Attachment E Ritter 214.pdf

This document pretains to ITC-214-19950818-00065 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


             FEDERAL COMMUMICATIONS commission.                                                     55377
             1919 M STREET .w.
             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                              60               +0
             News m    i      tion 202—41     00.   R            isting of releases         texts     202—418—

     Report No. I—8089                                      °_ hugust 18. 1995                                     iC
                                                                        ©   ds          *                    F“x
                                                        .                                                        Tonn MooC hoa
                             OVERSEAS SECTION 214 ADPLICATIONS
                                    ACCEPTED FOR FILING
                                    ({Formal Section §3.01)*


             The applications listed below have been found, ugon ini tial rev
     be acceptable for filing and subject to the at:zeaml.u'.ed                        processing
     procedures set forth in Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47
     section 64.12 These applications ‘are tor authority to ‘resell th       ea
     of other common carkiers to provide iulerustiqnal switthed telecg m\xcg’.
     cerviges between the United Stateo and :nr.etnational points;‘ and/or {2) xesull
     the private line services of other common marriers to provide non—                                                 o
     interconnected international private line services between the United.Stares
     and international points‘ and/or provide switched services to a countrzy for
     which the Commission has determined that equivalent resale opportunities exist
     betweeu the Uuited States and the destination country.          .     w    .

     ITC—95—461       DMI Communications Group, Inc.
     ITC—95—462       PCS Telecom,     Inc.                  ‘
     ITC—95—463       Xtel Communications Inc.
_k   ITC—95—464       E. Ritter Communications Holdings, inc., d/b/a Tri—County Long
                      Distance                                                .

     ITC—95—465       Time Warner Intergrated Services

          ‘Unless otherwise specified,    interested par‘-t-ipr-x mayf;I:;-v
     comments with respect to these appllcat].ons within 3N days of the
     date of the public notice.    It is requested that sauch comments
     refer to the application file number shown above.      (Cnpies of the
     applications are available for public inspection in Rnom 102, 2000
     M Sh., N.W.     All applications listed are subject to further
     consideration and review and may be returned and/or dismissed if"
     not found to be in accordance with the Commission‘s Rules,
     Regulations and other requirements.                           ’

          2 The        equivalency determination requirement of     Secntion
     63.12(c)(3)      does not apply in this instance. The Commimsioan has
     determined        that   applicants  seeking    authority ta   resell
     international private lines for the provision of non—interconnected
     private line service do not need to demonstrate that the country at
     the other end of the private line affords equivalent npportunities
     for the resale of international private lines.                                    See Requlation of
     International         Accounting Rates,            7 FCC Red 7927,                7928          (1992).

                                                                                                                 hm umm ave in i
                                   °(SUC—§S6—DLI) PIC uor39es s437 a@Xpyzte 03 sest ‘0t 3°nfnv
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        uorgect;dde ptg uoy3pos ear puswse o3 Asyzouane sog sertdde                       ‘our ‘ven aesdut


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         —56—40¢ peoz or pessettos butaq «t ~r ‘600—96—T08 #t ‘§66T ‘tt 1eniny perep
      ‘L80R—T ‘ON 3z0des ‘apt3or »TTM4 s,u0Isstumo) s3 uo pereedde ssueott
              @Tqe> ourzfeuqns e 10 uorgrotrdde tp°7°7 ‘suofquotumumop seeidrg oyauetay

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                       IMMT pue (aclejeweIl)         ‘out ‘suori0npodd PTIOM #Buty (DL)6S$—§6—ALT

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               pue     ‘uotesypumo» ou3 Jo sspzo usjatam yemioj 4q Atuo uodn pogor »q                   {{fA
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       2q TII® sAaoge peret1; suofjro;tdde ay3 ‘satnz: aq3 30 ZT‘C9 UO;3598 0j qtrensing .

                                  *wopbutxy pertun sy3 pue #se32#38 pesyun
            u7 usaM72q seDtaIds peuDjfaS JO UOTSTAOId ouq 1oj; #pH» 430q
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             sgeatad   Ttesei o3     Ajtiouzne 207 sartdde         cour ¥SA ©4otb6oteL          899—§6—ALI
                                                                ‘cauzod Teuopgstsequ;
               03 Sou08 pDITU] oY3 wor; septaI®s poyojjTMs feboygrmtaqot
                        Tiesez 61 An1tzouime z03 soytdde ‘our ven eqothotei                     L99—§6—D.L1
                       *squr0d Teuotqrurojuy         pue sa3je3g por}u) 997 teongeq
               yJomzou peyojtks ottand u3 oju; pojsetutionioqu; j0u souft
            agearad ttesox o3 Aztzsoujne a0g seridde              cou; vso eqotGeter            999—§6—DuL

OZ:TT S6. 2C Snd           2OO—d PBE—L T4S—4                      355397 3 NDSUHH                   £GGSISCCRT

Document Created: 2015-08-17 16:33:48
Document Modified: 2015-08-17 16:33:48

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