Attachment Verizon_Section_214_



Surrender Letter


This document pretains to ITC-214-19930108-00250 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


1300 I Street, NW                            William H. Johnson
Suite 500 East                               Senior Vice President
Washington, DC 20005                         AGC – Regulatory Affairs

September 11, 2019


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:     Surrender of International Section 214 Authorizations

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        MCI Communications Corporation, on behalf of the wholly-owned subsidiaries identified below
(“Verizon Subsidiaries”), hereby surrenders the following international Section 214 authorizations (the
“Section 214 Authorizations”), effective immediately.

         As detailed below, certain Section 214 Authorizations are no longer necessary because they are
associated with submarine cable systems that have since been retired and are no longer in use or they
are specific to certain routes, facilities, and/or services, and are duplicative of the Verizon Subsidiaries’
global international Section 214 authority. 1 Accordingly, the Section 214 Authorizations are
unnecessary, and their surrender does not affect the authority for the Verizon Subsidiaries to provide
services or facilities to customers.

             Section 214 Authorizations Associated with Retired Submarine Cable Systems

               Licensee                             Surrendered Section 214 Authorizations
    Verizon Business Network           ITC-214-19910113-00005 (North Pacific Cable System)
    Services Inc.
                                       ITC-214-19920604-00119 (TPC-5 Cable System)
                                       ITC-214-19930108-00250 (TAT-12/13 Cable System)
                                       ITC-214-19880822-00001 (GPT Cable System)
                                       ITC-214-19890222-00001 (PTAT Cable System)

 See Letter from William H. Johnson, Verizon, to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No. ITC-214-19961003-00486 (Sept.
10, 2019) (notifying the Commission that, pursuant to Section 63.21(h) of the Commission’s rules, the Verizon
Subsidiaries are operating under the global international Section 214 authorization of MCI Communications

Marlene Dortch
September 11, 2019
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  MCI International Services, Inc.   ITC-214-19940520-00388 (PTAT and TAT Cable Systems)
                                     ITC-214-19931024-00252 (PTAT and TAT Cable Systems)

                                Duplicative Section 214 Authorizations

          Licensee                            Surrendered Section 214 Authorizations
 MCI Communications           ITC-214-19950608-00004 (voice circuits to North Korea)
                              ITC-214-19880217-00003 (resold message and voice service)
                              ITC-214-19900821-00010 (satellite service between Hawaii and India)
                              ITC-214-19930723-00134 (resold private line service)
                              ITC-214-19930817-00161 (resold private line service)
                              ITC-214-19931221-00241 (resold switched voice service)
                              ITC-214-19940103-00389 (satellite service to Cuba)
                              ITC-214-19940103-00390 (service to Cuba)
                              ITC-214-19940425-00148 (resold switched and private line service)
                              ITC-214-19941221-00008 (resold switched voice service)
                              ITC-214-19961231-00659 (switched and private line service to Israel)
 Verizon Business Network     ITC-214-19870930-00002 (resold switched voice service)
 Services Inc.
                              ITC-214-19900413-00009 (satellite service to Iraq)
                              ITC-214-19920605-00023 (satellite service to former USSR)
                              ITC-214-19930421-00063 (resold switched voice service)
                              ITC-214-19930628-00249 (VPN service to Hong Kong)
                              ITC-214-19940104-00383 (satellite service to Cuba)
                              ITC-214-19940430-00386 (satellite service to the Pacific Region)
                              ITC-214-19940430-00387 (resold satellite service)
                              ITC-214-19940514-00384 (satellite service to Colombia)
                              ITC-214-19941027-00329 (resold satellite service)
                              ITC-214-19950102-00025 (satellite voice service)

Marlene Dortch
September 11, 2019
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          Licensee                         Surrendered Section 214 Authorizations
                           ITC-214-19950908-00026 (satellite service)
                           ITC-214-19951108-00024 (satellite service)
                           ITC-214-19951206-00048 (resold switched voice service)
                           ITC-214-19940322-00385 (satellite service to the Dominican Republic)
 MCI International, Inc.   ITC-214-19900320-00003 (packet switching service to Micronesia)
                           ITC-214-19960116-00011 (resold service)
 MCI International         ITC-214-19920105-00120 (Intelsat business service and ITS in Atlantic
 Services, Inc.            and Pacific Regions)
                           ITC-214-19930217-00251 (aeronautical, maritime, and land-mobile via
                           Intelsat satellites)
 MCI Communications        ITC-214-19920510-00022 (switched service via satellite to former USSR)
 Services Inc.
                           ITC-214-19921029-00096 (resold service)
                           ITC-214-19910820-00002 (switched service via satellite to former USSR)
                           ITC-214-19950912-00033 (satellite service)
                           ITC-214-19850320-00001 (satellite service)
                           ITC-214-19921230-00111 (resold switched service)
                           ITC-214-19930409-00058 (resold private line service)
                           ITC-214-19950701-00029 (resold service to Russia)
                           ITC-214-19950915-00028 (satellite service to sea/aircraft)
 MCImetro Access           ITC-214-19940607-00172 (satellite voice and data service)
 Transmission Services
                           ITC-214-19940405-00128 (resold private line service)
                           ITC-214-19960619-00256 (resold switched service)
                           ITC-214-19960718-00326 (satellite and undersea cable capacity)
                           ITC-214-19960722-00332 (satellite and undersea cable capacity)
 MFS Globenet, Inc.        ITC-214-20030211-00186

Marlene Dortch
September 11, 2019
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       Please contact Jennifer Kostyu of Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP (202-783-4141 or if you have any questions regarding this notification.


       William H. Johnson

cc:    David Krech
       Adrienne McNeil

Document Created: 2019-09-11 10:40:15
Document Modified: 2019-09-11 10:40:15

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