASGs, which we cannot do; we must surrender the 214
authorization associated with the T/C or ASG. Therefore, can you please provide me with the file
number (either old or new number) of the 214 authorization/s you wish to surrender for the following
transactions:                   '

ITC—T/C—19980406—00232 (ITC—98—271—TC)

ITC—ASG—19960328—00122 (ITC—96—204—AL)

ITC—T/C—19960328—00123 (ITC—96—203—TC)

ITC—93—001 —this file number seems to be Charter Network Co.‘s 214 authorization that was included
under T/C application I—T—C—93—107—TC. Also, ITC—92—184 appears to be Litel Telecommunications
Corporation‘s 214 authorization that was transferred under ITC—93—107—TC; please confirm that these
two 214 authorizations are the ones you wish to surrender. I cannot locate a 214 for Afford—a—Call Corp;
can you please provide it.

Also, please confirm that for ITC—T/C—19971002—00598, you wish to surrender 214 authorization ITC—
8$9—092 (ITC—214—19890407—00001).

Feel free to call me at (202) 418—1372 if you have any questions.




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From: Sumita Mukhoty
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 11:27 AM
To: JoAnn Sutton; Adrienne Downs
Ce: David Krech                                                                I

Subject: FW: Qwest International Section 214 Authori;         on Surrender and Related Database "Cleanup" Issues

JoAnn — Here are the surrenders that we had discusse          riefly a week or so ago. Let me know if you want to
discuss this once you‘ve had a chance to review the fili      s, etc.   Thanks. Sumita

From: Morse, Robert []
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 5:19 PM
To: Sumita Mukhoty
Ce: David Krech
Subject: Qwest International Section 214 Authorizatio         surrender and Related Database "Cleanup" Issues

Sumita —

Per our discussion of a few days ago, attached please         d a receive—stamped copyof the letter filed last Friday
—on behalf of Qwest Communications International Inc. s       rendering a number of its wholly—owned subsidiaries‘
 redundant or unused international section 214 authoriz;      ons.

As you have probably gathered, this effort is being und:      aken in conjunction with the preparation of applications
related to the recently—announced Qwest—CenturyLink t         asaction. In that regard, a few of the Qwest
Communications Company, LLC ("QCC") authorization.            hat will be retained and will be subject to those
applications still have the old ITC file numbers, as follo\   :_ITC—95—590; ITC—94—380; and ITC—90—028 (copies of
the accompanying Orders granting those authorization:         re attachedfor your convenience). We‘ll need to obtain
updated file numbers in order to process those applicat       is via IBFS.

In addition, most of the QCC authorizations appear to F       ‘e outdated or no information in IBFS. In a pro forma
assignment notification application filed at the beginnin:    f 2009, which involved the assignment of a number of
authorizations from Qwest Communications Corporatio           QCC‘s successor entity) to QCC (File No. ITC—ASG—
20090130—00041 — copy attached for your convenience           QCC listed all of the subject QCC authorizations,
including the ones being retained for purposes of the C        turyLink transaction. Those authorizations were also
part of the original Qwest—US WEST merger several ye          s ago and a subsequent pro forma reorganization that
rolled them into Qwest Communications Corporation. 1          : me know if you need any additional information in order
to make the necessary administrative updates in IBFS.

Thanks again and please let me know if you have ques          ns or need additional information.


Robert G. Morse
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
2300 N Street, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 783—4141
(202) 383—3393 (direct dial)
(202) 783—5851 (fax)


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Document Created: 2010-05-25 17:17:07
Document Modified: 2010-05-25 17:17:07

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