Attachment DA 95-2393.pdf

DA 95-2393.pdf

ORDER submitted by FCC

DA 95-2393


This document pretains to ITC-214-19950227-00008 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


11 F.C.C.R. 2529, 11 FCC Rcd. 2529, 1995 WL 707794 (F.C.C.)                                               Page 1

                                                          2. On February 21, 1995, IDB filed the captioned
                                                          application pursuant to Section 214 of the Commu-
11 F.C.C.R. 2529, 11 FCC Rcd. 2529, 1995 WL                                                   [FN1]
                                                          nications Act of 1934, as amended,         and Sec-
707794 (F.C.C.)                                                                                   [FN2]
                                                          tion 63.01 of the Commission's Rules.          IDB
  Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C.)              requests authority to provide switched services via
                                                          international private lines between the United
 Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization              States and the United Kingdom that are intercon-
 IN THE MATTER OF IDB WORLDCOM SER-                       nected either to the U.S. public switched network
              VICES, INC.                                 (“PSN”) or to the U.K. PSN or to both. On March
                                                          7, 1995, we placed IDB's application on public no-
                     File No.                                   [FN3]
                                                          tice.       AT&T Corp. (AT&T) filed comments,
                          I                               and IDB filed reply comments.
                         T                                3. IDB proposes to use its authorized U.S. private
                          -                               line half-circuits in transatlantic cable systems in
                         C                                which it or its commonly-owned companies own
                          -                               capacity. Such circuits include capacity in TAT-8,
                         95                               TAT-9, TAT-10, and PTAT-1. Also, IDB proposes
                          -                               to use satellite circuits, including circuits between
                        197                               U.S. earth stations and INTELSAT Atlantic Ocean
                                                          Region (“AOR”) satellites, which IDB will obtain
 Application for Authority pursuant to Section 214        under tariff from COMSAT. IDB will connect its
of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to         international    half-circuits    with    half-circuits
Provide Switched Services via International Private       provided by entities that are authorized in the
 Lines Interconnected to the Public Switched Net-         United Kingdom. The circuits will be interconnec-
works in the United States and the United Kingdom         ted to the PSN in either the United States or the
                                                          United Kingdom or in both.
                   DA 95-2393
                                                          4. IDB states that it has filed the instant application
           Adopted: November 27, 1995
                                                          as a precaution if the Commission determines that
           Released: December 1, 1995                     the proposed service constitutes private line resale
                                                          as defined in the Commission's International Re-
*2529 By the Chief, Telecommunications Division:          sale Order.        If the Commission concludes that
                                                          IDB's proposed service is not within the ambit of
               I. INTRODUCTION                            the International Resale Order, IDB proposes to
                                                          withdraw its application as an unnecessary filing.
1. In this order, we grant IDB WorldCom Services,
Inc. (IDB) Section 214 authority to provide               5. In support of its application, IDB states that, in
switched services via its U.S. international private      the International Resale Order, the Commission
line facilities between the United States and the         found that the public interest is served by authoriz-
United Kingdom.                                           ing the provision of international switched services
                                                          over private line facilities to those countries that
               II. BACKGROUND
                                                          provide resale opportunities equivalent to those af-
                                                          forded by the United States.          IDB notes that

                          © 2011 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

11 F.C.C.R. 2529, 11 FCC Rcd. 2529, 1995 WL 707794 (F.C.C.)                                              Page 2

the Commission has found the United Kingdom               “WorldCall” service in the United Kingdom (and in
equivalent to the United States in international          Germany) via international private lines intercon-
private line resale opportunities for U.S.-based car-     nected to the U.S. PSN in violation of *2530 the In-
riers. IDB also notes that the Commission recently        ternational Resale Order.             According to
granted applications requesting authority to provide      AT&T, WorldCall calls are routed via dedicated fa-
international resale between the United States and        cilities to IDB nodes in the United Kingdom (and in
the United Kingdom.             IDB states that the       Germany and possibly other countries) and then to
Commission granted those applications subject to          the United States via international private lines
the condition that the United Kingdom designate           which are interconnected to the U.S. PSN. AT&T
the United States as an equivalent country. IDB           contends that the Commission, in January 1993,
states that the United Kingdom has designated the         found that IDB had violated the International Re-
United States as an equivalent country and that           sale Order         and instructed IDB to bring its ac-
granting its application will allow it to continue to     tions into compliance with that order. AT&T al-
participate and compete on the U.S.-U.K. route,           leges that IDB does not seek Section 214 authority
which it is currently serving.                            for Germany because IDB knows that the Commis-
                                                          sion could not find that Germany offers equivalent
6. AT&T does not oppose IDB's application. AT&T           resale opportunities. AT&T contends that IDB's un-
requests, however, that the Commission impose             authorized provision of U.K.-U.S. (as well as Ger-
three requirements on IDB. First, AT&T requests           many-U.S.) switched services via international
the Commission to impose a retroactive reporting          private lines connected to the U.S. PSN has injured
requirement of switched minutes that IDB has              U.S. carriers and their customers. That is, to the ex-
transported between the United Kingdom or other           tent IDB provided one-way completion of switched
foreign markets and the United States via interna-        minutes from the United Kingdom to the United
tional private lines connected to the U.S. PSN since      States outside the settlements process, U.S. net set-
December 23, 1991, to the present. To the extent          tlements paid by U.S. carriers and their customers
that traffic from markets other than the United           to U.K. carriers increased and harmed U.S. carriers
Kingdom has been transported over the private                                  [FN10]
                                                          and their customers.
lines, the volumes by market should be reported
separately. Second, AT&T requests that we impose          8. In reply, IDB emphasizes that AT&T does not
a certification requirement on IDB as a pre-              oppose IDB's application but merely requests the
condition to its Section 214 authorization. The cer-      Commission to impose reporting requirements on
tification would require IDB to state that it will no     IDB.           IDB states that the Commission should
longer participate in the provision of switched ser-      dismiss such requests. IDB claims that AT&T is re-
vices into the United States over international           litigating its pending formal complaint against IDB
private lines from any country for which it has not       and two IDB affiliates for alleged violations of the
received the Section 214 authority required by the        Commission's international private line resale
International Resale Order. Third, AT&T requests          policy. IDB suggests that AT&T admits that the
that the Commission impose a quarterly certifica-         purpose of the reporting requirement is not to serve
tion process to ensure IDB's compliance with con-         the public interest but to assist AT&T in prosecut-
ditions placed in its Section 214 authorization, in-      ing its complaint. IDB disagrees with AT&T's
cluding the U.S.-U.K. traffic limitation on the use       statement that the international private line resale
of the private line arrangements.                         policy is settled law. In support, IDB notes that the
                                                          Commission has asked for comment on issues in-
7. AT&T asserts that, from 1991 to the present,           volving international private line resale in its No-
IDB and its affiliates have been offering                 tice of Proposed Rulemaking in Market Entry and

                          © 2011 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

11 F.C.C.R. 2529, 11 FCC Rcd. 2529, 1995 WL 707794 (F.C.C.)                                             Page 3

                                            [FN12]                     [FN17]
Regulation of Foreign-affiliated Entities.                 applicants.        Moreover, AT&T neither re-
IDB states that the requested Section 214 authority        quests us to deny IDB's application nor asserts that
is for additional service authority. IDB further           grant of IDB's application would be contrary to the
states that numerous U.S. carriers, including              public interest.
AT&T, have received the exact same authority that
IDB seeks. Once the application is granted, IDB            12. We find that grant of the application will allow
claims that it will have the authority to introduce        IDB to become a more effective competitor in the
new service offerings that AT&T and other U.S.             provision of switched services. Use of its U.S. in-
carriers are now authorized to provide.                    ternational private lines to provide switched ser-
                                                           vices should foster lower prices, innovative ser-
                 III. DISCUSSION                           vices and increased responsiveness to consumer
                                                           needs on the U.S.-U.K. route. Therefore, the re-
9. Resale is “an activity wherein one entity sub-          maining issue to decide is whether to impose
scribes to the communications services and facilit-        AT&T's proposed reporting and certification condi-
ies of another entity and then reoffers communica-         tions on IDB's Section 214 authorization.
tions services and facilities to the public (with or
without ‘adding value’) for profit.”         Because       13. We see no reason in the record before us to im-
IDB will use its own U.S. international private lines      pose AT&T's special conditions on IDB's Section
to provide switched services between the United            214 authorization. These proposed conditions are
States and the United Kingdom, by definition, IDB          based on AT&T's assumption that IDB has violated
will not be reselling private line service.                the Commission's International Resale Order by
                                                           providing switched services over international
10. IDB's application, however, still falls within the     private lines without proper Section 214 authoriza-
scope of the International Resale Order. We inter-         tion. The issue whether IDB has violated our Inter-
pret this Order to require that, whenever a carrier        national Resale Order is properly resolved as an
seeks to reroute switched traffic over private lines       enforcement matter in the pending formal com-
interconnected to the PSN at either end, that carrier             [FN18]
                                                           plaint         rather than in a Section 214 proceed-
must seek separate Section 214 authorization.              ing. Moreover, the Commission is considering in
         To obtain Commission authorization, an ap-        the Foreign Carrier Entry proceeding whether to
plicant must demonstrate that the destination coun-        codify the requirement that carriers seeking to con-
try affords resale opportunities equivalent to those       nect a U.S. private line half-circuit with a leased
available under U.S. law. This equivalency require-        foreign private line half-circuit to provide a
ment is designed to protect the U.S. public interest       switched, basic service, must obtain specific Sec-
against the detrimental effects of one-way diversion                                     [FN19]
                                                           tion 214 authority to do so.          We expect that
of switched traffic on U.S. net settlement payments.       the Commission's order in that proceeding will re-
         Here, IDB proposes to reroute switched            solve the issue AT&T raises here on a prospective
traffic over an international private line connected       basis. At the conclusion of that proceeding or the
at one or both ends to the PSN in the United States        enforcement proceeding initiated by the filing of
and/or the United Kingdom. Therefore, IDB must             AT&T's formal complaint against IDB, we will
obtain a separate Section 214 authorization to             have ample opportunity to determine whether fur-
provide the proposed service.                              ther oversight of IDB's activities is warranted. Ad-
                                                           ditionally, as a result of the Commission's findings
11. The Commission has concluded previously that
                                                           in either the enforcement or the rulemaking pro-
the United Kingdom provides equivalent resale op-
             [FN16]                                        ceeding, it may be appropriate to require IDB to
portunities.        And, the Commission has gran-
                                                           submit the information that AT&T requests pursu-
ted the authority IDB requests to similarly situated

                           © 2011 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

11 F.C.C.R. 2529, 11 FCC Rcd. 2529, 1995 WL 707794 (F.C.C.)                                              Page 4

ant to our general authority under Section 218.            19. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IDB shall
       For these reasons, we deny AT&T's request           comply with Section 203 of the Communications
to impose the special reporting and certification re-      Act, 47 U.S.C. § 203, Part 61, and Sections 43.51
quirements on IDB.                                         and 43.61 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.
                                                           Part 61, and §§ 43.51 and 43.61.
14. Thus, we grant IDB's Section 214 application
authorizing IDB to provide switched services               20. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IDB shall
between the United States and United Kingdom via           comply with any current and future Commission
its international private lines that are interconnected    policies and requirements concerning international
either to the U.S. PSN or the U.K. PSN or to both.         accounting and settlement rates and shall file copies
                                                           with the Commission of any operating agreements
           IV. ORDERING CLAUSES                            which it enters into with its foreign correspondents
                                                           within thirty days of their execution.
15. Upon consideration of the above-captioned ap-
plication, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the                 21. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that grant of these
present and future public convenience and necessity        authorizations is conditioned upon the United King-
require the provision by IDB of switched services          dom's continuing to afford resale opportunities
between the United States and the United Kingdom           equivalent to those afforded under U.S. law.
via international private lines interconnected to the
public switched networks at either or both ends.           22. This Order is issued under Section 0.261 of the
                                                           Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261 (1994) and
16. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that application            is effective upon adoption. Petitions for reconsider-
File No. I-T-C-95-197 IS GRANTED.                          ation under Section 1.106, 47 C.F.R. § 1.106 (1994)
                                                           , or applications for review under Section 1.115, 47
17. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the authority
                                                           C.F.R. § 1.115 (1994), may be filed within thirty
granted herein for the provision of switched ser-
                                                           days of the public notice of this Order (see Section
vices via international private lines between the
                                                           1.4(b)(2), 47 C.F.R. § 1.4(b)(2) (1994).
United States and the United Kingdom is limited to
the provision of such services between the United          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
States and the United Kingdom only -- that is,
traffic that originates in the United States and ter-      Diane J. Cornell
minates in the United Kingdom or traffic that ori-         Chief
ginates in the United Kingdom and terminates in            Telecommunications Division
the United States.                                         International Bureau

18. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that neither IDB                 FN1. 47 U.S.C. § 214 (1995).
nor any persons or companies directly or indirectly
controlling it or controlled by it, or under direct or     FN2. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01 (1994).
indirect common control with it, shall acquire or
                                                           FN3. See Report No. I-8020.
enjoy any right, for the purposes of handling or in-
terchanging traffic to or from the United States, its      FN4. Regulation of International Accounting Rates,
territories or possessions which is denied to any          CC Docket No. 90-337, Phase II, First Report and
other U.S. carrier by reason of any concession, con-       Order, 7 FCC Rcd 559 (1991) (International Resale
tract, understanding, or working arrangement to            Order), modified in part on recon., 7 FCC Rcd
which IDB or any such persons or companies con-            7927 (1992), petition for reconsideration/clarifica-
trolling or controlled by IDB are parties.                 tion pending.

                           © 2011 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

11 F.C.C.R. 2529, 11 FCC Rcd. 2529, 1995 WL 707794 (F.C.C.)                                     Page 5

FN5. Application at 1.                                     FCC Rcd 6240 (1994).

FN6. Id. at 1-2 (citing ACC Global and Alanna,             FN17. See AT&T Resale Order and MCI Resale
Inc., 9 FCC Rcd 6240 (1994)).                              Order, supra note 14.

FN7. AT&T Comments at 1-2.                                 FN18. See supra note 8.

FN8. Id. at 2 (referencing AT&T v. World Commu-            FN19. See supra note 12.
nications, Inc., et al., File No. E-93-103, filed Sept.
24, 1993). IDB, a Delaware corporation, is affili-         FN20. 47 U.S.C. § 218 (1995).
ated with WorldCom International, Inc. in the
                                                           11 F.C.C.R. 2529, 11 FCC Rcd. 2529, 1995 WL
United Kingdom and WorldCom GmbH in Ger-
                                                           707794 (F.C.C.)
many. See Application of IDB at 4 (Application).
                                                           END OF DOCUMENT
FN9. Id. at 4 (citing World Communications, Inc.,
Order and Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeit-
ures, 8 FCC Rcd 755 (1993)).

FN10. Id. at 3.

FN11. Response of IDB at 1.

FN12. See Market Entry and Regulation of For-
eign-affiliated Entities, Notice of Proposed Rule-
making, IB Docket No. 95-22, 10 FCC Rcd 4844
(1995) (Foreign Carrier Entry Notice).

FN13. International Resale Order, 7 FCC Rcd at
565 n.7 (citing Regulatory Policies Concerning Re-
sale and Shared Use of Common Carrier Services
and Facilities, 60 FCC 2d 261, 271 (1976), recon.,
62 FCC 2d 588 (1977), aff'd sub nom. American
Telephone and Telegraph Company v. FCC, 572
F.2d 17 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 439 U.S. 875 (1978)

FN14. See American Telephone and Telegraph
Company, Memorandum Opinion, Order and Au-
thorization, 10 FCC Rcd 3201 (1995), app. for re-
view pending (AT&T Resale Order). See also MCI
Telecommunications Corporation, Memorandum
Opinion, Order and Authorization, 10 FCC Rcd
3187 (1995) (MCI Resale Order).

FN15. International Resale Order, 7 FCC Rcd at

FN16. See ACC Global Corp. and Alanna Inc., 9

                           © 2011 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

Document Created: 2011-05-25 12:49:59
Document Modified: 2011-05-25 12:49:59

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