AT&T Corp. Surrender

LETTER submitted by AT&T CORP

AT&T Corp. Surrender of International 214s


This document pretains to ITC-214-19931020-00282 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


  &                                               James J.R. Talbot                             AT&T Services, Inc.
  \J                                              Assistant Vice President—                     1120 20°" Street NW Ste. 1000
  vo                                               Senior Legal Counsel                         Washington, D.C. 20036

 AT                                                                                             Phone: 202.457.3048
   &T                                                                                           Fax:   202.463.8066

August 16, 2019

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, SW
Washington DC 20554

Attn: International Bureau

                 Re: Surrender of International Section 214 Authorizations

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        In order to reduce unnecessary recordkeeping by both the FCC and AT&T, AT&T is
reviewing its files to identify and surrender international Section 214 authorizations that are no
longer required to provide service. The ability to surrender the following international Section
214 authorizations is the result of streamlining changes in Commission rules after those
individual authorizations were granted (e.g., to allow global international Section 214 authority),
or the result of previously—notified retirements of associated facilities. ‘ In no instance does the
surrender of the following international Section 214 authorizations impact the ability to provide
existing services or facilities to customers.

        As the result of this review, AT&T provides notification of the surrender of the following
international Section 214 authorizations by the AT&T affiliates listed as grantees for each

Grantee                                 Authorization Number(s)      |Description
                                        and FCC Order
AT&T Corp.                              ITC—214—19880722—            Authorization to acquire, install and operate a
                                        00010 (Previous File No.:    TASI—E terminal to increase capacity for
                                        ITC—88—186)                  previously authorized services between the
                                                                     United States and the United Kingdom in TAT—6

\ See, e.g., Streamlining the International Section 214 Authorization Process and TariffRequirements, 11 FCC Red.
12884 (1996) (providing for global international Section 214 authority to use all previously and subsequently
authorized common carrier and non—common carrier facilities and foreign connecting facilities); 1998 Biennial
Review — Review ofInternational Common Carrier Regulations, 14 FCC Red. 4909 (1999) (allowing any authorized
facilities—based carrier to use any non—U.S.—licensed undersea cable system without specific approval); International
Settlements Policy Reform, 27 FCC Red. 15521 (2012) (removing the International Settlements Policy from the U.S.
international routes to which it continued to apply, except for the U.S.—Cuba route).

Ms. Marlene Dortch
August 16, 2019
Page 2

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19900102—         Authorization to acquire and activate capacity in
                     00020 (Previous File No.: the MAT—2 and EMOS—1 Cable Systems, as well
                     ITC—89—124)               as connecting and transiting facilities, for use in
                                               providing services between the United States,
                                               Italy, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Greece and Israel.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19891015—         Authorization to acquire, on a lease or IRU
                     00014 (Previous File No.: basis, capacity in PTAT for use in providing
                     ITC—89—146)               authorized services between the United States,
                                               Bermuda, the United Kingdom and beyond.
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19891105—         Authorization to acquire and activate capacity in
                     00015 (Previous File No.: the UK—Netherlands 12 and UK—Germany 5
                     ITC—89—153)                Cable Systems, and connecting facilities, for use
                                                in providing services between the Netherlands,
                                                Denmark, Finland, West Germany, Norway and
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19900202—         Authorization to acquire and operate facilities in
                     00021 (Previous File No.: the Private Transatlantic Telecommunications
                     ITC—90—050)               Cable System for the provision of authorized
                                               common carrier service to Bermuda, the
                                               Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom and

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19901020—          Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00022 (Previous File No:   |the TASMAN—2 Cable System between
                     ITC—90—124)                Australia and New Zealand for use in providing
                                                authorized services.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19901120—          Granting, with limitations, authorization to
                     00023 (Previous File No:   |reassign circuits in the PTAT—1 Cable and to
                     ITC—90—174)                acquire connecting circuitry for service between
                                                the U.S. and Belgium, France, the Netherlands,
                                                 Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19910516—          Granting authorization to acquire and operate
                     00026 (Previous File No:   facilities in the Private Transatlantic
                     ITC—91—032)                Telecommunications Cable System for the
                                                provision of authorized common carrier service
                                                to the United Kingdom and beyond.
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19910520—         Authorization to acquire one—half interests in 810
                     00027 (Previous File No.: 64 Kb/s circuits in the NPC system between the
                     ITC—91—038)               Oregon and Japan cable terminals, and ancillary
                                                 connecting facilities, for use in providing AT&T
                                                 CORP.‘s regularly authorized services.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19911022—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00028 (Previous File No.: the SEA—ME—WE 2, EURAFRICA and UK—
                     ITC—91—097)               Belgium 6 Cable Systems in order to extend
                                               TAT 8 and TAT 9 capacity for use in providing
                                               authorized services between the United States,
                                               Cyprus, Djibouti, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Saudi
                                               Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkey, Yemen,
                                               Portugal, Morocco, Belgium, Germany and

Ms. Marlene Dortch
August 16, 2019
Page 3

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19930516—           Authorization to acquire and operate additional
                     00273 (Previous File No.: capacity in the SEA—ME—WE 2 cable system and
                     ITC—93—190)               to expand capacity to Indonesia and Tunisia.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19911116—           Application for authority to acquire and operate
                     00029 (Previous File No:    facilities in the private Transatlantic
                     ITC—91—146)                 Telecommunications Cable System for the
                                                 provision of authorized common carrier service
                                                 to the United Kingdom and beyond.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19911116—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00030 (Previous File No.: the Denmark—Germany 1 Cable System to extend
                     ITC—91—158)                 TAT—9 capacity for use in providing authorized
                                                 services between the United States, Denmark,
                                                 Finland, Norway, Sweden and beyond.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19911116—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00031 (Previous File No.: 3 Cable Systems—Kuantan—Kota Kinabalu,
                     ITC—91—200)               Brunei— Darussalam—Malaysia—Philippines and
                                               Brunei—Singapore for use in providing
                                               authorized services between the United States,
                                               Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Singapore.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19911116—         AT&T application for authority to make
                     00032 (Previous File No.: available facilities in the Trans—Caribbean Cable
                     ITC—91—206)               to INTEL for service to Panama.

                     00033 (Previous File No.:

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19920516—           Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00139 (Previous File No:    |the China—Japan Cable System for use in
                     ITC—92—053)                 providing authorized services.

AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19921019—           Authorization to construct, acquire and operate
                     00140 (Previous File No.: capacity in the TPC—5 Cable System between the
                     ITC—92—179)                 continental United States, Hawaii, Guam and
                                                 Japan for use in providing authorized services.
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19921120—         Authorization to provide, on an IRU basis,
                     00141 (Previous File No.: capacity in the US—Bahamas and TCS—1 Cable
                     ITC—92—180)               Systems.

                     00142 (Previous File No.:
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19930616—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00274 (Previous File No.: the Denmark—Russia 1 Cable System for use in
                     ITC—93—089)                 providing authorized services between Denmark
                                                 and Russia.
AT&T Corp.           ITC—214—19930616—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                     00275 (Previous File No.: the UK—Spain 4 Cable System between the
                     ITC—93—093)               United Kingdom and Spain for providing
                                               authorized services.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
August 16, 2019
Page 4

AT&T Corp.                        ITC—214—19930623—         Authority to provide capacity in the TCS—1
                                  00276 (Previous File No.: Cable System, on an IRU basis, to 5 carriers.

AT&T Corp.                         ITC—214—19930825—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                                   00277 (Previous File No.: the UK—Germany 5 and Germany—Sweden 4/5
                                   ITC—93—144)               Cable Systems to extend capacity in TAT—9 to
                                                             Sweden for use in providing authorized services
                                                             between the United States and Sweden.

AT&T Corp.                         ITC—214—19930917—         Authorization to acquire an additional half—
                                   00278 (Previous File No.: interest in 308 jointly—assigned (MAUOs) in the
                                   ITC—93—165)               MAT—2 Cable System to extend capacity, and
                                                             provide services, to Israel (270 MAUOs), Italy
                                                             (18 MAUOs) and Turkey (20 MAUOs).

AT&T Corp.                         ITC—214—19931020—         Authorization to acquire and operate the
                                   00279 (Previous File No.: following MIUs in the APC Cable System:
                                   ITC—93—170)               Singapore—Kyushu Segment (17 jointly—assigned
                                                             MIUs); Kuantan—Toucheng Segment (5 jointly—
                                                             assigned MIUs); Hong Kong—Miura Segment (16
                                                             jointly—assigned MIUs); Toucheng—Kyushu
                                                             Segment (36 jointly—assigned MIUs); Kyushu—
                                                             Miura Segment (3 jointly—assigned MIUs on an
                                                             IRU basis).
AT&T Corp.                         ITC—214—19931020—         Authorization to acquire a half interest in 8
                                   00280 (Previous File No.: MIUs in the Denmark—Germany 1 Cable System
                                   ITC—93—189)               in order to extend capacity, and provide services,
                                                             to Denmark, Norway and Poland.
AT&T Corp.                         ITC—214—19931020—         Authorization to acquire capacity in the
                                   00281 (Previous File No.: Denmark—Germany 1 Cable System to extend
                                   ITC—93—144)               TAT—10 capacity to Sweden.

AT&T Corp.                         ITC—214—19931020—         Authorization to acquire and operate capacity in
                                   00282 (Previous File No.: the UNISUR Cable System between Argentina,
                                   ITC—93—267)               Brazil and Uruguay for use in providing
                                                             authorized services.

         AT&T expects to surrender additional Section 214 authorizations as it proceeds further
with this review.

         Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                                \Xo«-’%      ~{M.ol/ .
                                                James Tal bot
                                                Assistant Vice President — Senior Legal Counsel

Ms. Marlene Dortch
August 16, 2019
Page 5

ce: David Krech, International Bureau.
    Adrienne McNeil, International Bureau

Document Created: 2019-08-28 15:51:00
Document Modified: 2019-08-28 15:51:00

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