Attachment Horry Telephone Long

This document pretains to ITC-214-19911213-00018 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     Before the
                              Washington, D. C.              20554

In re Application of                          )

HORRY TELEPHONE LONG DISTANCE, INC.           )             File No.

For authorization under Section 214

                                          N/ yz sz sz
or the Communications Act of 1934 ,
as amended, to resell international
telecommunications services

To:   Chief,   International Facilities Division

                               SECTION 214 APPLICATION

      Horry Telephone Long Distance, Inc.               ("Applicant"), a wholly owned sub—

sidiary of Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc.,1                hereby se eks authorization

to provide international telephone service through the re sale of existing

international telecommunications services.                In support of this request, the

following information is provided, as required by Section 63.01 of the Com—

mission‘s Rules:

      a)   Name and address of applicant:

           Horry Telephone Long Distance, Inc.
           P. 0. Drawer 1820
           Conway, SC   29526

      b)   State law under which applicant is organized:

           South Carolina

     1     Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc. is a local |exchange telephone
company serving areas of South Carolina.

      c}   Correspondence concerning the application should be addressed to:

           Mr, Jeff Huggins
           Director of Operations
           Horry Telephone Long Distance, Inc.
           P. 0. Drawer 1820
           Conway, South Carolina         29526

           with a copy to:

           Stephen G. Kraskin, Esq.
           Blooston, Mordkofsky, Jackson and Dickens
           2120 L Street, N. W.
           Washington, D. C.    20037

      d)   Applicants parent is currently fully subject to the Act by virtue
           of its operation of a cable television system within its franchised
           telephone service area.

      e)   Facilities covered in this application exte d communications ser—
           vices into areas not previously served dijrectly by Applicant.
           These facilities will be used for the provision of international
           telephone and data services (at the customer‘ option) .

      £)   Points between which facilities are located:

           Applicant plans to resell the international telephone and data ser—
           vices of MCI, which has established a point of presence at Myrtle
           Beach, South Carolina (approximately seven (7)      air miles from
           Applicant‘s location in Conway, South Carolina).     A direct fiber
           optic connection,   owned by Applicant‘s parent,    Horry Telephone
           Cooperative, Inc., will provide the necessary link.    The usage of
           the fiber line will be accessed under state—regulated tariff.
           Consequently, there will be no lease of transport facilities.

      8)   Applicant‘s existing facilities:

           Applicant   has   no   existing     facilities      inasFuch  as _ its
                                                                              it  domestic
           resale   operations    are   not   yet   in   serivce.   Applicant will obtain
           switching capacity from its parent,              Horry   Telephone    Cooperative,
           Inc. under state—regulated tariff.

                                                                           *rmulnaian 1

      Applicant will be subject to regulatory forbearand e in its interstate
long distance resale operations by virtue of the Commiss sion‘s Fourth Report
and Order , CC Docket No. 79—252 (1983).

h)   Description of facilites for which authority is         requested:

     Applicant‘s parent operates a Northern Teleco  DMS 200 switch, from
     which international calls will interconnect   ith the MCI point of
     presence through the fiber route specified in paragraph (f) above.

     Present and estimated future reqirements:

     It is estimated that the subject facilities a Je adequate to meet
     subscribers‘ need for the next five years.

     Site map:
     See attached Exhibit 1.                        ||
k)   Cost of facilities:
     At the current time, Applicant does not prEpose to construct or
     lease facilities, but will share the costs as ociated with switching
     capacity as described in paragraph (g) above, in addition to paying
     tariffed rates for transport cost via the filber route as specified
     in paragraph (f) above.     Consequently, all costs associated with
     provision of the proposed serivcees are directly related to the
     provision of services, including originating and terminating costs,
     costs association with billing and collect ing and fixed charges
     representing operating expense.      See attached pro forma Income
     Statement .

1)   Public need:

     Grant of this application will promote the p rovision of alternative
     international telecommunications services wi thout wasteful duplica—
     tion of facilities.   When coupled with Applicant‘s proposed inter—
     state services, customers will benefit from easy access to all
     direct—dial points world—wide, thus facilitating and enhancing both
     domestic   and  international  commercial  and   cultural  exchange.
     Consequently, the public interest would be    erved by grant of the
     instant application.

         m)   Economic justification:

              The pro forma economic forecast attached heretio provides the econom—
              ic justification for the subject request.       Inasmuch as existing
              facilites are utilized to route international calls, no capital
              investment is required;     increased traffic due to international
              transmissions will increase the economic effijciency of Applicant‘s
              overall operation.  As shown in the pro forma Applicant expects to
              operate profitably in year one (1).

         n)   Justification for additional services:

              Other carriers currently offer international telecommunications
              service within Applicant‘s service area.     No new facilities are
              contemplated, but merely increased usage of existing facilities.

         o)   Proposed tariff charges:

              Applicant attaches a proposed tariff,    for   informational   purposes
              only, for the Commission‘s review.

         p)   Proposed accounting:

              Applicant will account for the costs and revenues associated with
              the described project in strict conformance w ith the Uniform System
              of Accounts.

         q)   Authorization of the subject facilities is categorically       excluded
              as defined by Section 1.1306 of the Commissior1‘s Rules.

                                             Respectfully s\ ibmitted,

                                             HORRY TELEPHONT s LONG DISTANCE, INC.

                                             w CC Hosle
                                                Curley P. H?ggins

Dated:    OEL 13 , :49 |

Document Created: 2011-02-03 12:14:42
Document Modified: 2011-02-03 12:14:42

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