Attachment 20120604120858.pdf

This document pretains to ITC-214-19910930-00023 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         Vizacla, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

  CALL SIGN            DESCRIPTION OF                        CAPTION ON ORDER                           ORIGINAL           AUTHORIZATION                  FCC        DATE
   FILE NO.            AUTHORIZATION                                                                 AUTHORIZATION               STATUS!             APPLIC-       GRANTED
                                                                                                          HOLDER               FCC!DA NO.             ATION
___________ _______________                      ______________________________                     _____________ _____________                     REQUIRED      ________

ITC-86-087             Authority to install      Application of COMMUNICATIONS                       Communications        Order and               214            July 10,
                      and operate a                SATELLITE CORPORATION; For authority             Satellite               Authorization and                     1986
 TC.   -     tt       compressed television        under Section 504(e) of the International        Corporation             Certificate (July 10,
           c-i o      system at Southbury,         Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Act                                1986), 1986 FCC
                      CT and Santa Paula,          and Section 214 of the Communications Act of                             LEXIS 3042
                      CA coast earth stations       1934, to provide Maritime Video Transmission
                      for use in providing         service; For authority under Section 504(c) of
                      maritime video               the International Maritime Satellite
                      transmission service to      Telecommunications Act and Title ifi of the
                      ships.                       Communications Act of 1934, to install and
                                                   operate a compressed television system and
                                                   related equipment at the Southbury, CT (WA-
                                                   28) and Santa Paula, CA (WA-3 1) coast earth
                                                   stations for use in providing maritime video
______________        _____________________        transmission service to ships.                   __________________ __________________         ____________    ___________

ITC-86-l49             Authority to                In the Matter of COMMUNICATIONS                  Communications         Memorandum               214           Oct. 16,
                       participate in an           SATELLITE CORPORATION; Application               Satellite               Opinion, Order and                    198
                       Inmarsat program to         for authority to participation in an             Corporation            Authorization (Oct.
                       lease the L-band            INMARSAT program to lease the L-band                                     16, 1986), DA 86-
00003                  capacity of the Marisat capacity of the MARISAT system to provide                                    83, 1986 FCC
                       system.                     additional back-up facilities for the                                   LEXIS 2492
                                                   INMARSAT system, and for Section 214
                                                   authority to provide its currently authorized
                                                   INMARSAT services via the MARISAT
___________________   ____________________________ satellites.                                     _______________________ ________________________
ITC-87-027             Authority to                In the Matter of COMMUNICATIONS                 Communications          Memorandum               214           Feb. 26,
                       interconnect with           SATELLITE CORPORATION; Application              Satellite               Opinion and Order                      1987
                       Graphnet, Inc. and ITT for Authority Under the International Maritime Corporation                   (Feb. 26, 1987), DA
                       offshore points.            Satellite Communications Act and Section 214                            87-212, 1987 FCC
                                                   of the Communications Act of 1934, to                                   LEXIS 4346
                                                   Interconnect Facilities With Graphnet, Inc. and
                                                   Application for Authority under the
                                                   International Maritime Satellite
                                                   Communications Act and Section 214 of the
                                                   Communications Act of 1934, to Interconnect
                                                   Facilities with iTT' World Communications,
_______________       ______________________
                                                   Inc.                                             __________________    ____________________    _____________

                                        Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

        CALL SIGN       DESCRIPTION OF                      CAPTION ON ORDER                         ORIGINAL          AUTHORIZATION            FCC           DATE
        FILE NO.        AUTHORIZATION                                                              AUTHORIZATION          STATUS!             APPLIC-       GRANTED
                                                                                                      HOLDER             FCC/DA NO.            ATION
__________             _______________           _____________________________                     ____________        _____________
                                                                                                                                             REQUIRED       ________

    1TC-87-i 11        Authority to exchange     In the Matter of COMMUNICATIONS                   Communications      Order and             214            June 30,
lit         19         traffic between ship      SATELITE CORP. Application for authority          Satellite Corp.     Authorization (June                  1987
i        1O(3o         earth stations and        under the International Maritime Satellite                            30, 1987), DA 87-
    eoo() 1            foreign points served     Communications Act and Section 214 of the                             854, 1987 FCC
                       by Consortium             Communications Act of 1934 to interconnect                            LEXIS 3541
                       Communications            facilities with Consortium Communications
                       International, Inc.       International, Inc.                               ________________    _________________     ___________    ___________

ITC-88-084             Authority to              In the Matter of COMMUNICATIONS                   Communications      Order and             214            June 30,
LTC.- ' I 'I           interconnect ship earth   SATELLITE CORPORATION; Application                Satellite           Authorization (June                  1988
    i        3     -   stations with overseas    for authority under the International Maritime    Corporation         30, 1988), DA 88-
                       points served by MCII.    Satellite Communications Act and Section 214                          1050, 1988 FCC
                                                 of the Communications Act of 1934 to                                  LEXIS 1327
_______________        _____________________
                                                 interconnect Facilities with MCI International.   _________________   ___________________   ____________   ___________


                                 Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

 CALL SIGN       DESCRIPTION OF                  CAPTION ON ORDER                         ORIGINAL        AUTHORIZATION            FCC         DATE
  FILE NO.       AUTHORIZATION                                                         AUTHORIZATION         STATUS!             APPLIC-      GRANTED
                                                                                          HOLDER            FCCIDA NO.            ATION
___________     ________________       ________________________________                _____________      ______________        REQUIRED     _________
ITC-89-076      Authority to provide   In the Matter of the Applications of            Communications     Memorandum           214           Sept. 28,
                international          COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE                        Satellite          Opinion, Order and                 1989
                aeronautical MSS,      CORPORATION For Authority Under Section         Corporation        Authorization
    I r         subject to certain     503 and 504(c) of the International Maritime                       (Sept. 28, 1989),
          7     conditions.            Satellite Telecommunications Act and Section                       DA 89-1259, 1989
                                       214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as                          FCC LEXIS 1973
                                       amended, to Provide Aeronautical Service via
                                       the INMARSAT System;
                                       COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE
                                       CORPORATION, For Authority Under
                                       Sections 503 and 5 04(c) of the International
                                       Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Act
                                       and Title III of the Communications Act of
                                       1934, as amended, to Install and Operate
                                       Equipment as its Santa Paula, CA (KA-3 1)
                                       Coast Earth Station to Provide Aeronautical
                                       Service via the INMARSAT System;
                                       COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE
                                       CORPORATION; For Authority Under
                                       Sections 503 and 504(c) of the International
                                       Maritime Satellite Telecommunications Act
                                       and Title Ill of the Communications Act of
                                       1934, as amended, to Install and Operate
                                       Equipment at its Southbury, CT (WA-28)
                                       Coast Earth Station to Provide Aeronautical
_____________   ___________________
                                       Service via the INMARSAT System.                ________________   _________________    ___________   ___________


                                   Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 AuthOrizations - Updated 8 july 2011

 CALL SIGN        DESCRIPTION OF                     CAPTION ON ORDER                           ORIGINAL         AUTHORIZATION            FCC           DATE
  FILE NO.        AUTHORIZATION                                                              AUTHORIZATION          STATUS!             APPLIC-       C-RANTED
                                                                                                HOLDER             FCCJDA NO.            ATION
__________       ______________           _____________________________                      ____________        _____________
                                                                                                                                       REQUIRED       ________

ITC-90-129       Authority to upgrade     h the Matter of COMMUNICATIONS    Communications                       Order and             214            Sept. 13,
        t..( -   Southbury, CT land       SATELLITE CORPORATION Application Satellite                            Authorization                        1990
                 earth station to allow   for authority to upgrade its Southbury, CT         Corporation         (Sept. 13, 1990),
            3    fourth ocean region      coast earth station complex for the provision of                       DA 90-1240, 1990
C.O() (1         (AOR E and -W).          Fourth Ocean Region Standard A Network                                 FCC LEXIS 5019
                                          Coordination Station Services for INMARSAT
                                          and to install and operate additional control
                                          and channelization equipment for use in
                                          deriving channels of communication for the
______________   ____________________
                                          Fourth Ocean Region coast earth station.           ________________    _________________     ____________   ___________

 ITC-89-l 19     Authority to             In the Matter of COMMUNICATIONS                    Communications      Order and             214            Dec. 31,
           4-    implement a dual-        SATELLITE CORPORATION; Application                 Satellite           Authorization (Dec.                  1990
                 satellite system in      for authority to implement a dual satellite        Corporation         31, 1990), DA 90-                                *

                 AOR (MCS-B and           system to provide channels of communication                            1940, 1991 FCC
                 MARECS-B2) and           via the INMARSAT system; Application for                               LEXIS 281
                 POR (MCS-D and           authority to construct and operate a 1.8-meter
                 MARECS-A); to            L-band earth station at its Southbury, CT
                 construct and operate    communication-sateffite coast earth station
                 earth stations in        complex; Application for authority to construct
                 Southbury, CT and        and operate a 1.2-meter L-Band earth station at
                 Santa Paula, CA.         its Santa Paula, CA communication satellite
______________   _____________________
                                          coast earth station complex.                       _________________   ___________________   ____________   ___________


                                                Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 july 2011

    CALL SIGN                   DESCRIPTION OF                    CAPTION ON ORDER                         ORIGINAL          AUTHORIZATION            FCC         DATE
     FILE NO.                   AUTHORIZATION                                                           AUTHORIZATION           STATUS!             APPLIC-      GRANTED
                                                                                                           HOLDER              FCC/DA NO.            ATION
   __________ ______________                           ____________________________                     ____________ ____________                  REQUIRED      ________

( ri-c
                               Authority to provide    In the Matter of the Applications of             Communications      Mernoranduth,         214            Dec. 30,
   ITC-92-03 1       .         Inmarsat Standard M     COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE                         Satellite           Opinion, Order and                   1991
             -   q       \     and Standard B          CORPORATION For authority pursuant to            Corporation         Authorization (Dec.
         I       0   *    \    services in AOR and
                                                       Section 504(c) of the International Maritime                         30, 1991), DA 91-
                           j                           Satellite Communications Act of 1978 and                             1650, 1992 FCC
                          /                            Section 214 of the Communications Act of                             LEXIS 143
                                                        1934, as amended, to upgrade its Southbury,
                                                       CT ground earth station (WA-28) facilities
                                                       with Inmarsat Standard M and Standard B
         I 1Q30                                        Network Coordination Stations and the related
                                                       control and channelization equipment
                                                       necessary for the provision of Inmarsat
                                                       Standard M and Standard B capability and to
                                                       provide Inmarsat Standard M and Standard B
                                                       services in the Atlantic Ocean Region-East and
                                                       in the Atlantic Ocean Region-West;
                                                       COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE
                                                       CORPORATION For authority pursuant to
                                                       Section 504(c) of the International Maritime
                                                       Satellite Communications Act of 1978 and
                                                       Section 214 of the Communications Act of
                                                       1934, as amended, to upgrade its Santa Paula,
                                                       CA ground earth station (KB-34 and KA-31)
                                                       facilities with Inmarsat Standard M and
                                                       Standard B Network Coordination Stations and
                                                       the related control and channelization
                                                       equipment necessary for the provision of
                                                       Inmarsat Standard M and Standard B
                                                       capability and to provide Inmarsat Standard M
                                                       and Standard B services in the Pacific Ocean
  ______________               _____________________
                                                       Region.                                          _________________   ___________________   ____________   ___________


                                          Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

 CALL SIGN               DESCRIPTION OF                      CAPTION ON ORDER                          ORIGINAL        AUTHORIZATION               FCC        DATE
   FILE NO.              AUTHORIZATION                                                              AUTHORIZATION           STATUS!            APPLIC-     GRANTED
                                                                                                        HOLDER            FCC/DA NO.           ATION
_________               _____________             __________________________                        ___________        ___________
                                                                                                                                             REQUIRED      _______

ITC-90-085              Authority to provide      In the Matter of Aeronautical Radio, Inc. and     Communications     Memorandum,           214           Jan. 21,
                        interim limited           the Air Transport Association of America;         Satellite          Opinion and Order                   1992
tj q                    aeronautical MSS via      Provision of Aeronautical Services via the        Corporation        (Jan. 21, 1992),
       .       o        Inmarsat within the       Inmarsat System; Communications Satellite                            FCC 92-25, 1992
                        United States (until      Corporation; Application for Authority to                            FCC LEXIS 682
                        launch of domestic        Provide Limited Aeronautical Services within
                        MSS spacecraft-           the U.S. via the Inmarsat System.
                        AMSC).                    ____________________________                      ___________        ____________          ________      _______

ITC-90- 133             Authority to              In the Matter of COMIvIUNICATIONS                 Communications     Order and             214           Jan. 31,
ITc_       - .t'4       interconnect              SATELLITE CORPORATION Application                 Satellite          Authorization (Jan.                 1992
            o3          authorized Inmarsat       for authority pursuant to Section 504(c) of the   Corporation        31, 1992), DA 92-
                        services with AT&T        International Maritime Satellite                                     131, 1992 FCC
           33           PSTN facilities.          Telecommunications Act of 1978 and Section                           LEXIS 742
                                                  214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
                                                  amended, to interconnect facilities with
                                                  American Telephone and Telegraph Company
                                                  for the provision of Inmarsat aeronautical
                                                  satellite communications services, in addition
______________          ____________________
                                                  to other authorized Inmarsat.                     ________________   _________________     ___________   ___________

 ITC-92-063             Authority to              In the Matter of COMMUNICATIONS                   Communications     Order and             214           March 12,
ITC- Q '-1--            interconnect Inmarsat     SATELLITE CORPORATION Application                 Satellite          Authorization                       1992
                        Standard C facilities     for authority pursuant to Section 504(c) of the   Corporation        (March 12, 1992),
               3    -

                        with a Sprint division.   International Maritime Satellite                                     DA 92-322, 1992
                                                  Telecommunications Act of 1978 and Section                           FCC LEXIS 1377
                                                  214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
                                                  amended, to interconnect Inmarsat Standard C
                                                  facilities with the packet data network of US
_____________           __________________
                                                  Sprint Communications Company.                    _______________    ________________      __________    __________


                                             Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 july 2011

     CALL SIGN              DESCRIPTION OF                      CAPTION ON ORDER                            ORIGINAL          AUTHORIZATION            FCC         DATE
     FILE NO.               AUTHORIZATION                                                                AUTHORIZATION           STATUS!             APPLIC-      GRANTED
                                                                                                            HOLDER              FCC/DA NO.            ATION
__________                 ______________            _____________________________                      ____________         _____________          REQUIRED     ________
 ITC-9 1-228               Authority to provide      In the Matter of the Application of                Communications       Memorandum            214           March 26,
cr-C.                       Inmarsat Standard A in Communications Satellite Corporation for             Satellite            Opinion, Order and                  1992
                            IOR and to acquire       authority pursuant to Section 504(c) of the        Corporation          Authorization
                       -    and operate associated International Maritime Satellite                                          (March 26, 1992),
(O 35                       leased line facilities.  Communications Act of 1978 and Section 214                              DA 92-385, 1992
                                                     of the Communications Act of 1934, as                                   FCC LEXIS 1690
                                                     amended, to provide Inmarsat Standard A
                                                     mobile satellite service in the Indian Ocean
                                                     Region via coast earth station facilities in
                                                     Turkey and to acquire and operate associated
_______________            ______________________    leased line facilities.                            __________________   ___________________
ITC-92-076                 Authority to provide      In the Matter of the Application of                Communications       Memorandum,           214           May 12,
rrc. a 19-                 certain point-to-         COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE                           Sateffite            Opinion, Order and                  1992
 '   q                 .   multipoint data service CORPORATION For authority pursuant to                Corporation          Authorization (May
                           in shore-to-ship          Section 504(c)(3) of the International Maritthie                        12, 1992), DA 92-
                           direction in AOR,        Satellite Telecommunications of 1978 and                                 586, 1992 FCC
                           FOR and IOR.             Section 214 of the Communications Act of                                 LEXIS 2623
                                                     1934, as amended, to establish and operate
                                                    channels of communications for use in the
                                                    provision of a point-to-multipoint data
                                                    communications service via the Inmarsat
________________ ______________________             system.                                             __________________
ITC-92-075                 Authority to provide     In the Matter of the Application of                 Communications       Memorandum,           214           Sept. 4,
LTC              ...       certain video services   COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE                            Satellite            Opinion, Order and                  1992
                           in shore-to-ship         CORPORATION, For authority Pursuant to              Corporation          Authorization
                           direction in AOR and     Section 214 of the Communications Act of                                 (Sept. 4, 1992), DA
                           POR.                     1934, as amended, and Section 504(c)(3) of the                           92-1254, 1992 FCC
                                                    International Maritime Satellite                                         LEXIS 5455
                                                    Telecommunications Act to establish and
                                                    operate channels of communications for use in
                                                    the provision of compressed video service via
_____________              ___________________      the Inmarsat system.                                ________________     _________________     ___________


                                         Vizacla, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

 CALL SIGN              DESCRIPTION OF                      CAPTION ON ORDER                           ORIGINAL         AUTHORIZATION               FCC          DATE
  FILE NO.             AUTHORIZATION                                                                AUTHORIZATION          STATUS!                APPLIC-      GRANTED
                                                                                                        HOLDER             FCC/DA NO.              ATION
__________             _______________           ______________________________                     _____________ _____________
                                                                                                                                                 REQUIRED      ________

 ITC-91-088;           Authority to provide      In the Matter of the Applications of               Communications      Order on                214            Sept. 16,
 1TC-91-089            Inmarsat Standard C       COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE                           Satellite           Reconsideration:                       1992
.1TC- 1-022            service to aeronautical   CORPORATION For authority pursuant to              Corporation         Memorandum,
 ITC-9 1-186           users in AOR-West         Section 504 (c) of the International Maritime                          Opinion, Order and
11C 2) LI -            and POR.                  Satellite Communications Act of 1978 and                               Authorization
V1I O 13o          -                             Section 214 of the Communications Act of                               (Sept. 16, 1992),
   X. 1                                          1934, as amended, to upgrade its Southbury,                            DA 92-1282, 1992
ETC. -a.       -                                 CT land earth station (WA-28) facilities with                          FCC LEXIS 5474
    1 0 3b         -                             Inmarsat Standard C capability and to provide
                                                 Inmarsat Standard C services in the Atlantic                           Memorandum
                                                 Ocean Region-West; COMMUNICATIONS                                      Opinion, Order and
tI0?3o                                           SATELLiTE CORPORATION For authority                                    Authorization
           3                                     pursuant to Section 504 (c) of the International                       (Sept. 30, 1991)
                                                 Maritime Satellite Communications Act of                               DA 91-125 1, 1991
TC.    a                                         1978 and Section 214 of the Communications                             FCC LEXIS 5345
      10                                         Act of 1934, as amended, to upgrade its Santa
sbOO4                                            Paula, CA land earth station (KA-3 1) facilities
                                                 with Inmarsat Standard C capability and to
                                                 provide Inmarsat Standard C services in the
______________         ____________________
                                                 Pacific Ocean Region.                              _________________   _________________       ____________   ___________

ITC-91-139;            Authority to provide      In the Matter of COMMUNICATIONS                    Communications      Memorandum              21.4           Jan. 12,
TTC-91-088;            international land        SATELLITE CORPORATION, Applications                Satellite           Opinion, Order and                     1993
ITC-91-089;            mobile-satellite and      for Authority to Provide International Land        Corporation         Certificate (Jan. 12,
ITC-9 1-228;           land-based temporary      Mobile-Satellite Services Outside of North                             1993), FCC 93-21,
ITC-92-030,            FSS within and            America via the Inmarsat System.                                       DA 9 1-1650, 1993
9.1, O32               between foreign                                                                                  FCC LEXIS 343
LI) ()                 countries and between
                       LES in the U.S. and
                       Turkey and MSS
                       terminals outside of
                       North America.            ______________________________________             ________________    _________________       ___________    ___________

                   b Lr-QI4-V3cua-oo3                                                       @b
                       Tc-ii-. 193o/ioq
                                                                                            i:      1T4           30i/.-OOc

                   ®   ITcL-,jq..                                                     -8-

                                                                                                    r-- 13OIJ-OQ-)

                                                Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

     CALL SIGN                 DESCRIPTION OF                      CAPTION ON ORDER                           ORIGINAL        AUTHORIZATION               FCC         DATE
      FILE NO.                 AUTHORIZATION                                                              AUTHORIZATION          STATUS!                APPLIC-      GRANTED
                                                                                                             HOLDER             FCC/DA NO.               ATION
___________                   ________________          ________________________________                  ______________ ______________                REQUIRED      _________

ITC-94-016                    Authority to provide      In the Matter of COMSAT CORPORATION,              COMSAT              Memorandum              214            Dec. 17,
rrc..   -.   .4   -           Inmarsat Standard C       Application for Authority Pursuant to Section     Corporation         Opinion, Order and                     1993
        31                -   satellite services to     504 (c) of the International Maritime Satellite                       Authorization (Dec.
co                            AOR customers and         Communications Act of 1978 and Section 214                            17, 1993), DA 93-
                              upgrade Southbury,        of the Communications Act of 1934, as                                 1542, 1993 FCC.
                              CT LES (KA-3 12)          amended, to Upgrade the Existing Inmars at-C                          LEXIS 6448
                              with Inmarsat             Facilities at its Southbury, CT Land Earth
                              Standard C capability.    Station (KA-3 12) to Provide Inmarsat-C
______________                ____________________      Services in the Atlantic Ocean Region-East.       _________________   _________________       ____________   ___________

ITC-94-025                    Authority to provide      In the Matter COMSAT CORPORATION,                 COMSAT              Order,                  214            Jan. 21,
nc..    -    i4-              Inmarsat M and            Application for authority under Section 504 (c)   Corporation         Authorization and                      1994
 cc q                         Inmarsat B in IOR and     of the International Maritime Satellite                               Certificate (Jan. 21,
                              to acquire and operate    Telecommunications Act of 1978 and Section                            1994), DA 94-108,
                              associated leased         214 of the Communications Act of 1934 to                              1994 FCC LEXIS
                              facilities,               provide Inmarsat M and Inmarsat B mobile-                             609
                                                        satellite communications services in the Indian
                                                        Ocean Region through land earth station
                                                        facilities in Malaysia and to acquire and
______________                _____________________
                                                        operate associated leased line facilities.
ITC-94-077                    Authority to              In the matter of COMSAT CORPORATION,              COMSAT              Order,                  214            Jan 31,
(7' C- Iq         .-          interconnect Inmarsat     For authority under Section 504 (c) of the        Corporation         Authorization and                      1994
I'      O 13/         -       MSS services with         International Maritime Satellite                                      Certificate (Jan. 31,
                              Sprint PSTN facilities.   Telecommunications Act of 1978 and Section                            1994), DA 94-137,
                                                        214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as                             1994 FCC LEXIS
                                                        amended, to interconnect facilities with Sprint                       704
                                                        for the provision of authorized Inmarsat
_______________               ______________________
                                                        mobile services.


                                     Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

 CALL SIGN        DESCRIPTION OF                        CAPTION ON ORDER                            ORIGINAL        AUTHORIZATION              FCC         DATE
  FILE NO.        AUTHORIZATION                                                                 AUTHORIZATION           STATUS/            APPLIC-      GRANTED
                                                                                                   HOLDER              FCC/DA NO.          ATION
__________       ______________              _____________________________                      ____________        _____________
                                                                                                                                          REQUED,       ________

ITC-214-         Authority to                In the Matter of the Application of COMSAT         COMSAT              Order (Nov. 22,      214            Nov. 22,
19960501-        interconnect Inmarsat       Corporation For Authority under Section 735        Corporation         1996), DA 96-1961,                  1996
00176 (aka       satellite facilities with   (c) of the International Maritime Satellite                            1996 FCC LEXIS
ITC-96-278)      those of commercial         Telecommunications Act and Section 214 of                              6477
                 Internet service            the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
                 providers.                  to interconnect its INMARSAT satellite
                                             communications facilities with the facilities of
                                             commercial Internet service provider(s) to
                                             provide commercial Internet service(s) to its
                                             maritime, land mobile, and aeronautical
______________   _____________________
                                             customers.                                         __________________ __________________    ____________   ____________

CC Docket 87-    Authority for Comsat        In the Matter of Provision of Aeronautical         COMSAT              Report and Order     214            Oct. 5,
75               for the use of Inmarsat     Services via the Inmarsat System; Provision of     Corporation         and Authorization                   1998
                 Space Segment to            Aeronautical Services via the Inmarsat System                          (Oct. 5, 1998),
                 provide AMS(R) S            Order on Reconsideration and Further Notice                            FCC 98-262, 1998
                 and AMSS on an              of Proposed Rulemaking; Provision of                                   FCC LEXIS 5464
                 ancillary basis.            Aeronautical Services via the Inmarsat System
_____________    ___________________         Notice of Proposed Rulemaking.                     ________________    _________________    ___________    ___________

SES-MSC-         Authority to provide        For authority, under Section 504(c) of the         COMSAT              Granted June 19,     214
19990331-        Inmarsat A maritime         International Maritime Satellite                   Corporation         2001
02474            and land mobile             Telecommunications Act of 1978 and Section
                 services via earth          214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
                 station facilities at       amended, to provide Inmarsat-A mobile-
                 Kuantan, Malaysia in        satellite communication services in the Indian
                 the bR.                     Ocean Region, thiough Land Earth Station
______________   _____________________
                                             (LES) facilities in Kuantan, Malaysia.             _________________   __________________   ____________   ___________

SAT-ITC-         Authority to provide        Application for authority pursuant to Section      COMSAT              Memorandum           214            Sept. 24,
20000605-        U.S. domestic land          214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as          Corporation!        Opinion, Order and                  2001
00 10;           mobile and                  amended, to provide U.S. domestic land             COMSAT Mobile       Authorization
ITC-97-222;      aeronautical services,      mobile and aeronautical satellite services via     Communications      (Sept. 24, 2001),
bTç-214-                                     Inmarsat Ltd. satellites.                                              FCC 01-272.
                 ____________________        ________________________________________           ________________    _________________    ____________   ___________


                                        Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

  CALL SIGN         DESCRIPTION OF                       CAPTION ON ORDER                           ORIGINAL         AUTHORIZATION                 FCC         DATE
   FILE NO.         AUTHORIZATION                                                               AUTHORIZATION             STATUS!              APPLIC-       GRANTED
                                                                                                     HOLDER             FCC/DA NO.              ATON
__________         _______________            ______________________________                    ____________         _____________            REQUIRED      ________
1TC-4-O63          Authority to provide       In the Matter of COMSAT CORPORATION,              COMSAT               Order,                  214            Feb. 17,
rrc- N-t'          Inmarsat-C in the IOR      Application for Authority Pursuant to Section     Corporation          Authorization and                      1994
  )'- (       1-   through a Norwegian        504 (c) of the International Maritime Satellite                        Certificate (Feb. 17,
                   LES at Eik, Norway.        Communications Act of 1978 and Section 214                             1994), DA 94-176,
                                              of the Communications Act of 1934, as                                  1994 FCC LEXIS
                                               amended, to Provide Inmarsat-C Service in the                         902
                                              Indian Ocean Region in the Shore-to-Ship
                                              Direction Through a Norwegian Telecom Land
_____________      ___________________
                                              Barth Station at Bik, Norway.                     ________________ _________________           ___________    ___________
ITC-95-422         Authority to provide       In the Matter of the Application of COMSAT        COMSAT               Memorandum              214            May 10,
flC.-Q iLj.-       currently authorized       CORPORATION For authority under Section           Corporation          Opinion and Order                      1996
      0510-        services using             504 (c) of the International Maritime Satellite                        (May 10, 1996),
                   Inmarsat third             Telecommunications Act of 1978 and Section                             DA 96-742, 1996
                   generation satellites.     214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as                              FCC LEXIS 3573
                                              amended, to provide its authorized Inmarsat
                                              services via the Inmarsat third generation
                                              communications satellites and
                                              COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE
                                              CORPORATION Application for Authority to
                                              participate in the program for the construction
                                              of a fifth third generation communications
                                              satellite to be used as part of the Inmarsat
_______________    _____________________      global satellite system.                          __________________ __________________        ____________   ___________
ITC-93-266          Authority to              In the Matter of COMSAT Corporation For           COMSAT               Order and               214            Dec. 3 ,
          -         interconnect with         Authority to Interconnect INMARSAT                Corporation          Authorization (Dec.                    1993
                   •NASA.                     Facilities with the Internet Facilities of                             3, 1993), DA 93-
  0                                           National Aeronautical and Space                                        1464, 1993 FCC
_____________      ___________________
                                              Administration.                                   ________________
                                                                                                                     LEXIS 6274              ___________    __________
SES-ASG-           Assignment of              In the Matter of Lockheed Martin Global           Telenor Satellite,   Order and               214            Dec. 14,
20010504-          COMSAT 214                 Telecommunications, et al., Applications for      Inc.                 Authorization (Dec.                    2001
00896 et seq.      authorizations to          Assignment of Section 214 Authorizations,                              14, 2001), FCC 01-
                   Telenor Satellite, Inc.    Private Land Mobile Radio Licenses,                                    369
                                              Experimental Licenses, and Earth Station
________________ ______________________       Licenses


                                     Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

 CALL SIGN             DESCRIPTION OF                  CAPTION ON ORDER                           ORIGINAL          AUTHORIZATION            FCC           DATE
  FILE NO.             AUTHORIZATION                                                           AUTHORIZATION           'STATUS!            APPLIC-      GRANTED
                                                                                                  HOLDER              FCCIDA NO.            ATION
__________         ______________           _____________________________                      ____________         _____________
                                                                                                                                          REQUIRED      ________

ITC-214-           Global Facilities- and   In the Matter of Telenor Satellite, Inc., Global   Telenor Satellite,   Report No. TEL-      214            Oct. 31,
20020926-          Resale-Based Service     or Limited Global Facilities-Based Service,        Inc.                 00593, DA No. 02-                   2002
00462              Authorization            Global or Limited Global Resale Service Grant                           2926 (Oct. 31,
_____________      ___________________
                                            of Authority                                       ________________
                                                                                                                    2002)   '   .        ___________    ___________

ITC-214-           Global Facilities- and   In the Matter of Telenor Satellite Mobile          Telenor Satellite    Report No. TEL-      214            July 19,
20010529-          Resale-Based Service     Services, Inc. International                       Mobile Services,     00421, DA No. 01-                   2001
00341   '          Authorization            Telecommunications Certificate•                    Inc.                 1726 (July 19,
____________       __________________       ____________________________________               _______________
                                                                                                                    2001)                ___________    __________

ffC-ASG            Assignment of 214.       In the Matter of Marlink, Inc.; Assignment of      Marlink, Inc.        Report No. TEL-      214            June 12,
20030410-          Authorization from       Grant of Authority                                                      00677, DA 03-1927                   2003
00275              Telenor Satellite                                                                                (June 12, 2003)
                   Services Holdings,
                   Inc. (formerly known
                   as Telenor Satellite
                   Mobile Services, Inc.)
                   to Marlink, Inc.        __________________________________                  ______________       _______________      __________     _________

ITC-ASG-           Correction               Correction of Authorization In the matter of       Marlink, Inc.        Report No. TEL-      214            June 19,
20030410-          .                       Marlink, Inc., Assignment of Grant of                                    00680, DA 03-2030                   2003
                                           Authority                                           _________________
                                                                                                                    (June 19, 2003)      ____________   ___________

ITC-T/C-           Transfer of Control     Transfer of Control of Vizada, Satellite, Inc.      Vizada Satellite,    Report DA 07-2163    214 TC         May 23,
20061129-                                   (fkaTelenor Satellite, Inc.) from Telenor ASA      Inc.                                                     2007
00529                                      to Mobsat Holding Norway AS (ITC-214-
_____________      ___________________
                                           20020926-00462)                                     ________________     _________________    ___________    ___________

ITC-ASG-           Assignment              Pro forma assignment of international section       Vizada, Inc.         Report No. TEL-      214            February
20080222-                                  214 authorization, ITC-214-20020926-00462,                               01241, DA 08-477     Assignment     28, 2008.
00086                                      from Vizada Satellite, Inc. to Vizada, Inc. (fka
______________     _____________________   Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.                    _________________    __________________   ____________   ____________

.ITC-214-          Global Facilities- and  Application for authority to provide facilities-    Vizada, Inc.         Report DA 07-2041    214            May 10,
 20061213-         Resale-Based Service based service in accordance with Section                                                                        2007
 00558             Authorization           63.1 8(e)(1) of the rules, and also to provide
                                           service in accordance with Section 63.1 8(e)(2)
________________   _______________________ of the rules.                                        .


                               Vizada, Inc. and Marlink, Inc. FCC 214 Authorizations - Updated 8 July 2011

 CALL SIGN   DESCRIPTION OF                      CAPTION ON ORDER                         ORIGINAL     AUTHORIZATION          FCC      DATE
  FILE NO.   AUTHORIZATION                                                             AUTHORIZATION      STATUS/           APPLIC-   GRANTED
                                                                                            HOLDER       FCC/DA NO.          ATION
__________   ______________           _____________________________                    ____________    _____________       REQUIRED   ________
1TC-214-     Global Facilities- and   Application for authority to provide BGAN        Vizada, Inc.    Report DA 10-412    214        March 10,
20061213-    Resale-Based Service     and E&E services over all 14 satellites.                                                        2010
00559        Authorization

ITC-T/C-     Transfer of Control      Pro-forma Transfer of Control notification for   Vizada, Inc.    Report DA 10-1798   214 TC     September
20100917-                             international Section 214 authorizations:                                                       22, 2010
00368                                 ITC-214-20061213-00558 and ITC-214-
                                      2006 1213-00559, held by Vizada, Inc., from
                                      Mobsat Group Holding S.a.r.l. to Chrysaor


Document Created: 2019-04-09 05:43:02
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 05:43:02

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