Attachment Grant Public Notice

This document pretains to ITC-214-19921026-00123 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                       LEXSEE 8 FCC Red 807

                      In the Matter of the Application of IDB Aero—Nautical
                 Communications, Inc., For authority Pursuant to Sections 503
                      and 504(c) of the International Maritime Satellite
                 Telecommunications Act and Section 214 of the Communications
                    Act of 1934, as amended, to provide Inmarsat—C Mobile
                   Satellite Services via the Inmarsat System in the Indian
                  Ocean Region; IDB Aero—Nautical Communications, Inc., For
                     authority Pursuant to Sections 503 and 504(c) of the
                 International Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Act and
                  Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
                   to provide Inmarsat—C Mobile Satellite Services via the
                  Inmarsat System in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean Regions

                         File No.   I—T—C—93—013; File No.    I—T—C—93—014

                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                               8 FCC Red 807; 1993 FCC LEXIS 613

                                        RELEASE — NUMBER :
                                             DA 93—116

                      February 5,   1993 Released; Adopted January 29,       1993

                                         ACTION:     **1



      By the Chief,    International Facilities Division



       *807   1.  On October 26, 1992, IDB Aero—Nautical Communications, Inc. dba
  IDB Mobile Communications (IDB) filed applications pursuant to Sections 503 and
  504(c) of the International Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Act and
  Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, for authority to
  provide Inmarsat—C mobile satellite services via the Inmarsat System in the
  Atlantic Ocean Region (AOR), Pacific Ocean Region (POR) and Indian Ocean Region
  (IOR) .   The applications were placed on public notice on November 4, 1992, and
  no oppositions were received.

     2.  IDB requests authority to provide Inmarsat—C mobile satellite services in
  the ship—to—shore direction in the AOR—East via the Burum, the Netherlands
  foreign land earth station (LES) operated by PTT Telecom Netherlands and in the
  ship—to—shore direction in the POR via the Perth, Australia foreign LES operated
  by OTC Limited of Australia.  The applicant states that it will construct its
  own U.S.—based Inmarsat—C facilities for this traffic as soon as there is
  adequate volume to justify the cost of modifying its existing **2 U.S.—based
  Inmarsat LBSs. n1 IDB requests authority to provide Inmarsat—C mobile satellite
  services in the ship—to—shore and shore—to—ship directions in the IOR via the

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                        8 FCC Red 807,   *807;   1993 FCC LEXIS 613,      **2

  Perth, Australia foreign LES.  IDB proposes to provide service in the
  ship—to—shore direction in the AOR—West via the Communications Satellite
  Corporation‘s (Comsat) LES at Southbury, Connecticut.  IDB states that it
  currently has authority to provide maritime mobile satellite service (MMSS) and
  aeronautical mobile satellite service (AMSS) via the Inmarsat system in the AOR
  and POR via the LES facilities at Niles Canyon,           California,   and Staten Island,
  New York. n2 It also has been granted authority to provide MMSS in the IOR in
  both the ship—to—shore and shore—to—ship divections via OTC‘s LES in Perth. n3

     ni Since the time of this application, these earth stations have been
  transferred to Southwest Communications, Inc. (SCI).  See CICI, Inc., File Nos.
  CSG—92—042—(8) —AL,   CSG—92—043—{21)—AL,      EID—680,   7 FCC Red 6031      (1992).

     n2 IDB Aeronautical Communications,         Inc.,   File No. I—T—C—90—088,      6 FCC Red
  2485 (1991). See also n.l, supra.

     n3 IDB Aeronautical Communications,         Inc.,   File No. I—T—C—91—012,      6 FCC Red
  5962 (1991). **3

     3.  The applications inform us that all service will be provided via Inmarsat
  first and second generation satellites.  IDB seeks to offer Inmarsat—C for the
  following applications: MMSS, AMSS, and land mobile satellite service (LMSS).

     4.  IDB states that accounting will be performed in accordance with generally
  accepted accounting principles.  Charges and regulations governing the service
  will be specified in one or more tariffs which IDB will file with the Commission
  to the extent required by law.

     5.  According to IDB, grant of this application will serve the public
  interest because Inmarsat—C service is of enormous benefit to IDB‘s potential
  customers.  Authorization of IDB to provide Inmarsat—C service in the AOR, POR,
  and IOR will enable IDB to offer global Inmarsat—C services, which are vital for
  IDB as a U.S. carrier to compete effectively with foreign Signatories offering
  global coverage.

     6.  We note that IDB‘s proposed services in the AOR and POR are limited to
  ship—to—shore communications and that no oppositions have been received.  In a
  similar proceeding in the past, Comsat, the U.S. Signatory to Inmarsat, has
  stated that it:

     believes that the Commission may authorize **4  IDB to make arrangements
  with foreign Signatories for routing of ship—to—shore traffic consistent with
  the Inmarsat Act.  Ship—to—shore traffic in the Inmarsat system may be routed by
  a maritime sender to whatever coast earth station it desires, and the space
  seqment is provided by the coast earth station operator.  The statutory
  requirement that U.S. carriers obtain space segment from the U.S. Signatory
  comes into play only with regard to shore—to—ship traffic. n4

     n4 Communications Satellite Corporation, Petition to Deny in Part,               File Nos.
  I—T—C—91—011 and I—T—C—91—012, filed November 19, 1990.

     7.  Furthermore, in the circumstances present here, we find that it is
  necessary for IDB to use a foreign LES in order to provide ship—to—shore and
  shore—to—ship Inmarsat—C *808   services in the IOR.  Without this arrangement
  in this case, service would not be possible. n5 Moreover, Comsat is not
  asserting in this particular proceeding any purported statutory protection under
  §§ 751 et seq. of the Inmarsat Act, which may bar the use of foreign LESs to

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  carry U.S.—originated shore—to—ship traffic without Comsat‘s provision of the
  Inmarsat space seqment.  We therefore infer that Comsat **5  is waiving any
  statutory right it might have to provide the space segment in this case, if such
  a right exists.

     n5 The only authorized Comsat LES facility that is capable of serving the IOR
  is a Standard—A LES near Ankara, Turkiye.  See Communications Satellite
  Corporation, File No. I—T—C—91—228, 7 FCC Red 2218 (1992). That facility does
  not provide Standard—C service.

      8.  We also note that IDB has pending applications for authority to provide
  limited international LMSS, File Nos. I—T—C—92—058 and I—T—C—92—059.   On August
  7, 1992, TAQ—2081 was granted permitting IDB temporary authority to provide
  limited international LMSS until February 2, 1993, or until action in File Nos.
  I—T—C—92—058 and I—T—C—92—059, whichever is soomer.   IDB‘s LMSS services include
   (1) communications within and between foreign countries, excluding North
  America, and (2) communications between North America and mobile terminals
  located outside North America.   IDB does not have authorization to provide LMSS
  to or from mobile terminals located in North America, defined as the United
  States, Canada and Mexico. n6

     n6 IDB clarified the instant applications to include these limitations.  See
  letter from Robert S. Koppel, IDB, to Linda Trochim, International Facilities
  Division, dated January 15, 1993. **6

     9.  Based on the foregoing, we conclude that it will be in the public
  interest to grant IDB authority for the provision of ship—to—shore Inmarsat—C
  MMSS and AMSS in the AOR,   POR and IOR,    and shore—to—ship Inmarsat—C MMSS and
  AMSS in the IOR subject to the conditions set forth herein.  Because the issue
  of IDB‘s use of Inmarsat for international LMSS will be considered in File Nos.
  I—T—C—92—058 and I—T—C—92—059, we need not here address IDB‘s request to provide
  Inmarsat—C LMSS.  Therefore, we defer consideration of this issue to File Nos.
  I—T—C—92—058 and I—T—C—92—059.  We will, however, modify TAO—2081 to include
  Inmarsat—C LMSS via the LESs as authorized herein on an interim basis subject to
  the same terms and conditions contained in TAO—2081.

     10.  Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Sections 503 and 504(c) of the
  International Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Act, 47 U.S.C. §§ 752,
  753(c), and Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C.
  § 214, that the applications of IDB Aero—Nautical Communications, Inc. File Nos.
  I—T—C—93—013 and I—T—C—93—014 ARE GRANTED IN PART and IDB **7           is authorized

     A.  provide Inmarsat—C mobile satellite services in the ship—to—shore
  direction in the AOR—West via Comsat‘s LES at Southbury, Connecticut, in the
  AOR—East via the Burum, the Netherlands foreign LES operated by PTT Telecom
  Netherlands, and in the POR via the Perth, Australia foreign LES operated by OTC
  Limited of Australia.

     B.  provide Inmarsat—C mobile satellite services in the ship—to—shore and
  shore—to—ship directions in the IOR via the Perth, Australia foreign LES
  operated by OTC Limited of Australia, and

     C.  to offer Inmarsat—C for the following applications: maritime mobile
  satellite service and aeronautical mobile satellite service.

     11.   IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IDB‘s temporary authority to provide

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  international LMSS granted in TAO—2081 on August 7, 1992, is modified to include
  Inmarsat—C international LMSS in the ship—to—shore direction in the AOR—West via
  Comsat‘s LES at Southbury, Connecticut, in the AOR—East via the Burum, the
  Netherlands foreign LES operated by PTT Telecom Netherlands, and in the POR via
  the Perth, Australia foreign LES operated by OTC Limited of Australia, and in
  the ship—to—shore and shore—to—ship directions in the IOR via the **8   Perth,
  Australia foreign LES operated by OTC Limited of Australia, subject to the same
  terms and conditions stated in TAO—2081, including but not limited to conditions
  relating to consultations required by Article XIV(d) of the Intelsat agreement,
  frequency use, priority and preemption requirements, and tariffs.   IDB‘s
  provision of international LMSS will be limited to (1) communications within and
  between foreign countries, excluding North America, and (2) communications
  between fixed points in North America and mobile terminals located outside North
  America.   IDB may not provide LMSS to or from mobile terminals located in North
  America, defined as the land area of the United States, Canada and Mexico.   The
  United States includes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
  This modification of temporary authority shall automatically terminate in the
  event that the Commission denies IDB‘s applications in File Nos. I—T—C—92—058 or
  I—T—C—92—059, or denies any extension of TAO—2081.   This modification of
  temporary authorization is without prejudice to the Commission‘s action on IDB‘s
  applications in File Nos. I—T—C—92—058 and I—T—C—92—059, and the grant of this
  modification **9 of temporary authorization does not constitute precedent for
  the determination of any issues raised by those applications.

     12.  IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IDB‘s request to provide regular Inmarsat—C
  international LMSS via Inmarsat is deferred and will be considered in File Nos.
  I—T—C—92—058 and I—T—C—92—059.

     13.  IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IDB shall not provide any Inmarsat—C service
  from the United States to points in the AOR or POR under this authorization.

     14.   IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IDB will be classified as dominant in the
  provision of the services authorized herein.

     15.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED,     pursuant to Section 203 of the Communications
  Act,   47 U.S.C.   § 203,   and Part 61 of the Commission‘s Rules,      47 C.F.R.   Part 61,
  that IDB shall file and have in effect a tariff for the services authorized in
  this order before offering services to the public.

     16.  IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IDB shall file copies of any operating
  agreements entered into by itself or its parent/affiliates with its
  correspondents within 30 days of their execution.

      *809 17.   IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that IDB shall file quarterly reports of
  revenue, number of messages,  **10 and number of minutes of both originating
  and terminating traffterminating traffic for all international services between
  the U.S. and all international points it is authorized to serve within 90 days
  from the end of each calendar quarter.

     18.  This order is issued under Section 0.291 of the Commission‘s Rules and
  is effective upon adoption.  Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106
  or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s Rules may be
  filed within 30 days of public notice of this order (see Section 1.4(b) (2)).


     George S. Li

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Document Modified: 2007-04-05 16:06:24

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