214 Surrender Ltr Au

LETTER submitted by AT&T CORP

AT&TInternational 214 Surrender Letter Aug26 2019


This document pretains to ITC-214-19950409-00072 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


   Q                                               James J.R. Talbot                            AT&T Services, Inc.
  v                                                Assistant Vice President—                    1120 20°" Street NW Ste. 1000
  Nmmaatt                                          Senior Legal Counsel                         Washington, D.C. 20036
 AT&T           :                                                                               Phone: 202.457.3048
                                                                                                Fax:    202.463.8066
                                                                                                E—mail: jjtalbot@att.com

August 26, 2019

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, SW
Washington DC 20554

Attn: International Bureau

                    Re: Surrender of International Section 214 Authorizations

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        In order to reduce unnecessary recordkeeping by both the FCC and AT&T, AT&T is
reviewing its files to identify and surrender international Section 214 authorizations that are no
longer required to provide service. The ability to surrender the following international Section
214 authorizations is the result of streamlining changes in Commission rules after those
individual authorizations were granted (e.g., to allow global international Section 214 authority),
or the result of previously—notified retirements of associated facilities. ‘ In no instance does the
surrender of the following international Section 214 authorizations impact the ability to provide
existing services or facilities to customers.

        As the result of this review, AT&T provides notification of the surrender of the following
international Section 214 authorizations by the AT&T affiliates listed as grantees for each

AT&T Corp.                              ITC—214—19931020—         Authorization to acquire capacity in the RIOJA
                                        00283 (Previous File No.: Cable System for use in providing authorized
                                        ITC—93—268)               services between Spain, the United Kingdom,
                                                                  Belgium and the Netherlands.

AT&T Corp.                              ITC—214—19931020—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                                        00284 (Previous File No.: the R—J—K Cable System between Russia, Japan
                                        ITC—93—271)               and Korea for use in providing authorized

\ See, eg., Streamlining the International Section 214 Authorization Process and TariffRequirements, 11 FCC Red.
12884 (1996) (providing for global international Section 214 authority to use all previously and subsequently
authorized common carrier and non—common carrier facilities and foreign connecting facilities); 1998 Biennial
Review — Review ofInternational Common Carrier Regulations, 14 FCC Red. 4909 (1999) (allowing any authorized
facilities—based carrier to use any non—U.S.—licensed undersea cable system without specific approval); International
Settlements Policy Reform, 27 FCC Red. 15521 (2012) (removing the International Settlements Policy from the U.S.
international routes to which it continued to apply, except for the U.S.—Cuba route).

Ms. Marlene Dortch
August 26, 2019
Page 2

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19931020—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00285 (Previous File No.: the Malaysia— Thailand Cable System for use in
                     ITC—93—272)               providing authorized services between the
                                               Malaysia and Thailand.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19940421—         Authorization to acquire, on an IRU basis, a half
                     00399 (Previous File No.: interest in 30 MAUOs in the PENCAN 5 Cable
                     ITC—94—048)               System for use in providing services between the
                                               United States, South Africa and other
                                               certificated points.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19940502—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00400 (Previous File No.: the Denmark—Germany 1 and TAT—10 Cable
                     ITC—94—061)               Systems for use in providing authorized services
                                               between the United States, Russia and certified

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19940504—         Authority to provide capacity in the TCS—1
                     00401 (Previous File No.: Cable System, on an IRU basis, to 13 carriers.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19940920—         Authorization to acquire an additional 4 MIUs in
                     00402 (Previous File No.: the China—Japan Cable System.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19941020—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00403 (Previous File No.: Germany—Sweden 4 & 5 Cable Systems along
                     ITC—94—244)               with any necessary extension facilities, for use in
                                               providing AT&T CORP.‘s authorized services.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19941020—         Authorization to modify its ownership in the
                     00404 (Previous File No.: TAT—12/TAT—13 Cable System (to reduce to
                     ITC—94—301)               1083 total half MIUs, a net divestiture of 72 half
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19941021—         Authorization to activate and operate previously
                     00405 (Previous File No.: authorized capacity in the T—V—H Cable System
                     ITC—94—333)               for use in providing authorized services between
                                               the United States and Thailand Vietnam and
                     ITC—214—19941021—           Hong Kong.
                     00406 (Previous File No.:

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19941021—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity,
                     00407 (Previous File No.: on an IRU basis, in the ITUR Cable System for
                     ITC—94—439)               use in providing authorized services between the
                                                 United States, Turkey, the Ukraine and Russia.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19941030—         Authorization to acquire, on an IRU basis,
                     00408 (Previous File No.: capacity in the Caribbean—Atlantic (CARAC)
                     ITC—94—495)               Cable System for use in AT&T CORP.‘s
                                               regularly authorized services between the United
                                               States and Bermuda for use in providing
                                               authorized services.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
August 26, 2019
Page 3

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19941030—         Authorization to acquire and operate the
                     00409 (Previous File No.: following MIUs in the following segments of the
                     ITC—94—509)               APCN Cable System: Japan—Hong Kong (7),
                                               Japan—Thailand (3), Japan—Malaysia (3), Japan—
                                               Singapore (2) and Japan—Indonesia (1).
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19941030—         Authorized to convey capacity in the HAW—5
                     00410 (Previous File No.: Cable System, and to acquire and operate
                     ITC—94—511)               capacity in the HAW—4/TPC—3 Cable System.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19950216—         Authorization to acquire, on an ownership basis,
                     00071 (Previous File No.: and operate capacity in the Eastern Caribbean
                     ITC—95—048)               Fiber System (ECFS Cable) for use in AT&T
                                               CORP.‘s regularly authorized services between
                                               the United States and Anguilla, St. Kitts,
                                               Montserrat, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica,
                                               Martinique, St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent, &
                                               Grenada for use in providing authorized
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19950409—         Authorization to acquire, on an IRU basis, a half
                     00072 (Previous File No.: interest in 2 MIUs of the CANTAT—3 Cable
                     ITC—95—129)               System for use in providing services between the
                                               United States and Iceland.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19950409—         Authorization to acquire, on an IRU basis, a half
                     00073 (Previous File No.: interest in one E—1 in the Latvia—Sweden Cable
                     ITC—95—134)               System for use in providing services between the
                                               United States and Latvia.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 15
                     00074 (Previous File No.: MAUOs in the Aden—Djibouti Cable System for
                     ITC—95—141)               use in service between the United States and

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 33
                     00075 (Previous File No.: MIUs in the CELTIC Cable System for use in
                     ITC—95—179)               services between the United States and Ireland.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 90
                     00076 (Previous File No.: MAUOs in the CIOS Cable System for use in
                     ITC—95—203)               providing services between the United States and
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 30
                     00077 (Previous File No.: MAUOs in the UGARIT Cable System for use
                     ITC—95—270)               in providing services between the United States
                                               and Syria.
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 60
                     00078 (Previous File No.: MAUOs in the CADMOS Cable System for use
                     ITC—95—271)               in service between the United States and

Ms. Marlene Dortch
August 26, 2019
Page 4

AT&T Corp.                      ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 9
                                00079 (Previous File No.: MIUs of the ARIANE 2 Cable System for use in
                                 ITC—95—305)                providing services between the United States,
                                                            Cyprus, Lebanon and Greece.
AT&T Corp.                       ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 6
                                 00080 (Previous File No.: MIUs in the KATTEGAT 1 Cable System for
                                 ITC—95—326)                use in providing services between the United
                                                            States, Finland, Latvia and Sweden.
AT&T Corp.                       ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire half interests in the
                                 00081 (Previous File No.: ODIN Cable System (78 on Netherlands—
                                 ITC—95—418)               Denmark Segment, 37 on Denmark—Norway
                                                           Segment and 30 on Norway—Sweden Segment)
                                                           for use in providing services between the United
                                                           States and the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway
                                                           and Sweden.

AT&T Corp.                       ITC—214—19950904—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 120
                                 00082 (Previous File No.: MAUOs in the APHRODITE 2 Cable System
                                 ITC—95—489)               for use in providing services between the United
                                                           States, Cyprus and Greece.

AT&T Corp.                       ITC—214—19951110—         Authorized to modify ownership in TPC—5 cable
                                 00083 (Previous File No.: system.

AT&T Corp.                       ITC—214—19951110—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 2
                                 00084 (Previous File No.: MIUs in the KAFOS Cable System for use in
                                 ITC—95—554)               providing services between the United States,
                                                           Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.

       Please contact the undersigned with any questions.


                                               James Talbot
                                               Assistant Vice President — Senior Legal Counsel

ce: David Krech, International Bureau
    Adrienne McNeil, International Bureau

Document Created: 2019-09-12 13:57:26
Document Modified: 2019-09-12 13:57:26

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