Attachment 20170328114911-117.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19900320-00003 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                       Streamlined           ITC—214—19900320—00003
                                                                       MCI International, Inc.
                                                           O R | U iji ¢7T Vb                        Laww and Public Policy
                                                                                                     1133 19th Street, NW
                                                                                                     Weshington, DC 20036
                                                                                                     1 202 736 6053
                                                                                                     Fax 1 202 736 6083

                                                D )CKEI' FILE u)PY CR‘GM                   

                                                                            RIICEN =t)
                                                 4 ugusi 16, 2002              AJG 1 6 cu02
                                                                       mi@rRAL C HRMLDNNCATIONG COMAEBSION
                                                                             OFA E OF THE SECAEYARMY

    71A HAT!{[D DIL}] VIIRY

    . As. Marlene H. Dcrtch
    Cederal C ommu nic ati ons Com missi n
    ©45 Twel:th Str:et S.W.
    ‘Vashington, D. 2. :0( 24

            Re:             Not ce of Pr2 Fornia Assiznment of the {nternational Section 214
                           / ut 10ization: o1¥ orld(:om, [nc.aECertain
                                                                     0j its Subsidiaries—wCc—02—215

    lDJear Ms. Dortch:

            Pursuant t Sections 53.24 a)‘4) and (b) cf the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.FR. §§
    €3.24(a)(4) and (b), VorldCoin, Inc. end certain of ts subsidiarie. (collectively "WorldCom"),
    lereby nctify the Zommissiori of ‘he pr» forma assignment of the international Section 214
    : uthorizat ons h :ld by WorldC m t© Wor. dCom as D sbtars—In—Poss ession.‘

            This not.ce results fron: the iliig on July 21, 2002 by Wor dCom, Inc. and substantially
    ell of it active U.S. subidiares. irmcluding tiose holding international Section 214
    authorizatons, of volu ntary peition ; uider Chapter 1 of the United States Bankruptcy Code to
    reorganize their bu: iness and f nane: al stmn cture. In re WorldCom, l17c. et al., Chap. 11 Case No.
    02—13533 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 2002). WorldCom advised the Commission of its Chapter 11 filings
    on July 21, 2002.

           Attachment A identifies the subsidiaries of WorldCom that hold authority under Section
214 and the original file numbers of their authorizations. WorldCorn certifies that any transfer of
control or assignment that has occurred as a result of the Chapter 11 petitions is pro forma
pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(a) and that the Chapter 11 petitions do not change the ultimate
control of WorldCom or its subsidiaries. A certification to that effect is attached as Attachment

  A list of all of WorldCom‘s international Section 214 authorizations, including those authorizations held
U.S. subsidiaries, is attached.
                                                                                                        “r; 21
                                                                              No. of   Copies ree‘d__4
                                                                              List ABC

                                        An original and one (1) copy of this letter are enclosed for filing. Please date—stamp the
                           enclosed copy and return it to the undersigned. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have
                           any questions regarding this matter.

                                                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                                                      Karen M. Johnson
                                                                                      WorldCom, Inc.


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                                                                         ATTACHMENT A

                                                           SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATIONS

                                                      MCI WORLDCOM Network Services, Inc.*

                                     Authorization Type or
                                       secvice Frovided
                                                      General Section 214 Authonzatl ons
                                  International Resale Carrier    ITC 87—184                1272787
                                  Transfer of Control of RCA      ENF 881                   |1179789
                                  Global Communications, Inc.
                                  Transfer of Centrol of          ENF 91—01 _ _              3412791
                                  Telecommunications, Inc.         .
                                  Resell IDB Switched             ITC 93—167                 6/18/93
                                  Services                                elRke .
                                  Resell other carriers           ITC 95—034 _ _             12/23/94.
                                  Resell other carriers           ITC 95—513 _ _             1/25/96
                                  Blanket Facilities              ITC 95—581_ _ __           2/8/96
                                  Iraq                            $0—090      e              6/7190
                                  Korea (North)                   93—249                     9/28/93
                                 |Switched Transit
                                  Cuba                            94—228                     10/4/94

                                 |Use of Columbia/TDRSSjor        94—249 _                   6715794
                                 the Provision of Private Lines
                                 Resale of Public Switched        95—034                     12/28/95
                                 Services of NTC and Saetel!
                                 Resale of Asian American         95—416                     8/30/95
                                 Telecom Services to Russia
                                 Assignment                       ITC—ASG—19970917—0:0561    9/18/97
                                 Resale Services                  ITC—214—19951206—00048     3/8/96
                             |                       Section 214 Authorizations for Cable Systems
                                 HAW 4/7TPC —3                    ITC 85—219                 12/17/85
                                 G—P—T                            ITC 88—094                 8/11/88
                                 TCS—1                            ITC 88—071                 9/14/88
                                 TAT—9                            ITC   88—181               12/15/88
                                 TPC— 4                           ITC   89—086               10/26/89
                                 PTAT                             ITC   89—121               8/22/89
                                 HAW—5                            ITC   90—081               11/8/90
                                 PacRim East                      ITC   90—072               11/8/90
                                 PacRim West                      ITC   90—097               11/8/90
                                 NPC                              ITC 91—045                513191
                                 TAT—10                           ITC   91—135              12/19/91
                                 TAT—11                           ITC   91—136              12/19/91
                                 TAINO—CARIB                      ITC   92—106              6/25/92
                                 TPC—5                            ITC   92—179              11/12/92

                                                                          August 16, 2002
                                                                                 Page 1

on   wernzas   ces c a— me       4   ——

                                        Avth arization Type or       FCC ID Numbers                   Date Granted
                                        Sevice Frovided
                                   TAT—A2/TAT—13                 ITC 93—062                  717193
                                   Columbus II                   ITC 93—029                  7/13/93
                                   Americas i                    ITC 93—030                  7113/93
                                   CUBUS—1                       ITC 94—228                  10/4/94
                                   Antillas |                    ITC 95—580                  6/28/96
                                   Bahamas i1                    ITC—214—199860329—00130 >   8/6/96
                                                   Section 214 Authorizations for Satellite Facilities
                                   Dominican Republic (Use of    94—340                      8/22/94
                                   Intersputnik Stationsar II    ITC—214—19920605—00023
                                   (Former USSR PSTN)
                                   SES Comsat                    ITC—85—146                  6/20/85
                                   Intelsat                      ITC—94—290                  9/30/94
                                   Intelsat                      ITC—95—030                  3/28/95
                                   Intelsat                      ITC—95—581                  218196
                                   Analog Video Services       ITC 94—290                    9/30/94
                                   Between the U.S. and POR
                                   Atlantic Satellite Omnibus  ITC 85—146                    6/20/85
                                   *name changed from MCI Telecommunications Corporation (6/15/99)

                                                                      August 16, 2002
                                                                              Page 2

~   egeos   ommcoo   ommcmeccans   en

                                       MCI International, Inc.

 Authorization Type or                          FCQ ID Numbers                                 Date Granted
        se.vice Frovided
                  Section 214 Authorizations for Cable Systems
Use of PTAT—1 Cable System            89—155                                         11/29/89
to Provide Sves to UK
Use of PTAT—1 for service to          90—026                                         1//12/90
Bermuda and Iceland
Use of PTAT—1 for sves with           90—042                                         3/20/90
UK and Ireland

                                                          _\ yx3 . OtViear éff \)              244 Auynui+ .
\   i   s   N       \       1    l.        \|   *        TA        I   4   2   7   sue—t   *   3   i   ¢   +   |   FC   ~

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                                                    August 16, 2002
                                                        Page 3

                                      WorldCom, Inc.

 Authonzation Type or
     sevice Frovided
                           General Section 214 Authorizations
   Facilities—Based excluding
                                   ITC—214—19961212—00626                    1131797
     Facilities—Based Israel       ITC—214—19961231—00659                    5/2 3/97

The following 214s were originally held by WILTEL Inc. and WILTEL International, Inc. They were
transferred to LDDS Communications, Inc., which changed its name to WorldCom, Inc. in 1995.
Resale of IMTS                   ITC—88—077                        4/29/88
Houston Network IMTS             ITC—89—688—AL                     5/26/89
Private line Service to          ITC—90—166                        5/34/91
Canada                           ITC—90—196(A)
Vyvx IMTS Resale                 ITC—92—034—AL                     12/9/91
WilTel Int‘l IMTS Resale         ITC—94—092                        3/16/94
Private Line Service to          ITC—93—283—AL                     10/6/93
Private Line Resale to 48        ITC—93—281                        3/8/94
Countries                                                      ‘
Private Line Resale to 17        ITC—94—292                        8/17/94
Resaie of Public Switched        ITC—94—090                        2/23/94
Private Line Service to the      ITC—93—320                        3122195
IMTS and Private Line to         ITC—94—229
         Section 214 Authorizations for Cable and Satellite Facilities
Satellite and Cable Facilities   ITC—94—227                        10/5/94

                                      August 16, 2002
                                          Page 4

                WorldCom International Data Services, Inc.**

 Auth ~rization Type or             FCC ID Numbers                    Date Granted
    se vice Frovided
                   General Section 214 Authorizations
Facilities—Based 214            1TC90—128;                     1990
Resale                          1TC—90—039                 ~   1990
Resale                          1TC—214—19960116—00011         3/11/96
                  Section 214 Authorization for Cable Facilities
PacRimWest                   ITC 90—097                12/10/96
TPGC—4                       ITC—89—086                11/15/89
                Section 214 Authorizations for Satellite Facilities
Private Line via Intersputnik   ITC—91—203                     4/16/93
(Statsionar 4)
Earth station                   ITC—85—100                     4716785
** name change from Western Union International, Inc. (5/18/00).

                                     August 16, 2002
                                             Page 5

                                                         MCI WORLDCOM Communications, Inc. ***

                                         Avtharization Type or           FCC ID Numbers        :         Date Granted
                                                se:vice Provided
                                                                General Section 214 Authorizations
                                       International Switched         1TC—93—065     ‘—
                                       International Private Line     ITC—93—154
                                       Resale                   —
                                       Transfer of Control from MFS   ITC—T/C—19970904—00531       9/23/97
                                       Intelenet                     /
                                       Pro Forma Assignment from >\ * ITC—ASG—19970904—00532 9/23/97
                                       MFS Intelenet                 %
                                       *** name changed from WORLDCOM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (577/99)

                                                                           August 16, 2002
                                                                                   Page 6

»mum ~ commecss   copeccqpene n ons   caie ccaepms

                       MCI WORLDCOM International, Inc.

   Authorization Type or      FCC ID Numbers                                  Date     j
     Service Provided                                §
                    General Section 214 Authorizations
Global Facilities—Based and                              p               o
Resale Service                       ITC—214—19961003—00486          11/22/96
Pro Forma Assignment from
LDDS Corp. to MFS                    ITC—ASG—19971211—00777
International, Inc.
                  Section 214 Authorizations for Satellite Facilities
The following 214s were assigned from LDDS Corp. to MFS International, which changed its nameto
MCI WORLCCOM International, Inc. (11/2/99).
Intelsat Atlantic and Pacific      ITC—92—085                        9/2/92
Ocean Satellites for international
TV and IBS
AMSS, MMSS, and LMSS via           ITC—93—102                        6117/93
The following 214s were originally held by MFS International, Inc.
PTAT—1, TAT—9, TAT—10, and           ITC—94—246,
TAT—11                               1TC—94—050
NPC                                  ITC—95—395
Australia and New Zealand            ITC—214—19971014—00621

                                        August 16, 2002
                                            Page 7

                          MCI Communications Corporatlon

 Auth              n Type
   P            e Provided
                          General Section 214 Authorizations
 The following 214s were transferred from IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. (9/13/00).
 Facilities—Based                   ITC—91—003
 Resale                             ITC—90—039
 Cuba Direct Telex Service        HTC—94—211           f           4/22/94
 Cuba Packet Switched             ITC—94—440                       1011/94
 North Korea                      ITC—95—233                       6/8/95
 Iraq                             ITC—2462—16
 Cuba                             C4—83—003—R
 The following 214 was originaily held by TRT/FTC International, Inc., which changed its name to
IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. It was assigned to IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. (6/14/794), and was
subsequently transferred from IDE, WorldCom (9/13/00).
All countries                   | ITC—88—082
The following 214s were originally held by STARS and assigned to IDB WorldCom, Inc. (6/14/94).
They were subsequently transferred from IDB WorldCom (9/13/00).
International Resale           ITC—90—151                       1990
Channels of Communication        ITC—87—146                      | 1987
Between the Houston                                               |
International Teleport and
Points in Canada
Channels of Communication        ITC—86—054                       6/20/86
Between the Houston
International Teleport and
Points in Mexico
Atlantic Ocean and Pacific       ITC—080                          1989
Ocean International TV and
Intelsat Business Services
Channels of Communications       ITC—85—070                       3/19/85
between Houston Teleport
and Intelsat‘s AOT Satellites
for International TV and IBS
The following 214 was originally held by IDB Communications Group, Inc. It was assigned to
IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. (6/14/94), and was subsequently transferred from IDB WorldCom in
International Resale            | ITC—93—019                     | 3/18/93
                   Section 214 Authorizations for Cable Facilities
The following 214s were transferred from IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. (9/13/00).
United Kingdom (PTAT—1)          ITC—90—069
Japan (TPC—4)                    ITC—89—086
Japan (NPC)                      HTC—91—051                "*%     &
Bermuda (PTAT—1)                 ITC—92—018
The following 214s were originally held by World Communications, Inc. They were assigned to
:gfia\ll\é%;idCom Services, Inc. (6/14/94), and were subsequently transferred from IDB WorldCom

                                        August 16, 2002
                                            Page 8

  Auth —rizaticen Type or           FCC ID Numbers                      Date Granted
    3e vice Provided
 TAT—9                          ITC—88—181                     1988
 TAT—10                         ITC—91—135                     1/13/1992
 TAT—11                         ITC—91—136                     1992
                                ITC—89—134;                    1989;
 PTAT—1                         HTC—90—013:;                   1990;
                                ITC—91—007                     1991
 TAT—~122/TAT—13                ITC—93—062                     7ItIg3
  HAW—4                        1TC—85—219                      177186
  HAW—5                        ITC—90—081                      1990
  ANZCAN                       CC DOCKET NO. 81—343            12/22/82
_ TPC—4                        ITC—89—086                      1989
  GPT                          ITC—88—094                      1988
 Hong Kong—Japan—Korea         ITC—89—009                      19
NPC                            ITC—91—007                      19
PacRimEast                     ITC—90—072                      19
PacRimWest                     HTC—90—097                      19
TASMAN—2                       TIC—91—095                      19
 Florida—St. Thomas—2          ggggggA—1/4                     1999
Floriga—St. Thomas—3           IPC—81—050                      1982
                 .             IPC—5;                          1978
St. Thomas—Brazil              IPG—5—A
                               IPC—5;                          1978
St. Thomas—Venezuela—2         IPG—5—A
                               ITC—88—071;                    196
TCS—1                          ITC—91—065;                    1 9¢
                               ITC—91—125                     19¢
TAINO—CARIB                    ITC—92—106                     6/25/982
Columbus II                    ITC—93—029                     7/28/93
Americas I                     ITC—93—030                     7/28/93
The following 214s were originally held by FTC Communications, Inc., which became TRT/FTC
Communications. They were assigned to IDB WorldComServices, Inc. (6/14/94), and were
subsequently transferred from IDB WorldCom (9/13/00).
 Canber (Bermuda)             | ITC—83—119                    6/13/83
 Anzcan North (Australia)      ITC—83—141                     7129/83
 Anzcan South (Australia)      ITC—83—141                     7/29/83
 Marpal (Italy)                ITC—83—167                     7/129/83
 HAW—4 (Australia)             ITC—85—219                     12/31/85
 TRANSPAC—4 (Japan)            ITC—85—219                      12/31/85
 HAW—4/TPC—3 (Pacific          ITC—86—112                     9/19/86
 TPG—3, HAW—4 (Japan)          1TC—88—014                     12729787
 HAW—4/TPC—3 (GP—2)            ITC—88—003                     8/23/84
 TAT—9 (UK, France, Spain)     ITC—88—181             M       12/15/88
 PTAT—1 (UK)                   HTC—89—104                     8/22/89
TPC—4 (Canada & Japan)         ITC—89—086                     10/28/89
 PTAT—1 (UK Supplemental)      ITC—90—019                     6/1/90
 PTAT—1 (UK Supplemental)      ITC—90—033                     6/1790
 TAT—10 (Germany &             ITC—91—135                     12/19/91
TAT—11 (UK, France)            ITC—91—136                     1219/91

                                        August 16, 2002
                                             Page 9

                             A        2             ¢                      B                        Date
                                       e    &   0       #

                           TCS—1(Colombia)                   ITC—91—207                    117286791
                           TCS—1 (Puerto Rico, St.           ITC—92—106                    6/25/92
                          Thomas, & British Virgin
                           TPC—5 (Hawaii, Guam and           ITGC—92—179                   11/12/92

                                      Section 214 Authorizations for Satellite Facilities
                          The following 214 was transferred from IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. (9/13/00)
                          Intersputnik Statsionar 4       ITC—94—259                      6123795
                          Private Line, International TV
                         The following 214s were origina lly held by 1DB Communications Group, Inc. They were assfgnedl
                         to IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. {6/14/94), and were subsequently transferred from IDB
                         WorldCom (9/13/00).
                         Intersputnik: Non—                ITC—90—188                     5/29/91
                         Switched Private Line
                         Intelsat: 1BS and                 ITC—87—013                     12/19/86
                         International TV
                         Columbia/TDRSS:                   ITC—93—017                     318/93
                         Communications Services
                         Intersputnik: Soviet             ITC—92—163                      10/8/92
                         Intersputnik: Statsionar 10:
                         International TV and
                         Private Line (170° W.L.)
                         Intersputnik: Statsionar 11      1TC—92—178                      11/23/92
                         International TV and
                         Private Line (11° W.L.)
                         Between US and USSR
                         Intelsat: PSNS to Many             ITC—93—024                    3/11/93
                         PanAmSat: International            ITC—89—091                    11/13/89
                         TV, Video, Digital Data,
                         Voice and SCPC Audio
                         Intersputnik: Statsionar 11:       ITC—91—196                    6123195
                         PSNS (11° W.L.)
                         Between US and USSR
                         Intersputnik Statsionar 10:        ITC—92—164                    6/23/95
                         PSNS (170° W.L.)
                         Intelsat: SCPC Audio               ITC—88—048                    9/1/88
                         Transborder to Mexico, the         ITC—87—051                    310/87
                         Caribbean, Central America,
                         and South America
                         Intersputnik: Occasional Use       ITC—89—100                    2/12/92
                        Video and Program Audio via
                        Statsionar 4 and Statsionar

                                                                  August 16, 2002
                                                                     Page 10

we veme~es   emmigasccl cesc olzens

                                     The following 214s were originally held by CICI Inc. and assigned to IDB WorldCom Services
                                     Inc.(6/14/94). They were su     uently transferred from IDB WorldCom ($/13/00).
                                     Intersputnik: Statsionar 11         ITC—93—075                     Filed 1/11/93
                                     Non—Switched Private Line
                                     Service (PSTN) via
                                     INTELSAT to
                                                                        ITC—81—020                     5113791
                                     U.S.S.R. and
                                    Guyana (1IDB WorldCom
                                    AMSS and MMSS via
                                    INMARSAT                            ITC—91—113                     9124791
                                    (1IDB WorldCom Services)
                                    INTELNET                            ITC—85—193                     9/30/85
                                    INTELNET USSR, Guyana               ITC—85—193                  9/30/85
                                    Not specified                       ITC—85—158                  9/12/85
                                    International TV                    ITC—87—079                  9/30/87
                                    The following 214 was originalty held by World Communications, Inc. it was assigned to IDB
                                    WorldCom Services, Inc. (6/14/94), and was subsequently transferred from IDB WorldCormn
                                    PSNS VIA Intersputnik            ITC—91—203                       4/16/93
                                    (Statsionar 4)
                                    The following 214 was originally held by TRT/FTC International, Inc. It was assigned to IDB
                                    WorldCom Services, Inc. (6/14/9 4), and was subsequently transferred from IDB WorldCom
                                   Uruguay — Satellite Facilities    NC—93—015                        2/16/93
                                   for common carrier and
                                    switched voice services

                                   The following 214s were originally held by FTC Communications, Inc., which became TRTIFTC
                                   Communications. They were assigned to IDB WorldCom Services, Inc. (6/14/94), and were
                                   subsequently transferred from I1DB WorldCom (9/13/00).
                                   Satellite (France)              TC—2356—2                          1118774
                                   Satellite     (UK)                ITC—2336—4                       711774
                                   Satellite     (UK)                ITC—2336—5                       2113/75
                                   Satellite     (UK)                ITC—2336—5—A                     2/13/75
                                   Satellite     (UK)                ITC—2336—6                       23475
                                   Satellite (Cameroon)}             ITC—2878                         1711780
                                   Satellite     (Senegal)           ITC—2692                         4/17/80
                                   Satellite     (Senegal            ITC—2826                         4/29/80
                                   Satellite     (French Guyana)     ITC—3067                         9/9/80
                                   Satellite     (UK)                ITC—3207                         11/12/80
                                   Satellite (Cameroon)              ITC—2878                         1111780
                                   Satellite (Senega!)               ITC—2692                         4/17/80
                                   Satelfite (Senegal)               ITC—2826                         4/29/80
                                    Satellite (UK)                   ITC—3207                 us4     11/12/80
                                    Satellite (Italy)                I1TC—81—091                      BA13/81
                                   Satellite (France)                ITC—2336—14                      2/13/78
                                   Satellite (Costa Rica)           ITC—2690                          8/1/78
                                   Satellite (Costa Rica)           ITC—2700                          10/16/778
                                   Satellite (France, UK)           ITC—2649—2                        9/11/79
                                   Satellite (France)               ITC—2336—7                       2121175
                                   Satellite (France)               ITC—2336—10                      3/19/75
                                   Satellite (France)               ITC—2336—9                       4/8/75

                                                                            August 16, 2002
                                                                                   Page 11

o comee cemmemlss   eeme cpun c ms cee c ovenl

                                  Satellite (UK)                     ITC—2336—12                10/6/775
                                  Satellite (France)                 TC—2336                    7122/71
                                  Satellite (Ivory Coast)             TC—2336—2                 2/8173
                                  Salellite (UK)       23           | ITC—2336—8      __“       5720775
                                  Satellite (UK)      pu             MC—81—292         C        914781
                                  Sarellite (Domestic)_              1TC—81—244       y         972«1781
                                  Satellite (Sweden)                 ITC—82—002                 117 9731
                                  Saiellite (Ireland) ___            ITC—82—003       B2        11779731
                                  Salellite (Cameroor)) _            ITC—82—035       Ex        11724731
                                  Satellite (Australia) __           ITC—82—009       9.        12/278‘|
                                  Satellite (Camercon)               ITC—82—044       S         12/478‘|
                                 Satellite (Panama)                  ITC—82—028            s    12/9/81
                                 Satellite (Domestic)                ITC—81—313                 12/17/81
                                 Satellite/Cable (Worldwide)         ITC—3211                   13/30/81
                               |_Savellite (Europe)                  ITC—82—029                 1111/82    en
                               |_Savellite (S ngapore)               ITC—82—059                 1(22/82    22 sn
                                 Satellite (Hong Kong)               ITC—82—084                 212/82     Pss
                               Sajellite(Niger)                      ITG—82—112                 38782      plcke
                                 Satellite (Germany)                ITC—82—135                  3‘19/82    apr t
                                 Satellite (Senegal!)               1TC—82—134                  3/19/82
                                 Satellite (Belgium)                ITC—82—154                 5/11/82
                                 Satellite (Philippines)            ITC—82—230                 8/20/82
                                 Satel ite (Gabon)                  ITC—82—263                 10/4/82
                                 Satel ite (UK)                     ITC—83—011                 12/16/82
                                 Satel ite (UK)                     ITC—82—087                 12/8/82
                                 Satel ite (Saudi Arabia)           ITC—83—044                 1/24/83
                                 Sate lite (Argentina)              ITC—83—076                 4/11/82.
                                 Sateilite (France)           __    ITCO—83.107                519783
                                 Satellite (UK)                     ITC—83—108                 519183
                                 Satellite (France)           ~__   [1T6—831122                611378
                                 Satellite (Costa Rica)             ITC—83—157                 875783
                                 Satellite (Tunisia)                ITC—83—170                 8/22/83
                                 Satellite (Venezuela, Spain,       ITC—83—182                 9/26/83
                                Greece, Finland, Bahrain,
                                Moroc:co, Algeria, India,
                                Pakisan, Japan, Korea,
                                 Satellite (Costa Rica)             ITC—83—197                 10/5/83
                                 Satellite (Bermuda)                ITC—83—196                  10/5783
                                 Satellite (Australia)              ITC—84—010                  11/3/783
                                 Satellite (Costa Rica)             ITC—85—003                  10/22/84
                                 Satellite (Guatemala}              ITC—85—006                  12/4/84
                                 Satellite (New Zealand)            ITC—85—059                 2111/85
                                 Satellite (Syria)                  ITC—85—058                 211/85
                                Satellite (Thailand)                ITC—85—075                 3/11/85
                                Satetlite (Indonesia)               ITC—85—074                 2/15/85
                                Satellite (All IBS Points)          ITC—85—078                 3A14/85
                                Satellite (Thailand)                ITC—85—121                 4/9/85
                                Satellite (Austria)                 ITC—85—122                 4/9/85
                                Satellite (Chile, Ethiopia,         ITC—85—118                 513785
                               Kenya, Iraq)
                                Satellite (Denmark)                 ITC—85—179                 7/10/85
                                Satellite (Japan)                   ITC—85—207                 8/9/85

                                                                          August 16, 2002
                                                                                 Page 12

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                                Satellite   (Trinidad & Tobago)   ITC—85—214                     2/5/86
                                Satellite   (Finland)             ITC—84—018                     1171783
                                Satellite   (France)              1TC—84—005                     1131784
                                Satellite   (Sweden)              ITC—84—075                     2/23/84
                                Satellite (Cayman Islands)        ITC—84—080                     3126/84
                               Satellite (Bahrain)                ITC—84—087                     3119784
                               Satellite (Portugal)               ITC—84—113                     4116784
                               Satellite (Barbados)               ITC—84—114                     517184
                               Satellite (Egypt)                  ITC—84—120                     5722184
                               Satellite (Singapore)              ITC—84—133                     677184
                               Satellite (Indonesia)              ITC—84—166                     9/4/84
                               Satellite (Atlantic Basin)         ITC—84—180                     11721784
                               Satellite (Republic of China,      ITC—86—128                     8/27/86
                              Taiwan, Korea, Pakistan,
                              India, Algeria, Morocco,
                              Spain, & Greece)
                               Satellite (Japan)                  ITC—87—012                     12/12/86
                               Satellite (Bermuda)                ITC—87—018                     12/12/86
                               Satellite (Philippines)            JTC—87—020                     12/12/86
                               Satellite (Sweden)                 ITC—87—019                     12/12/86
                               Satellite (Hong Kong)              ITC—87—021                     12/12/86
                               Satellite (Angola)                 ITC—87—045                     1/27/87
                               Satellite (Argentina)              ITC—87—076                     3/20/87

                               Satellite (Angola, Kenya)                                         6/26/87
                               Satellite (Malaysia)               ITC—88—040                     3/25/88
                               Sateilite (W. Germany)             ITC—88—058                     2/26/88
                               Satellite (Angola, Kenya)          ITC—87—138                     6/26/87
                               Satellite (UK)                     ITC—88—018                   | 11/18/87

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                                                                        August 16, 2002
                                                                           Page 13

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                                                                 Overseas Telecom, Inc.

                                   Arth——rization Ty pe or            FCC ID Numbers                    Date Granted
                                        se vice Provided
                                                    Section 214 Authorizations for Cable Systems
                                  TCS—1                           ITC 88—001                      11/15/88
                                  G—P—T                           ITC 88—094                     8/22/88

                                                                   MFS Globenet, Inc.***

                                   a          2                                 »         afs           Date     ec
                                                  Provided                                                             m
                                                    Section 214 Authorization for Cable Systems
                                 Southermn Cross                | 1TC—98—622                    | 211798
                                 *** transferred from MFS International, Inc.

                                                                        August 16, 2002
                                                                                Page 14

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                                     On behalf of WorldCom, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession; MCI WorldCom |          Tvices, |

                        Inc., Debtor—In—Possession; MCI International, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession;              1dCom

                        International, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession; WorldCom International Data Servi            Jebtor—

                       In—Possession;        MCI     WorldCom     Communications, — Inc.,       Debtor—In—P       MCI

                       Communications Corporation, Debtor—In—Possession; Overseas . Telecom                       Inc.,

                       Debtor—In—Possession; and MFS Globenet, Inc., I hereby certify that the staten           in the

                       foregoing notification leflef are true, complete and correct to the best of my k          nd are

                       made in good faith.         Specifically, I certify that any assignments that may        red as

                       described above are pro forma under Section 63.24(a) of the Commission‘s r               FR. $
                       63.24(a), and do not change the ultimate control of the above—named companies

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                                                                By:       zi——+
                                                                                  fl‘?/é« /1/A
                                                                Name: Kerry E. Murray

                                                                Title:   Director, International Regulatory .

                                                                Date: August 16, 2002

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Document Created: 2019-04-19 09:11:26
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 09:11:26

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