Attachment Surrender Ltr dtd 8.

Surrender Ltr dtd 8.

SURRENDER OF AUTHORIZATION submitted by Kerry E. Murray

Surrender Letter dtd 8.22.02


This document pretains to ITC-214-19950227-00008 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


      ~*—            _
                                                       OJP — 445
                                                                                                                                Kerry E. Murray
                                                                                                                                International Regulatory Affairs
                                                                                                                                Law and Public Policy

                                                                                                                                1133 19th Street, NW, Suite 90¢
                                                                                                                                Washington, DC 20036
                                            August 22, 2002                                                                      1 202 736 6053
                                                               AECEivEp                                                         " RECEIVED
Ms. Marlene Dortch
Secretary                                                      AUG 22 2002                                                                     AUG 2 6 2002
Federal Communications Commission                      caBERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSEN                                                           lc  es
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                                       OFFICE OF us secactary                                                          PO!'CY Division
Room TW—A324                                                                                                                                International Bursau
Washington, DC 20554
                     Re:   Notification of Surrender of Certain International Section 214
                           Authorizations of WorldCom, Inc. and Certain of its Subsidiaries

Dear Ms. Dortch:

            On August 16, 2002, WorldCom, Inc. and certain ofits subsidiaries (collectively
"WorldCom") notified the Commission of the proforma assignment of the mternatmnal
Section 214 authorizations held by WorldCom to WorldCom as Debtors—in—Possession.‘

        By this letter, WorldCom notifies the Comumission of certain international Section
214 authonzanons that are no longer needed by WorldCom and certain of its
subsidiaries." These authorizations are duplicative of authorizations already held by
WorldCom. As a result, WorldCom hereby surrenders these authorizations to the
Commission. WorldCom continues to hold all necessary authorizations to serve its U.S.
international customers, and does not intend to discontinue service on any U.S.—
international route.

            Kindly communicate any questions regarding this matter directly to this office.

                                             Respectfully submitted

                                                E. Murray                                yWUf/D


co:         Breck Blalock, International Bureau
            George Li, International Bureau
            Susan O‘Connell, International Bureau

. The notification ofpro forma assignment was filed pursuant to FCC File No. WC—02—215.
~ _A list of these international Section 214 authorizations is attached hereto. These authorizations were not
included in the August 16, 2002 notification, as they are no longer needed.

                                                          =1    t   nn m   meve in remeinn en mm mmmmienemeiiinnemimeeninieneememcs   n snneveamins.

                                       R                                      AUG       2
                General 214 Authorizations to Return to FCC |_—                     2 2002

                   MCI WORLDCOM Network Services, Inc.*                         q ‘Edé“’iVED

 Authorization Type or        FCC ID Numbers                   Date Granted         &
     Service Provided                                                            £"0 2 0 2007
 Canada                    83—052                     4/11/85                       Policy Divigion

 Australia                 84—036                     2722184                   fftemational Bureau
 Belgium                   85—034                     2/12/85
 United Kingdom            85—040                     1111/85
 Brazil                    85—050                     211/85
 Greece                    85—057                     2/5/85

 Saudi Arabia              85—094                     3/29/85

 Singapore                 85—095                     329/85

 Sweden                    85—190                     B/27/85

 Bermuda                   85—201                     8/16/85
: United Arab Emirates     85—216                     10/11/85

 Hong Kong                 86—003                     11/20/85

 Argentina                 86—050                     2/25/86

 France                    86—058                     3/20/86

 Ireland                   86—072                     4/30/86

 Italy                     86—076                     5/13/86

 Spain                     86—079                     5/20/86

 Taiwan                    86—080                     5/20/86

 Japan                     86—111                     7/15/86

 The Netherlands           86—143                     8/27/86

 Venezuela                 86—152                     9/25/86

 Denmark                   87—001                     11/20/86

 Switzerland               87—014                     12/2/86

 Thailand                  87—061                     2127187

                                     VERSION 2.0
                                    August 21, 2002
                                        Page 1

    Authorization Type or               FCC JD Numbers                        Date Granted
        Service Provided                                                             f

i Ecuador                            87—139                         8B/4/87

    Israe}                           87—147                         8/25/87

    Egypt                            87—152                         9/21/87

    Jordan                           87—171                         10/27/87

    Colombia                         88—004                         12/1/87

    Germany                          88—005                         2/26/88
    Costa Rica                       88—022                         1/12/88

Norway                               88—029                         11288
. New Zealand                        88—062                         2/29/88
    Chile                            88—083                         4/19/88

i Dominican Republic                 88—085                         4{/27/88

[Finiand                             B5—102                         5727788
i Bahamas, Barbados, the             88—139                         7/128/88
    Netherlands Antilles, Trinidad
    and Tobago
    Korea (South)                    88—150                         6/27/88
    Austria                          88—154                         8/12/88

|Malaysia                            88—170                         9127188
    Guatemala                        88—208                         11/8/88

    Turkey                           89—005                         12112188
! Kuwait                             89—006                     | 121288
| India                              89—016                     i 1212788
Peru                                 89—042                         3/14189

| Pakistan                           89—065                     1 427789

;| Portugal                          89—066                         4/27189

1 Bolwvia                            89—093                         6/2789

    Panama and Haiti                 89—094                         6/27189

    Cyprus and Liberia               89—113                         8r23/89
                                               VERSION 2.0
                                              August 21, 2002
                                                  Page 2

 Authorization Type or      FCC ID Numbers                    Date Granted
     Service Provided

 Kenya and Senegal       89—128                      8/23/89

 Uruguay                 89—137                      915789

 Algeria and Tunisia     89—138                      9/15/89

 Luxembourg              89—150                      21/89

 Bahrain                 89—151                      9/21/89

; Paraguay               89—152                      9/21/89

 Mexico                  90—002                      12/22/89

 E1 Salvador             90—007                      12/27/89
 Iceland                 90—025                      1131/90

 Cayman Islands          90—029                      1/31/90
 Aruba                   90—051                      3/20/90

 Syria                   90—076                      6/7190

 Honduras                90—079                      6/28/90

 Morocceo                90—084                      6/28/90

 Sri Lanka               90—093                      7/19/90

 Saipan                  90—095                      7119790

 Indonesia               90—096                      7/M19/90

 Yemen                   90—1117                     8/22/90

 Nigeria                 90—140                      9/11/90

 Bangladesh              80—142                      9111790

 Jamaica                 90—164                      11/21/90

i Antigua                90—169                      12/18/90

f Czechoslovakia         90—193                      1110791

 Hungary                 91—001                      1/10/91

 USSR                    91—002                      1110/91

 The Philippines         91—009                      11/27/90
                                    VERSION 2.0
                                   August 21, 2002
                                       Page 3

          4         a   s\(fe     pe   0                B        be               Date   antec
                &       e   Provided

! Gatar                                    91—033                       1731791
        China                              91—043                       378791

: British Virgin Islands,                  91—048                       3127/91
  Grenada, St. Lucia, and St.
‘ Vincent
i Poland                                   91—058                       3127/91

| South Africa                             91—063                       3129791

        Nicaragua                          91—106                       16/10/91

|Malawi and Zambia                         a1—148                       8i7i01
| Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia,                 91—156                       8/77191
:and Sierra Leone
| American Samoa                           91—175                       9/24/91

Suriname                                   91—181                       9/30/986
        Lebanon                            91—°211t;.0020   .0   0.     1115791
:Gameroon                       CC         92—038                       3713792
        Fiji                               92—098                       4/1/92

; Ghana, Romania, and                      92—113                       5729192
|— Yugoslavia
! Uganda                                    92—146                      5129/92
i Beiize and Tanzania                       92—194                      10/7192
        Congo, Guinea, and                  92—215                      10/23/92
‘ Botswana, Cape Verde and                  92—216                      10/23/92
| Niger
        Macao                               92—221                      10/23/82

    i Bulgaria                              92—232                      1114192
        Albania                             92—236                      11/4/82

        Tonga                               92—243                      11/12/92

        Guyana                              93—051                      4121/93
    ! Ivory Coast                           93—055                      4121193

    ~Anguilia                              | 93—109                     eiBios
                                                       VERSION 2.0
                                                      August 21, 2002
                                                          Page 4

  Authorization Type or                  FCC ID Numbers                                            Date Granted
     Service Provided

 Burkina Faso and Maii               93—201                                             7/28/93

 Maita, Mauritania, Togo, and        93—205                                             7/28/93
 Turks and Caicos                    93—248                                             9/13/93

 Brunei                              93—299                                             10/8/93

 Angola, Mauritius,                  93—310                                             10/20/93
 Mozambique, and Rwanda         _!
 Papua New Guinea                    94—060                                             2/17/94

 Oman                                94—119                                             3/28/94

 Cambodia                            94—250                                             6/24/94

 Benin                               94—323                                             7/113/94
 Marshall Islands and                94—427                                             10/24/94
 International Simple Resale         95—031                                             37/95
 to UK                                                                              1
 Congo, Guinea and                    ITC—214—19920715—00025                            10/23/92
 Botswana, Cape Verde, and            ITC—214—19920715—00026                            10/23/92
:Mexico                               ITC—90—04                                         11/11/90
|Argentina                            ITC—93—289                                        10/12/93
Private Line Spain                                                N                                          5/13/99
| Private Line Italy            | ITC—214—19980805—00541_                                                    9/17/98
| Cambodia Switched                  |_ITC—214—19920512—00017 _                                               8/3/95
| Vietnam Common Carrier        +1TC—214—19920120—00003_                                                      5/5/92
| Vietnam Switched                   ITC—214—19920423—00008                         |                         8/3/95

 * name changed from MCI Telecommunications Corporation — 6/15/99

                                              VERSION 2.0
                                              August 21, 2002
                                                      Page 5

                                                  mm sc en reverp sns   ommc on ce ns capean cove earins esminememaiiinn + imenvemein remenmmine tmmwincmme

                        WORLDCOM International Data Services, Inc.**

   Authorization Type or                    FCC4D Numbers                               Date Granted
            Service Provided

[ Guam, Pacific Rim and Canada          _| ITCG—92—132                      | 9/15/82

 ** Name changed from Western Union International, Inc. — 5/18/00.

                                                 VERSION 2.0
                                                August 21, 2002
                                                    Page 6

   aees s   .   mee e   es   we.   kn    auee     ko ns m q   n e a ui ue    tuie comsgenemvintarmmicnaremnizmemassonnemen n i ncarnanmmmnn ons

                                   MCI International, Inc.

  Authorization Type or                FCC ID Numbers                   Date Granted
     Service Provided

 Bermuda                           85—201                          916/85
 Dominica and St. Kitts and        92—172                          7/22/92
 Montserrat                        92—196                          10/7/92
 Between Guam and Pacific          ITC—92—145                      9/18/92

                        MCI WORLDCOM international, Inc.***

  Authorization Type or                FCC ID Numbers                    Date Granted
     Service Provided

. Private Line Resale             ITC—94—049
i Private Line Resale             ITC—94—051
i Private Line Resale             ITC—94—010
t Private Line Resale              ITC—94—355
  Private Line Resale              1TC—94—236
  Global Facilities—               ITC—96—1988                     11/27/96
  Based/Giobal Resale
  *** originally held by MFS International, Inc.

                          MCI Communications Corporation

 The          214s were transferred      1IDB W         Services      3100
 Transborder to                    ITC—87—051
 Mexico, the Caribbean,
 Central America and South
 Transborder to Canada               2805—DSE—MP/L—85
 UK Private Line                   ITC—95—197                      11/27195
 IMTS for Algeria,                 ITC—94—306                      6/23/95
 Madagascar, Syria, and
 Canada                            ITC—82—259
 Mexico                            TC—2307
 Austria                           ITC—2335—6
 Belgium                           1TC—2462—17

                                             VERSION 2.0
                                            August 21, 2002
                                                Page 7

   i          e   ati0         «1:                  B    De                   Date   2   zTe
          z       e   Provided
 Cyprus                                ITC—85—084
 Denmark                               1TG—81—144
 Finland                               ITC—81—145
 France                                I1TC—2972
 W. Germany                            1C—2335—4
  Greece                               ITC—81—173
  Hungary                              ITC—83—169
  Iceland                              ITC—2645
| Italy                                TC—2335—1—A
i Irish Republic                       TC—81—345
| Luxembourg                           ITC—80—031
 Kenya                                 1TC—89—133
 Netherlands                           TC—2462—27
 Norway                                ITC—81—146
| Poland                               ITC—89—133
| Portugal                             ITC—2462—37
i Spain                                ITC—2335—7
| Sweden                               ITC—2971
; Switzerland                          ITG—2462—9                I
i Turkey                               ITC—89—133                1
; United Kingdom                       TG—2335—3                 )
[ U.S.SR.                              1TC—88—208                        12
  Bahrain                              1TC—83—031
: India                                ITC—82—049
i Bangladesh                           ITC—90—092
  Israel                               ITC—88—185
i Jordan                               1TC—83—050
  Kuwait                 _             ITC—2462—24
i Oman                                 1TC—84—092
  Pakistan                              ITC—82—249
  Saudi Arabia                          11C—2462—40
i Sri Lanka                           i ITC—84—042
| United Arab Emirates                 ITC—81—119
:Algeria                               ITC—88—203
| Egypt                               14TC—81—121                                              1
| Ethiopia                           _ 1TC—2831
! vory Coast                          | ITCG—81—148                  ;
| Liberia                              ITC—84—093                |
  Nigeria                              1TC—88—108                I
1 Senegal                              ITC—86—131 ___            |
!"South Africa                         1TC—56—064                    |
, Zambia                               ITC—83—082                    |
i Australia              D__           ITC—2588—2
i Fij                                 i ITC—81—275
| Hong Kong                             ITC—2688 ___
| indonesia                             iTC—83—032
| Japan                                 ITC—83—032                   ;
Korea                                   ITC—86—064                   DD__
_ Malaysia                            : ITC—83—032
                                                  VERSION 2.0
                                               August 21, 2002
                                                   Page 8

  %           e   ati0   alz                    B      als                Date      anted
          =       e Provided
 New Zealand                      ITC—82—240
 Papua—New Guinea                ITC—2958
 Philippines                      ITC—2588
 Singapore                        ITC—2787
   Taiwan                         ITC—82—070
   Thailand                       TC—82—277
   Argentina                      ITC—2462—10
   Ascension Islands              ITC—2462—14
   Bahamas                        TC—1470—1
   Barbados                       ITC—82—146
   Belize                         ITC—2462—42
   Bermuda                        ITC—3038
   Bolivia                        HTC—2462—34
   Brazil                         TC—2262
 : Cayman Islands                 {TC—3011
   Chile                          ITC—2462—29
   Colombia                       1TC—2462—1
   Costa Rica                     TC—2642—5
   Dominican Republic             ITC—2732
i Ecuador                         TC—2430—2
 i El Salvador                    1TC—82—042
| Guatemala                       TC—2388
! Guyana                          ITC—2462—48
| Haiti                           1TC—89—167
 Honduras                         TC—2459
 Jamaica                          TC—1967
i Netherlands Antilles             ITC—81—209
  Nicaragua                       TC—2446
‘ Panama                          TC—1947
~ Paraguay                        TC—2462—44
: Peru                            ITC—2462—33
: Puerto Rico                     TC—2497
  Trinidad/Tobago                 ITC—2462—26
  Uruguay                         ITC—2790
  U.S. Virgin Islands             ITC—2668
  Venezuela                       TC—2341—1
| Hawaii                           ITC—90—081
| The following 214s were originally held by TRT/IFTC International, Inc., which changed its name
 to IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. They were assigned to IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. (6/14/94),
 and were subsequently transferred from IDB WorldCom Services (9/13/00).
i Argentina                        {TC—88—066
 Australia                         1TC—89—168
 Bolivia                           ITC—91—150
i Chile                            ITCG—89—120
 Colombia                          ITC—88—169
 Costa Rica                        ITC—90—020
 Denmark                           ITC—89—149
 Egypt                             ITC—88—201
 Ecuador                           HTC—92—071

                                             VERSION 2.0
                                           August 21, 2002
                                               Page 9

 France                            ITC—88—019
 Germany                           ITC—88—046
 Guatemala                         ITC—80—091
 Honduras                          ITC—90—020
 Hong Kong                         ITC—88—173
 Japan                             ITC—91—179
 Mexico                            ITC—90—180
 Netherlands                       ITC—88—104
 Nicaragua                         TC—91—013
 Peru                              11C—89—041
 Portugal                          [TC—86—162
 Singapore                         ITC—90—023
 South Korea                       ITC—90—054
 Switzerland                       ITC—90—077
 United Kingdom                    HC—85—117
 Venezuela                         ITC—88—065
 Canada IMTS                       ITCG—80—144                               3/31/93

 The following 214s were originally held by FTC Communications, Inc., which became TRT/FTC
 Communications. They were as signed to IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. (6/14/94), and were
 subsequently transferred from IDB WorldGom Services, Inc. ( $/13/00).
| France                           TC—2174                        6/7178
i Cameroon                         ITC—2826                       1275779
| French Guyana                    ITC—3073                       7122780
  France                           TC—2174                        617178
 Landline (Canada)                 ITC—81—334                     10/15/81
 Landline (Norway}                 tC—82—052                      12/30/81
 Cameroon                          ITC—2826                       12/5/79
 Landline {Ft. Lauderdale)         TC—2358                        712171
 French Guyana                     1TCG—3073                      7/22/80
 Landline (Domestic)               ITG—81—172                     6/3/81
 Landline (Mexico)                 ITC—85—002                     11/26/84
 Landline (New Orleans)            {TC—84—003                     10/20/83
  Resale (Canada)                  ITC—88—127                     1/26/89
  Resale {All countries except     ITC—88—151                     1119789
  Landline (Domestic)              ITC—81—022                     1/19/82
  Landline (Denmark)               ITC—83—030                     1/20/83
  Landline (Canada)                ITC—83—104                     5/30/83
 The following 214s were originally held by World Communications, Inc. They were assigned to
 1DB WorldCom Services, Inc. (67 14/94), and were subsequently transferred from IDB WorldCom
  Facilities—Based International   iTC—90—128;                    1990;
  Voice/Data Services              1TC—91—003                     1990
1 Switched Voice Resale            ITC—90—039                     1990

                                              VERSION 2.0
                                           August 21, 2002
                                               Page 10

              Other WorldCom Subsidiaries‘ 214 Authorizations

                             Authorization          FCC ID Numbers                                            Date
                                 Type or                                                             <Granted
                                Provided _
 RCA Globocom                Guam, Hawaii,        TC—2039                                              6/8/92
                             and Pacific Rim
                             points for RCA
 RCA Globocom                Traffic out of       ITC—86—122                                           8/5/86
                             Guam for RCA
 Southernet                  Private Lines to     ITC—89—114                                           6/28/91
                             Canada for
 Brooks Fiber                Facilities—Based     gg?}é:}gg;?ggg:ggggfi                                 5193197
 Communications—LD           and Resale
 Triax Telecom, Inc.         Not Specified        ITC—92—081                                           4/10/92
 Touch 1 Long Distance       Not Specified        ITC—92—082                                           4/10/92
 XILA Communications, Inc.   Not Specified        ITC—92—083                                           4/10/92
 one to One
 Communications, Inc.
                             Not Specified
                                                  ITC—92—088                                           4110/92
                             Assignment of
 TargetVTTI National, Inc.   Target‘s 214s to     ITC—214—19960423—00164                               6/14/96
                             TTE National, Inc.
i Telecorn 2000 USA Inc.     Resale               ITC—214—19961119—00581                                113797

                                       VERSION 2.0
                                     August 21, 2002
                                         Page 1 1

                                                      oeenenmemes ooatin, onmmneme essimmrmensema accunanee   Ton n remmeamenanenc en

Document Created: 2011-05-24 17:05:11
Document Modified: 2011-05-24 17:05:11

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