Attachment 20170316164435-937.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19951108-00024 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                1133 Nineteenth Street, NW
                                                                                                Washington, DC 20036
                                                                                                202 736—6148 (Tel.)

                                                                                                202 736—6359 (Fax)

                                                                             MCI.                           |
                                      une 23, 2005                                             JUL 0 5 2005

                                                                |=    .CmitsiRe
                                                                        licy Dirision

Via Hand Deliver;                                              duUu4 n 8 2005

                                                        Fede ral C om nun cat ons Commission
Marlene H. Dortcl , Secretary                                    OB :s t | Surelary
Federal C om muini :ations Comm{ss on
445 12th iStreet SV /
Washingt n, DC :0554

       Re:        Noificat on of Nam Changes

Dear Ms. Dortch:

      This etter s to provide notivce of changes in the naine;; 0 ‘ tt e following wholly—
owned subsidiarie: of NV CI, Inc., pursuant to the Commiss: on‘s uls.. These changes are
purely adinit istrat ve in nature and 1o no : involve any chaige it ovmership or operation
of any of he MCI subsidiaries. Co:responding updates to the C om mission‘s Registration
System (CORES) ind Universal Lic ensing Sys:em (ULS) "1ave ; Isc br:en made to reflect
these char ges.

                            MCI Conimunications Services, Lnc.
                      ({/k/a MCI W« rldC m Communications, In :.)

        The r ame of MCI WorldCon Communications, In:. t as be :n schanged to MCI
Communications Services, Inc., effective June 1, 2005. MCI Cominunications Services,
Inc. holds a blanket domestic section 214 authorization and the international section 214
authorizations listed on Attachment A.

                               MCI Network Services, Inc.
                      ({/k/a MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc.)

       The name of MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc. has been changed to MCI
Network Services, Inc., effective June 1, 2005. MCI Network Services, Inc. holds a
blanket domestic section 214 authorization, the international section 214 authorizations
listed on Attachment B, and the satellite earth station authorizations included on
Attachment D.

1      See, eg., 47 C.F.R. § 63.21.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 23, 2005
Page 2

                            MCI International Services, Inc.
                      ({/k/a MCI WorldCom International, Inc.)

       The name of MCI WorldCom International, Inc. has been changed to MCI
International Services, Inc., effective June1, 2005. MCI International Services, Inc.
holds a blanket domestic section 214 authorization, the international section 214
authorizations listed on Attachment C, and the satellite earth station authorizations
included on Attachment E.

                        MCI International Mobile Services, Inc.
                (f/k/a WorldCom International Mobile Services, Inc.)

       The name of WorldCom International Mobile Services, Inc. has been changedto
MCI International Mobile Services, Inc., effective June 1, 2005. MCI International
Mobile Services, Inc. holds a blanket domestic section 214 authorization.

       If you have any questions or require anything further, please do not hesitate to
contact me.


                                /M W                           Aid, hy /
                                     Dennis W. Guard, Jr              [rek
                                     Associate Counsel

£oC:   David Krech, International Bureau
       Jeannette Spriggs, International Bureau
       Gail Cohen, Wireline Competition Bureau

                                      Attachment A

                        International Section 214 Authorizations of
                           MCI Communications Services, Inc. *

Authorization Type or          ECC ID Numbers              Date Granted
Service Provided
General Section 214 Authorizations
International Switched Resale     ITC—93—065
International Private Line        ITC—93—154
Other                             ITC—214—19930101—00002
Transfer of Control from          ITC—T/C—19970904—00531      9/23/97
MFS Intelenet
Pro Forma Assignment from         ITC—ASG—19970904—00532      9/23/97
MFS Intelenet
*Name changed from MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. (6/1/05); name changed from WORLDCOM

                                             Attachment B

                             International Section 214 Authorizations of

                                    MCI Network Services, Inc.*

    ice I‘rmi(l
General Section 214 Authorizations
                                                 88               ied
International Resale Carrier      ITC 87—184                   12/2/87
Transfer of Control of RCA        ENF 88—1                     11/9/89
Global Communications, Inc.
Transfer of Control of Overseas   ENF 91—01                    3/12/91
Telecommunications, Inc.
Resell IDB Switched Services      ITC 93—167                   6/18/93
Resell other carriers             ITC 95—034                   12/23/94
Resell other carriers             ITC 95—513                   1/25/96
Blanket Facilities                 "TITC95—581__               278796
Iraq                                ITC—90—090                 6/7/90
Korea (North)                       ITC—93—249                 9/28/93
Switched Transit
Cuba                               ITC—94—228                  10/4/94

Use of Colombia/TDRSS for the ITC—94—249                       6/15/94
Provision of Private Lines
Resale of Public Switched          ITC—95—034                  12/28/95
Services of NTC and Sactel
Resale of Asian American           ITC—95—416                  8/30/95
Telecom Services to Russia
Assignment                         ITC—ASG—19970917—00561      9/18/97
Resale Services                    ITC—214—19951206—00048      3/8/96
Section 214 Authorizations for Cable Systems
PTAT                               ITC 89—121                  8/22/89
NPC                                ITC 91—045                  5/13/91
TAINO—CARIB                        ITC 92—106                  6/25/92
TPC—5                             ITC 92—179                   11/12/92
TAT—12/TAT—13                     ITC 93—062                   7/7/93
Columbus II                       ITC 93—029                   7/13/93
Americas I                        ITC 93—030                   7/13/93
CUBUS—1                           ITC 94—228                   10/4/94
Antillas I                        ITC 95—580                   6/28/96
Bahamas II                                                     8/6/96
Section 214 Authorizations for Satellite Facilities
Dominican Republic (Use of         ITC—94—340                  8/22/94
Intersputnik Stationsar II         ITC—214—19920605—00023
(Former USSR PSTN)
SES Comsat                         ITC—85—146                 6/20/85
Intelsat                           ITC—94—290                 9/30/94
Intelsat                           ITC—95—030                 3/28/95
Intelsat                           ITC—95—581                 2/8/96
Analog Video Services Between      ITC 94—290                 9/30/94
the U.S. and POR Satellites
Atlantic Satellite Omnibus         ITC 85—146                 6/20/85
*Name changed from MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc. (6/1/05); name changed from MCI
Telecommunications Corporation (6/15/99)

                                               Attachment C

                            International Section 214 Authorizatio ns of
                                 MCI International Services, Inc.*

 Authorization Type or                    ECC ID Numbers
 Service Provided
 General Section 214 Authorizations
 Global Facilities—Based and Resale
                                          ITC—214—19961003—00486     11/2,2/96
 Pro Forma Assignment from
 LDDS Corp. to MFS International,         ITC—ASG—19971211—00777
 Section 214 Authorizations for Satellite Facilities
The following 214s were assigned from LDDS Corp. to MFS Internatioial, which changed its name
to MCI WORLDCOM International, Inc. (11/2/99).
Intelsat Atlantic and Pacific Ocean ITC—92—085                    ©/2,92
Satellites for International TV and
IBS                                                                &            &
AMSS, MMSS, and LMSS via            ITC—93—102                    ¢/1"!/93
The following 214s were originally held by MFS International, Inc.
PTAT—1, TAT—9, TAT—10, and           ITC—94—246,
TAT—11                               ITC—94—050                                  C
NPC                                  ITC—95—395
Australia and New Zealand            ITC—214—19971014—00621
* Name changed from MCI WorldCom International, Inc. (6/1/05)

                                     Attachment D

                             Earth Station Authorizations of
                              MCI Network Services, Inc.*

Licensee                                                       Call Signs   Expires
MCI Network Services, Inc.                                     E000011      2/24/2010
                                                               E990176      6/29/2009
                                                               KA370        5/28/2018
                                                               E980308      11/18/2008
                                                               E990177      7/12/2009
                                                               KA374        5/28/2018
                                                               E970513      12/5/2007
                                                               E980322      5/10/2010
                                                               KA201        5/1/2006
                                                               KA386        10/26/2018
                                                               WA20         9/17/2018
                                                               E980091      7/24/2008
                                                               E970076      1/31/2007
                                                               E980158      5/1/2008
                                                               E980480      10/15/2009
                                                               KA332        7/24/2012
                                                               E980323      11/18/2008
                                                               KA221        8/28/2007
                                                               E970276      7/25/2007
                                                               E980305      11/18/2008
                                                               E980481      10/15/2009
                                                               KA349        6/3/2006
                                                               KA62         3/19/2005
                                                               E980132      7/24/2008
                                                               E980477      10/19/2009
                                                               KA28         10/31/2007
                                                               E970277      7/24/2007
                                                               E980306      11/18/2008
                                                               E990175      7/12/2009
                                                               KA369        5/28/2018
                                                               E980134      5/8/2008
                                                               E980478      8/13/2009
                                                               KA323        8/28/2007
                                                               E980139      5/8/2008
                                                               E980479      10/25/2009
                                                               KA326        4/2/2012
                                                               E970431      10/31/2007
                                                               E980307      11/18/2008
                                                               E881470      8/4/2009
                                                               E900472      3/29/2011
                                                               E881092      3/9/2008
                                                               E940480      10/28/2019
                                                               E859694      12/8/2009
                                                               E881472      8/4/2009

Licensee                                                           Call Signs   Expires
MCI Network Services, Inc. (continued)                             E920435      7/24/2017
                                                                   E881465      8/4/2009
                                                                   E890985      4/5/2018
                                                                   E950138      3/10/2005
                                                                   E881466      8/4/2009
                                                                   E890986      4/5/2008 .
                                                                   E881495      7/14/2008
                                                                   E950139      3/10/2005
                                                                   E930190      6/25/2018
                                                                   E881467      8/4/2009
                                                                   E890987      4/5/2008
                                                                   E950371      8/11/2005
                                                                   E881468      8/4/2009
                                                                   E890988      4/5/2008
                                                                   E960130      4/5/2006
                                                                   R5713        6/14/2008
                                                                   E881469      8/4/2009
                                                                   E891033      12/8/2009
                                                                   E870032      12/31/2006
                                                                   E881496      7/14/2008
                                                                   E8074        9/30/2006
                                                                   E000658      5/22/2011
                                                                   E000700      6/18/2017
                                                                   E000204      7/31/2010
                                                                   E010110      5/21/2017
                                                                   E000306      4/12/2012
                                                                   E010140      8/7/2017
                                                                   E030002      2/21/2018
                                                                   E000589      6/6/2017
                                                                   E950232      5/5/2005
                                                                   E960165      4/19/2006
                                                                   KA4S8        5/2/2005
                                                                   E030274      12/15/2018
                                                                   E040362      10/21/2019
                                                                   E050042      4/18/2020

* Name changed from MCI WorldCom Network Services, Inc. (6/1/05)

                                         Attachment E.
                               Earth Station Authorizations of
                              MCI International Services, Inc.*

Licensee                                                          Call Signs   Expires
MCI International Services, Inc.                                  E881473      8/4/2009
                                                                  E881474      8/4/2009
                                                                  KA414        5/11/2010
                                                                  KA7Z7        12/15/2005

* Name changed from MCI WorldCom International, Inc. (6/1/05)

Document Created: 2019-09-20 08:28:07
Document Modified: 2019-09-20 08:28:07

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