Attachment MOO&A Rel. 11.27.92

MOO&A Rel. 11.27.92


MOO&A Rel. 11.27.92


This document pretains to ITC-214-19920604-00126 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                                             Page 1
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

DA 92-1559

                                  *1 IN THE MATTER OF
                                       CICI, INC.
                                 IT & E OVERSEAS, INC.
                                MCI INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                            SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY

                                          File No. I-T-C-92-179

                Adopted:      November 12, 1992;            Released:   November 27, 1992


**7758 By the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau:
 1. The above-captioned Joint Application [FN1] was filed on June 4, 1992, by
American Telephone and Telegraph Company ("AT & T"), CICI, Inc., d/b/a IDB Inter-
national ("IDB"), GTE Hawaiian Telephone Company, Incorporated ("HTC"), IT & E
Overseas, Inc. ("IT & E"), MCI International, Inc. ("MCII"), Sprint Communications
Company Limited Partnership ("Sprint"), TRT/FTC Communications, Inc. ("TRT/FTC"),
(hereinafter collectively called the Joint Applicants).   The Joint Applicants
seek authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214 (1982), to construct and operate a high capacity digital
submarine cable network, known as TPC-5, extending between and among the United
States Mainland, Keawaula in the State of Hawaii, the Island of Guam, and Japan.
TPC-5 will be jointly owned by the Joint Applicants and 37 foreign telecommunica-
tions administrations and carriers. The Joint Applicants propose that TPC-5 be
operational by December 31, 1996.

 2. The Joint Applicants also seek authority to: (a) acquire capacity in TPC-5;
(b) acquire, by lease or on an Indefeasible Right of User (IRU) basis, such exten-
sion facilities as may be required to extend capacity in TPC-5; (c) convey to its
correspondents, or to non-owners, half interests on an IRU basis in certain capa-
city currently wholly assigned to a Joint Applicant; and (d) activate and operate
capacity in TPC-5 and in the aforementioned facilities for the provision of their
respectively authorized telecommunications services.

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 2
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

 3. The Joint Application was placed on public notice on June 10, 1992.   STC Sub-
marine Systems Inc. ("STC") filed comments requesting the Commission to condition
the requested Section 214 authorization and accompanying cable landing license.
[FN2] The Joint Applicants [FN3] filed a Reply to which STC subsequently respon-

                                            I. THE APPLICATION

 4. The Joint Applicants will use TPC-5 to supplement their existing facilities
for providing international and domestic service. [FN4] TPC-5 capacity will be
extended by suitable facilities to the borders of other TPC-5 participating coun-
tries or to the terminals of other international communications systems, including
other cable terminals and satellite earth stations, resulting in services between
and among the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Guam and Japan.

 *2 5. The TPC-5 Construction and Maintenance Agreement (C & MA), [FN5] initialed
on February 6, 1992, defines the proposed cable system in terms of segments for
ownership purposes.   TPC-5 will consist of twelve segments. [FN6] Each cable
segment of TPC-5 will consist of two fiber pairs.   One fiber pair will be used
for service while the other will be used for restoration. The "loop" configuration
of TPC-5, along with a fully redundant restoration pair, provides 100 percent
fiber-on-fiber restoration and route diversity within the network, resulting in a
much higher circuit reliability.   The TPC-5 operating capacity of 4.8 Gigabits
per second (Gbit/s) for each fiber pair, service and restoration, consists of 32
Basic System Modules (BSM) operating at 155 Megabits per second (Mbit/s), with
each BSM consisting of **7759 63 Minimum Investment Units (MIUs). [FN7] The
Design Capacity per fiber pair is 2,016 MIUs.   For voice services, digital cir-
cuit multiplication equipment (DCME) can be employed to derive about 150 virtual
voice paths from a MIU, for a per fiber pair capacity of over 300,000 virtual
voice paths.   The Joint Applicants also state that TPC-5's new lightwave ampli-
fication repeaters will deploy the latest in digital lightwave technology in the
Pacific Ocean Region (POR) and will provide users with an ever widening range of
technological alternatives and services.

 6. The estimated total cost of TPC-5 is $1,348 million.   The Joint Applicants'
share of costs is $705.6 million, which will be allocated proportionally to each
U.S. owner, by segment, based on their percentage ownership interest in each seg-
ment contained in Schedule B of the C & MA.   The estimated costs include neither
the U.S. carriers' cost for interest during construction, currently projected at
$229 million for the network, nor the cost of DCME, which is not considered part
of the cable network.   Fixed costs (95%) include the submarine cable, the repeat-
ers, the terminal transmission equipment and the high voltage power plant.   Sup-
pliers' cost-incurred items (5%) include the costs associated with cable laying,
route survey, plowing and burial of the cable, project management, owners' inspec-
tion and amounts payable for customs duties and value-added taxes.

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 3
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

 7. The Joint Applicants' collective voting interest in TPC-5 is 50.65 percent,
with ownership interests in Segments G, H, I and J divided principally between AT
& T and KDD. [FN8] Segments T1 and T2 will be owned by AT & T and KDD respect-
ively. [FN9] The allocation of capital and operating and maintenance costs of
Segments A-J, T1, and T2 are shared by the Joint Applicants, with AT & T's share
at 34 percent and KDD's at 14 percent. [FN10] The Joint Applicants also show ca-
pacity assigned to each of the owners upon which the costs are based.
[FN11] These capacity assignments, based on forecasted demand through 2010, con-
template each Joint Applicant's proposed utilization of DCME.   The Joint Applic-
ants note that current capacity assignments reflect 52 percent of Design Capa-
city.   Both prior and subsequent to the Network Ready for Service (RFS) date,
December 31, 1996, carriers, including non-owners of TPC-5, may acquire TPC-5 ca-
pacity by IRU, lease or other mutually agreed upon arrangements. [FN12]

 *3 8. The Joint Applicants state that AT & T and KDD will likely supply portions
of TPC-5.   Contracts are being negotiated for AT & T to supply Segments G, H, T1
and approximately one half of Segment J, and for KDD to supply Segments I and T2
and approximately one-half of Segment J.   The Joint Applicants expect that a mul-
titude of United States subcontractors located through out the country will parti-
cipate in the construction or provision of materials for the project. [FN13]

 9. In addition, the Joint Applicants note that portions of the TPC-5 cable will
use AT & T's latest SL2000 technology, which relies on digital lightwave amplific-
ation technology and dispersion shifted optical fiber that will increase capacity
and reliability of previous submarine technology.   The network interface equip-
ment will also employ the STM-1 CCITT Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) standard
that will further enhance monitoring and reliability, as well as interoperabil-
ity.   The Joint Applicants add that TPC-5's network reliability is enhanced by
the use of this innovative technology. Since the SL2000 technology uses optically
amplified repeaters that have been designed with far fewer active components than
regenerative repeaters, the likelihood and number of component malfunctions is
minimized.   Furthermore, TPC-5 introduces innovative self-healing
(self-restoration) technology which ensures 100 percent digital fiber optic reli-
ability for TPC-5.   Moreover, TPC-5's fully redundant restoration fiber pair can
serve as an alternative restoration source for submarine cable systems in the POR
in the event of an outage.

 10. The Joint Applicants state that the placing into service of TPC-5 is expected
to be followed by a rapid growth of reliable, secure and economically priced tele-
communications services based upon digital lightwave technology. In addition, the
Joint Applicants state that TPC-5 will provide the third common carrier fiber op-
tic submarine cable directly linking the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, and the second
common carrier fiber optic submarine cable directly linking the U.S. Mainland and
Japan.   With a transpacific capacity of 2,016 MIUs per fiber pair, the Joint Ap-
plicants state that TPC-5 is a significant part of the common carrier network de-
signed for the POR.   Furthermore, they note that TPC-5 will provide additional

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 4
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

digital connectivity to the existing and planned HAW-4/TPC-3, HAW-5, TPC-4, G-P-T,
H-J-K, PacRimEast, PacRimWest and TASMAN-2 Cable Systems and introduce a new level
**7760 of restoration capability to submarine cable facilities in the POR as a
result of its unique loop configuration with a completely redundant restoration
fiber pair. Moreover, the Joint Applicants note that TPC-5 will allow digital res-
toration for other cable systems in the POR and will significantly increase the
number of transmission paths across the Pacific Ocean, thereby enhancing service
reliability.   Finally, path diversity among the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Guam and
Japan will be enhanced by the additional facility at Coos Bay, Oregon.

                                               II. DISCUSSION

 *4 11. The Joint Applicants seek authority to construct and operate TPC-5 to be-
gin service in late 1996 to meet their telecommunications capacity needs and those
of their correspondents in the POR during the 1996-2010 time frame. We have re-
viewed the Joint Application under the public convenience and necessity standard
of Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and conclude that
implementation of TPC-5 in 1996 will serve the public interest.   Accordingly we
grant the Joint Application subject to certain conditions. [FN14]

A. The Need for the TPC-5 Cable Network

 12. Section 214 of the Communications Act requires that the Commission make a
finding that the public convenience and necessity will be served by authorization
of the facilities requested in the Joint Application by determining "whether the
specific facility chosen and the use to be made of that facility are required by
the public convenience and necessity." [FN15] In making this determination, we
traditionally have considered such factors as demand, cost, media and route di-
versity, restoration, intramodal and intermodal competition, technological innova-
tions and international comity. [FN16]

1. Demand, Capacity and Demand Flexibility

 13. We conclude that projected circuit demand, along with other factors, supports
the construction and operation of TPC-5 to meet the telecommunications needs of
the Joint Applicants and their correspondents in the POR during the 1996-2010 time
frame.   The circuit demand data for TPC-5, provided by the Joint Applicants under
a confidential cover, forecasts the number of 64 Kbit/s bearer circuits to be ac-
tivated during the period of 1996 through 2000. [FN17] Based on these forecasts,
we find that existing digital submarine cable systems in the POR (TPC-3 and TPC-4)
will be unable to meet the Joint Applicants' circuit demands within the first
three years of TPC-5's operation.   According to the Joint Applicants' forecasted
requirements, their demand for TPC-5 cable circuits in 1998 will be 23,998 Minimum
Assignable Units of Ownership (MAUOs) which exceeds the total Design Capacity of
TPC-3 and TPC-4 combined. [FN18] The Joint Applicants' forecasts suggest that de-
mand by the year 2000 will be 31,695 MAUOs, well in excess of capacity of existing

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 5
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

digital cable systems in the POR, and 52.4 percent utilization of TPC-5's capa-
city.   Furthermore, we traditionally have recognized a need to ensure sufficient
demand flexibility to avoid service disruptions caused by saturated facilities.

 14. We recognize that there are uncertainties inherent in long-range traffic pro-
jections, [FN20] but new technology that increases capacity, reliability and qual-
ity is likely to spur demand for new digitized services and could very well stimu-
late circuit demand beyond the Joint Applicants' projected traffic forecasts.
Circuit costs of TPC-5 will be lower than previous cable systems [FN21] which
should exert beneficial downward pressure on the rates for international circuitry
as well as stimulate increased demand.   Moreover, TPC-5's self-healing technology
will also make it more attractive to customers with specific requirements for
fiber optic cable facilities for data transmission and who prefer to have similar
facilities for restoration in the event of an outage.   These factors should also
stimulate user demand since, in addition to the need for raw transmission capa-
city, user demand is similarly determined by user requirements for digital techno-
logy, route and media diversity, advanced digital cable restoration capabilities,
security and cost-effectiveness. [FN22] In light of the above and the new techno-
logy introduced by this cable network, we conclude TPC-5 is justified.

*5 2. Quality of Service

 15. Media and Route Diversity.   Media diversity enhances service reliability
through the use of more than one transmission medium, satellite or cable, to carry
a correspondent's traffic.   Like media diversity, route diversity enhances ser-
vice reliability by increasing the number of independent routes that carry traffic
to a given location.   As a rule, the more independent routes serving a given loc-
ation, the greater the ability to restore one that fails.

 16. We conclude that the introduction of TPC-5 as proposed will enhance media and
route diversity by adding another independent cable route.    Service reliability
would be substantially improved since the number of circuits affected by a service
interruption on a particular route or routes would be minimized and the ability to
restore service via another cable facility would be enhanced.    TPC-5 is designed
to operate as part of an integrated common carrier **7761 digital facilities net-
work in the POR.   It will provide critical digital interconnection with HAW-
GU, TAILU and TASMAN-2 and will provide future interconnection with HAW-5, Pac-
RimEast and PacRimWest cable systems. It will also provide additional direct sub-
marine links between the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Guam and Japan.

 17. Restoration.   Restoration pertains to the ability to maintain service in the
event of a facility outage.   TPC-5 offers a unique self-healing fiber-on-fiber
restoration system that provides consumers with 100 percent restoration capability
for TPC-5 in the event of an outage.   Although the Commission has previously re-

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 6
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

cognized that satellite capacity provides a satisfactory restoration alternative
for cable, we also have recognized that absolute reliance on satellite facilities
to meet restoration needs and increased demand may not be in the best interests of
users that may have specific communications requirements better accommodated by
fiber optic cable facilities. [FN23] TPC-5's self-healing (self-restoration)
design is facilitated by the ring or loop architecture of the cable network which,
in the event of an outage in one segment, enables traffic to be instantaneously
re-routed to the appropriate segment of the restoration fiber pair with no dis-
cernable difference in transmission quality.   This fast switching capability is
made possible by the use of SDH technology which provides a standard interface
that will permit flexible drop-insert multiplexing capabilities and cross-connect
functions that should simplify multiplexing and demultiplexing.

 18. The new SDH technology and fully redundant fiber pair introduced by TPC-5 re-
duces the Joint Applicants' reliance on existing cable and satellite facilities
for restoration in the event of a failure of a TPC-5 segment, which is particu-
larly important as TPC-5's own Design Capacity could not be restored by existing
cable or satellite technology.   The self-healing feature is also significant
since reliance on existing cable or satellite facilities as a restoration altern-
ative is subject to the availability of circuits.

*6 3. Cost Analysis

 19. The Joint Applicants estimate the total cost of TPC-5 to be $1.348 billion,
with their share projected to be $705.6 million.   The estimated original capital
cost of a 64-Kilobits per second (Kbit/s) half channel (half-MAUO), based on the
levels subscribed at the first Data Gathering Meeting, is approximately $3,000 for
a Guam-Japan Circuit, $11,900 for a U.S. Mainland-Hawaii-Guam circuit and $9,000
for U.S. Mainland-Japan circuit.   The Joint Applicants note that the unit cost of
a virtual voice path in TPC-5 will be further reduced through the use of digital
circuit multiplication technology, which can derive nominally 150 virtual voice
channels from a MIU (30 MAUOs). A comparison of the costs for previously author-
ized digital cable facilities in the POR demonstrates that TPC-5 will continue the
trend of providing increased capacity while reducing per circuit costs.   For ex-
ample, the cost of a half-MAUO on a fully subscribed TPC-4 Japan-U.S. Mainland
segment was $11,545 and a half-MAUO on HAW-4/TPC-3 was $40,000.   The estimated
cost for a half-MAUO on a fully subscribed TPC-5 is $4,900 for a U.S. Mainland-Ja-
pan circuit, and $8,000 for a U.S. Mainland-Hawaii-Guam-Japan circuit.

4. Technological Innovations

 20. In addition to demand, it is necessary to consider factors such as promoting
the development and rapid implementation of new technologies and service quality
in determining the timing of the introduction of new facilities.   The Commission
has a long standing policy of favoring the development and rapid implementation of
new technologies. [FN24] The proposed TPC-5 Cable Network will introduce signi-

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 7
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

ficant technological developments into the submarine cable field which in turn
will provide substantial benefits to users.    Portions of the TPC-5 cable will use
AT & T's latest SL2000 technology, which is based on a unique packaging of compon-
ents and technology using, for the first time, optically amplified bit-rate in-
sensitive repeaters, bit-rate sensitive terminal equipment, and dispersion-shifted
fiber in a submarine cable system. [FN25] As the Joint Applicants noted, the op-
tically amplified repeaters have been designed with far fewer active components
than regenerative repeaters and as a result the likelihood and number of component
malfunctions is minimized.    Use of these repeaters and other components will per-
mit a fiber pair in TPC-5 to operate at 4.8 Gbit/s, resulting in the operating
fiber pair being capable of providing 60,480 MAUOs.    This is eight times the ca-
pacity provided by TPC-4 which operates at 565 Mbit/s and provides 7,560 MAUOs per
fiber pair. [FN26] The new technology for use in TPC-5 will also significantly
reduce the cost per MAUO.   The cost per half-MAUO on the direct U.S. Mainland to
Japan route over TPC-5, when the cable is fully utilized, is projected to be
$4,900--less than half of the $11,545 cost per half-MAUO for the direct U.S. Main-
land to Japan route on TPC-4.

5. Competition Considerations

 *7 21. Intermodal and Intramodal Competition.   We find that the introduction of
TPC-5 will enhance intramodal competition in the POR and encourage both private
and common carrier cable operators to innovate and price their **7762 offerings in
a manner that is calculated to attract and retain customers.   We also find that
the introduction of TPC-5 will increase intermodal competition with INTELSAT and
potential separate satellite system providers, spurring existing providers of both
cable and satellite capacity to respond competitively.   Such competition will
give service providers and other users greater choice in selecting facilities and
thus will enable them to maintain, or improve and enhance, the economy and effi-
ciency of their operations.   The opportunity to choose among a range of facilit-
ies further allows service providers to be more responsive to customer needs in
terms of price, service quality, and service availability.

 22. Competitive Procurement.   While expressly supporting the construction of
TPC-5, STC requests the Commission to condition approval of the Section 214 au-
thorization and accompanying cable landing license, as it did in the Pacific Tele-
com Cable order (PTC), [FN27] by requiring the Joint Applicants to use a fair and
open procurement process in awarding the construction contracts for TPC-5.   STC
claims that such a procurement process has not been used by the Joint Applicants
since the procurement of the cable system has been apparently predetermined, with
construction to be split between AT & T and KDD.   STC asserts that the proposed
new technology is not uniquely available from AT & T and that STC, along with oth-
er suppliers of systems and component parts, could offer compatible technology.
STC also argues that a fair and open procurement process would ensure that con-
sumers will gain the full benefits of competition, such as the lowest cost, most
advanced features and the highest quality and reliability, in the supply of commu-

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 8
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

nications services and in the construction of the underlying facilities.   STC
also notes that open procurement reinforces the U.S. government's efforts to open
telecommunications markets world wide.

 23. Although STC cites Pacific Telecom Cable as precedent for its request that we
condition this Section 214 authorization and the accompanying cable landing li-
cense, we note that PTC involved only a cable landing license for the North Pa-
cific Cable (NPC), a non-common carrier submarine cable.   We have never imposed
conditions on procurement practices in a Section 214 authorization. With respect
to STC's reference to PTC, the Commission did authorize only a conditional grant
of PTC's cable landing license.   In that instance, the Commission had specific
concerns that foreign interests would be favored over U.S. interests due to the
actual foreign ownership of the U.S. end, as well as the potential common foreign
ownership of both the U.S. and foreign end, of NPC.   Due to those particular con-
cerns, we found it necessary to condition the cable landing license upon PTC's
demonstrating that "U.S. entities will be provided a reasonable opportunity to
participate in the planning, manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance
of the proposed cable."

 *8 24. We believe that the Joint Applicants demonstrate that qualified suppliers
will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to participate in the procurement of
TPC-5.   In this instance, although AT & T technology will be used for the U.S.
portion of TPC-5, AT & T will not acquire the cable on a sole source, non-
competitive basis.   As the Joint Applicants state, the U.S.- supplied segments of
TPC-5 will employ approximately 60-65 subcontractors located in more than 15
states to provide components or materials for the construction of TPC-
5; moreover, each of these subcontractors will also engage suppliers for compon-
ents or materials, so that the number of companies affected by the construction of
TPC-5 will be considerably greater than the number of immediate subcontractors.
[FN28] Furthermore, under price caps regulation, AT & T has the incentive to sub-
contract with those suppliers that offer a competitive price.   Moreover, we be-
lieve that the presence of competing cable facilities in the POR, including NPC,
will continue to serve as a strong incentive for efficient procurement.    As we
decided in TPC-4, given these competitive market circumstances, we can find no
public interest benefit for involving the Commission in the management of TPC-5
procurement decisions, and we do not believe that it is necessary to condition the
grant of TPC-5 on assurances of competitive procurement practices. [FN29]

6. International Comity

 25. Forty-four telecommunications administrations and entities from thirty-one
foreign locations have agreed that the TPC-5 system design and 1996 service date
will meet the projected service needs of their customers.   Thus, we conclude that
TPC-5 will promote international comity.

B. The Effect of Price Caps Regulation

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 9
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

 26. In our TPC-4 Decision, we stated that the price caps system of regulation is
a disincentive for carriers to engage in the construction of unnecessary facilit-
ies since the burden of such investment would fall on stockholders and not rate-
payers. [FN30] Having determined that there is a need for the introduction of the
TPC-5 Cable Network in late 1996, we believe that the price caps system of regula-
tion provides added protection against unnecessary investment.   We also note that
current competitive conditions and regulatory approaches provide those Joint Ap-
plicants not subject to price caps regulation with the incentive to make rational
economic decisions and not engage in unnecessary construction of facilities.
[FN31] In particular, the Commission recognizes that any such unnecessary invest-
ment by Joint Applicants not subject to price cap regulation requires them to have
the ability to raise rates to recoup such investment.   As a result, those Joint
Applicants not subject to price caps that raise rates above those set by the mar-
ketplace to recover imprudent investments risk the loss of potential customers.

                              **7763 CONCLUSION AND ORDERING CLAUSES

 27. In view of the foregoing, we find that the present and future public conveni-
ence and necessity require the construction of the TPC-5 Cable Network, to become
operational in December 1996.

 *9 28. Based on the information provided by the Joint Applicants, we conclude
that the grant of the requested authorization will not have a significant effect
on the environment as defined in Section 1.1307 of the Commission's Rules and Reg-
ulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. §§
4321-4335 (1976). [FN33] Consequently, no environmental assessment is required to
be submitted with this Joint Application under Section 1.1311 of the Commission's

 29. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that, pursuant to Section 214, 47 U.S.C. § 214
(1982), application File No. I-T-C-92-179 of the Joint Applicants (AT & T, IDB,
HTC, IT & E, MCII, Sprint and TRT/FTC) IS GRANTED, subject to the following terms,
conditions, and limitations, and the Applicants are authorized to:

  (a) participate in the construction and operation of the TPC-5 Cable Network as
proposed herein;

  (b) acquire and activate capacity in the TPC-5 Cable Network, on an ownership
basis, in accordance with the interest indicated in Appendix 5;

  (c) acquire capacity, by lease, in such domestic connecting facilities as may be
required to extend capacity in the TPC-5 Cable Network;

  (d) utilize digital circuit multiplication equipment to derive additional voice
paths from the circuits (MIUs) authorized herein, in accordance with the appropri-
ate Commission authorizations; and

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 10
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

  (e) activate and operate capacity in the TPC-5 Cable Network and aforementioned
extension facilities for the provision of the Applicants' authorized telecommunic-
ations services.

 30. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Applicants, other than AT & T, are authorized to
acquire, by lease, appropriate connecting facilities between the Coos Bay, Oregon
and San Louis Obispo, California cable stations and their respective operating of-
fices in the United States.

 31. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Joint Applicants' tariffs must state that its
customers may not resell international private lines or connect them to the public
switched network for the provision of international basic telecommunications ser-
vices, unless authorized to do so by the Commission upon a country-specific find-
ing of resale opportunities equivalent to those available under U.S. law, in ac-
cordance with Regulation of International Accounting Rates, Phase II, First Report
and Order, 7 FCCRcd 559 (1991), petitions for reconsideration pending.

 32. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Joint Applicants shall make available half-
interests in TPC-5 capacity to such present and future U.S. carriers as may be au-
thorized by the Commission to acquire such capacity.

 33. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission retains jurisdiction to reallocate
U.S. carriers' interest in capacity herein authorized, as the public interest may
require, to accommodate additional carriers or otherwise, with, where required,
the concurrence of the foreign administration or carriers concerned, and further,
jurisdiction is retained by the Commission over all matters relating to the Joint
Applicant's ownership, management, maintenance and operation of the cable network
as authorized herein to ensure the most efficient use not only of this cable net-
work but of all means of communications between the U.S. and the Pacific Ocean Re-

 *10 34. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission retains jurisdiction to review
the DCME multiplexing and interworking arrangements and attribution of the costs
thereof and to require such changes in the provision of these services and equip-
ment as may be necessary.

 35. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no Joint Applicant herein that is deemed a domin-
ant carrier pursuant to the Commission's decision in CC Docket No. 85- 107 [FN34]
shall either dispose of any interest in TPC-5 capacity it is authorized to acquire
to any entity on an ownership basis or dispose of any interest in any such capa-
city in any way to a non-U.S. telecommunications service provider without prior
authorization by the Commission.

 36. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Joint Applicants shall include TPC-5 facility
use in the monthly Circuit Status Reports filed pursuant to the Commission's Or-
ders.   These reports shall be filed no later than the 20th day of each month
providing the information for the preceding month.

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 11
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

 37. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that STC's request to condition the Section 214 author-
ization of TPC-5 is hereby denied.

 38. This order is issued under Section 0.291 of the Rules and is effective upon
adoption.   Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106 or applications for
review under Section 1.115 of the Rules may be filed within 30 days of public no-
tice of this order (see Section 1.4(b)(2)).

Cheryl A. Tritt

Chief, Common Carrier Bureau

FN1. The Joint Applicants supplement their Section 214 Application by filing indi-
vidual circuit activation figures under separate cover and under a request for
confidentiality pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission's Rules.

FN2. See File No. SCL-92-005.

FN3. Sprint and MCII did not join in this Reply.            See Reply at 1.

FN4. Initially, all Joint Applicants may not be certified to serve directly all
territories which the facilities covered by the Joint Application are capable of
serving.   Each individual applicant proposing extension into such territories by
means of the TPC-5 facilities will be required to seek appropriate authority as
may be required.

FN5. See Attachment B to the Joint Application (filed, June 1, 1992).

FN6. Segments A, B, C, D, E, and F are, respectively, the cable stations at Coos
Bay, Oregon (U.S.), San Luis Obispo, California (U.S), Keawaula, Hawaii (U.S.),
Tumon Bay, Guam (U.S.), Miyazaki and Ninomiya, Japan.   Segment G consists of the
whole submarine cable provided between and including the Network Interfaces at
Segments B and C.   Segment H consists of the whole submarine cable provided
between and including the Network Interfaces at Segments C and D.   Segment I con-
sists of the whole submarine cable and Network Interfaces provided between and in-
cluding Segments D and E.   Segment J consists of the whole submarine cable and
Network Interfaces between Segments F and A. Segment T1 consists of the whole
submarine cable and Network Interfaces between and including Segments A and B.
Segment T2 consists of the whole submarine cable and Network Interfaces provided
between and including Segments E and F. AT & T will own and the other parties
will have IRU interests in Segments A, B, C, D, and T1; Kokusai Denshin Denwa
Co., Ltd. (KDD) will own and other parties will have IRU interests in Segments E,
F, and T2. (See Attachment A).

FN7. A MIU is a 2.048 Mbit/s digital stream jointly assigned between two parties
or wholly assigned to a party which is used for purposes of ownership allocation.

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 12
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

FN8. See Appendix 1 (Schedule B of the C & MA) and Appendix 2 (Schedule C of the C
& MA).   For the purposes of this agreement, Transpacific shall be assigned all of
AT & T's interests in the TPC-5 Cable Network within Japan, including its territ-
orial waters, and will be responsible for the capital, operating, and maintenance
costs of 34.47 percent of segments I and J within Japan, including its territorial

FN9. See Appendix 3 (Schedule D of the C & MA) which shows IRU interests in Seg-
ments T1 and T2.

FN10. See Appendix 4 (Schedule E of the C & MA).

FN11. See Appendix 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F, and 5G (Schedule F, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4,
G-5, and G-6, respectively).   The interests assigned represent the total Assigned
Capacity and the remaining capacity between Assigned Capacity and Design Capacity
is referred to as "unassigned capacity."

FN12. However, prior to the RFS date, capacity may also be acquired on an owner-
ship basis.

FN13. Specifically, 60-65 subcontractors located in more than 15 states will par-
ticipate in the construction or provision of components or material for the con-
struction of TPC-5.   See AT & T Supplemental Filing, dated October 13, 1992.

FN14. In a separate companion order, we also grant the Joint Applicants' request
for a cable landing license (File No. S-C-L-92-005) pursuant to the Cable Landing
License Act.

FN15. See AT & T et al., (TAT-7 Order), 73 FCC2d 248, 256 (1979).

FN16. See, e.g., AT & T et al. 4 FCCRcd 1129, 1131 (Com.Car.Bur.1988) (TAT-9 Or-
der).   See also Policies to be Followed in the Authorization of Common Carrier
Facilities to Meet Pacific Telecommunications Needs during the Period 1981-1985
(POR Planning), 102 FCC2d 353, 355 (1985) and North Atlantic Facilities Planning,
3 FCCRcd 3979, 3986 (1988); All America Cable and Radio Inc., et al., 67 FCC2d
451, 469 (1978).

FN17. The Joint Applicants' aggregate demand forecast for TPC-5 from 1996-2000 is
16,508, 20,456, 23,998, 27,798 and 31,695 MAUOs respectively.

FN18. The total design capacity of TPC-3 is 7,560 MAUOs, while TPC-4 has a total
design capacity of 15,120 MAUOs, for a total combined capacity of 22,680 MAUOs in
the POR.   See AT & T et al., Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, File
No. I-T-C-85-219, released January 7, 1986 (mimeo 1794) (TPC-3 Decision); AT & T
et. al., 4 FCCRcd 8046 (1989) (TPC-4 Decision).

FN19. As in the TAT-8 Decision, we have focused on a 20 percent demand flexibility
(i.e., the ability to accommodate a circuit demand 20 percent larger than that

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 13
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

forecast) as a reasonable measure of adequate demand flexibility.

FN20. See American Telephone & Telegraph Co., et al., 98 FCC2d 440, 467         (1984)
(TAT-8 Decision).

FN21. See infra para. 20.

FN22. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. et al., 7 FCCRcd 445 (1992) (TAT-10 De-

FN23. See North American Facilities Planning, 3 FCCRcd at 3987.

FN24. ITT Cable and Radio, Inc., 5 FCC2d 823, 831 (1965).   The Commission noted
that the technological innovations of the proposed submarine cable system would
provide more than five times the circuit capacity of previous cables and would
lower per circuit costs, finding that "... orderly and continuing progress in
cable technology and its application as an alternative means of providing overseas
communications service is in the public interest."   In our TAT-8 Decision, we
found that demand did not justify placing the cable in service, however, we con-
cluded that the introduction of the new fiber technology and other factors warran-
ted authorizing TAT-8.   See TAT-8 Decision, 98 FCC2d at 467 and Policies for
Overseas Common Carriers, 84 FCC2d 760, 767-768, (1981).

FN25. Dispersion Shifted Fiber is a single mode fiber optimized for operation with
optical amplifier systems in the 1550 nm wavelength region.   This fiber differs
from standard single mode fiber in that the optical characteristics of the fiber
are modified so the minimal pulse spreading or dispersion occurs in the 1550 nm
wavelength region rather than in the 1300 nm region.   The combination of minimum
dispersion and minimum loss maximize the information carrying capacity of the op-
tical transmission systems operating in the 1550 nm region.

FN26. TPC-4 utilizes two working fiber pairs to provide a total of 15,120 MAUOs.

FN27. Pacific Telecom Cable, Inc., 2 FCCRcd 2686 (1987) (Conditional license), 4
FCCRcd 8061 (1989) (Final license).

FN28. The Joint Applicants assert that TPC-5 will benefit the U.S. economy gener-
ally and the U.S. submarine cable industry specifically by promoting a leadership
role for U.S. industry in lightwave technology, ensuring that the U.S. submarine
cable industry is a viable competitor in the global market.

FN29. See TPC-4 Decision, 4 FCCRcd at 8046.   The Commission came to the same con-
clusion in response to similar comments filed by STC following the public notice
of TPC-4.

FN30. Id. at 8045.

FN31. See Policy and Rules Concerning Rates for Dominant Carriers, CC Docket No.

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 14
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

87-313, 4 FCCRcd 2873 (1989) (Price Caps Order).

FN32. See International Competitive Carrier Policies, 102 F.C.C.2d 812, 829
(1985) (International Competitive Carrier); recon. denied, 60 RR2d 1435 (1986);
US Sprint Communications Company Limited Partnership, 4 FCCRcd 6279, 6284

FN33. See File No. I-T-C-92-179, at p. 23.

FN34. See International Competitive Carrier, at 822.

                                             **7764 APPENDIX 1

                                   SCHEDULE B
                    CABLE NETWORK
PARTIES                                        PERCENT
APTT (Austria)                                 0.02826
AT & T                                        34.46616
BT (U.K)                                       1.10501
BTE (Ireland)                                  0.23503
CPRM (Portugal)                                0.02826
DACOM (Korea)                                  1.39406
DBP (Germany)                                  1.66034
DGT (China)                                    0.76709
ENTEL (Peru)                                   0.05651
ETPI (Philippines)                             0.02826
FT (France)                                    0.75263
HKTI (Hong Kong)                               1.70173
HTC                                            1.42398
IDB                                            0.19780
IDC (Japan)                                    4.31816
INDOSAT (Indonesia)                            0.15076
IT & E                                         0.08394
ITALCABLE (Italy)                              0.50314
ITDC (Taiwan)                                  2.15062
ITJ (Japan)                                    6.56775
KDD (Japan)                                   14.97186
KT (Korea)                                     3.88483
LPT (Luxembourg)                               0.02826
MCII                                           8.00569
MCL (U.K.)                                     1.45723
NPTT (Netherlands)                             0.14128
NT (Norway)                                    0.02826

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                                     Page 15
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

OTC (Australia)                                         1.16352
PHILCOM (Philippines)                                   0.16273
PLDT (Philippines)                                      3.70349
RTT (Belgium)                                           0.32878
SFPT (Finland)                                          0.02826
SPTT (Switzerland)                                      0.32878
STA (Sweden)                                            0.02826
TAS (Singapore)                                         0.80150
TD (Denmark)                                            0.05651
TELEGLOBE (Canada)                                      0.07563
TELINTAR (Brazil)                                       0.02826
TELMEX (Mexico)                                         0.11303
TM (Malaysia)                                           0.45344
TNZI (New Zealand)                                      0.10355
TPTT (Turkey)                                           0.00947
TRT/FTC                                                 0.39560
US SPRINT                                               6.08239
--------------------------            -------------------------
TOTAL                                                 100.00000

                                             **7765 APPENDIX 2

                                                          SCHEDULE C
PARTIES                                                                              PERCENT
---------------------------------               --------------------------------------------
APTT                                                                                 0.02826
AT & T                                                                              34.46616
BT                                                                                   1.10501
BTE                                                                                  0.23503
CPRM                                                                                 0.02826
DACOM                                                                                1.39406
DBP                                                                                  1.66034
DGT                                                                                  0.76709
ENTEL                                                                                0.05651
ETPI                                                                                 0.02826
FT                                                                                   0.75263
HKTI                                                                                 1.70173
HTC                                                                                  1.42396
IDB                                                                                  0.19780
IDC                                                                                  4.31816
INDOSAT                                                                              0.15076

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                                Page 16
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

IT & E                                                                   0.08394
ITALCABLE                                                                0.50314
ITDC                                                                     2.15052
ITJ                                                                      6.56775
KDD                                                                     14.97186
KT                                                                       3.88483
LPT                                                                      0.02826
MCII                                                                     8.00589
MCL                                                                      1.45723
NPTT                                                                     0.14128
NT                                                                       0.02826
OTC                                                                      1.16352
PHILCOM                                                                  0.16273
PLDT                                                                     3.70349
RTT                                                                      0.32878
SFPT                                                                     0.02826
SPTT                                                                     0.32878
STA                                                                      0.02826
TAS                                                                      0.80150
TD                                                                       0.05651
TELEGLOBE                                                                0.07563
TELINTAR                                                                 0.02826
TELMEX                                                                   0.11303
TM                                                                       0.45344
TNZI                                                                     0.10355
TPTT                                                                     0.00947
TRT/FTC                                                                  0.39580
US SPRINT                                                                6.08239
--------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
TOTAL                                                                  100.00000
 NOTE 1: For purposes of this Agreement, Transpacific shall be assigned all of
   the AT & T interests in the TPC-5 Cable Network within Japan including its
   territorial waters and shall be responsible for the capital, operating, and
   maintenance costs of 34.4??10% of segments I and J within Japan, including
                             its territorial waters.

                                             **7766 APPENDIX 3

                                                                  SCHEDULE D
                      IRU INTERESTS IN SEGMENTS T1 AND T2
APTT                                      0.02826                       0.02826

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 17
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

AT & T                         [FN*] N.A. (NOTE 1)                      34.46616
BT                                         1.10501                       1.10501
BTE                                        0.23503                       0.23503
CPRM                                       0.02826                       0.02826
DACOM                                      1.39406                       1.39406
DBP                                        1.66034                       1.66034
DGT                                        0.76709                       0.76709
ENTEL                                      0.05651                       0.05651
ETPI                                       0.02826                       0.02826
FT                                         0.75263                       0.75263
HKTI                                       1.70173                       1.70173
HTC                                        1.42396                       1.42396
IDB                                        0.19780                       0.19780
IDC                                        4.31816                       4.31816
INDOSAT                                    0.15076                       0.15076
IT & E                                     0.08394                       0.08394
ITALCABLE                                  0.50314                       0.50314
ITDC                                       2.15052                       2.15052
ITJ                                        6.56775                       6.56775
KDD                                       14.97186                *N.A. (NOTE 1)
KT                                         3.88483                       3.88483
LPT                                        0.02826                       0.02826
MCII                                       8.00569                       8.00589
MCL                                        1.45723                       1.45723
NPTT                                       0.14128                       0.14128
NT                                         0.02826                       0.02826
OTC                                        1.16352                       1.16352
PHILCOM                                    0.16273                       0.16273
PLDT                                       3.70349                       3.70349
RTT                                        0.32878                       0.32878
SFPT                                       0.02826                       0.02826
SPTT                                       0.32878                       0.32878
STA                                        0.02826                       0.02826
TAS                                        0.80150                       0.80150
TD                                         0.05651                       0.05651
TELEGLOBE                                  0.07563                       0.07563
TELINTAR                                   0.02826                       0.02826
TELMEX                                     0.11303                       0.11303
TM                                         0.45344                       0.45344
TNZI                                       0.10355                       0.10355
TPTT                                       0.00947                       0.00947
TRT/FTC                                    0.39580                       0.39580
US SPRINT                                  6.06239                       6.06239
   NOTE 1: Segments T1 and T2 are owned by AT & T and KDD respectively. Other

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 18
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

       Parties have IRU interests in these segments as specified above.
 NOTE 2: For purposes of this Agreement, Transpacific shall be assigned all of
  the AT & T interests in the TPC-5 Cable Network within Japan, including its
                              territorial waters.

                                             **7767 APPENDIX 4

                          SCHEDULE E
PARTIES                                               PERCENT
----------------------------- -----------------------------
APTT                                                  0.02826
AT & T                                               34.46616
BT                                                    1.10501
BTE                                                   0.23503
CPRM                                                  0.02826
DACOM                                                 1.39406
DBP                                                   1.66034
DGT                                                   0.76709
ENTEL                                                 0.05651
ETPI                                                  0.02826
FT                                                    0.75263
HKTI                                                  1.70173
HTC                                                   1.42398
IDB                                                   0.19780
IDC                                                   4.31816
INDOSAT                                               0.15076
IT & E                                                0.08394
ITALCABLE                                             0.50314
ITDC                                                  2.15052
ITJ                                                   6.56775
KDD                                                  14.97186
KT                                                    3.88483
LPT                                                   0.02826
MCII                                                  8.00569
MCL                                                   1.45723
NPTT                                                  0.14128
NT                                                    0.02826
OTC                                                   1.16362
PHILCOM                                               0.16273
PLDT                                                  3.70349
RTT                                                   0.32878

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                                     Page 19
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

SFPT                                                             0.02826
SPTT                                                             0.32878
STA                                                              0.02826
TAS                                                              0.80150
TD                                                               0.05851
TELEGLOBE                                                        0.07563
TELINTAR                                                         0.02826
TELMEX                                                           0.11303
TM                                                               0.45344
TNI                                                              0.10355
TPTT                                                             0.00947
TRT/FTC                                                          0.39560
US SPRINT                                                        6.08239
-----------------------------              -----------------------------
TOTAL                                                          100.00000

                                            **7768 APPENDIX 5A

                                                                            SCHEDULE F
                              HALF MIU CAPACITY ASSIGNED BY PATH
                              USM-HA    HA-GU     GU-JA     JA-USM         USM-GU        HA-JA
KILOMETERS                      4400     6800      2850       8500          11200         9650
------------------         -----------------------------------------------------------
APTT                              0        0         0          1          0         0
AT & T                         1008        1         0        411        212         6
BT                                6        0         8         32          1         0
BTE                               0        0         0          7          1         0
CPRM                              0        0         0          1          0         0
DACOM                             0        0         1         49          0         0
DBP                               1        0         1         50          6         0
DGT                               0        0         6         24          0         1
ENTEL                             0        0         0          2          0         0
ETPI                              0        0         0          1          0         0
FT                                0        0         0         24          2         0
HKTI                              0        1         2         10         37         0
HTC                              16       25         5          0          0        18
IDB                               0        0         0          7          0         0
IDC                               0        0        40        136          0         3
INDOSAT                           0        0         1          5          0         0
IT & E                            0        0         1          0          2         0
ITALCABLE                         1        0         1         13          3         0
ITDC                              0        1        14         10         46         0

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 20
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

ITJ                         0        0        39        206          0         10
KDD                         0        0        40        496          0         18
KT                          0        0         4         36         76          0
LPT                         0        0         0          1          0          0
MCII                       42        8        23        168         56          5
MCL                         0        0         7         40          7          0
NPTT                        0        0         0          5          0          0
NT                          0        0         0          1          0          0
OTC                         6        0        63          0         12          1
PHILCOM                     0        1         3          0          3          0
PLDT                        0        6        13          2         91          0
RTT                         0        0         0          9          2          0
SFPT                        0        0         0          1          0          0
SPTT                        0        0         0          9          2          0
STA                         0        0         0          1          0          0
TAS                         0        1         4         17          7          0
TD                          0        0         0          2          0          0
TELEGLOBE                   0        0         5          1          0          0
TELINTAR                    0        0         0          1          0          0
TELMEX                      0        0         0          4          0          0
TM                          0        0         3          6          6          1
TNZI                        1        0         6          0          0          1
TPTT                        0        0         1          0          0          0
TRT/FTC                     0        0         0         14          0          0
US SPRINT                 131        0         3         99         36          0
------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                    1212       44       294       1904        606         64
 Note 1: The distance in kilometers of the Paths have been determined based on
    the cable length of the shortest route between the respective pair of the
   Nodes for the purpose of calculating the MIU-kilometers of the Parties. The
 distance of the Tie-Cable Segments will be excluded in the calculation of the

                                            **7769 APPENDIX 5B

                                                 SCHEDULE G1

                                           U.S. MAINLAND-HAWAII

                           PATH ASSIGNMENT OF MIUS IN THE TPC5 NETWORK

PARTIES             OTC           TNZI     TOTAL

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 21
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

----------- -----------------------
DBP                   1     0      1
ITALCABLE             0     1      1
US SPRINT             5     0      5
----------- -----------------------
TOTAL                 6     1      7

---------- ----------
AT & T             504
BT                    3
HTC                   8
MCII                21
US SPRINT           63
TOTAL              599

AT & T                    0              504                1008
BT                        0                3                   6
DBP                       1                0                   1
HTC                       0                8                  16
ITALCABLE                 1                0                   1
MCII                      0               21                  42
OTC                       6                0                   6
TNZI                      1                0                   1
US SPRINT                 5               63                 131
TOTAL                    14              599                1212

                                            **7770 APPENDIX 5C

                                                 SCHEDULE G2


                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 22
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

                           PATH ASSIGNMENT OF MIUS IN THE TPC5 NETWORK

----------- ------------------------------------------------
AT & T                 0   0     1        0     0    0      1
HTC                    1   0     0        0     6    1      8
MCII                   0   1     0        1     0    0      2
----------- ------------------------------------------------
TOTAL                  1   1     1        1     6    1     11

---------- ----------
HTC                   8
MCII                  3
TOTAL               11

AT & T                  1                0                   1
HKTI                    1                0                   1
HTC                     9                8                  25
ITDC                    1                0                   1
MCII                    2                3                   8
PHILCOM                 1                0                   1
PLDT                    6                0                   6
TAS                     1                0                   1
TOTAL                  22               11                  44

                                            **7771 APPENDIX 5D

                                                 SCHEDULE G3

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 23
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)


                           PATH ASSIGNMENT OF MIUS IN THE TPC5 NETWORK

----------- -------------------------------------------------------------
BT                     0   0     0    0        0    0    0   0    8      8
DBP                    0   0     0    0        0    0    0   0    1      1
HTC                    0   0     0    2        0    1    2   0    0      5
IT & E                 0   0     0    0        0    0    1   0    0      1
ITALCABLE              0   0     0    0        0    0    0   0    1      1
ITDC                   0   0     0    2        0    4    6   1    1     14
MCII                   0   0     0    5        0    2    7   1    8     23
MCL                    0   0     0    0        0    0    0   0    7      7
OTC                    1   5     2    3        1    1   11   2    0     26
PHILCOM                0   0     0    0        0    0    3   0    0      3
PLDT                   0   0     0    5        0    5    3   0    0     13
TAS                    0   0     0    2        0    2    0   0    0      4
TELEGLOBE              0   0     0    0        0    0    0   0    5      5
TM                     0   0     0    0        0    1    0   0    2      3
TNZI                   0   1     0    1        0    1    3   0    0      6
TPTT                   0   0     0    0        0    0    0   0    1      1
US SPRINT              0   0     0    0        0    0    0   0    3      3
TOTAL                  1   6     2   20        1   17   36   4   37    124

---------- ----------
IDC                 10
ITJ                 11
KDD                   2
TOTAL               23


                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 24
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

BT                        8                0                   8
DACOM                     1                0                   1
DBP                       1                0                   1
DGT                       6                0                   6
HKTI                      2                0                   2
HTC                       5                0                   5
IDC                      20               10                  40
INDOSAT                   1                0                   1
IT & E                    1                0                   1
ITALCABLE                 1                0                   1
ITDC                     14                0                  14
ITJ                      17               11                  39
KDD                      36                2                  40
KT                        4                0                   4
MCII                     23                0                  23
MCL                       7                0                   7
OTC                      63                0                  63
PHILCOM                   3                0                   3
PLDT                     13                0                  13
TAS                       4                0                   4
TELEGLOBE                 5                0                   5
TM                        3                0                   3
TNZI                      6                0                   6
TPTT                      1                0                   1
US SPRINT                 3                0                   3
TOTAL                   248               23                 294

                                            **7772 APPENDIX 5E

                                                 SCHEDULE G4

                                           JAPAN-U.S. MAINLAND

                           PATH ASSIGNMENT OF MIUS IN THE TPC5 NETWORK

----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 25
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

APTT              0   0    0    0   0       0    0   0   1 0     0   0 0      1
AT & T           31 12     0    0 64        3    0 71 218 0      0   4 3    403
BT                0   0    0    0   3       0    0   0 21 1      0   0 1     32
BTE               0   0    0    0   1       0    0   1   1 0     0   0 0      3
CPRM              0   0    0    0   0       0    0   0   1 0     0   0 0      1
DBP               3   0    0    1 1?        0    0   7 1? ?      0   0 0     50
ENTEL             0   0    0    0   0       0    0   0   2 0     0   0 0      2
FT                0   0    0    1   3       0    0   3 1? 1      0   0 0     24
IDB               0   0    1    1   0       0    0   0   5 0     0   0 0      7
ITALCABLE         1   0    0    1   2       0    0   2   0 1     0   0 0     13
LPT               0   0    0    0   0       0    0   0   1 0     0   0 0      1
MCII              0   0    0    2 10        1    8 10 ?4 1?      0   7 2    100
MCL               1   0    0    1 10        0    0   4 22 2      0   0 0     40
NPTT              0   0    0    1   1       0    0   1   2 0     0   0 0      8
NT                0   0    0    0   1       0    0   0   0 0     0   0 0      1
NTT               0   0    0    0   2       0    0   1   5 1     0   0 0      ?
SFPT              0   0    0    0   0       0    0   0   1 0     0   0 0      1
SPTT              0   0    0    0   3       0    0   1   5 0     0   0 0      9
STA               0   0    0    0   0       0    0   0   1 0     0   0 0      1
TD                0   0    0    0   0       0    0   1   1 0     0   0 0      2
TELEGLOBE         0   1    0    0   0       0    0   0   0 0     0   0 0      1
TELINTAR          0   0    0    0   0       0    0   0   1 0     0   0 0      1
TELMEX            0   0    0    0   0       0    0   0   4 0     0   0 0      4
TRT/FTO           0   0    0    2   1       0    2   3   4 1     0   1 0     14
US SPRINT         0   0    0    0 12        1    3 1? 42 0       2   0 0     ??
TOTAL            46 24     1   19 130       8   10 130 400 ??    2 17 0     ??2

---------- ----------
AT & T                4
BTE                   2
ITJ                 3?
KDD                 18
TOTAL               60


                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                                  Page 26
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

APTT                          1                       0                      1
AT & T                      403                       4                    411
BT                           32                       0                     32
BTE                           3                       2                      7
CPRM                          1                       0                      1
DACOM                        4?                       0                     4?
DBP                          50                       0                     50
DGT                          24                       0                     24
ENTEL                         2                       0                      2
ETM                           1                       0                      1
FT                           24                       0                     24
HKTI                         10                       0                     10
IDB                           7                       0                      7
IDC                         136                       0                    136
INDOSAT                       ?                       0                      ?
ITALCABLE                    13                       0                     13
ITDC                         10                       0                     10
ITJ                         13?                      3?                    20?
KDD                         4?0                      1?                    4??
KT                           3?                       0                     3?
LPT                           1                       0                      1
MCII                        100                       0                    100
MCL                          40                       0                     40
NPTT                         ??                       0                     ??
NT                            1                       0                      1
PLDT                          2                       0                      2
RTT                           0                       0                      0
SFPT                          1                       0                      1
SPTT                          0                       0                      0
STA                           1                       0                      1
TAS                          17                       0                     17
TD                            2                       0                      2
TELEGLOBE                     1                       0                      1
TELINTAR                      1                       0                      1
TELMEX                        4                       0                      4
TM                           ??                       0                     ??
TRT/FTC                      14                       0                     14
US SPRINT                    ??                       0                     ??
TOTAL                      17?4                      ?0                   1?04

                                            **7773 APPENDIX 5F

                                                 SCHEDULE G5

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 27
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

                                            U.S. MAINLAND-GUAM

                           PATH ASSIGNMENT OF MIUS IN THE TPC5 NETWORK

----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
AT & T               20       2    32 76     3        0    70    5   4    212
BT                     0      0     1   0    0        0     0    0   0      1
BTE                    0      0     0   0    1        0     0    0   0      1
DBP                    0      0     1   0    2        0     3    0   0      6
FT                     0      0     1   0    1        0     0    0   0      2
ITALCABLE              1      0     1   0    0        0     1    0   0      3
MCII                   6      0     5   0    0        2    10    2   1     26
MCL                    5      0     1   0    0        0     1    0   0      7
RTT                    0      0     1   0    0        0     1    0   0      2
US SPRINT              5      0     3   0    5        1     5    0   1     20
TOTAL                37       2    46 76    12        3    91    7   6    280

---------- ----------
MCII                15
SPTT                  1
US SPRINT             8
TOTAL               24

AT & T                  212                0                 212
BT                        1                0                   1
BTE                       1                0                   1
DBP                       6                0                   6
FT                        2                0                   2

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 28
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

HKTI                     37                0                  37
IT & E                    2                0                   2
ITALCABLE                 3                0                   3
ITDC                     46                0                  46
KT                       76                0                  76
MCII                     26               15                  56
MCL                       7                0                   7
OTC                      12                0                  12
PHILCOM                   3                0                   3
PLDT                     91                0                  91
RTT                       2                0                   2
SPTT                      0                1                   2
TAS                       7                0                   7
TM                        6                0                   6
US SPRINT                20                8                  36
TOTAL                   560               24                 608

                                            **7774 APPENDIX 5G

                                                 SCHEDULE G6


                           PATH ASSIGNMENT OF MIUS IN THE TPC5 NETWORK

----------- ------------------------------------
AT & T                 0   0    1    5   0      6
HTC                    1   3    6    8   0     18
MCII                   0   0    0    5   0      5
OTC                    0   0    0    0   1      1
TNZI                   0   0    1    0   0      1
TOTAL                  1   3    8   18   1     31


                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7758                                                               Page 29
1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7758)

---------- ----------
ITJ                  1
TOTAL                1

AT & T                  6                0                   6
DGT                     1                0                   1
HTC                    18                0                  18
IDC                     3                0                   3
ITJ                     8                1                  10
KDD                    18                0                  18
MCII                    5                0                   5
OTC                     1                0                   1
TM                      1                0                   1
TNZI                    1                0                   1
TOTAL                  62                1                  64

                                           **7775 ATTACHMENT A


 1992 WL 690854 (F.C.C.), 7 F.C.C.R. 7758, 7 FCC Rcd. 7758


                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

Document Created: 2009-01-26 18:24:48
Document Modified: 2009-01-26 18:24:48

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