Attachment 20170328115359-623.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19900713-00004 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


 littp://—bin/—12—12—00:00:00/1990/T121290G/039597—00(    vor/34954

DA    90—1800
December 12,               1990

     In the Matter of

   VARTEC                                                  File No.@isis                    GO%452KM,,

   Application for authority to operate
     as an international resale carrier.


Adopted:          December 5,               1990;        Released:             Dece         er 12,       1990

   By the Chief,                 International Facilities :                                 vision:

  1. The above—captioned application file                                                   on July 13
1990 by VarTec National, Inc. (VarTec) re                                                   ests author—
ity pursuant to Section 214 of the Commun                                                   ations Act of
1934,      as amended,               to resell             the services .                    other common
carriers to provide switched voice and da                                                    (facsimile)
service between the U.S. and internationa                                                   points under
the provisions set forth in AT&T‘s Tariff,                                                  F.C.C. Nos.             1
and 2 and US Sprint‘s Tariffs F.C.C.                                           Nos.        1 and 2.        The
application was placed on public notice on July 25,                                                           1990 .
No comments were received.
   2. VarTec is a Texas corporation which resells domestic
services.           It now proposes to resell the International Mes—
sage Telephone Service (IMTS) services of other carriers
to provide IMTS and facsimile services. VarTec believes
that the market is growing and that increased competition
will serve the public convenience and necessity. In au—
thorizations of new entrants over the past decade,                                                         the
Commission has recognized that increased competition in
international markets is beneficial./1  We find that the mar—
ket will support additional carriers and that the added
competition will be in the public interest./2
   3. Upon consideration of the application and in view of
the foregoing, IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the
present and future public convenience and necessity re——bin/—12—12—00:00:00/1990/T121290G/039597—0001/dsvor/34954 (1 of 3)8/5/2005 6:05:32 AM


quire the provision of IMTS and facsimile service b
VarTec between the United States and those internat                                                             nal
points named in AT&T‘s Tariffs F.C.C. Nos. 1 and 2 .                                                            1
US Sprint‘s Tariffs F.C.C. Nos.                                    1 and 2.
   4. Accordingly,                   IT IS ORDERED that application Fi
No.     I—T—C—90—152               IS GRANTED,               and VarTec             is authoriz
to provide international switched voice and facsimi.                                                             ser—
vices by the resale of international switched voice                                                             sasrvices
set forth in AT&T‘s Tariffs F.C.C. Nos.                                             1 and 2,           an       JS
Sprint‘s Tariffs F.C.C. Nos 1 and 2 between the U.S                                                             and
those international points named in the underlying :                                                            riffs.
  5. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that VarTec shall ob—
tain any necessary operating arrangements                                               in each o:              the
countries to which it provides service and shall fil;                                                               with
the Commission any operating agreements with its co:
respondents within 30 days of their execution.
  6. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the applicant shall
file a tariff pursuant to Section 203 of the Commun:                                                            a—
tions Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Section 20:                                                             and
Part     61 of        the Commission‘s Rules,                            47 C.F.R.             Part      6:         for
the services authorized in this order.
  7. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the applicant shall
file the annual reports of overseas telecommunicatic                                                            3
traffic required by Section 43 .61 of the Commission
Rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 43 .61 (October 1, 1989) .
   8.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that nothing in this
authorization shall be construed to include authori:                                                            :ion
for the transmission of money in connection with the
service VarTec seeks authority to provide. The transmis—
sion of money is not considered to be a common carrier
service. Therefore, nothing in this Order shall be con—
strued as containing authority for the transmission of
  9. This order is issued under Section 0.291 of the
Commission‘s Rules and isseffecti        relea:
tions for reconsideration under Sectlon l 106 or applica—
tions for review under Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s
Rules may be filed within 30 days of the date of public
notice of this order                        (see Section 1.4 (b) (2)) .

  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION—bin/—12—12—00:00:00/1990/T121290G/039597—0001/dsvor/34954 (2 of 3)8/5/2005 6:05:32 AM

 http://199.242.194. 1 82/cgi—bin/—12—12—00:00:00/1990/T121290G/039597—0001/dsvor/34954

   George S. Li
   Chief, international Facilities Division
   Common         Carrier Bureau

   /1 See,          e.g.,        Teltec Saving Communications Co.,                                         File No.          I—
T—C—86—062,             Mimeo No.             3548,        n.     2    (released April                    4,   1986) .
   /2 FCC v.             RCA Communications,                          Inc.,      346 U.S.            86    (1953);
Mackay Radio and Telegraph Co.,                                       28   FCC 231           (1960) .—bin/—12—12—00:00:00/1990/T121290G/039597—0001/dsvor/34954 (3 of 3)8/5/2005 6:05:32 AM

Document Created: 2019-04-15 05:09:22
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 05:09:22

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