Attachment 20170330094622-530.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19930723-00134 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                  ILTLLRLI—A2GSOTHB dol5@

Karen Zacharia

                                                        RECEIVED                         verf
Vice President & Associate General Counsel              BECEIVET)                        \k_‘,./:

                                                                                         No  «d
.                                                         FEB —6 2006
February 6, 2006                                                                          1515 North Court House Road
                                                   5            atabet         s          Suite 500
                                                   Federal Coqz;numchtmns Commissios      Arlington, VA 22201
                                                            Office of Secretary
VIA HAND DELIVERY                                                                         Phone: 703.351—3193
                                                                                         Fax:    703—351—3663
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission                                                           RECE'VVED
445 — 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                               MAR 1 6 to2006
Re:       MCI, Inc., Notice of Name Change Under Section 63.21(i)                              Policy Division
                                                                                            international Bursau
Dear Ms. Dortch:

         On January 25, 2006, Verizon Communications Inc. ("Verizon") notified the
Commission that its acquisition of MCI, Inc. ("MCI‘) had closed on January6, 2006.‘ As
described in the applications for approval of the acquisition, the closing was effectuated by the
merger of MCI with a wholly—owned subsidiary of Verizon." As required by Section 63.21(i) of
the Commission‘s rules, this letter advises the Commission that the merged entity, which now
holds the FCC authorizations formerly held by MCI, Inc, changed its name to MCI, LLC
concurrently with the closing." The file numbers for the affected licenses and authorizations are
listed in Attachment A.

i        See Letter from Karen Zacharia, VERIZON, to Marlene Dortch, Secretary, FCC, Re: Notification of
Consummation of Transfer of Control of Licenses and Authorizations, WC Docket No. 05—75 (filed Jan. 25, 2006).
*        This pro forma merger of MCI with Verizon‘s wholly—owned subsidiary was previously approved as part of
Verizon‘s acquisition of MCI in the Verizon—MCI Order. Verizon Communications Inc. and MCI, Inc. Applications
for Approval of Transfer of Control, Memorandum Opinion and Order, WC Docket No. 05—65, FCC 05—184 (rel.
Nov. 17, 2005) J 9 ("Verizon—MCI Order"). However, if the Commission deems it necessary, Verizon respectfully
requests that the FCC treat this letter as the required notification of the pro forma assignment of MCI, Inc.‘s cable
landing licenses and international section 214 authorizations to MCI, LLC under Sections 1.767(g)(7) and 63.24(d)
of the Commission‘s rules. Verizon certifies that the assignment was pro forma, as defined in Section 63.24 of the
Commission‘s rules, and, together with all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change of MCI,
LLC‘s ultimate control.
3        47 C.ER. § 63.21().

Please contact the undersigned with any questions.

                                     Respectfully submitted,


                                     By:             /s/ Karen Zacharia

                                     Karen Zacharia
                                     Vice President and Associate General Counsel
                                     1515 North Court House Road
                                     Arlington, VA 22201—2909
                                     Tel: (7O3) 351—3193
                                     Fax: (703) 351—3663

                                                ATTACEIMENT A

                                    International Section 214 Authorizations

Authorization Type or                   ECC ID Numbers              Date Grantt
Service Provided
General Section 214 Authorizations
Facilities—Based excluding Israel      ITC—214-19961212-OQE :6     1/31/97
Facilities—Based Israel                ITC—214—19961231—006:i9     S23/97

The following 214s were originally held by WILTEL Inc. and WILTEL International, Inc. They
were transferred to LDDS Communications, Inc., which changed its narne to WorldCom, Inc. in
1995. They were then transferred to MCI, Inc. in 2004.
Resale of IMTS                     ITC—88—077                     4/29/88
Houston Network IMTS resale        ITC—89—68—AL                   5/26/89
Private line Service to Canada     ITC—90—166                     5/3/91
Vyvx IMTS Resale Authorization     ITC—92—034—AL                   12/9/91
WilTel Int‘l IMTS Resale           ITC—94—092                     3/16/94
Private Line Service to Canada     ITC—93—283—AL                   10/6/93
Private Line Resale to 48             d@ressogm                    378794
Private Line Resale to 17             ITC—94—292                   8/17/94
Resale of Public Switched             ITC—94—090                   2/23/94
Private Line Service to the UK        ITC—93—320                   3/22/95
IMTS and Private Line to Cuba         ITC—94—229
Section 214 Authorizations for Cable and Satellite Facilities
Satellite and Cable Facilities Cuba | ITC—94—227                   10/5/94

                                Submarine Cable Landing Licenses‘

Cable                                             enc
PAN AMERICAN                                      SCL—LIC—19970421—00002

Japan—US                                          SCL—LIC—19981117—00025

Americas II                                       SCL—LIC—l9980429-OOOl9

Guam—Philippines                                  SCL—LIC—1998051 1-00017

MAYA—1                                            SCL—LIC—19990325—00006

TAT—14                                            SCL—LIC—19990303—00004

TMCT‘s licenses in the Japan—US, MAYA—1 and TAT—14 cable systems were previously held by
WorldCom, Inc., and MCI WorldCom, Inc.

Document Created: 2019-04-19 07:49:12
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 07:49:12

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