Attachment 20170330091906-257.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19930302-00035 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         ‘Federal Commumcatlons Commission Record                                                 8 FCC Red No. 1j
                                                                                                  27406 —31/— 199208 02—000 233
                                                                                   NATIONAL ~                                  File No. I—T—C—93—099‘
                              e rre t e
           o tos Féderal Cofn it dcati ns C m aissi n                              C6 # EUN Ci NC If
                        Washi g n, D 3. 20 5                                       A5 C AAT O i1,
                                                                                   IN .

        In the Matter of                                                           Ap li atior fo aut o ty tc ope it
    i                                                                              as   i   iterrational e le ca rier
                                                  "i + Nce I—T—C—$ —( 6                                               ~                                 :
        ST. THOMAS &
        SAN JUAN TELEPH( N i CC                                                    TE .E )MAL A {EE C .                        "ile o. I—T— —<« —101
                                                                                   OF N )RTI: C ARC L VA,
        Application for autho: t! to 0| erat«                                      IN .
        as an international res le :arrier.                                                                                                                 %
              *                                                                    Ap 1i ation for aut 0 ty to ope it                                       %
        KEYSTONE                                  Fi : Ne   T—T—C—93—( °O          as aa    iternational e le carrier                                       4
        TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                                                                                                            1
                                                                                   NORTH AV SZRICAN                            File N >. I—T—C—<_—103       %
|       Application for authority to     perate                                    TELEPHON & — TPA, INC ,                                                  i
        as an international resale car ier.                                                                                                                 1
                                                                                   Application or authority o operate                                       4
        INTERNATIONAL                             File No. —T—C—93—078             as an interns: ional resale arrier.                                      11
                                                                                   AMERICAN                                    File N ). I—T—C—93—105           _
        Application for authority to operate                                       COMMUNIUATIONS                                                                1
        as an international resale carrier.                                        INTERNATIONAL, LTD.

        LONDONO IT         I °C.                  File No I—IT }— 3—08             A ol catior for: uth i1        to coe ate
                  —                                                                as in    nterrat or al re al   carr sr
        Application for it horilt ‘ to op ‘a
        as an internatio a resal carrie                                            C L ULAR         O NG                       File Tc   I—T— —$3—10
                                                                                   D i] NCE § SE VIC _
        COMMUNICA I NS                            File No. I—T 3 3—0$              C R—                                                                              |
        BUYERS GRO !I INC                                                                                                                                            \
                                     .                                             A ol cation for: uth i         to coe ate
        Application for it aorit ‘ to op( ‘a                                       as in nternat onal re al carr er                                                      |
        as an internatio a resale carrie                                                                                                                                 1
                                                                                   H § ITALITY                                 File Ic   I—T— —93—11                     §
        MOUNTAINE] R                              File No. I—I 2— 3—0$             C M YUNICATION             ( DRP.
        LONG DISTANC , INC                                                         Dis/ HCC TELEM N 1GEMENT
        Application for authority to operate                                       Application fo authority to oper: te
        as an international resale :arrier.                                        as an internati nal resale carrier.

        PRINCETON                                 File 1 ‘0. I—T—C—93—096          ALD                                         File No. I—T—C 93—111
        TELECOMMUNICATIO NS CORP.                                                  COMMUNIC TIONS, INC.

        Application for authority to operate                                       Application fo authority to oper: te
        as an international resale carrier.                                        as an internativnal resale carrier.

        LINKUSA CORPORATION                       File No. I—T—C—93—098            HERTZ                                       File No. I—T—C—93—112
             2y                .                                                   TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
        Application for authority to operate
        as an international resale carrier.                                        Application for authority to operate
                                                                                   as an international resale carrier.


      8 FCC Re     N) 1                          Fe eral C‘o nminic itims Ccomun is ion Recor 1                                                       DA 33—5¢3

        GRC J LCY g                                      File N ). —T—C:— 33—11}3    (+T{J), Ce ston      Telece m nunicationi, In:c. (Keystone),
        DIS1 A CE ( S ) INC                                                          I ite naticni! Quarter Plorss, Inc. (I)PI), Londoi.o I1S
                                                                                     Iic. (Lo id mo), Commur cations Biyers (iroup, In:.
                                                                                     ( B 3), Mo intaireer Lo ig Distance, nc. Mount:ineer),
        Appl ci ion o & thority to opera‘:                                           F rincetor   Telecommu iicaitions   C orp. ‘Prin :eton),
        as an it ern :i n | resale carrier.                                          LinkUSA Corp. (LinkU S¢ ), Nationil. C©e m nunizatiors
                                                                                     £ ssociatin, Inc. (NCA), Teledial .Amer.ce of North
        GTI BE .EC ) I, NC.                              File N ). —T—C—93—11%       C arolina, Ir :. (Teledial c/! C), North Ame ic Tel phore
                                                                                     —      TPA,      Inc.        (TPA),     American       Cem nunicatiors
        Appl ci ion o & taority to operai:                                           Internation: |, Ltd. (ACT), ( ellular Long Dist nce Service
        as an it ern ‘i n | resale carr er.
                                                                                     Coip. (CLDS), H«ospitality Communications Corp. d/b/a
                                                                                     HCC Telemanagemsnt (HCC), ALD Communications, Inc.
                                                                                     (ALD), Hertz Technologies, Inc. (Flertz), Group Long
        U.S, 6 CEHL JA I                                 File No. I—T—C 93—115
                                                                                     Distance (USA) Inc. (GLD), GTI Telecom, Inc. (G11), U.S.
        TEL C )M] T N CATIONS                                                        Satecllite Telecommunications (USST) WorldTel Services,
                                                                                     Inc. (WorldTel), Loxington Telephone Long Distarce Co.,
        Appl c ion o & thority to operaie                                            Inc.      (LTLD),         TsleData       International,     Inc.      (TDI),
        as an it srn :i n | resale carr er.                                          Coinmunications JTateway                Network,     Inc.   (CGNT)      and
                                                                                     Preferred Network PN).
        WORLDTEL SERVICES, INC.                          File No. I—T—C—93—118           2. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that applications File
                                                                                     Nos. I—T—C—93—036, I—T—C—93—070, I—T—C—93—078,              I—T—C—93—092,
        Applic tion       r aut orit       )    perate                               T—T—©—93—094, I—T—C—93—095, I—T—. 3—395,                    15 —C—92—008,
                                                                                     [— —3—93—078.   I—T— 2—93   1, I—T—‘ 3—103,                 15 C—92105,
        as a~ i tes       > al   e al    cur ie .
                                                                                     [—o= %— 3—1]%¢  T393       ), I—T—C 3—111,                  15 C 92 1°2,
                                                                                     [ s l— 3—111    I—T— 3—9   1, I—T—) 3—115,                  15 «93 118,
        LE3 P G N         13L    J 4 ) EB                I l    1 o. L — —93—1 :0    Io— > 3412600  5~C 9 —        —T—C—(2 122 and                L ——9—125
        LO! C PB          B SE                                                       A &X GRAQPd T I ;. m                     ©
        co. 1
                                                                                         s      3TSJ ‘—        a tm        1 to. provide inter        a onal
        Appic t or        or ut c it  > p rate                                           s i thed se      v se. oy         e resale _‘ the inter      a onal
        as a it m         > al e al curde .                                              s A ched ov      ies secv            iet fort    in ATT         Car ff
                                                                                         P CC Nj.           i.    V¥ m     oa‘s Ta f F.C.C.           N. 1,
                                                                                         71R /FTCOs        lar BE 1        C No.        5, Sprint:       Cariff
$o      tE § Bs           iWw                     cCP U P o.b w 19341 4 O                1 C€C. bjk.       i      OWC P    &O FC . No. 1.             4 Fel‘s
§$0     mt s ko           d ap J 6 [ 1 1 NS                                              71 it £F.ouC           Ce g        1 anorolié ; Tarif! F.C   C No
                                                                                          1    twee .     in U.S ;          i ternatic riil po nts    si d in
2-3     Appic t o         —or iut coil     _0   p rate                                   t o e tar fs
        as a   io t n     > al e al      cour ie .
                                                                                         t   leyst n   s avck              ze 1 to p: vide  ntesr a ona.
                                                                                         s i thed se v cec oy              e resale   ‘othe ntsr a ona
        CO. I TN          vI0 T                          I il   P o. L C— —93—1 i2       s i thed voics e vi                sit forth in AT&T‘ 7 ariff
        GA¥E V _          EWO i .          N.                                            1 C C. P x     i 1                ) ClI‘s T aff FC.C. D j. 1
                                                                                         $ o nt‘s Cs is F C                P os. 1 i «l 2. NTE   ‘arif
        Appdcct »         or iuthc it      0+   p rate                                   I C C. lo      w i                t el‘s T; Hf FCC. ) j. J
        as an international resale carrier.                                              tba:t ieen h        J. . ar       r ernatio a. points 1 it d ir
                                                                                         those tariffs;
      i PREFERRED NETWORK                                File No. I—T—C—93—125           c. IQPI is authorized to provide international
                                                                                         switched services by the resale of the international
        Application for authority to operate                                             switched voice services set forth in AT&T‘s Tariff
                                                                                         F.C.C. No. 1, MCT‘s Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, Sprint‘s
      _ as an international resale carrier.
                                                                                         Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 and ATC‘s Tariff F.C.C. No. 2
                                                                                         between the U.S. and international points listed in
                                                                                         those tariff;
                                                                                         d. Londono, LTLD and PN are authorized to provide
       Adopted: May 12, 1993;                        Released: May 25, 1993              international switched services by the resale of the
                                                                                         international switched voice services set forth in
       _ By the Chief. International Facilities Division:                                AT&T‘s Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, MCT‘s Tariff F.C.C. No.
                                                                                         1 and Sprint‘s Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 between the U.S.
                                                                                         and international points listed in those tariffs;
        3    Upon     consideration    of the     above—captioned
       incontested applications, filed pursuant to Section 214 of                        e. CBG is authorized to provide international
           Communications Act of 1934, as amended, IT IS                                 switched services by the resale of the international
        EREBY CERTIFIED that the present and future public                               switched voice services set forth in AT&T‘s Tariffs
        nvenience and necessity require the provision of                                 F.C.C. Nos. 1 and 2, Sprint‘s Tariffs F.C.C. Nos. 1
        ternational switched services to the general public on a                         and 2, WilTel‘s Tariffs F.C.C. Nos. 1 and 2 between
         ale basis by St. Thomas & San Juan Telephone Co.                                the U.S. and international points listed in those

                                  _          Federal Cbrhmunications'vCommission Record                                                              8 FCC Red No.11

                          h                 L4          le i         er      C ""‘      Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, Rochester Telecommunications
                           t                S2               i       er                            ‘ Tar      F TT No. ‘ Sprint‘s Tariffs F.C.C. <
                          3s                )r            5o         ar                            ind 210    V                Tar          F                          C
                                                                                                   Tarif      .(                . 20       Af                          f
                          0                                    i     er                            No.        ~~                ‘he        0S                          1
                                                                                                   st :d —                      fs;
                           t                                   i     er
                          :€                               T         7                             S is                              t
                                                           F                                       | sery                           re
                          o                                3                                       ! voi                           set
                                                                                                     3. 1                          on
                          C                                                                          etwe                          io
                           7                               1          i                              host
                          ]                                iC         t
                                                                                                       is                             tc
                          19                                   ]                                     sers                            re
                              t                                1                                     voi                           iet
                      3               ¥.                                                            Tos.                           2
                      3               3.                                                            mal                              in
                      I               it                                                               is                            t«
                      u.              F.C                                                            serv                           re
                      ;               yste                                                           voi                           set
    4          L—       T              , M d                                                        3. 1                            T:
C. nt          as‘    d                tan :                                                        the                            ter
FCC. No. 2, RCI‘s HAFIL ssw, 2, 1i                                                            ffs;
Communications‘ Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, Southern
Pacific Telecom‘s Tariff F.C.C. No. 1, WUT‘s Tariff                                     q.     USST     is   authorized               to   proviae     iniermauunc.
         No.      and     T Tar‘ff 5C C. No. 2                                          switched services by the resale of the international
          the   S. and    te  tiong l      ; listed in                                  switched voice services set forth in LDDS‘ Tariff
           is;                                                                          F.C.C. No. 1 between the U.S. and international
                                                                                         ""~in        d            at ta ff
            is           riz            t         ‘oj                     nati
           ier           7             r          of                      nati                v       ‘el            he iz                  nro            nati      ia
           10            ic           €           h                       ‘s T               it       ier            y        ne                of           ti—ia
           ;             [F           7           ‘ar                      No                 it                     ic                     A i              [       ff
           ae            ad           te          mt                      listec             C.                         4                   Car              ic       1
           8;                                                                                Ti                      4.                     wWil             2,
                                                                                             ).                      2                       int             j00     at:
           al            C                        or                       pro               te                      :
           1al           ed           r.          2y                      ; of
           1al           iec oi                   ‘rV                     ‘orth              fl                          tc                  ate              it
           ar}           C.  as                   id                       ‘s T:             Iv                      ale                    iter             it   a
           .14            (                       i.                        Spri             ice                     irt _                  Ts               Je   d
           2.C            1  d                    tw                      J.98.              an                      ciff                    o.              froo!
           1al           lis  1                   §                                          CA                          2,                 Tar              Te   0d
                                                                                             iT                      C                      | A              #.   |
             a           N            ce          10                       proj              3.                      e 1                      in!            3
           1a)           ed           ry          y                       2 of               ted                     3.
           1al           iec          oi          y                       ‘orth
           ar            C            aos         ad                      ‘s T:
                                                                                            [T                       OI                     tha              ITewl
           k              T           f           i#                       Spri
                                                                                            n i                      »pe                    ger              h o«
           PA             1           d           tw                      J.9.
           ral           lis          u1          e                                         trik                     ty                     Je               she
                                                                                               &                     imi                    hir              of
           IP             G           a           th                       proviue   ..... atic
international switched services by uuw ivsuic Of the                                    4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that tne appuuants 3..__.
international switched voice services set forth in
                                                                                     file tariffs pursuant to Section 203 of the Communications
AT&T‘s Tariffs F.C.C. Nos. 1 and 2, MCTU‘s Tariff
                                                                                     Act, 47 U.S.C. Section 203. and Part 61 of the
F.C.C. No. 1, Sprint‘s Tariffs F.C.C. Nos. 1 and 2,
                                                                                     Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. Part 61, for the services
C&W‘s Tariff F.C.C. No. 3, WilTel‘s Tariffs F.C.C.
                                                                                     authorized in this Order.
Nos. 1 and 2, Metromedia‘s Tariff F.C.C. No. 2,
Litel‘s  Tariff  F.C.C.   No.   1,   and  Advanced                                      5. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the applicants shall
Telecommunications‘ Tariff F.C.C. No. 2 between the                                  file the annual reports of overseas telecommunications
U.S. and international points listed in those tariffs;                               traffic required by Section 43.61 of the Commission‘s
                                                                                     Rules, 47 C.F.R. §43.61.
m.   ACI       is   authorized             to    provide           international
                                                                                        6. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this
switched services by the resale of the international
                                                                                     authorization should be construed to include authorization
switched voice services set forth in AT&T‘s Tariffs
                                                                                     for the transmission of money in connection with the
F.C.C. Nos. 1 and 2, MCI‘s Tariff F.C.C. No. 1,
                                                                                     services the applicants seek authority to provide. The
Allnet‘s  Tariff    F.C.C.   No.    5,   Metromedia
                                                                                     transmission of money is not considered to be a common
Communications‘ Tariffs F.C.C. Nos. 1 and 2, LDDS‘

8 FCC Red No. 11                  Federal Communications Commission Record   DA 93—5 3

carrier service. Therefore, nothing in this Order should be
construed as containing authority for the transmission of
  7. This order is issued under Section 0.291 of the
Commission‘s ~Rules and is effective upon adoption.
Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106 or
applications for review under Section 1.115 of the
Commission‘s Rules may be filed within 30 days of public
notice of this order (see Section 1.4(b)(2)).


  George S. Li, Chief
  International Facilities Division
  Common Carrier Bureau


Document Created: 2019-04-18 03:41:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 03:41:37

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